HomeMy WebLinkAbout029 - Centralized Personnel System ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO , 29 TO : All Departments December 31 , 1981 FROM: Lee Kraft , City Manager SUBJECT: CENTRALIZED PERSONNEL SYSTEM AND RULES AND REGULATIONS , AND GUIDELINES RELATING THERETO , Effective January I , 1982 , a centralized personnel system goes into effect with the incumbent of the newly established Personnel/Purchasing Supervisor in charge of personnel under the general direction of the City Manager , through the Finance and Administrative Services Director , I . PURPOSE: A centralized personnel administration in City Hall , under the management of a Personnel Supervisor , is necessary and required for these principal reasons : 1 . To provide for a uniform treatment and handling of all employee personnel matters . Employees have a right to expect fair , • consistent and equitable treatment , citywide and by department . 2 . To guarantee quality record keeping for reactive and preventive reasons . Employment records should provide documentation of consistent and legal employee treatment . Employee records are a means for management to analyze the City ' s performance in such areas as minority recruiting , turnover , application of discipline standards , etc . 3 . To provide for the introduction and use of aptitude , ability or proficiency tests to help guarantee the adequate performance of new employees in accordance with designated job standards . 4 . To assist , in cooperation with department heads , to develop in- service training programs . 5 . To develop and maintain up-to-date job descriptions and to make periodic job audits to assure that job descriptions stay in touch with the dynamics of the job . 6 . To help counsel employees , in cooperation with department heads , to tune into concerns before they become deep seated problems . 7 . To develop pay plan studies and recommendations for the City Manager and City Council , as directed , 8 . To assist in the collective bargaining process to help develop management objectives for the bargaining process and to assist in the contract negotiating process . 2 - 9 . To establish an eligibility list system for all vacant positions to expedite the hiring process . II . PROCESS : To fill a vacant position (caused either by attrition or by action of the Council in authorizing a new position) the department head will follow these general steps : 1 . Department Head completes a Personnel Action Form (PAF) and clearly signifies that the action relates to filling a vacancy , gives other details relating to classification and pay , etc . Signs it and sends it to the Personnel Supervisor . 2 , Personnel Supervisor audits the request . to see : (a) That it is an authorized position . (b) That the pay and classification data are correct . (c) That the job description is adequate 'and to date . 3 . If the foregoing checks out satisfactorily , Personnel Supervisor checks to see if there is an existing list of eligibles from which • a list of three candidate names can be submitted to the department head . If none , proceeds with recruitment . 4 . Personnel Supervisor , after conferring with Department Head , places advertisements in appropriate sources , keeping affirmative action needs in mind , and keeping in mind the "market area " for the particular job being recruited , and keeping in mind that advertising is expensive . Advertisements wf11 give full particulars about the job to be filled and will designate the deadline for the receipt of applications . 5 . After closing date deadline , Personnel Supervisor will conduct a preliminary screening and will eliminate all applications that clearly do not fall within the standards set for the job , and will develop a notification standard letter form that will go to the unsuccessful candidates as an automatic standard operating procedure . 6 . Personnel Supervisor will submit the screened applications to the Department Head fora second round review, and rejected candidates will receive the form letter notice as mentioned in 45 above . Consultation with the Department Head will develop a consensus on • the number of candidates to be called in for testing and/or interviews . - 3 - 7 , On completion of testing/interview process , Personnel Supervisor , based on the passing or eligibility threshold standards previously established , will evaluate and collate results , and an eligible roster in descending order of test results will be prepared and furnished to the Department Head . Names representing candidates who , if appointed , will help to meet affirmative action goals , should be identified by asterisks and appropriate footnotes on the eligible list . Be Department Head receives the eligible list . Receives and reviews the applications of the three top candidates , and attempts to make an appointment following the4rule of three principle . Department Head has the right to , reject appointment from the top three , but must send a written report to the Personnel Supervisor explaining the reasons for the rejection . 9 . Upon reaching a decision , Department Head completes a Personnel Action Form (PAF) and has typed a letter of appointment notice on the City Manager' s letterhead stationery , submits it to the City Manager through the Personnel Supervisor for approval and signature . On the return of the signed and approved PAF and the • letter signed by the City Manager , the to-be-hired employee gets telephone call from Department Head or his/her designate advising of employment , start date , rate of pay , etc . , along with notice that official letter of appointment is in mail . 10 . Personnel Supervisor makes distribution of PAF to payroll , department head , etc . , and sets up an official personnel folder for the employee . III . NOTICE OF VACANCIES/POSTING: Posting of job vacancies is encouraged so as to give employees now with the City equal opportunity to apply for and compete for open positions . The preparation and posting of job notices is the responsibility of the Personnel Supervisor . A position vacancy should be given a minimum of seven days notice from the date of the first advertising before filling the position . IV . PROMOTIONS FROM WITHIN : The City shall always attempt to promote from its own ranks providing that the individuals seeking to be considered for promotion , in fact , have all of the requisite skills to meet the job requirements for the • higher level position . 