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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010.06.14 Council Workshop Packet AGENDA PASCO CITY COUNCIL Workshop Meeting 7:00 p.m. Junc 14, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: (a) Pledge of Allegiance. 3. VERBAL REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEMBERS: 4. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (a) Staff Presentation: Municipal Court. (NO WRITTEN MATERIAL ON AGENDA) Presented by Dot French, Municipal Court Administrator. (b) Crescent Road Construction: 1. Agenda Report from Michael McShane, City Engineer elated June 912010. 2. Vicinity Map. 3. Cost Estimate. (c) Argent Road Design Standard,20"'Avenue to Morasch Lane- 1. Agenda Report from Michael McShane, City Engineer dated June 10, 2010. 2. Vicinity Map, 3. CBC Letter. 4. Port Letter. 5. Cross Section. 6. Proposed Resolution. (d) Public Development Authority for Downtown Revitalization: I. Agenda Report from Rich White, Community & Economic Development Director dated June 9, 2010. 2. Agenda Report from the City Manager dated 215109. 3. Memo to City Manager from the Community & Economic Development Director dated 2!4/09. 4. RCW 35.21.730-755 Public Corporations. (e) City Prosecutor Agreement: 1. Agenda Report from Stan Strebel,Deputy City Manager dated June 8,2010. 2. Proposed Agreement. (1) Interagency Agreement for Summer School Services- 1. Agenda Report from Denis Austin, Chief of Police dated May 24, 2010. 2. Proposed Interagency Agreement. (g) Code Amendment: Adopting Legislative Amendments to the State Building Code: 1. Agenda Report from Mitch Nickolds, Inspection Services Manager dated June 10, 2010. 2. Proposed Ordinance. (h) Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan 2011-2016: 1. Agenda Report from Michael McShane, City Engineer dated June '-), 2010. 2. Proposed Plan. 3. Resolution. 4_ Map. (i) Council Representation on Boards and Committees. (NO WRITTEN MATERIAL ON AGENDA) 5. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (a) (b) (c) 1'4'orkshop Meeting 2 .Tune 14, 2010 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION: (a) (b) (C) 7. ADJOURNMENT REMINDERS: 1. 12:00 p.m., Monday, Junc; 14, Pasco Red Lion — Pasco Chamber of Commerce Membership Luncheon. (Presenters: Jerry Marvel, "Small Business & HR', George Cicotte, "Employment Legislation"; Christine DeVere, "Society for Human Resource Management") 2. 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 16, Sterling's Walla Walla — Benton, Franklin & Walla Walla Counties Good Roads & Transportation Association Meeting. (COUNCILMEMBER BOB HOFFMANN,Rep.; REBECCA FRANCIK,Alt.) 3. 12:00 p.m.. Thursday, June 17, 515 W. Clark Street -- Pasco Downtown Development Association Board Meeting. (COUNCILMEMBER AL YENNEY, Rep.; MAYOR MATT WATKiNS, Alt.) 4. 11:30 a.m., Friday, June 18, Sandberg Event Center—Benton-Franklin Council of Governments Board Meeting. (COLNCILMEMBER AL YENNEY) 5. 11:00 a.m., Saturday, June 19, Pasco's Highland Park — Annual Juneteenth Parade (check in at 10:00 a.m.) (MAYOR MATT WATKINS, COUNCUAIEMBERS BOB HOFFMANN and TOM LAR SEN) AGENDA REPORT #8 FOR: City Council June 9, 2010 TO: Gary Crutchfield, Cit' ver G FROM: Michael McSha 'it Engineer Workshop Mtg.: 06114130 Regular Mtg.: N/A SUBJECT: Crescent Road Construction I. REFERENCE(S): 1. Vicinity Map 2. Cost Estimate II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 06114: Discussion—Determine if this project should be added to the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) with funding coming from a late comers agreement and Utility Fund contributions. No motion is necessary, the proposal would be approved or denied with the adoption of the Six Year TIP. III. FISCAL IMPACT: rV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) On March 8, 2010 staff presented a proposal to construct a portion of Crescent Road and to create a latecomers agreement to recover some of those construction costs. COLIneil directed staff to hold a neighborhood meeting with the property owners adjoining Crescent Road. B) Staff attempted to contact all adjoining property owners by telephone to advise them of the upcoming neighborhood meeting, Only 2 calls were returned. Staff hand delivered and mailed notices for the upcoming neighborhood meeting on April 5, 2010. C) On Friday April 9, 2010 staff conducted a neighborhood meeting at the Franklin County Irrigation District Office to inform the property owners of the City's proposal. Representatives from 3 properties were in attendance. Two property owners are opposed to the construction of the road and one is in favor of the project. Some reasons stated for opposition to constructing Crescent Road were: • Increased traffic on Crescent Road in front of their homes. • The possibility of high travel speeds by residents and church goers using the new road. • Lack of a defined pedestrian area for people that may currently walk on the road. • Increased value to adjoining properties resulting in higher taxes. The owners of the large properties on the east side of the road have not been opposed (in prior discussions) to a latecomers agreement for construction of the improvements. Staff has had no response from the remaining two property owners. E) Citizens currently drive around the barricades the City has placed at the end of Chapel Hill Boulevard and use the Franklin County Irrigation District canal maintenance road for access to the neighborhoods west of Road 105. D) The road would be improved to a 28 foot minimum width with 2 foot gravel shoulders at an estimated cost of $182,518. The total completed road width would be 38 feet with the remaining pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage and street lighting being completed by the individual property owners as each property develops. G) Staff conducted traffic counts between April 26th and May P. Staff found that an average of 3395 vehicles per day enter and exit the neighborhood west of Road 4(b) 100 via Maple Drive, Willow Way, Argent Road and Court Street, with Maple Drive and Court Street being the most used routes (1140 and 1118 vehicle trips per day, respectively). H) Construction of Crescent Road would provide an alternate route for drivers in the area to reach the interstate. There are approximately 165 single family homes located northwest of Road 105 whose trip distance and time to the interstate would be reduced by the constriction of Crescent Road. An average single family home generates approximately 9.6 vehicle trips per day. Assuming that 65% of those trips are to the interstate via Maple Drive, Willow Way and Argent Road (with the remaining trips heading eastbound on Court Street), Crescent Road would allow 1030 vehicle trips per day to be re-routed from the smaller neighborhood streets of Maple Drive, Willow Way and Argent Road. V. DISCUSSION: A) Improving Crescent Road would benefit not only the property owners adjacent to the road but all property owners west of Road 105; including the City's Public Works Facility and Water Treatment Plant by reducing travel time and distance. The improvements would also benefit the City's utility by providing better access to the utilities in Crescent Road for maintenance purposes, access to the Road 108 maintenance buildings, and access to the new water filtration plant. B) The improvements would improve safety in the neighborhoods along; Maple Drive, Willow Way and Argent Road by providing a route for traffic to reach Road 100 (Broadmoor Boulevard) by means of Chapel Hill Boulevard instead of using the smaller neighborhood streets. C) The improvements would decrease congestion at the intersections of Maple Drive, Willow Way, Argent Road and Court Street on. Road 100 by allowing traffic to use Chapel Hill Boulevard to reach the interstate. D) At the time of construction staff would create a latecomers agreement in accordance with section 14.12 of the Pasco Municipal Code to recover a portion of the cost of the construction. The estimated funds that could be recovered by the latecomers agreement is 5132,518. The latecomers agreement would be based on actual costs appealable to the City Council. E) Staff recommends adding the construction of a 28 foot wide arterial street through the unimproved portion of Crescent Road to the Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan to be constructed next year. Staff further recommends that the City Utility contribute $50,000 to the road project to offset the benefit to the Utility. I f 9 rn z �y� D'y ROAD BRO MO LAI / J H rn m ROAD 84 z b Preliminary Cost Estimate Cresent Road Improvements Item QTY UNIT COST/U N IT COST Mobilization 1 LS $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 Traffic Control 1 LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Roadway Excavation/Haul 1 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 2" Crushed Rock Surface (28') 4950 SY $ 2.00 $ 9,900.00 8" Crushed Base Rock(28') 4950 SY $ 6.50 $ 32,175.00 3" HMA(28') 4950 SY $ 13.00 $ 64,350.00 4" Crushed Rock Surface(10') 1800 SY $ 12.00 $ 21,600.00 Adjust Manhole 4 EA $ 300.00 $ 1,200.00 Adjust Water Valve 4 EA $ 300.00 $ 1,200.00 Subtotal $ 165,925.00 10% Contingency $ 16,592.50 Total $ 182,517.50 AGENDA REPORT #13 FOR: City Counci June 10, 2010 TO: Gary Crutch l ty Manager FROM: Michael McSI �e, City Engineer Workshop Mtg.: 06/14/10 Regular Mtg.: 06/21/10 SUBJECT: Argent Road Design Standard, 20`11 Avenue to Morasch Lane I. REFERENCE(S): 1. Vicinity Map 2. CBC Letter 3. Pori. Letter 4. Cross Section 5. Proposed Resolution 11. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 06/14: Discussion 06121: MOTION: I move to approve Resolution No. adopting the proposed cross section of Argent Road between 2V' Ave and Morasch Lane as a development standard for that section. 111. FISCAL IMPACT: IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: The Port of Pasco, in developing their Airport Business Center located west of 20`x' Avenue and north of Argent Road and across from Columbia Basin College, has requested that long term improvement plans for the City's right of way be adopted in order to avoid future conflicts between building improvements and road improvements. The proposed configuration would expand the current two and three lane roadway between 20`h Avenue and Morasch Lane to a live lane arterial configuration with 7' bike lanes, 8' landscape strips and 5' sidewalks on both sides of the road. hi order to accommodate the proposed cross section, the right of way along Argent Road will need to be expanded from 80 feet to 100 feet. Both the Port of Pasco and Columbia Basin College have indicated they each are willing to dedicate 10 feet of additional right of way to accomplish this. 4(C) X�F _ g tr:+/ tip\S.