HomeMy WebLinkAbout008 - City Attorney Assistance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO . 8 TO: All Department Heads February 13 , 1979 FROM: Lee Kraft , City Manager SUBJECT: REQUESTS FOR CITY ATTORNEY ASSISTANCE . Effective this date , all departments are directed to utilize the " Requests for City Attorney Assistance " form for the submission of requests for the services of the City Attorney . The reason we need to do this is to assist the City Attorney in utilizing his time most effectively , and this can be done by the assigning of priorities to the service requests that go to this office . The flow process of the procedure is from the originating department to the City Manager ' s office , at which point , a priority will be confirmed and the request will go to the City Attorney for action: All requests for service should be approved by the originating Department Head . A specimen copy of the form to be used is attached . Additional copies are available from the City Attorney ' s office . • tta a ch attachment CITY OF PASCO REQUEST FOR CITY ATTORNEY ASSISTANCE (See reverse side for instructions) TO: CITY MANAGER FOR: CITY ATTORNEY FROM (DEPT) : DATE: BY (Signature) : I , This request is for: (a) Ordinance (e) Formal Legal Opinion (b) Resolution (f) Legal Advice (c) Easement a . By telephone ASAP (d) Contract b , In writing ASAP (g) Other (explain) II , My request is: (a) Critical/Imperative (b) Urgent (c) Important (ASAP) • (d) Routine III . I need the above-listed item by 19 IV , I have included the following attachments : 1 , 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 . V , The purpose of the requested item is for: (Explain briefly) . VI , City Manager ' s Review and Comments : (a) Concur with Department' s priority (b) Do not concur with Department ' s priority (c) Direct request be given priority of and be completed no later than , 19 (d) Other Comments l INSTRUCTIONS : 1 . Explain the nature of the request . 2 . Explain the reason for the request , why and for what purpose it is needed . If not previously needed , explain why it is now necessary . 3 . Assess importance of request to your department and to the city . 4 . Give all pertinent facts and information known , references to any Pasco Code (s) possibly involved or affected , references to any statutes , regulations , or cases of which you are aware of on the subject , references to any other sources of information , including names of and how to contact the individuals. Provide and/or give source of any relevant documents (deeds , leases , contracts , forms , etc . ) . Provide ordinance or resolution from other sources , if available . • Provide any other information which may be of assistance . 5 . Give history of the subject matter known , any prior requests , decisions , ordinances , resolutions , or actions taken on same or similar subject . Significant contacts with other persons on subject should be noted . Any information that there might be a challenge , legal or otherwise , must be provided . 6 . Note budgetary ramifications you can foresee . 7 . Note impact on any other department .