HomeMy WebLinkAbout035 - Business License Review Procedure RAJ INMICvIS 'Pl ;%� T[VE ORDER NO . 35 TO : All Departments " March 22 , 196 FROM: Lee Kraft , City Manager SUBJECT: ]3 iJSIN1'SS LICENSE REVIE` IT PRCCI]DL' RE . 1 ftective immedratnly , the following requirements shall be met and the procc�duros indicated shall ue implemented: 1 . GC "dEF�Ai.. INFCRiNIAT1CN : The new business license application form ( see specimen copy attached ) has been designed to collect a variety of essential and important inforreation in order that there is compliance with the Pasco Municipal Code in processing business license app- lications , and to minimize the time involved in processing app - lications . Each question in . the application is designed to supply information to one or more departments , as follows : Re `cre :_cScction A - Ternporarn License ( see specimen form) . Designed primarily for the Finance/Ad .ninistrative :Services h artmr rt . Outdoor sales information is for the Plamrling Laamc: �a . Peference Section P - Annual License ( see specimen form Boxes ( flew , re-neln,a1 , etc . ) - For Finance Department . - Puestio;, No . l - For Finance Department . - rue stion No . 2 - For Planning Department . - Cuestion No . 3 , 4 and 5 - For Finance Departmcnt . C`uestion No . 6 - I' or Planning Department . - Cuestion No , 7 and S - For Building inspection Departn,ent . - euestiori No . 91 10 and 11 - For Finance and Planning Departments . - Cuestion No . 12 - For Finance ]Department . - Ouest* .= 1To . 13 , 14 and 15 - For fire Department . - C)uestion No . 16 - For Police and Fire Department . - Cuestion No . 17 - ?'or All Departments . Tl-e date , signature CiPc title line shall be filled out to have a rce :ord of an authorized signature on the application form . I . RECEPiING APPLi CAT'I (` NS : Certain infornnation is essential if an application: is to be accepted _oi pro es in.g . An should not be act pted unless the fuloW j n� g nrormalic�n is : ro i ' , �d: - 2 - (1) Business name . ( 2 ) Business location . ( ^. ) Phone number of business or contact person . (4) Mailing address . ( 5) Type of service or merchandise offered. ( b) Contractor ' s state license number ( for contractors ) . ( 7) Applicant ' s signature . The remainder of the information requested on the application is also important and must be obtained prior to issuance of a business license in order that it may be properly entered into the computer . Applicants submitting forms with unanswered questions should be informed that staff will need to call to get this information and this will dclay processing of their application . Therefore , it is to their benefit , as well as ours , that they spend a few moments filling in unanswered questions before they leave . II1 . I'P(' Cf'SSIN1G : All applications shall be directed to the City Clerk for proper processing . The Clerk shall enter the application in the status file , identify the tg pe of application and initiate one of the following procedures : A . ` oinpotcii il—e se_ flay he reviewed entirelv by the City Clerk unleFS 0U1J100r sales ( PMC 22 . 08 ) a . e involved , then the Planning Division must also review the forms . In oither case , the entire review should occur in less than one (1) day . B . Annual License : (1) Contractors : Cut- of town contractors ` applications need only be reviewed by the Planning and Building Inspection divisions . Since, these applications can be quickly processed, the app- licatioiis may Se taken directly to the Planning and Building Inspection divisions for review . P,eveiw should he completed in on( , (1) day or less . (2 ) Penev als , Cwne - Chanoe C_Jv) , Name Chan ce—LCnly ; If these applications do not involve a change in service , merchandise , or other alteration of operation, then the City Cler4; may process these in less than one (1) day v,+it' out further review by departments) . ( 3 ) New Business not one of the above) , Transfer of Business hocation , _orRenewals with Operafional Changes_ This will be the group of applications most often received by the City . In o tar toe : pedite the processing procedure. , the order of rouu , ig sroUid be as follow .