+L� •��. �!7 r r� •�, •qy •�b ��• rrff f .•�. ,. .a •' �. -sue \. ' •' '�`��-, `•—��± .� VICINITY MAP z 1w CAI)DWC avol wM"eq M 1 ❑ r- 6.JO,140 DR"N Dr; R PASCO CITY HALL A COMMUNITY OF LEARNING '` P ECEIVED Columbia B JUN 0 3 2°IO BUILDING FUTURES FOR CHANGING TIMES MANAGER'S OFFICE June 2, 2010 Mr. Stan Strebel Deputy City Manager City of Pasco 525 N 3rd Pasco,WA 99301 Subject: Argent Road Standards near Tri-Cities Airport/CBC Dear Stan: As you are aware, The Port of Pasco is beginning to develop the Airport Business Center located west of 20t' Avenue and north of Argent Road across from Columbia Basin College. At this point, we would like to add our support and approval of the long term improvements planned for Argent Road. The purpose of this letter is to set forth our position so that we can avoid future conflicts between building improvements and road improvements. Columbia Basin college has met with staff from the City's public works department and The Port of Pasco to develop the attached cross section proposed for future widening of Argent Road between 20th Avenue and the 1-182 overfly/Morasch Lane intersection. The road would change from the existing 2- or 3-lane configuration to a 5-lane arterial configuration with bike lanes, landscape strips, and sidewalks on both sides of the road. To accommodate the new improvements, the right-of-way along Argent Road would need to be widened from 80 feet to 100-feet. We understand that The Port is willing to dedicate 10-feet of property along the north side of Argent road to the City for the expanded right-of- way. Columbia Basin College is also willing to dedicate 10-feet of right-of-way along the south side of Argent. If this proposal is acceptable to you, we would appreciate a letter or City resolution affirming the attached cross section as the future standard for Argent Road between 20th Avenue and the 1-182 overfly/Morasch Lane intersection. 2600 North 20th Avenue Pasco,WA 99301 Phone:(509)547-0511 Fax:(509)546-0401 Thank you for your consideration and continued partnership with Columbia Basin College. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Willia E. Sarac eno Sr. V ce President of Administration Enclosure: Port of Pasco Concept Drawing �„';; PORT OF 904 E.Alrvsw 769 PASCU t;l�i HAI..I_ P.O.Box 769 -- 6rnnatttic I7erelopmen t and'oainportatton P FCEI! F N WA 99 301 A'� PHONE 5 09.547.3378� PAS CO 5 I N v 2 Z o l o portofpasco@porto fpasco org PORT COMMISSIONERS: CITY MANAGER'S O.E."Ernie"Boston OFFICE James T.Klindworth William G.Clark June 1,2010 ExEeunve DlxsCroR: James E.Toomey Mr. Stan Strebel Deputy City Manager City of Pasco 525 N 3rd Pasco,WA 99301 Subject: Argent Road Standards near Tri-Cities Airport/CBC Dear Stan: The Port of Pasco is beginning to develop our Airport Business Center located west of 2e Avenue and north of Argent Road across from Columbia Basin College. As we move closer to leasing the ground to potential tenants, we would like to memorialize the long term improvements planned for Argent Road so that we can avoid future conflicts between building improvements and road improvements, We have met with staff from the City's public works department and Columbia Basin College to develop the attached cross section proposed for future widening of Argent Road between 20`i' Avenue and the I-182 overfly/Morasch Lane intersection. The road would change from the existing 2- or 3-lane configuration to a 5-lane arterial configuration with bike lanes, landscape strips, and sidewalks on both sides of the road. To accommodate the new improvements, the right-of-way along Argent Road would need to be widened from 80-feet to 100-feet. The Port is willing to dedicate 10-feet of property along the north side of Argent road to the City for the expanded right-of-way. We understand that Columbia Basin College is also willing to dedicate 10-feet of right-of-way along the south side of Argent. If this p=osal is accogle, to Nyu, we would request a letter or C't, resolution of irn�in2 the attached cross section as the future standard for Argent Road between 2e Avenue and the 1-18_2 oyerfly/Morasch Lane intersection. Thank you for your consideration and continued partnership with the Port. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, C — Cf Toomeyy, ..x cutive Director dApraf ectA03-04 airport buemn parklde 0Jettcr-=ck1-1.doe EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER L"mi N wok-role r NOT TO SCALE ARGENT ROAD WIDENING 20TH AVENUE TO I-182 OFF RAMP 100' RIGHT-OF-WAY 0' EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY 12' 12' 12' 12' 1.2' 2-WAY TRAVEL TRAVEL LEFT TRAVEL TRAVEL 7' LANE LANE TURN LANE LANE 7' 5 IDEWALK LANDSCAPE BIKE LANE BIKE LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK LANE LANE TYPICAL CROSS SECTION RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION adopting the proposed cross section of Argent Road between 20"' Avenue and Morasch Lane as a development standard for that section. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco desires to avoid future conflicts with the development of the Port of Pasco Airport Business Center; and WHEREAS, Columbia Basin College has indicated their support of the proposed road configuration; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Pasco City Council hereby adopts the proposed future cross section of Argent Road, between 20'h Avenue and Morasch Lane to be five 12-feet travel lanes, two 7-feet bike lanes, two 8-feet landscape strips, and two 5-feet sidewalks, as a development standard to be applied to that road section. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 21st day of June 2010. Matt Watkins, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Debra L. Clark, City Clerk Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council June 9. 2010 k-ector TO: Gary Crutchfi anager Workshop Mtg.: 6/14/10 FROM: Rick White., Di "14 Community &Economic Development SUBJECT: Public Development Authority (PDA) Option for City of Pasco involvement in Downtown Revitalization 1. REFERENCE(S). I. Agenda Report from the City Manager dated 2/5/09 2. Memo to City Manager from the Community and Economic Development Director dated 2/4/09. 3. RCW 35.21,730 -755 Public Corporations II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL / STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 6/14: Discussion 111. FISCAL IMPACT: Total costs will be approximately $70.000. Revenues received would be approximately $32,000 - for an estirriated net impact of$38,000. IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A. City Council has determined that identification and establishment of the most effective organizational structure for revitalizing the Downtown area is a Council Goal for 2010— 2011. One of the options for revitalization provided to Council in the biennial Council Retreat this spring was the formation of a Community Renewal Board (broad authority for planning, rehabilitation, and revitalization efforts). A similar option — though slightly less involved, is the formation of a PDA as a method to undertake revitalization efforts in Downtown. B. A PDA would be a public corporation created by the City to perform particular public purposes, A PDA would have authority as allowed by RCW 35,21.735 and as designated by Council in its charter. PDA's are authorized to own and sell real property, contract with the City to perform community renewal activities and perform all types of community services that the City itself may undertake. C. PDA's are governed by the charter the City would prepare for its creation. The City has considerable leeway in developing the charter that would be best suited for the purpose of the PDA. The City would be able to appoint Board members of the PDA that have particular technical skills and represent key stakeholders in the Downtown area. D. The City is required to oversee and control the PDA's operation and funds in order to assure the purpose (as defined in the charter) of the PDA is being accomplished. '� V. DISCUSSION: A. The Downtown property owners and businesses are no longer effectively organized through the Pasco Downtown Development Association (PDDA), and revitalization efforts through the PDDA appear to have ceased. 4(d) B. The options for City involvement in revitalization efforts in Downtown will require a commitment of staff and associated resources. This will also require a significant effort to involve property owners and businesses. C. There are several examples of Washington cities that have formed and utilize PDA's for a variety of projects and undertakings. These include: Bellingham (redevelopment of their downtown and waterfront area); Kent (acquisition, renovation and operation of the Kent Downtown Market); Tacoma (development and marketing of the Foss Waterway) and Federal Way (acquisition of property and construction of a joint communication center — a partnership with Auburn, Kent, Renton and Tukwila). D. The purpose and efforts of a PDA may also be effectively leveraged with the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program — specifically the formation of Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA). A NRSA would involve a community input and planning effort to establish a vision and measurable goals for Downtown and the surrounding area, and may allow increased flexibility in meeting CDBG regulations. E. The Farmer's Market and Specialty Kitchen operations are both conducted on properties owned by the City. Neither operation pays the City for leasing those properties. The Farmer's Market and the Specialty Kitchen pay the PDDA an annual amount for administrative services. The City may be able to perforni those same administrative services, and as compensation, would revise the leases so the Market and the Kitchen made that same payment to the City rather than the PDDA. This could partially fund a position for the implementation and staffing of a PDA, and enable the City to accomplish the Market and Kitchen's administrative tasks. F. The potential annual cost of operations and of revenue sources is as follows: Operations $70,000 Revenues $70,000 [Farmers Market $18,000] [Specialty Kitchen $14,000] [City General Fund $38,0001 _. Reference 1 - agenda Report from City Manager dated 215109 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council February 5, 2009 FROM: Gary Crutchfie Manager Workshop Mtg.: 2/9/09 SUBJECT: Downtown