HomeMy WebLinkAbout031 - Purchasing Procedure Manual ADMINISTRATIVE . ORDER NO . 31 TO: All Departments January 26 , 1982 FROM: Lee Kraft , City Manager SUBJECT: CENTRALIZED PURCHASING PROCEDURE AND ADOPTION OF PURCHASING MANUAL . The administrative policies , rules and regulations embodied in the attached Purchasing Manual are retroactively effective January 1 , 1982 . Each department head is directed to coordinate with the Purchasing Supervisor as to the needs of his/her department for orientation training regarding the new system. The first quarter of 1982 will be available for the start -up and refinement of the new system; however, the new system is to be fully implemented and operational by April 1 , 1982 . Each department head has the responsibility to see to it that all employees who have anything at all to do with purchasing are required to read and understand the policies and procedures outlined in the manual . LFK: pt attachment: Purchasing Manual . CITY OF PASCO PURCHASING MANUAL • JANUARY 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No . I . POLICIES . Centralized Purchasing . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II . PROGRAM OBJECTIVES . ,. . . . . . . . . . . 1 III . GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE PURCHASING SUPERVISOR , . . , , 00 1 IV , VENDOR RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 a . . . . . . . . . . . 2 V . BIDDERS ' LIST , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 VI , PURCHASE REQUISITION PREPARATION . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 3 VII . PURCHASE ORDER PREPARATION , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 VIII . BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 • IX , INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES AGAINST BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 X . LOCAL PURCHASE ORDERS (LPO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 XI . PURCHASING VIA PETTY CASH . . . a I I I I 1 1 . 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . 7 XII . ADVANCE REQUIREMENTS ESTIMATES . 7 XIII . PURCHASE ORDER EXPEDITING . . . 8 XIV , PURCHASE ORDER LOG . . . . . . . . . 8 XV . CHANGE REQUESTS FOR EXISTING PURCHASE ORDERS . . . 8 XVI . PAYMENTS TO VENDORS/CASH DISCOUNTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 XVII . RECEIVING RESPONSIBILITIES , . 1611 , 11461 , 11 , 0000 , of 9 XVIII . TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY CHARGES . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 XIX . EMERGENCY PURCHASES . . p 10 • XX . VENDOR SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 XXI . FORMAL BIDDING , PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Page No , XXII . DISPENSING WITH FORMAL BIDDING PROCESS . , . . . . . . . 12 XXIII . PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS EXEMPTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 XX1V , CONTRACTING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . 13 XXVI . VENDORS CATALOG FILE . 0 4 . . . . . 0 0 . . . 13 XXVII . SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . 13 XXVIII . SALE OF CITY PERSONAL PROPERTY , 14 XXIX . MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 XXX . COOPERATIVE PURCHASING , 1 . 101 , 11 ' ' 1 14 XXXI . GIFTS AND GRATUITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . 11 . . . 15 XXXII . STORE ROOM * . . ' ' I ' ll 10 . 11 , . 111 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 PURCHASING CYCLE FLOW CHART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 I . POLICIES : • Centralized Purchasing . It shall be the policy of the City to maintain a centralized purchasing process with the Purchasing Supervisor in the Finance/Administrative Services Department as the responsible agent , subject to the ganeral supervision of the City Manager through the Director of Finance and Administrative Services . It shall be the Purchasing Supervisor' s responsibility to administer purchasing policies; negotiate and approve term contracts in concert with city departments ; consolidate purchases of like and common items ; analyze prices paid for materials and equipment; and generally define for top management how to obtain savings and to coordinate purchasing procedures . II . PROGRAM OBJECTIVES : The primary objectives of the City of Pasco purchasing program are as follows : 1 . To establish an ongoing centralized purchasing function capable of providing good service and support to the using departments on a consistent basis . 2 . To introduce a greater measure of responsibility and accountability • over the purchasing system . 3 . To assure realization of the principles of competitive purchasing and "best buy " procedures . 4 . To assist management at all levels in reaching responsible cost effective decisions in the procurement of supplies and services . 5 . To formulate policies and procedures designed to improve the efficiency of the City ' s procurement process . 