- : (a ) Planning Division (one (1 ) day review) . ( b) Building Inspection Division (one (1) day review) . (c) Pire PiIpartment (one (1 ) day review) . (d) Cih" Clerk (e) Special review (by Police Deaprtment , etc . , in certain cases) . The City Clark should use the departmental mailboxes in the copy room for circulating these applications to appropriate departments . This will reduce the interruptions to the various reviewing departments . All phone calls regarding the status of an application should be referred to the City Clerk - not individual departments . D.EPARTMrNTAI RESPr )NSIBUITY: Each department listed on the back oftheapplication form has a responsibility to review the application circulated to it . The form should be signed (init- ialed) by a responsible person in each depaArnent and any appropriate comments made before routing to the next department . The initials will be considered evidence that the department has had the opportunity to review and comment . 'ihe Planning Building Inspection and Fire Departments should be able to complete their review in one (1) working day (each) unless an on- site inspection is required . In any case , where a reviewing department will require more than one (1) working day to review an application , drat department shall inform the City Clerk of the date the application will be foiwarded to the next reviewing department and the Ci C lr-rk shall enter that Information on tilt statu - 1ile . in any event , complete regrew should occur within five (5) ro kf_ ,g days . Finally , the attached flow chart „ depict the routinq/rcvinw processes described above . APPLICANT INCLrIRIES : The City Clerk shail develop and maintain a status file or other simple log of _ all applications received , but not yet issued a license . In this way , the City Clerk wan respond to applicant inquiries about the status of an application with- out the need to cOnstautly hunt down the -,Nhereabouts of the application in question . However , the City Clerk should remind all applicants (in group 3 above) that t". e normal processing perisd is three (3 ) working days unless Special review is recuired . LFK: kd attachments : 4 flow Charts . • S n v A r-i � m r t7 z C f �� CD o m CD I O c o N o n o r N I cn n � r N v m c n n im ' O Z z1 r r — N T f'1 N m � D nv �_ v w -1 r i L o n c r r 0 � n rr r* C N n � m r- n � m .-, A -i n 7C K O ' rt Z d n r+ w N ° r, U r r= n N �� • � - + ,� � �-- N f�i _' p � � � � V1 . . r vi cn �� '� r c n �,� n � � m_ N m is O U O �J J C�l � ;-] r J (7 -I �-', Ui O ri � �� O � _., o�J nD -{ � n � • n D � x, v v D fU r m m r- S i ry rrl � N O u L1 m s n n o m � N � G m m n n � T G t0 f0 f� r A r, N ra W r- v. to � r C ON —1 r � r�l 1 - L'1 C) trt CJ -' CJ G7 J ' D -1 ti D � w fD n m r F c r o � C m Ln m 2l I r o� m —I rJ _1 -5 m � � vi in fD' cn m c r" v � cn .. 4__ cn cn to m v -n T� � O "a m r , J z- n v f y' ;° OF' !DAGCO "3USHIE aS LICEIfi] c' C APPLICATION 'THIS FORM MUST BE FILLED OUT CLEARLY AND COMP'�ETELY TO BE_RLVIEWED4 A. TEMPORARY LICENSE: Rummage 5212 (5.32). . - __Yard Sala �5.52)__Sldev.alk.Sale (5.58) Outdoor Sales (22.68)_ 2. Desc: '. Do vhat is to be soi4_—_._ _--_-- ------------ 3. Loca for o j ,e (addre s 4. APP i , .in ; a ran ___ r, - - ' t s*a*E PHONE Pal B. ANN UAL LICENSE: .