Re sitalization Involvement Options X. REFERENCE(S): 1. Memo to City Manager from Community& Economic Development Director dated 2/4/09 II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL /STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 2/9: Discussion III. FISCAL IMPACT: See Reference 1 IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) Downtown Pasco, particularly the commercial area, has declined in economic vitality over the past four decades, principally as a result of regional scale commercial facilities (Columbia Center Mall in particular). The retail "store fronts" along Lewis and Clark streets have frequently been vacant over the years and some are still being used for storage. Over the past decade or so, however, many of the store fronts have become occupied by small retail businesses catering to the Hispanic culture occupying the majority of residential buildings in the central and eastern portions of the city. While this is a positive trend for the store fronts, many of the other commercial buildings remain either vacant or underutilized. B) The Pasco Downtown Development Association (PDDA), a private non-profit organization devoted to revitalization of the downtown area, was created in 1984. Over the ensuing 15 years, it helped organize and implement efforts designed to reinvigorate the downtown commercial area (Farmers Market; Fiery Foods Festival; Main Street Program; common marketing; organizational activities; etc.). Over the past decade or so, however, the involvement of businesses/property owners in the Association has fallen dramatically, creating a void of active/effective leadership in terms of downtown revitalization efforts. The PDDA lost its "Main Street" program authorization from the state of Washington several years ago and still cannot qualify the Pasco downtown to benefit from the B&O tax deferral program offered by the state (and used by other downtowns to aid their efforts). The downtown property ownersibusinesses are no longer organized effectively via the PDDA, so there is no single voice for the downtown interests. In essence, the organized effort of downtown revitalization has waned to the point that it is virtually non-existent (other than operation of the Farmers Market and Specialty Kitchen, both of which are properties owned by the city). C) Over the past decade, the City Council has expressed growing concern over the declining level of effort and progress in the revitalization effort. To date, there has not been a clear consensus on the part of the City Council as to the best course of action by the city, if any. The 2008 City Council goals, however, included the objective: "Formally adopt a definitive action plan for city involvement in the revitalization of downtown Pasco." To that end, the Community & Economic Development Director has provided an outline of strategy options, each progressively more involved than the preceding option.. 4(f) V. DISCUSSION: A) In effect, the city has used option no. 1 (laissez faire) over the past several years; the effect is the current physical/economic circumstances in downtown and absence of any meaningful partnership with PDDA. or any other organization devoted to downtown revitalization. Given the City Council's 2008 objective for a definitive action plan, one of the other three options must be selected. B) Any of the three "involvement" options, as noted in the Community & Economic Development Director's memo, will require substantial (but not overwhelming) commitment of staff and associated resources. They will require an extraordinary effort to involve the property owners/businesses in helping define the best course of action by the body preferred to carry out the action plan. All of that effort will require a committed endeavor over a year or two. C) To assure the Council understands the differences between the options and to reach a strong consensus at the Council level, staff suggests a consultant (experienced in such issues) be employed over the course of the next several months to walk Council through the details. It is intended that Council would conclude its consideration and select the preferred option by September, permitting the 2010 budget to reflect the preferred action plan. Reference 2 - Memo to City Manager from C&ED Director dated 214109 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 2009, TO: Gary Crutchfield, City Manager FROM: Rick White, Director Community & Economic Development SUBJECT: Downtown Strategies 200 BACKGROUND One of Council's goals for 2008/09 involves a determination of the City's role in the Downtown area. The following four options are offered for strategies and accommodating Council's goal of adopting a definitive action plan for City involvement in revitalization of the Downtown area. In each option, there are parallel opportunities for City involvement. For example, each of the options could involve aggressive code enforcement of dilapidated or closed up structures - including developing legislation that would provide incentives for owners of chronically vacant or boarded up properties. Each of the following options could also involve redirecting CDBG and City capital monies towards physical improvements (sidewalk repair, tree replacement or providing street furniture). It should be noted that only the first option reflects the current relationship between the City and the Pasco Downtown Development Association (PDDA). This past year, the PDDA has approximately 28 members, which contrasts with 25 in 2007 and 67 in 2006, although there may be yearly differences in the manner that membership was accounted for. The PDDA also operates the Farmer' Market and Specialty Kitchen through agreements with the City. The PDDA is the recipient of those proceeds and CDBG monies that are then used to manage, advertise and address expenses incurred in the operation of the Market and the Kitchen. It is estimated that about $22,000 of net revenue for the PDDA is received from these two operations; this revenue provides operating funds for the PDDA. These options are arranged from the very simple to the very involved and are put forth in order to provide a starting point for Council discussion. OPTIONS 1. Laissez faire This is a "hands off` strategy and places maximum trust in the market place to determine the level of economic vitality (full or empty storefronts) for the Downtown and land surrounding it. It does not require additional staff or financial resources and can be implemented immediately. The focus of this alternative could also involve the repair and refurbishment of existing public improvements. Monies would be concentrated on the streetscape and improvements could take place through the Capital Improvement program cycle over a period of several years. Priorities of the improvements would be determined by the City. This would be accomplished with existing staff. 2. Active participation in revitalization This involves hiring a professional consultant and entering into a full blown planning effort that includes organizational and physical structures. This would be accomplished through an inventory of existing conditions; pursuing a process of community visioning; developing objectives and policies; choosing a course of action for the outcome of the planning effort; and developing an implementation strategy and schedule. This strategy uses a tried method of process and deliberation in order to come up with a path forward. It begins with a physical and organizational inventory - including discussion about the effectiveness of the existing relationship between the City and the PDDA. This process would engage stakeholders in a visioning process and develop a plan for revitalization. A good planning effort in a complicated situation as this may take 18 to 24 months and require professional assistance. It will also require devotion of staff resources usually at a 1 to 1 ratio of time in relation to the time put into the process by the consultant. It is estimated that this may require 1/2 full time equivalent for 18 to 24 months. There would also be costs for hiring a professional consultant in this process and these could range from $35,000 to $75,000. 3. Lead the charge This option involves forming a Public Development Authority (PDA) as allowed by RCW 35.21.730. It involves transferring control of the Farmers Market property to the PDA, analyzing the role of CDBG monies in relation to their use in the downtown area and explores condemnation of "spot blighted" properties and possible transfer to the PDA. Extensive use of CDBG monies and use of administrative and legal staff would be required to explore the formation and implications of a PDA. This `,would likely evolve into the need for a permanent staff position with funding from the City. Implementation may take from 12 to 18 months. 4. Community Renewal This option involves City appointment of a community renewal board with broad powers to eliminate physical and economic blight; demolish structures; construct streets and utilities; compel repair and rehabilitation of existing or vacant properties; and establish local improvement districts and their accompanying special assessment levies. The authority for this is found in RCW 35.81. This is the most vigorous option that involves designating a community renewal area and appointing a commission to administer very broad powers in the Downtown area. The focus of the community renewal board would be to develop a comprehensive revitalization plan and to enter into appropriate financing mechanisms to secure the success of such a plan. implementation of this method would require upfront analysis by administrative staff that is estimated at 24 months and a commitment of significant assistance from legal resources. RECOMMENDATION Unless Council feels comfortable with one of the options posed, staff recommends that Council use professional facilitation in this process of determining the role of the City in the revitalization of Downtown. With the exception of option #1 (Laissez faire), each option involves a significant amount of staff and financial resource, and the chosen option will involve a serious commitment of Council in order to succeed. Professional assistance will enable Council to fully explore the implications of commitment to an option for City involvement in Downtown revitalization. RW/sa Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21.755 RCW 35.21.730 Public corporations — Powers of cities, towns, and counties-- Administration In order to improve the administration of authorized federal grants or programs, to