6 . To cause operating budgets to be encumbered after the purchase order is placed . III . GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE PURCHASING SUPERVISOR: The Purchasing Supervisor shall have the authority to execute the following : 1 . To procure for the City the highest quality in supplies , materials, equipment , and contractual services , at the least expense; and to keep informed of current developments in the field of purchasing , prices , market conditions , and new products . 2 . To endeavour to obtain as full and open competition as possible on all purchases . - 1 - i 3 . To exploit the possibilities of bulk and seasonal buying . . 4 . In cooperation with department heads ; to prepare and adopt written specifications for supplies , materials , equipment and services , as may be required. Specifications shall be developed with information available through government and private sources , and in cooperation with the using departments . 5 . To prescribe and maintain such forms as may be reasonably necessary to the operation of the purchasing system . 6 . To prepare , adopt and maintain such files as may be necessary to the operation of the system . The Purchasing Supervisor has the " authority to declare vendors who default on their quotations as irresponsible bidders disqualified from receiving any business from the City for a stated period of time 7 . To obtain all federal and state tax exemptions to which the City is entitled . 8 . To obtain all discounts available by early and prompt payment of bills . • 9 . The Purchasing Supervisor shall select sources of supply in concert with the using department . As a general rule , purchases shall be awarded with local vendor preference on the basis of availability , best price , delivery and quality; but taking into consideration the reputation and performance capability of the supplier. IV . VENDOR RELATIONS: The Purchasing Supervisor , in cooperation with using departments , will promote a program of fairness and friendship with vendors : (a) The Purchasing Supervisor , if necessary in his opinion , will arrange interviews between vendor representatives and city personnel when it ,appears to be to the advantage of the City; (b) the Purchasing Supervisor will monitor all correspondence with suppliers to be able to know what is going on; (c) prices and other specific information received from vendors will be considered confidential . During negotiations , quotations received from one supplier will not be divulged to another; (d) the Purchasing Supervisor will advise unsuccessful bidders as to the disposition of their quotations or bids . V . BIDDERS ' LIST: "• With the aid of other city departments , the Purchasing Supervisor shall compile and maintain a Bidders ' List . Vendors desiring to be listed shall advise the Purchasing Supervisor in writing by providing 2 - generally the following information: (a) Type of business; (b) names . of officers , owners , or partners ; (c) persons authorized by the firm to sign bids , offers and contracts; (d) type of equipment , supplies , materials sold and/or services provided; (e) how long in the present business . The Purchasing Supervisor shall conduct and conclude all negotiations affecting vendor selection , prices , terms , delivery , etc . Commitments and orders , to be valid , shall be covered by contract or purchase order signed by the Purchasing Supervisor . No one other than the Purchasing Supervisor shall commit the City to any - purchase , vendor , or product . VI . PURCHASE REQUISITION PREPARATION: The Purchase Requisition (PR) is the document used by the department to inform the Purchasing Supervisor that goods or services are desired by a particular department . It is the basis for preparation of a Purchase Order (PO) . The receipt of a Purchase Requisition , with the necessary information and required signature of the department head , gives the authority to initiate a specific purchase . A Purchase Order will not be issued unless authorized by a proper requisition signed by the department head or his/her designee . The Purchase Requisition makes the Purchasing Supervisor accountable for filling the need as stated on the requisition . The Department Head (or his/her authorized designee) shall follow this procedure: 1 . In advance , obtains a supply of blank copies of requisition form from Finance/Administrative Services Department; following which . . 2 . Recognizes the need for an item not available through a blanket purchase order . 3 . Authorizes the completion of the requisition form with the provision of the following data : (a) Date . (f) Description . (b) Requisition Number . (g) Price (if known) and by whom (c) Required delivery date . given . (d) Quantity required . (h) Delivery point . (e) Recommended Vendor . (i) Department requesting item . (j ) Person making request . (k) Budget Account and Line Item Number . • _ 3 _ • 4 . Delivers the requisition form to the Purchasing Office so that a Purchase Order can be prepared by the Purchasing Supervisor . The purchase requisition shall be required for the following purposes : (a) To request the purchase of supplies or services . (b) To change or cancel an existing Purchase Requisition or Purchase Order . (c) To request price and 'delivery information on possible future requirements . 