4 _ z i V . INTERVIEW PANELS : e The Personnel Supervisor shall utilize interview panels for the purpose i of testing and evaluating job candidates for particular position . Individuals chosen for such a panel, whether from within or outside the City organization , shall have some standing because of experience or professional background , to know to a reasonable degree what the job requires and what it takes to successfully fill the job . VI . ELIGIBLE LISTS : Eligible lists shall be valid for one year, or until any particular list has less than three names on it , whichever comes first . VII . PASSING SCORE: The Personnel Supervisor shall use the concept of a floating passing score which is based on the nature of the position , the degree of skills required , and the number of candidates to be provided in order to provide a competitive process . Generally , however , the passing score will be set at 70 . In any case , the Personnel Supervisor shall set the passing score and announce it before any job applications are • received . VIII . TESTING PROCEDURES : The Personnel Supervisor shall utilize tests to assist in the process of getting the best qualified person into the position to be filled . When properly used , tests can contribute substantially to effective and non- discriminating personnel selection . The information gained from the tests , however , has to be relevant to the job to be filled . Typical of the tests to be used would be (1) Clerical Aptitudes; (2) Computer Operator Aptitudes; (3) Computer Programmer Aptitudes ; (4) Mechanical Aptitudes; (5) Office Skills Tests; (6) Supervisory Aptitudes; (7) Typing Proficiency Tests; (8) Reading and Arithmetic Proficiency Tests , and soon . IX . PERSONNEL RECORDS : Maintaining a good system of central personnel files is crucial , and this means keeping employment data in a LtandardjQ ma which assures confidentiality and accuracy of information . The reasons for keeping good employment records is reactive and preventive . Concerning the reactive mode , the City wants its employment records to provide • documentation in the event of complaints filed against the City . About the preventive mode , good records are the means by which the City can analyze its performance in such areas as minority recruiting , turnover and retention of personnel , etc . The basic record for each employee shall consist of: ( 1) the employment application; (2) resume , if any; (3) date of hire ; (4 ) Social Security number; (5) address; (6) salary history; (7) job title with a position ' description: and (8) chronologic history of all actions concerning the s employee . Additional items to be included , if appropriate , are: ( 1 ) educational certificates , including records relating to attendance of educational conferences and workshops; (2 ) letters of commendation; (3) promotion actions; (4) performance evaluations; and (5) letters of reprimand or other disciplinary records . EEO statistics for federal reporting purposes shall also be maintained by the Personnel Supervisor , but shall be maintained separate and apart from the individual employee files . The Personnel Supervisor shall , in regard to position openings , retain all relevant papers for a period of six months after the job is filled . This includes job announcement , all applications , copy of test or interview questions , selection criteria , scoring sheets , etc . This is to assure documentation should any applicant challenge the selection process or the selection decision . X . CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS : . Every piece of information in the, individual personnel file is confidential and is available only to the individual employee , his/her department head , the Personnel Supervisor , and the City Manager as the appointing authority . The only data which is to be available for public consumption is limited to the employee ' s name , job title , department where he/she works , date of hire , and the authorized salary range . Nothing else should be divulged without a signed authorization from the employee indicating the specific items of information the employee is willing to release and to whom it should be released . Any doubts or issues about release of information , should be referred to the City Attorney for scrutiny and decision . No information of any kind should go into an employee ' s file without that employee ' s knowledge and without that employee getting a copy for his/ her own files . XI . EMPLOYEE PERSONNEL HANDBOOK: The Personnel Supervisor will , within six months of the effective date of this regulation , prepare and publish an employee personnel handbook , giving general information about the rules and regulations relating to personnel administration , and setting out the benefits provided by the City . Copies of this handbook shall go to all employees . • XII . TOB DESCRIPTIONS : The Personnel Supervisor will stay in touch with the need to keep job descriptions up-to-date , and will consult with the employee and his/her department head in revising the job description . A loose leaf binder of 6 - job descriptions , by department , shall be maintained in 'the Personnel Office . Periodic job audits shall be undertaken to assure that the job descriptions remain oirrent . XIII . IN-SERVICE TRAINING: The Personnel Supervisor shall consult with the Department Heads about in- service training programs and shall make recommendations thereon to the City Manager , XIV . PAY PLAN 'STUDIES : The Personnel Supervisor shall take the lead in conducting pay and classification studies , and shall make appropriate recommendations to the City Manager . This is particularly significant with respect to the collective negotiations with the unions representing city employees . XV . COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: The Personnel Supervisor plays a key role in furnishing vital information to the management bargaining team during the time of collective negotiations relating to pay and benefit considerations . Whenever • possible , the Personnel Supervisor shall sit with the management bargaining team as a resource input in the area of personnel administration . LFK: pt •