improve governmental efficiency and services, or to improve the general living conditions ill the urban areas of the state, any city, town, or county may by lawfully adopted ordinance or resolution: (1) Transfer to any public corporation, commission, or authority created under this section, with or without consideration, any funds, real or personal property, property interests, or services; (2) Organize and participate in joint operations or cooperative organizations funded by the federal governnent when acting solely as coordinators or agents of the federal government; (3) Continue federally-assisted programs, projects, and activities after expiration of contractual term or after expending allocated federal funds as deemed appropriate to fulfill contracts made in connection with such agreements or as may be proper to permit an orderly readjustment by participating corporations, associations, or individuals; (4) Enter into contracts with public corporations, commissions, and authorities for the purpose of exercising any powers of a community renewal agency under chapter 35.E I RCW; and (5) Create public corporations, commissions, and authorities to: Administer and execute federal grants or programs; receive and administer private funds, goods, or services for any lawful public purpose; and perform any lawful public purpose or public function. The ordinance or resolution shall limit the liability of such public corporations, commissions, and authorities to the assets and properties of such public corporation, commission, or authority in order to prevent recourse to such cities, towns, or counties or their assets or credit. [2002 c 218 § 23; 1985 c 332 § 1; 1974 ex.s. c 37 § 2.] Notes: Severability -- Savings -- Construction -- 2002 c 218: See notes following RCW 3 ; .00 5, RCW 35.21.735 Public corporations — Declaration of public purpose — Power and authority to enter into agreements, receive and expend funds — Security — Special funds — Agreements to implement federal new markets tax credit program. (1) The legislature hereby declares that carrying out the purposes of federal grants or programs is both a public purpose and an appropriate function for a city, town, county, or public corporation. The provisions of RCW _3S.21. 7.1.0 through ��,'�„;'.55 and 15.21-06() and 35__'1.070 and the enabling authority herein conferred to implement these provisions shall be construed to accomplish the purposes of RCW .?I . :�I� through I5,?_! =�_> Page 1 of 8 Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21.755 (2) All cities, towns, counties, and public corporations shall have the power and authority to enter into agreements with the United States or any agency or department thereof, or any agency of the state government or its political subdivisions, and pursuant to such agreements may receive and expend, or cause to be received and expended by a custodian or trustee, federal or private funds for any lawful public purpose, Pursuant to any such agreement, a city, town, county, or public corporation may issue bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness that are guaranteed or otherwise secured by funds or other instruments provided by or through the federal government or by the federal government or an agency or instrumentality thereof under section 108 of the housing and community development act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5308), as amended, or its successor, and may agree to repay and reimburse for any liability thereon any guarantor of any such bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued by such jurisdiction or public corporation, or issued by any other public entity. For purposes of this subsection, federal housing mortgage insurance shall not constitute a federal guarantee or security. (3)A city, town, county, or public corporation may pledge, as security for any such bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness or for its obligations to repay or reimburse any guarantor thereof, its right, title, and interest in and to any or all of the following; (a) Any federal grants or payments received or that may be received in the future; (b) any of the following that may be obtained directly or indirectly from the use of any federal or private funds received as authorized in this section: (i) Property and interests therein, and (ii) revenues; (c) any payments received or owing from any person resulting from the lending of any federal or private funds received as authorized in this section; (d) any proceeds under (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection and any securities or investments in which (a), (b), or (c) of this subsection or proceeds thereof may be invested; (e) any interest or other earnings on (a), (b), (c), or (d) of this subsection. (4) A city, town, county, or public corporation may establish one or more special funds relating to any or all of the sources listed in subsection (3)(a) through (e) of this section and pay or cause to be paid from such fund the principal, interest, premium if any, and other amounts payable on any bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness authorized under this section, and pay or cause to he paid any amounts owing on any obligations for repayment or reimbursement of guarantors of any such bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness. A. city, town, county, or public corporation may contract with a financial institution either to act as trustee or custodian to receive, administer, and expend any federal or private funds, or to collect, administer, and make payments from any special fund as authorized under this section, or both, and to perform other duties and functions in connection with the transactions authorized under this section. If the bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness and related agreements comply with subsection (6) of this section, then any such funds held by any such trustee or custodian, or by a public corporation, shall not constitute public moneys or funds of any city, town, or county and at all times shall be kept segregated and set apart from other funds. (5) For purposes of this section, "lawful public purpose" includes, without limitation, any use of funds, including loans thereof to public or private parties, authorized by the agreements with the United States or any department or agency thereof under which federal or private funds are obtained, or authorized under the federal laws and regulations pertinent to such agreements. (6) If any such federal or private funds are loaned or granted to any private party or used to Page 2 of 8 Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21.755 guarantee any obligations of any private party, then any bonds, notes, other evidences of indebtedness issued or entered into for the purpose of receiving or causing the receipt of such federal or private funds, and any agreements to repay or reimburse guarantors, shall not be obligations of any city, town, or county and shall be payable only from a special fund as authorized in this section or from any of the security pledged pursuant to the authority of this section, or both. Any bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness to which this subsection applies shall contain a recital to the effect that they are not obligations of the city, town, or county or the state of Washington and that neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the state or any municipal corporation or subdivision of the state or any agency of any of the foregoing, is pledged to the payment of principal, interest, or premium, if any, thereon. Any bonds, notes, other evidences of indebtedness, or other obligations to which this subsection applies shall not be included in any computation for purposes of limitations on indebtedness. To the extent expressly agreed in writing by a city, town, county, or public corporation, this subsection shall not apply to bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued for, or obligations incurred for, the necessary support of the poor and infirm by that city, town, county, or public corporation. (7) Any bonds,notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued by, or reimbursement obligations incurred by, a city, town, county, or public corporation consistent with the provisions of this section but prior to May 3, 1995, and any loans or pledges made by a city, town, or county in connection therewith substantially consistent with the provisions of this section but prior to May 3, 1995, are deemed authorized and shall not be held void, voidable, or invalid due to any lack of authority under the laws of this state. (8) All cities, towns, counties, public corporations, and port districts may create partnerships and limited liability companies and enter into agreements with public or private entities, including partnership agreements and limited liability company agreements, to implement within their boundaries the federal new markets tax credit program established by the community renewal tax relief act of 2000 (26 U.S.C. Sec. 45D) or its successor statute. [2007 c 230 § 2; 1995 c 212 § 2; 1985 c 332 § 3; 1974 ex.s. c 37 § 3.] Notes: Purpose -- 2007 a 230: "The purpose of this act is to assist community and economic development by clarifying how cities, towns, counties, public corporations, and port districts may fully participate in the federal new markets tax credit program." [2007 c 230 § 1] Construction -- 2007 c 230: "The authority granted by this act is additional and supplemental to any other authority of any city, town, county, public corporation, or port district. This act may not be construed to imply that any of the power or authority granted in this act was not available to any city, town, county, public corporation, or port district under prior law. Any previous actions consistent with this act are ratified and confirmed." [2007 c 230 § 3.] Severability -- 2007 c 230: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other Page 3 of 8 Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21,755 persons or circumstances is not affected." [2007 c 230 § 4.] Purpose -- 1995 c 212: "The purpose of this act is to assist community and economic development by clarifying the authority of all cities, towns, counties, and public corporations to engage in federally guaranteed "conduit financings" and to specify procedures that may be used for such conduit financings. Generally, in such a conduit financing a municipality borrows funds from the federal government or from private sources with the help of federal guarantees, without