5 . Department Head should , under normal circumstances , submit the Purchase Requisition five (5) working days in advance of the desired delivery date . VII . PURCHASE ORDER PREPARATION: The Purchase Order (PO) shall originate in the Purchasing Supervisor' s Office and is the instrument used to initiate and control purchases . It will be completed and approved prior to making a purchase , so that effective managerial control over city resources is assured . The purpose of the purchasing system is to ensure that only those items needed by the City are actually purchased . All purchases of fixed assets , materials , supplies and services , are coordinated through the Purchasing Supervisor , who will oversee bid solicitations and who will sign Purchase Orders as the designee of the City Manager . Approval of the City Manager will be obtained by the Purchasing Supervisor only in those cases in which the Purchasing Supervisor is uncertain of the propriety of the proposed purchase . The Purchasing Supervisor will follow this general procedure : 1 . Receives Purchase Requisition from department desiring goods or services and ascertains validity of the requisition . 2 . Evaluates the need for the item (s) . 3 . Checks the annual budget to verify that money is available to pay for the purchase . 4 . Checks outstanding Purchase Orders and unencumbered balances to verify that remaining budget monies are available for additional purchases . • 5 . Obtains formal bids , if required by statute or ordinance . 4 6 . Records price quotations on the Purchase Order from the requisition , • or from catalogs , phone calls , or similar methods . 7 . Completes other information on the Purchase Order , including vendor , date , shipping destination, quantity , description , and total amount . 8 . Determines if the item can be purchased more economically through State contracts or through joint purchasing with other jurisdictions , 9 . Signs the' Purchase Order and gets the ordering process into action; distributes appropriate copies of PO as required . VIII . BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS : Blanket Purchase Orders are used for those few merchants/vendors from whom many repetitive purchases of relatively small amounts are made as supplies are required . Rather than issue a Purchase Order for each purchase , one Purchase Order is issued for one month to cover all purchases during that month at that place , and these Purchase Orders shall be placed by , the Purchasing Supervisor on the advice of the department head . The Purchasing Supervisor ,shall follow this general procedure with • ' respect to Blanket Purchase Orders : 1 . Identifies the need to have. a Blanket Purchase Order through examination of past purchasing records and by consulting with the department heads , and notifies the departments involved , 2 . Determines the qualified local suppliers , if there is more than one accessible supplier , 3 . Places a one month authorization with each of the selected vendors by issuing an advance Purchase Order to each of these vendors . In the description section of the PO , writes as follows: " This is a term Purchase Order for one month beginning 19 to furnish items as requested by City of Pasco employees when above Purchase Order number is referenced . Please issue a monthly statement supported by your signed counter tickets and return , along with this Purchase Order to Purchasing Supervisor , City of Pasco , P . O . Box 293 , Pasco , Wa . 99301 . This order expires on 19 " . • 49 Determines those employees in each department , in concert with the department head , who will be authorized to make purchases under the Blanket Purchase Order procedure and issues a periodic listing to the departments . 5 - 51 . Informs departments in writing of the names of vendors and the types of items covered by individual Blanket Purchase . Orders . 6 . On a monthly basis , causes the delivery tickets received from authorized employees via the affected department heads , :to be compared with vendor statements , and resolves any differences . Processes the vendor statement for payment on its receipt along with the advance PO covering it . 7 . Closes each Blanket Purchase Order monthly by writing ,_ " Complete " on the accounting copy , and issues a new Purchase Order for the ensuing month and sees to it that each required vendor , pursuant to No : 3 above , gets the required PO . Informs department heads of the new Purchase Order number , etc . IX . INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES AGAINST BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS: Authorized departments and designated employees therein shall be authorized to place orders up to $ 50 . 00 in value with any specific vendor covered by a Blanket Purchase Order . The following procedure will generally be followed: • 1 . Recognizes the need for a local order item under a Blanket Purchase Order and consults the local order list supplied by the Purchasing Supervisor , Obtains: Blanket Purchase Order Number and a Local Purchase Order (LPO) . Approval of department head to purchase the item if under $ 50 . 00 . (If over $ 50 . 