- New Business —'tonee.. Owner Change Name Change Transfer of Location 1 . Busness Name_. . _ 2. Busm;$s Location----- s,ATE , PHONE >scNr_s it 's. Mailing Address__-_—___ - .. `• ` -- --.--. —__ 4. Ovrr .:r _—_ Operator __—Name: __ - 5. Corporaiicn_.—. Partnership Private---- 61 Tvoe ofSavicn or Merchandis- Offered_ _ — - 7. If you ore a ccntractor °chat is your slate license number_— _—__ --- — Expiration date --- Is this a general _.-- _or specialty license? S. It bond or certi:icata o; insurance is required, what is the expiration date__ — 6. Square fr;2t of i1cor aria: TOTAL ._ . OTfice_ .-- Retail - _ Manufacturing Covarsd Storage Outs ice Storage--- Basement -- 10. Numoor of employees ._ . .---_ .-_._ .___ Number o` off street parking spaces__- 11 . II yogi `Ian to conduo' only one busness out with multiple -operations at this location. A. D,_SCribe the primary operaticn ..--__ B. D ;rrib .: seconcary overatloos_ —_ - 12. Do gcu c,vn or operate more than cne business at above location YES--- NO _ If yes. list the number o! Luslnesses that occur at above location_—__ — 13. Vdih haa3rdous material or [ILrimable Lquid be stored? YES NO 14. V'/ill t)o building have K,gh-piked material in storage? YES_ NO__ 15. Does tho building hav< atom ntlr epr r. I' or _ _ or fir( alarm system_ — Ulu! If id _ ).;L . + 6 In case c :rganry r n-; f c : finec prrPmisc , r se ! c ^.sn after hoer contact information. (Ark cncnge must be reposed immediately, to City Rail 1 [ .----....— ,.ess iEFG_N ..,. r � - rc' ss e +sacencv a�cNe 17. Do hvi J) any of these operations occur at your business? Check all that are appropriate. A. Ate you ar. amusement device distributor? YES_ NO,____. If yes. now many do you own andlor leasein Pasco. (Please attach a separate sheet showing the locations in Pasco and number at each location.) (5.20) B. Apartments_.__Number of units__ __ Number of sewer hockups_____(5.04) C, Arcades, places of amusement (5.6.11 D. Circuses, carnivals and street shows (5. 16) E. Communication Offices_(5.C4) D. Dance Halls—I5.24) G. Financial cstiluticns (5 04) H . Food esiaplishment Do you seii C. serve prepared food? Dc you sell or serve any intox- icating beverage ? _ __._ Dn . slte (; Dcd ) consumption __cff -site ( food ) corsump- lion_ Both__.(5291 (22.52.020(6) L Gravel p.ls_ (5.3u1iZ2.68) J. Hotels and rooming housds_ number of urits_--(5.04) (5.40) K. Jukeboxes, pinball games and other amusement devices ------Numberaiteow'nednumberon- site :eased._._Total number of devices on site L. Mo'D; le home park Number of sower hookups__ (19.12) M. Mortuary___.(5.04) p t P 'awnbrok r _ (5. 12) ■•rY- f O 'ubilc massage and ca!h rouses—i5.60) 9.V Park Num er or sewer hookups __(19. 12) yt� ad 0A e Q S curvy police.. merchant patroi and private detectives -4 8) l - n and hand dearer __(5. 12) pp 4 S elicitor Pesldential Chantat)le Com �u 11orma Iona . Pe igious Other ices afoo if _ T Tuxloabs _Number of Taxis an- reel . - xi Stands (c.44) U. T seaters (5.04) V. Transrer and storage__Number of Truck� _(5.04 M ;lwly installer _(5.32) J�u na�r_ ' OFFICE USE ONLV ' Accepted by._ ._ _. _— Date____—_ _ __ L Plarning Zone Tract—___ ..—Block _Home Gccupalions YES__ NO — P-Sic a) Zcmi :g Compliance CK__.- NG_ Intival_ _ .._._Dare Comsents ' 2. Building Inspector OK_ NO IniGel _. Date ___ 1 Police OK__NO nil ia! ____ _ Date __ _ 4. F ) Oil_-_NO Lnilial _- ---- Date-- _ _----._._-- Gon :r:dn15 ' 5. Ci :y Cc:k OK NG ini _._._. ._.__ _ Date_______ _- Guir lsents ' FEE 5 Leasu � ei -s R a. i :t :V, . _ Lirense No ' Attar,h So Ua rite 51 .:e it in l: c SpaC+' is neede;'