pledging the credit or tax revcnues of the municipality, and then lends the proceeds for private projects that both fulfill public purposes, such as community and economic development, and provide the revenues to retire the municipal borrowings. Such conduit financings include issuance by municipalities of federally gqiaranteed notes under section 108 of the housing and community development act of 1974, as amended, to finance projects eligible under federal community development block grant regulations." [1995 c 212 § 1.] Severability -- 1995 c 212: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [1995 c 212 § 3.] Construction -- 1995 c 212: "The authority granted by this act is additional and supplemental to any other authority of any city, town, county, or public corporation. Nothing in this act may be construed to imply that any of the power or authority granted hereby was not available to any city, town, county, or public corporation under prior law. Any previous actions consistent with the provisions of this act are ratified and confirmed." [1995 c 212 § 4.] Effective date -- 1995 c 212: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [.May 3, 1995]." [1995 c 212 § 5.] RCW 35.21.740 Public corporations --- Exercise of powers, authorities, or rights --- Territorial jurisdiction, Powers, authorities, or rights expressly or impliedly granted to any city, town, or county or their agents under any provision of RCW ')5.21,7.30 through 3x.21.75,- shall not be operable or applicable, or have any effect beyond the limits of the incorporated area of any city or town implementing RCW 5.2 1.7)() through 15.2 1 .7`,�, unless so provided by contract between the city and another city or county. [1985 c 332 § 4; 1974 ex.s. c 37 § 4.] RCW 35.21.745 Page 4 of 8 Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21.755 Public corporations —Provision for, control over—Powers. (1) Any city, town, or county which shall create a public corporation, commission, or authority pursuant to RCW 3 .' 1.1 3 0 or 3 5.21.660, shall provide for its organization and operations and shall control and oversee its operation and funds in order to correct any deficiency and to assure that the purposes of each program undertaken are reasonably accomplished. (2) Any public corporation, commission, or authority created as provided in RCW )".21.730 may be empowered to own and sell real and personal property; to contract with a city, town, or county to conduct community renewal activities under chapter 3556'1 RCW; to contract with individuals, associations, and corporations, and the state and the United States; to sue and be sued; to loan and borrow funds and issue bonds and other instruments evidencing indebtedness; transfer any funds, real or personal property, property interests, or services; to do anything a natural person may do; and to perform all manner and type of community services. However, the public corporation, commission, or authority shall have no power of eminent domain nor any power to levy taxes or special assessments. [2002 c 218 § 24; 1985 c 332 § 2; 1974 ex.s. c 37 § 5] Notes: Severability -- Savings -- Construction -- 2002 c 218: See notes following RCW 15.81—()0 RCW 35.21.747 Public corporations — Real property transferred by city, town, or county — Restrictions, notice, public meeting. (I) In transferring real property to a public corporation, commission, or authority under RCW 1.-10, the city, town, or county creating such public corporation, con-imission, or authority shall impose appropriate deed restrictions necessary to ensure the continued use of such property for the public purpose or purposes for which such property is transferred. (2) The city, town, or county that creates a public corporation, commission, or authority under RCW 35?1.?-�0 shall require of such public corporation, commission, or authority thirty days' advance written notice of any proposed sale or encumbrance of any real property transferred by such city, town, or county to such public corporation, commission, or authority pursuant to RCW At a minimum, such notice shall be provided by such public corporation, commission, or authority to the chief executive or administrative officer of such city, town, or county, and to all members of its legislative body, and to each local newspaper of general circulation, and to each local radio or television station or other news medium which has on file with such corporation, commission, or authority a written request to be notified. Page 5 of 8 Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21.755 (3) Any property transferred by the city, town, or county that created such public corporation, commission, or authority may be sold or encumbered by such public corporation, commission, or authority only after approval of such sale or encumbrance by the governing body of the public corporation, commission, or authority at a public meeting of which notice was provided pursuant to RCW 42,_1)0,+)'(). Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the governing body of the public corporation, commission, or authority from holding an executive session during a regular or special meeting in accordance with RCW 4? `)0.1.10(1)(c). In addition, the public corporation, commission, or authority shall advertise notice of the meeting in a local newspaper of general circulation at least twice no less than seven days and no more than two weeks before the public meeting. [1990 c 189 § I.] RCW 35.21.750 Public corporations —Insolvency or dissolution. In the event of the insolvency or dissolution of a public corporation, commission, or authority, the superior court of the county in which the public corporation, commission, or authority is or was operating shall have jurisdiction and authority to appoint trustees or receivers of corporate property and assets and supervise such trusteeship or receivership: PROVIDED, That all liabilities incurred by such public corporation, commission, or authority shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets and properties of such public corporation, commission, or authority and no creditor or other person shall have any right of action against the city, town, or county creating such corporation, commission or authority on account of any debts, obligations, or liabilities of such public corporation, commission, or authority. [1974 ex.s. c 37 § 6.] RCW 35.21.755 Public corporations—Exemption or immunity from taxation ---In lieu excise tax. (1) A public corporation, commission, or authority created pursuant to RCW 'LIG. or 81.11.2..'20 shall receive the same immunity or exemption from taxation as that of the city, town, or county creating the same: PROVIDED, That, except for (a) ally property within a special review district established by ordinance prior to January 1, 1976, or listed on or which is within a district listed on any federal or state register of historical sites or (b) any property owned, operated, or controlled by a public corporation that is used primarily for low-income housing, or that is used as a convention center, performing arts center, public assembly hall, public meeting place, public esplanade, street, public way, public open space, park, public utility corridor, or view corridor for the general public or (c) any blighted property owned, operated, or controlled by a public corporation that was acquired for the purpose of remediation and Page 6 of 8 Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21.755 redevelopment of the property in accordance with an agreement or plan approved by the city, town, or county in which the property is located, or (d) any property owned, operated, or controlled by a public corporation created under RCW 81. 112.320, any such public corporation, commission, or authority shall pay to the county treasurer an annual excise tax equal to the amounts which would be paid upon real property and personal property devoted to the purposes of such public corporation, commission, or authority were it in private ownership, and such real property and personal property is acquired and/or operated under RCW 335.21w73(J through and the proceeds of such excise tax shall be allocated by the county treasurer to the various taxing authorities in which such property is situated, in the same manner as though the property were in private ownership: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the provisions of chapter ti?.?s A RCIAT shall not apply to property within a special review district established by ordinance prior to January 1, 1976, or listed on or which is within a district listed on any federal or state register of historical sites and which is controlled by a public corporation, commission, or authority created pursuant to RCW 35;N,-`0 or 35.21.600, which was in existence prior to January 1, 1987: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That property within a special review district established by ordinance prior to January 1, 1976, or property which is listed on any federal or state register of historical sites and controlled by a public corporation, commission, or authority created pursuant to RCW 35,2)L730 or 5.21.060, which was in existence prior to January 1, 1976, shall receive the same immunity or exemption from taxation as if such property had been within a district listed on any such federal or state register of historical sites as of January 1, 1976, and controlled by a public corporation, commission, or authority created pursuant to RCW 35,_'1,730 or 3j.2 1 .000 which was in existence prior to January 1, 1976. (2) As used in this section: (a) "Low-income" means a total annual income, adjusted for family size, not exceeding fifty percent of the area median income. (b) "Area median income" means: (i) For an area within a standard metropolitan statistical area, the area median income reported by the United States department of housing and urban development for that standard metropolitan statistical area; or (ii) For an area not within a standard metropolitan statistical area, the county median income reported by the *department of community, trade, and economic development. (c) "Blighted property" means property that is contaminated with hazardous substances as defined under RCW 7( . 