00 , requires a Purchase Requisition) , 2 . Uses the Blanket Purchase Order number and Local Purchase Order number to obtain the item from the vendor . 3 . Forwards appropriate copy of Local Purchase Order to the Purchasing Office and makes sure that the Blanket Purchase Order number shows on the LPO . At this point in the procedure , She Purchasing Office shall follow this procedure: 1 . Collects the LPO' s as received . 2 . Compares the LPG' s to the terms and prices of the agreement with • the vendor , if such exists . 3 . Files the LPG ' s by Blanket Purchase Order number . 6 - 4 . Monthly , compares the LPG ' s to the vendor' s statement for a particular Blanket Purchase Order . • 5 . Resolves any differences between LPG' s and vendor' s statement . 6 . Processes vendor' s statement for payment after audit and approval . X . LOCAL PURCHASE ORDERS (LPO) : It is recognized that the purpose of a centralized formal purchasing system can be subverted by lost productive time on the job if a formal purchase requisition/PO process is required for each incidental purchase . Therefore , department heads are authorized to place direct purchases up to $ 50 . 00 in value with any vendor within the Tri-Cities for incidental purchases for frequently needed low dollar value supplies . However , department heads are required to keep the Purchasing Supervisor posted on any item (s) where the City would possibly stand to save money if orders were : (1) Combined with other departments to take advantage of larger quantity purchases; (2 ) where the City , through the Purchasing Office , can possibly take advantage of price agreements contracts; or (3) where the City could possibly save money by stocking the item in central stores . . Department heads will forward to the Purchasing Supervisor a list containing the names of all persons in a given department who are authorized to make LPO direct purchases . To place a direct LPO , the authorized employee will follow the general procedure relating to purchasing under a Blanket Purchase Order (see Section IX) . LPO' s under any circumstances will not be used for purchasing anything beyond $ 50, . 00 in value . XI . PURCHASING VIA PETTY CASH: The use of the Finance/Administrative Services "petty cash " fund is encouraged for small items (below $ 10 . 00) where such cannot be obtained under an authorized Blanket Purchase Order . The use of petty cash cuts down on overhead expense by eliminating the need to process requisitions and Purchase Orders for small priced items . The Director of Finance/Administrative Services will publish the guidelines for the utilization of this fund . XII . ADVANCE REQUIREMENTS ESTIMATES : • The Purchasing Supervisor will , as soon as possible , establish a procedure for creating "Advance Requirements Estimates " . In essence , 7 - this will be manifested by the Purchasing Supervisor creating a • standard commodity item listing of commonly used items and periodically (desirably at least twice a year) circulating this listing to all the departments , and asking that each department estimate its needs for each of the items , as appropriate , for a given time period as specified by the Purchasing Supervisor , The Purchasing Supervisor will consolidate all of the departmental estimates , and will then shop around with the various vendors that supply the item (s) and attempt to enter into a price agreements contract with each of the vendors to agree to furnish the estimated quantities of each item at a fixed price for 'a specified . period of time . For example , suppose one item is floodlight batteries and we were estimating we were going to use 5 ,000 during the year . The Purchasing Supervisor would try to get a price agreement contract with a vendor offering to furnish the batteries for a given period of time , say , one year , for a fixed price . In effect , the vendor is our stockroom and , whenever a department needed batteries , they would get them from the vendor at the fixed price . XIII . PURCHASE ORDER EXPEDITING: The Purchasing Supervisor shall follow up on Purchase Orders which are outstanding beyond the requested delivery dates and , in doing this , the following general procedure shall be followed : • 1 . Reviews the Purchase Orders in the alphabetical " Open Purchase Order File " on a regular basis . 2 . Determines which Purchase Orders are overdue . 3 . Contacts vendors who are causing late deliveries or has the department head contact them . 4 . Maintains a vendor correspondence file , which includes a record of telephone calls and actions taken on late deliveries . XIV . PURCHASE ORDER LOG: The Purchasing Supervisor shall maintain a log that will show the following information: I . Purchase Order Number . 2 , Date PO issued . 3 . Vendor . 4 . Total dollar amount of PO . 