HomeMy WebLinkAbout049 - Youth Employment Programs AE) IVIINISTRAT" IVE ORE> ER NO . 49 • TO : All Departments % March 21 , 1986 FROM : Gary Crutchfiel ,r " �anager SUBJECT : YOUTH EMPLOYM NT PROGRAMS ( YEP ) UTILIZATION PROCEDURE . 11 PURPOSE : A written set of procedures under the management of the Personnel Officer is necessary and required for the following principal reasons : 11 To provide for a uniform handling of all youth employment program participation to be used on a citywide basis . 2 ) To provide productive summer jobs for economically disadvantaged Pasco youths . 3 ) To ensure the accuracy of recordkeeping for reactive and preventive reasons . Youth employment program records will provide documentation of consistent and legal compliance both on the part of the employment agency and the City . • 4 ) To assist, in cooperation with department directors , in identifying areas where participants under the YEP may be utilized . 11 , AGENCY APPROVAL : The Personnel Officer shall audit the screening and selection process of the YEP agency to ensure that the City's objectives will be met . Prior to selection of the YEP agency , the Personnel Officer shall seek the advice of the City Attorney as to contract form and City liability . The following items shall be the duty and responsibility of the YEP agency : A ) Screening and selection of participants . B ) Payroll and accounting . C ) Assume liability for injuries through the Department of Labor and Industries . D ) Youth work permits ( if required ) . III . PROCEDURE : To fill a position with a YEP participant the requesting or using department head shall follow these general steps : 1 ) Department head should forward to the Personnel Officer a memorandum stating : ( 1 ) Number of YEP participants needed in his/ her department ; ( 2 ) work to be accomplished ; . ( 3 ) job classifications ; and ( 4 ) indication of whether department screening is desired . 2 ) Personnel Officer audits the request to see that classification data is authorized and correct . 3 ) If deemed satisfactory , the Personnel Officer shall place an order with the appropriate YEP agency ( ies ) for the number of participants requested by the using department . The order will state the starting date and the estimated ending date of the job . 4 ) The YEP agency ( ies ) shall provide a reasonable degree of screening and selection of participants . Compliance of the City' s objectives must be adhered to by the YEP agency ( ies ) . IV . RECORDS / REPORTS : 11 The Personnel Officer will maintain a combined file listing all participants under the YEP for which the City provided summer employment . This data shall be stated in accordance with EEO-4 terms for part-time employees . 21 Upon completion of summer youth employment each calendar year, the Personnel Officer shall report in writing to the City Manager as to the number of placements , the number and dollar value of work-hours , projects and /or service activities completed or performed by said placements , and the ethnic • makeup of the placements . Such report shall be submitted to the City Manager not later than October 1 each calendar year . GC : ps • - 2 -