10,1 D.020. Page 7 of 8 Reference 3 RCW 35.21.730 — RCW 35.21.755 [2007 c 104 § 16; 2000 2nd sp.s. c 4 § 29; 1999 c 266 § 1; 1995 c 399 § 38; 1993 c 220 § 1; 1990 c 131 § 1; 1987 c 282 § 1; 1985 c 332 § 5; 1984 c 116 § 1; 1979 ex.s. c 196 § 9; 1977 ex.s. c 35 § 1; 1974 ex.s. c 37 § 7.] Notes: *Reviser's note: The "department of community, trade, and economic development" was renamed the "department of commerce" by 2009 c 565. Application -- Construction -- Severabiiity-- 2007 c 104: See RCW 64.70,0 15 and 04.7 0,��C�i3. Findings -- Construction -- 2000 Ind sp.s. e 4 §§ 18-30: See notes following RCW 8 1 , i 12.300. Effective date -- 1979 ex.s. c 196: See note following RCW 8-'.x)4.2 O.. Effective date -- 1977 ex.s. c 35: "This 1977 amendatory act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1977." [1977 ex.s. c 35 § 2.] Page 8 of 8 AGENDA REPORT )~OR: City Council June 8, 2010 TO: Gary Cruichfie Manager Workshop Mtg.: 6/14110 Regular Mtg,. 6/21110 FROM: Stan Strebel, D puty City Mana SUBJECT: City Prosecutor Agreement I. REFERENCE(S): 1. Proposed Agreement II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL /STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 6/14: Discussion 6/21: MOTION: I move to approve the Agreement for Prosecutorial Services with Bell, Brown and Rio, PLLC, and, further, authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. 111. FISCAL IMPACT- 2010-2011 FY - $111,000 201 1-2012 1~Y - $114,000 IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) The City has contracted with private attorneys for prosecution services since 2002. Each agreement has typically been for a two-year term. The expiration of the current agreement in June 2010 provided the City with the opportunity to solicit competitive proposals for the service. B) In response to the City's request for proposals, the City received the following: Attorney/Firm 2010-2011 FY 2011-2012 FY Bell, Brown and Rio, PLLC $111,000 $114,000 Telquist, Ziobro, McMillen, PLLC $114,000 $117,000 Steve Low—Franklin County Prosecutor $163,654 $168,564 C) The City's existing contractor, Bell, Brown and Rio has been providing services to the City for the last year when they assumed the contract at the departure of prior contractors. Individual attomevs in the firm have been providing prosecution services to the City since 2005. V. DISCLISSIOIN: A) As the price quoted for the service is most reasonable and the service has been good, staff recommends approval of the agreement with Bell, Brown and Rio for a two-year term. 4(e) AGREEMENT FOR PROSECUTORIAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the CITY OF PASCO, hereinafter referred to as "Pasco," and Bell, Brown & Rio, PLLC, hereinafter referred to as "Prosecutor," for the purpose of providing prosecutorial services for the City of Pasco. 1. PROSECUTOR SHALL: A. Provide complete municipal misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, and civil infraction prosecutions for all cases tiled in the Pasco Municipal Court and other related services including: 1. Arraignment Docket representation 2. Incarceration Docket representation 3. Negotiation of sentences and forfeiture orders of the Court 4. Bench Trials and hearings 5. Pre-trial hearings 6. Jury Trials and Trial Readiness Hearings 7. Post-trial motions and hearings S. Appeals 4. Police Department day to day counsel and training as needed. (Prosecutors will e-mail the Police Chief and Patrol Captain with any concerns relating to police duties or functions. The Patrol Captain or Police Chief shall contact the Prosecutors if they would like to meet to discuss these concerns or provide training to the police department.) 10. Response to criminal-related questions from the public that cannot be answered by administrative staff. B. Be prompt in attendance for all required dockets, hearings and trials as outlined on the attached Exhibit "A," "Pasco Municipal Court Prosecutor Schedule." Such schedule may be changed from time to time to meet the needs of the Court upon mutual agreement of the parties. C. Designate a contact who shall be responsible for: I- Complaint review and response 2. Review and evaluation of quality of service 3. Periodic reports to the City administration D. Personally provide the prosecution services and divide the representation to ensure full-time coverage as well as substitute, conflict, and additionally required coverage to allow multiple actions to proceed when necessary. In the event Prosecutors wish to hire additional attorneys other than the signator to thus Agreement to perform services, Prosecutors shall obtain advance approval from Pasco. This provision shall not apply in the event of unforeseen circumstances where Prosecutors are temporarily unable to perform. Prosecutors shall be responsible for assuring that qualified attorneys are present in Court at all times necessary. E. Use established practices and policies to recommend utilization of alternatives to incarceration as appropriate. Such alternatives shall include but not be limited to electronic home monitoring, work crew, etc, Prosecutors shall obtain Pasco's approval prior to implementing any program for alternate dispositions involving charitable contributions. F. Satisfy the minimum requirements for practicing, law in Washington as determined by the Washington Supreme Court and shall complete seven hours of continuing legal education within each calendar year in courses relating to prosecution. 2. PASCO SHALL: A.. Maintain a City Prosecutor's Office with office space available for the prosecutor at ]cast ten hours per week. B. Employ a full-time Legal Assistant on-site at the City Prosecutor's Office providing; 1. Case management and file maintenance 2. Subpoena issuance and return of service 3. Witness contact 4. Docket preparation C. Employ a part-time clerical assistant for correspondence and document preparation. D. Pay all subpoena and service costs and costs of required reports for prosecution. E. Pay to Prosecutor the sum of Nine Thousand Two-Hundred Fifty Dollars ($9,250) per month for the first year and Nine Thousand Five-Hundred Dollars ($9,500) per month for the second year. Payments shall be due on or before the 10`}' day following each calendar month. Payments shall be prorated for partial month, Renegotiation of the terms of this agreement upon the following occurrences: (1) there is a Washington Court Rule amendment that results in a procedural change in court proceedings, or (2) there is a change in Court Docket/Schedule as outlined in Exhibit "A." in addition, Prosecutors shall be paid the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750) for each case appealed (except for any case noted for reconsideration at the trial court level), However, if a court of appeals grants the Prosecutor's motion to dismiss for "Want of Prosecution," then there shall be no charge to the City for the appeal. Prosecutors shall provide an invoice to Pasco upon completion of any appeal work. Prosecutorial services Agreement—Page 2 3. TERM: The term of this Agreement shall be 1'or two (2) years, beginning July 1, 2010, and ending June 30, 2412. Either party may terminate this Agreement after one (1) year upon sixty (60) days written notice. 4. CASELOAD; In the event the workload (as indicated by number of case filings and number of represented cases) exceeds the prior year's workload by fifteen percent (15%) or more, Prosecutors may request additional compensation. If no agreement is reached concerning said additional compensation, Prosecutors may terminate this Agreement upon ninety (90) days written notice. S. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS: Prosecutors shall be independent contractors and not employees of Pasco. 6. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION: During the term of this Agreement, the Prosecutors shall maintain errors and omissions insurance coverage and shall include anyone else acting for or on behalf of the Prosecutors in the performance of this Agreement as an additional named insured on any such policy. Such insurance shall be obtained from any insurance company authorized to do business as such in the State of Washington, and shall have policy limits of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) or more. At the time of commencement of the performance of services hereunder, the Prosecutors shall submit evidence that such insurance is in force and that such insurance will not be canceled without first giving thirty(30) days written notice to the City of Pasco. CITY OF PASCO Gary Crutchfield, City Manager Date PROSECUTOR Michael J Rio, Attorney at Law Date Bell, Brown & Rio, PLLC Prosecutorial Services Agreement— Page 3 Exhibit "A" PASCO MUNICIPAL COURT PROSECUTOR SCHEDULE Traffic I Pre-Trials Monday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm* 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm Pre-Trials Arraignment Tuesday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm 1 :30 pm to 5:00 pm In-Custody Jury-Trials Wednesday 10.00 am to 12:00 pm 9;00 am to 5:00 pm even days In-Custody 1n_-Cu tody Arraignment/ Probation Violation Thursday 10:00 am to 12:00 prn 1 :30 pm to 3:30 pm or as needed Trial Readiness 9:00 am to 12:00 pm f j odd days Friday 'Motion 9:00 am to 12:00 pm even days *Currently, two prosecuting attorneys are scheduled for Monday am docket; Subject to change. Prosecutorial Services Agreement—Page 4 AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council May 24, 2010 TO: Gary Crutchfic ity Manager Workshop Mtg.: 6/14/10 Regular Mtg.: 6121110 FROM: Denis Austin, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Interagency Agreement for Summer School Services I. REFERENCE: 1, Proposed Interagency Agreement II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 6114: Discussion 6121: MOTION- I move to approve the Interagency Agreement with the Pasco School District for summer school services and, further, authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. 111. FISCAL IMPACT: Pasco School District Funds - $13,$36 IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) School Resource Officers (SRO) are full-time uniformed police officers primarily dedicated to providing law enforcement resource services to assigned schools and surrounding neighborhoods. The School District has requested an extension of the SRO services for the 2010 Summer School at Pasco High School. Normally, SRO services are not provided during summer months. The School District has summer school programs at Pasco High School, Chiawana High School, New Horizons High School, Ochoa Middle School, and Stevens Middle School. As a proactive measure, the School District has requested SRO services for up to eight hours each day of summer school. There are 24 summer school days from June 215 to July 23`d. SRO's are assigned to work normal patrol duties when school is not in session. B) The proposed Interagency Agreement is effective June through July 2010, and provides two School Resource Officers for the 2010 Summer School. The School District will reimburse the City for the salary and fringe benefits costs for two officers during 24 days of summer school. The School District presented the proposed Agreement to the School Board on June 8, 2010, The School Board approved the Agreement and payment for the services. The City Council's approval of the Agreement is all that is required for the Police Department to proceed on schedule. 