5 . Purchase Requisition Number . • XV . CHANGE REQUESTS FOR EXISTING PURCHASE ORDERS : Using departments wishing to change or cancel an existing Purchase Requisition or Purchase Order shall issue a Purchase Requisition 8 - requesting such change or cancellation . The Purchase Requisition • asking the change will require the same signatures as required on the original requisition . The requisition shall refer to the original Purchase Requisition number and shall clearly state the action requested . Upon receipt of a signed " change request " Purchase Requisition , the Purchasing Supervisor shall issue a change order or change the original Purchase Requisition , as required . When a change or cancellation is decided upon , the Purchasing Supervisor shall be notified immediately . A few hours advance notice to the Purchasing Supervisor may possibly save the City costly cancellation charges . Change order copies should be attached to the original Purchase Order copies . XVI . PAYMENTS TO VENDORS/CASH DISCOUNTS : Most vendors offer a cash discount if their invoices are paid promptly . To take advantage of this discount policy , it is important that all invoices , packing slips and receiving reports , be promptly forwarded to the Purchasing Supervisor without delay . These documents should generally reach the Purchasing Supervisor within one working day after their receipt by the using department . When the vendor receives the Purchase Order it concurrently serves as • the voucher . After the order has been filled , the vendor must sign the voucher and return it to the Purchasing Supervisor , who will verify it against the receiving report before payment is authorized and made . XVII . RECEIVING RESPONSIBILITIES : Deliveries of all goods and services to the City shall be promptly reported to the Purchasing Supervisor to facilitate the processing of Purchase Orders . The receiving copy of the Purchase Order (preferably) , or the delivery ticket , or some other written verification , shall be sent promptly to the Purchasing Supervisor . The receiving employee shall follow this general procedure: 1 . Pulls the receiving department copy of the Purchase Order when goods arrive . 2 . Checks the goods for condition and quantity . 3 . Compares the goods to the receiving department copy of the Purchase Order. 4 . If there are any problems with the shipment , contacts his/her department head , who , in turn , notifies the Purchasing Supervisor , • who then works to resolve the shortcomings . 5 . After examining the goods , receiving employee signs and dates the receiving report , if the shipment completes the Purchase Order . 9 - 6 . If there is no receiving report copy of the Purchase Order , or no copy of the delivery ticket , or if the delivery does not • complete the order , reports the following additional information in writing by the way of his/her department head to the Purchasing Supervisor: (a) Name of person or company making the shipment to the City (not the carrier) . (b) Location in which order was received . (c) Explains if the receipt is for a partial shipment on a Purchase Order . (d) Provides any pertinent information not shown elsewhere . (e) Gives name of person accepting shipment and the date received . XVIIL TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY CHARGES : The Purchasing Supervisor and department heads shall ensure that all shipments are F . O . B . destination (i . e . Pasco) , unless there are realistic and extenuating reasons to name another designation besides • Pasco . When transportation charges are part of the order , the Purchasing Supervisor shall instruct the vendor on the Purchase Order to "Include shipping charges on the invoice " . This will eliminate the problem of shipping charges being presented to the receiving department as a separate billing , which often causes confusion regarding the making of payment . XIX . EMERGENCY PURCHASES : In a clear cut bona fide emergency , the affected department head may bypass the customary purchasing procedure and may place an order directly by getting the approval of the Purchasing Supervisor to do so . This will entail getting a PO number from the Purchasing Supervisor so that this number can be cited to the vendor . The confirming PO shall get in the mail to the vendor within 48 hours after the placing of the emergency order . The City Manager shall be notified within one working day of all emergency purchases . XX . VENDOR SELECTION : Vendors will be selected on a competitive basis . Bids , quotations and proposals wi11 be solicited by newspaper advertising , direct mail , or by telephone . Purchase Orders or contracts will be awarded to the lowest and most responsible vendor . All bids may be rejected if it is in the public interest to do so . 10 - In determining the lowest and most responsible vendor , in addition to price , the following additional items will be considered: • 1 . The ability and capacity of the vendor to perform the contract , or to provide the material or service required . 2 . Whether the vendor can perform the contract or provide the material or service promptly , or within the time specified , without delay or interference . 3 . The character , integrity , reputation , judgment , experience and efficiency of the vendor . 4 . The quality of performance on previous contracts , orders , or services . 