4(f) INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT Berween Pasco School District No. 1 And City of Pasco, Washington This agreement, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW is made and entered into by and between the Pasco School District No. 1; hereafter referred to as the "District" and the City of Pasco, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereafter referred to as the "City." No special budget or funds are anticipated, nor shall be created. It is not intended that a separate legal entity be established to conduct this cooperative undertaking, nor is the acquiring, holding, or disposing of real or personal property other than as specifically provided within the terms of this Agreement, anticipated. The Chief of Police of the City of Pasco, Washington, shall be designated as the Administrator of this Interlocal Agreement. This Agreement shall be filed with the Franklin County Auditor, or alternatively listed by subject on either parties' website or other electronically retrievable public source. It is the purpose of this agreement to: 1, Enhance the safety and security of students, teachers, staff, and visitors and provide patrol of the various campuses of the District located within the City of Pasco, Washington. 2. Provide for the presence of armed and uniformed City Police Officers both inside and outside the school buildings on selected campuses of the District during certain school hours in support of such safety and security and the maintenance of a secure and peaceful learning atmosphere. 3. Provide for prevention, intervention, and prompt effective enforcement by the City's Police Department in situations involving, but not limited to: a. Maintenance of order b. Use, possession, or sale of illegal drugs and alcohol on school premises c. Crimes against persons d. Crimes against property e. Any other situations or activities which require the intervention of law enforcement officers; and 4. Provide for participation by police officers in the educational activities and role modeling to foster and enhance knowledge of and respect for law enforcement and law enforcement officers by students and the community, 5. Provide positive and supportive interface between law enforcement representatives and the District's substance abuse and harassment prevention efforts including, but not limited to Natural Helpers, Student Assistance Teams, Anti-Harassment and Bullying Project and other intervention and prevention efforts by the District, Interagency Agreement between Pasco School District No. I and the City of Pasco. Page t of 6 It is therefore mutually agreed that: 1. Statement of Work. The City shall furnish the necessary personnel and services and otherwise do all things necessary for and incidental to the performance of the work stated herein. The City shall: a. Assign two full-time uniformed police officers for eight consecutive hours each day from 07:30 AM to 3:30 PM to provide School Resource Officer services at specific schools June 21 — July 23, 2010 (except July 5, 2010) in accordance with the following schedule. i. New Horizons High School: June 21 —July 16, 2010 Monday — Friday ii. Ochoa Middle Schools: June 21 —July 16, 2010 Monday— Friday iii Stevens Middle School: June 21 — July 16, 2010 Monday— Friday iv. Chiawana High School: June 21 —July 16, 2010 Monday — Friday v. Pasco High Sclioal: June 28 — July 23, 2010 Monday— Friday One SRO will be assigned to Chiawana High School beginning June 215'. The second SRO will cover duties at the remaining schools for the first full week of classes. The second SRO will be assigned to Pasco High School beginning June 28"'. Both officers are responsible for responding to incidents at the other schools as needed during the overlap period. Each SRO shall make certain that the Administration at their assigned school is notified when they are required to respond to another school. Generally, the quickest way to get an SRO to respond to an alternate school will be to call the Franklin County Emergency Dispatch Center and request an SRO be sent to the incident at a specific school. Except in incidents where a particular SRO may have prior knowledge or involvement in a specific case or other extenuating factors, the on-duty police supervisor will designate which SRO responds. Office space shall be provided as available at each school for the use of the School Resource Officer. Such office shall be equipped with one office desk and chair, and one locking cabinet. The City shall provide a lockable cabinet capable of securing police department equipment when not in use by the officer. b. Cooperate with the District to provide training and education to each assigned officer to insure effective communication and interrelation with the school community and its students; C. Cooperate with the District to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the assigned officers and the program; 'd. Meet as needed during the academic year with the District's representative (as designated by the District) to evaluate the effectiveness of the program; e. Cooperate with the District's representative to investigate and report on any complaints regarding the conduct of an assigned officer, share fully, as permitted by law, with the District's representative all results of such investigations for the Interagency Agreement between Pasco School District No. t and the City of Pasco, Page 2 of 6 purpose of responding to each complaint and cooperate to resolve each complaint. Provided, that it shall be the responsibility of the District to respond to any complaint the District received from a student, parent or patron of the District and communicate the results of any investigation to such person or persons. 2. Terms and Conditions. All rights and obligations of the parties to this agreement shall be subject to and governed by the terms and conditions contained in the text of this agreement. 3. Period of Performance. Subject to its other provisions, the period of performance of this agreement shall commence on June 21, 2010 and be completed on July 23, 2010 with July 5`h scheduled off, unless terminated sooner as provided herein. The principal shall be responsible for notifying the Chief of the City's Police Department of the school calendar, schedule of events and activities, and any changes in the same. The principal shall determine the specific hours when an officer shall be present within the litnits set forth in Section La. of the Agreement. 4. Payment, The District shall reimburse the City for its expenses in employing two officers for 344 hours as follows: a. For June 21, 2010 through July 23, 2010, an estimated total of thirteen thousand eight hundred and thirty-six dollars ($13,836). Actual amount will be determined by the parties based upon any negotiated wage increase between the City and the police officer's collective bargaining unit. The current wage rate with benefits is $40.22 per hour. 5. Billing Procedure. The City shall submit a monthly invoice or billing statement to the District. Payment shall be made to the City according to the regular procedures of the District. 6. Funding. if for any reason the District exhausts its budgeted funds for payment to the City for its services described herein or funds from any expected funding source become unavailable, the District shall notify the City and the obligations of the City shall immediately cease and this agreement terminate, unless the district otherwise assumes the obligations for the payment of services rendered by the Police Department. 7. Non-discrimination. In the performance of this agreement, the District and the City shall comply with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 200d), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 7904) and Chapter 49.60 RCW, as now and hereafter amended. Both shall not, except as they may be specifically allowed by laws to do so, discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, marital status; age, creed, Victnam-Era and Disabled Veterans status, or the presence of any sensor, mental, or physical handicap. In the event of non-compliance by either party or refusal to comply with the above provisions this agreement may be rescinded, canceled, or terminated in whole or in part. The non- complying party shall, however, be given a reasonable time in which to cure this non- Interagency Agreement between Pasco School District No. 1 and the City of Pasco. Page 3 of 6 compliance, Any dispute may be resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set forth herein. S. Records Maintenance. The City shall maintain books, records, documents and other evidence that sufficiently and effectively reflect all direct and indirect cost expended in the performance of the services described herein. These records shall be subject to inspection, review or audit by the personnel of both parties, other personnel authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor and federal officers, if any, so authorized by Iaw. The City and District shall retain all books, records, documents, and other materials relevant to this agreement for five (5) years after expiration. The office of the State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons authorized by the parties shall have full access and the right to examine any of these materials during this five-year period. 9. Responsibilities and Authority of School Administrator. The principal or other administrator designated by the District is responsible for the supervision and daily operations of the school shall, subject to the lawful exercise of the officer's law enforcement responsibilities, schedule, assign and direct the officer's duties under this agreement. The principal is responsible for the investigation of non-criminal incidents that occur at or are related to the school. If the principal finds that he or she or any individual is in physical danger, the principal may request the law enforcement officer to assist him or her. In the case. of a search of student property for the violation of District rules or other administrative reasons, the school principal or designated administrator or District employee will conduct the search. Once the principal has reason to believe that a crime has been or may be committed, the principal or other designated administrator shall request the law enforcement officer to assume responsibility. The building administrator shall have the responsibility to contact and report to parents and patrons regarding activities and findings of the law enforcement officer, where appropriate. 