5 . The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the vendor to perform the contract , or fill the order , or to provide the service . XXI . FORMAL BIDDING PROCESS: A formal bidding process is necessary on any purchase of supplies , • material , equipment or services , other than professional services , when the cost exceeds $ 2 , 000 , unless the procedure under Article XXII is followed or a purchase of materials is made at an auction conducted by the government of the United States , any agency thereof or by the State of Washington or a political subdivision thereof . The Purchasing Supervisor shall call forbids by : le Posting notice calling for sealed bids for the proposed city purchase on the bulletin board at City Hall , which notice shall state that such sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk up to 2 : 00 p . m . of the Thursday immediately preceding the Regular Council Meeting at which the notice specifies the bids will be considered by the City Council for award of bid . Further , the notice shall generally state the nature of the purchase to be made and that specifications therefor shall be on file in the City Hall for public inspections , and require that bids be sealed and filed with the City Clerk within the time specified in the notice . Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in the form of a cashier' s check ; postal money order , or surety bond to the City Council of the City of Pasco for a sum of not less than five percent (5 %) of the amount of the bid , and no bid shall be considered unless accompanied by such bid proposal deposit; and by - 11 - 20 Publishing such notice in the official newspaper once each week for two consecutive weeks before the date fixed for opening • the bids; and by 3 . Advising by mail or by telephone a reasonable number of available vendors of the call for bids . The City Council shall award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder or shall by resolution reject any or all bids and require a further call for bids in the same manner as the original call . When the award of bid is made , then all bid proposal deposits shall be returned to the bidders except that of the successful bidder which shall be retained until the purchase is transacted . If the bidder fails to transact the purchase in accordance with his bid , the check or postal money order and the amount thereof shall be forfeited to the City of Pasco or the Council shall cause the recovery of the amount of the surety bond . If no bid is received on the first call , the Purchasing Supervisor may follow the procedure outlined in Article XXII and purchase the supplies , material or equipment , unless the City Council directs that a second call for bids be made . • Between the time in which bids are received and the Regular City Council Meeting at which the bids are to be considered , the Purchasing Supervisor shall examine the bids , consult with appropriate staff members and prepare a written recommendation for the City Council , XXII . DISPENSING WITH FORMAL BIDDING PROCESS : Pursuant to Council Resolution No . 1479 , the Purchasing Supervisor may solicit telephone and/or written quotations for purchase of supplies , materials , equipment , or services , in an amount over $ 2 , 000 but less than $ 4 , 000 , providing that the following procedures are implemented (over $ 4, 000 requires the formal sealed bid process) : 1 . Whenever possible , not less than three (3) prospective vendors shall be contacted by telephone or by letter and advised as to the specifications for the item or items for which quotations are being sought . The number of vendors contacted may be reduced if the item or items being sought are only available from a small number of vendors . An explanation shall be placed in the procurement file when fewer than three (3) bids are requested , or if there are fewer than three (3) replies . Bid specifications shall , if possible , be drafted to permit at least three (3) vendors to qualify as prospective bidders . 2 . Whenever possible , bids will be solicted on a lump sum or fixed unit price basis . - 12 - 3 . Telephone or written requests for quotations shall specify, at a minimum , the following : (a) Items to be purchased . (e) Freight costs . (b) Number of units . (f) Point of delivery . (c) Tax requirements . (g) Terms of payment:. (d) Delivery time requirements . 4 . Tabulation of telephone or written quotations shall be on forms provided by the Purchasing Supervisor and shall include , at a minimum , the above listed information . 5 . The materials , equipment , or services acquired under this process will be ordered from the lowest responsible bidder whose quotation meets all specifications established for the item being purchased . 6 . Written confirmation of telephone quotations from responsible vendors is not required , but may be requested when warranted . 7 . Immediately after the award is made , the bid quotations are to be recorded and shall be open to public inspection , and are to be available to outsiders by telephone inquiry . • XXIII . PUBLIC WORKS PROTECTS EXEMPTED: The Purchasing Supervisor shall not be responsible for the bidding of public works projects ; however , he shall be available to assist the responsible department head to the extent possible . XXIV . CONTRACTING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES : Contracts for professional services are not the responsibility of the Purchasing Supervisor . A particular department seeking professional assistance will handle this . XXVI . VENDORS CATALOG FILE: The Purchasing Supervisor will maintain a Vendors Catalog File . The catalogs in this file will be available to all interested city employees . XXVII . SPECIFICATIONS : Specifications are a clear and complete description of the essential qualities which products should have if they are to meet the acceptable purchase requirements of the City of Pasco . A vendor must meet or exceed specification requirements if goods or services are to be considered for purchase . Specifications may be in the form of written descriptions , drawings , commercial designations , industry standards , or other descriptive references . Specifications become an integral part of the purchase order or contract. - 13 - Specifications should not require materials of a better quality than are needed . The Purchasing Supervisor shall coordinate the preparation • of suitable specifications working with the department heads to prepare and maintain the specification file . The Purchasing Supervisor should assure that specifications are kept clear and accurate , and should update specifications regularly to reflect changes in technology , and should avoid the use of unfair specifications which reduce or preclude competition . Single product designations are unacceptable for specifications , because this essentially denies competition . A reference to a brand product or "equal " also is not acceptable , because this opens the way to controversy as to what is "equal The acceptable type of specification is one that is open and which covers all pertinent features , and which may incorporate words or phrases from industrial or governmental standard specifications , and is one in which no specific brands are mentioned . XXVIII . SALE OF CITY PERSONAL PROPERTY: After approval of the City Council , the Purchasing Supervisor is authorized to sell all supplies which have become unsuitable for public use , or to exchange the same or trade in the same on new supplies . • Surplus supplies will be sold on a competitive basis to the highest bidder . XXIX . MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS: The Purchasing Supervisor will maintain a log on all city maintenance contracts . Before renewing any such contracts , the Purchasing Supervisor will check with the appropriate department head to determine if the contract should be renewed . Contracts found to be unnecessary will be terminated . Department heads will advise the Purchasing Supervisor of any change in the status of items covered by maintenance agreements . Department heads shall not enter into maintenance agreements without first consulting with the Purchasing Supervisor and getting his concurrence thereon . XXX . COOPERATIVE PURCHASING: After approval of the City Manager , the Purchasing Supervisor shall have the authority to join with other units of local government in cooperative purchasing plans so that the best interests of the City may be served; however , any such proposals should be reviewed with the City Attorney to assure compliance with statutory and code requirements . - 14 XXXI . GIFTS AND GRATUITIES : • City employees are expressly prohibited from soliciting or accepting any rebate , money , or costly entertainment , gift or gratuity (excepting mementoes and novelties of nominal value) from any person , company , firm , or corporation to which any Purchase Order or contract is or might be awarded . The City will not tolerate circumstances that produce , or reasonably appear to produce , conflicts between the personal interests of an employee or the interests of the City with respect to purchasing . Accordingly , the City Manager will terminate , at no charge to the City , any Purchase Order or contract if it is found that substantial gifts or gratuities were offered to a city employee . The City Manager will also consider disciplinary action , including dismissal , against any employee who solicits or accepts gifts or gratuities of anything other than of nominal value . XXXII . STORE ROOM : The Purchasing Supervisor will as soon as feasible establish and control a central store room for selected office supply items . The purpose of the store room is to allow the City to standardize frequently used office operating supplies . The requisitioned store room items will be charged to the concerned departments at the end of each month . r - 15 - 3 m a) o wm � A o '. � o O r. a z ro EM Q a b ro H A a o a N z -0 a) z a ° a a� w N D O N .D M p a mama, a U 3 0 j t � 0 vi a E w o m a m ai rx ca x U o 6 x x 'o m y C7 v U m ° � U Z a s a� p O o " a a E op E x M En ✓ W m m U Y , , p W 'J Y > Ib m CX y b+ O O . U a -N O p 0 0 " O a 04 CL 0 aaro 0 E w U w m m x U 0A m a a 4 a .o a z a � x w rn � U • U I I (J W m U � m C4 Y b ti a H Y T W C4 p W m m p a O U N .Y., pa > a w fu a+ W " O' U U O. q ¢ a a � a a a ro m m N I .y t m 0 .. U p b' Q E W m N 04 Q s' V) .m. b m ro m 1p C4 O 2 a7 to 04 t a ?, a • t4 O w 4 wN ciaU � 16 -