10. Indemnification. Each party shall defend, protect and hold harmless the other party from and against all claims, suits and/or actions arising from any negligent or intentional act or omission of that party's employees or agents while performing under this agreement. 11. Agreement Alterations and Amendments. The District and the City may mutually amend this agreement. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by the personnel authorized to bind the District and the City. 12. Termination. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement., either party may terminate this agreement by providing sixty (60) days advance written notification to the other party of their intent to terminate the agreement, If this agreement is so terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only for performance, in accordance with the terms of this agreement for performance rendered prior to the effective date of termination. 13. Savings. Should any portion of this agreement be declared illegal, the balance of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect to carry out the purposes of this agreement, Interagency Agreement between Pasco School District No. 1 and the City of Pasco, Page 4 of 6 14. Disputes. In the event that a dispute arises under this agreement, it shall be resolved in the following manner: The Director of Educational Services of the District shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board, The Pasco Chief of Police shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Director of Educational Services and the Pasco Chief of Police shall jointly appoint a third member to the Dispute Board. That person shall act as chairperson, convene the Dispute Board and cause a determination of the dispute, arrived at by a majority of the Board, to be rendered in a timely manner. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the District and the City. 15. Notices. Any notices required herein or related hereto shall be delivered in writing to the District at: Pasco School District No.1 Attn.: Executive Director, Operations 1215 West Lewis Street Pasco, WA 99301 And to the City at: Pasco Police Department Attn; Chief of Police 525 forth 3'0 Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 lb. All Writings Contained Herein. This agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties. No understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties to this agreement. Interagency Agreement between Pasco School District No. 1 and the City of Pasco. Page 5 of 6 In Witness whereof, the parties have executed this agreement effective this day of 2010. City of Pasco: Pasco School District No. 1 Matt Watkins Saul Martinez Mayor, Pro-Tem President, Board of Education Attest: Debbie Clark Saundra L. Hill City Clerk Superintendent Approved as to Form Leland Kerr John Morgan City Attomey Executive Director, Operations Sarah Thornton School District Counsel Interagency Agreement between Pasco School District No. I and the City of Pasco. Page 6 of 6 2010 Summer School Cost Estimate 052410 June 21 - Jully 23, 24'lfY,.(exrept,July:5;2010)� ALL SUMMER SCHOOLS Number of Officers (June 21 - July 16) 2 Number of Officers (July 19 - July 23) 1 Hourly Rate with Benefits per Officer $ 40.22 Number of Hours Each School Day 8 School Days @ PHS, CHS, OMS, SMS, NHS 19 Additional School Days @ PHS 5 Number of Officer Hours (June 21 - July 16) 304 Number of Officer Hours (July 19 - July 23) 40 Estimated Cost (June 21 - July 16) $ 12,226.88 Estimated Cost (July 119 - July 23) $ 1,608.80 TOTAL COST FOR SUMMER,SCHOOL SRO $ 13,835.68 AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council Jame 10, 2010 TO: Gary Crutchfie :i Manager Z-1 r Workshop Mtg.: 6/14/10 Rick White, Co M, ty & Economic Development Regular Mtg.: 6/2 1/10 Director FROM: Mitch Nickolds, Inspection Services Manager Community & Economic Development Director SUF3 fECT: CODE AMENDMENT: Adopting legislative amendments to the State Building Code 1. REFERENCE(S): I. Proposed Ordinance II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL /STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 6/14: DISCUSSION 6/21: _NIOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance## amending Title 16 and 3 of the Pasco Municipal Code pertaining to adoption of legislative amendments to the State Building Code and authorize publication by summary only. M. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE 1V, HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A. The Washington State Legislature adopted revisions to the International Building and Fire Codes in 2009. The Washington State Building Code Council has established new regulations following this adoption. These regulations are designed to address specific regional issues and conditions throughout the state. B. The City of Pasco adopted the State Building Code in 1998. Due to the State's adoption of the most recent international Codes, we must amend our local building codes for accuracy and compliance. These amendments involve the Building, Plumbing, Gas Installations, Housing, Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality, Moving Buildings, Mechanical, Swimming Pool, and Fire Codes in PMC Title 16, C. In Title 3, the City has established its own fee schedule. Due to numerous code amendments over the past six (6) years, there are references and fees that are no longer applicable. There is a minimal effect on the permit fees now in place. 4(9) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON AMENDING TITLE 16 AND TITLE 3 OF THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE, REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE AND INTERNATIONAL AND UNIFORM BUILDING CODES AND REMOVAL OF CERTAIN INAPPLICABLE BUILDING PERMIT FEE REFERENCES. WHEREAS, for the purpose of enforcing the regulations of the City of Pasco, to require compliance with accepted building construction, improvement, modification and safety standards, procedures and practices it is necessary to amend Title 16 of the Pasco Municipal Code AND, for the purpose of updating certain fee information and removing references to certain building permit fees that are no longer applicable or collected, it is necessary to amend Title 3 of the Pasco Municipal Code; and, WHEREAS, the State of Washington revised the State Building Code regulations governing the construction, improvement, modification and safety of buildings; and, WHEREAS, revisions and modifications to the State Building Code require that the City amend Title 16 of the Pasco Municipal Code to adopt said revised building law and regulation; and, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Chapter headings of Title 16 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: TITLE 16 BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER 16.04 BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 16.05 IMPERVIOUS SURFACES CHAPTER 16.06 UTILITY SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING PERMITS CHAPTER 16.08 PLUMBING CODE CHAPTER 10.12 GAS INISTALLATIONS CHAPTER 16.16 HOUSING CODE CHAPTER 16.18 ENERGY CODE CHAPTER 16.19 VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE CHAPTER 16.20 DANGEROUS BUILDING CODE CHAPTER 16.24 HOUSE AND BUILDING NUMBERING CHAPTER 16.28 MOVING BUILDINGS CHAPTER 16.32 MECHANICAL CODE AND FUEL GAS CODE CHAPTER 16.36 SWIMMING POOL, SPA, AND HOT TUB CODE CHAPTER 16.40 FIRE PREVENTION ^`T��CODE Section 2. That Chapter 16.04 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.04 BUILDING CODE Sections: 16.04.010 ADOPTION OF STATE BUILDING CODE, INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND STANDARDS 16.04.01 I BUILDING OFFICIAL - BUILDING INSPECTOR 16.04.020 SUBSTITUTION FOR IBC SECTION--Q 113 16.04,035 ADDITION OF IBC SECTION 108.3.1 16.04.040 FEE SCHEDULE 16.04.050 AMENDMENT OF IBC SECTION 110.1 16.04.060 ADDITION OF IBC SECTION 1 10.5 16.04.070 ADDITION OF 113C SECTION 110.6 16.04.090 ADDITION OF IBC SECTION 110.7 16.04.130 AMENDMENT OF IBC SECTION 403.1 16.04.210 AMENDMENT OF IBC SECTION 1805.1 16.04.240 AMENDIMENT OF IBC SECTION 1209.2 16.04.280 DELETION OF UBC APPENDIX SECTION 111 Repealed 16.04.010 ADOPTION OF STATE BUILDING CODE, INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND STANDARDS. The City of Pasco hereby adopts the State Building Code (RCW 19.27) as thereinafter amended by the Washington State Building Code Council published as Chapter 51-30, Washington Administrative Code, and all provisions thereof applying throughout Title 16 of the Pasco Municipal Code, and adopts by reference, the 200-39 International Building sCode and Appendices H, 1 and J thereof, International Building Code Standards, Tnterna io II Exj�tit Buildinr Code, International Residential Code and Appendix J thereof' as published by the International Code Council as thereinafter amended, and all buildings hereinafter erected or constructed, enlarged, repaired, moved, removed, demolished, or converted shall be done in conformity with the provisions of said Codes, except as expressly provided herein. 16.04.011 BUILDING OFFICIAL - BUILDING INSPECTOR. (1) The 'Building Official," as used in the International Building Code, shall be the city manager or that person acting as the chief administrative officer for the City. The Building Official may delegate by written order all or any portion of the powers of enforcement that he may have as the Building Official or as a "Building Inspector". He may delegate to another person in writing the power to sub-delegate all or any portion of the power he has delegated to that person. The persons receiving delegated powers may have or may be given various titles, but any person delegated the authority to enforce the building code shall also be known as a building inspector. (2) Whenever any portion of the Pasco Municipal Code uses the terms "Building Official" or "Building Inspector," they shall have the same meaning as set forth herein and the same powers of delegation shall apply unless the context thoroughly indicates another meaning, (3) The power of enforcement shall include the power to arrest, but the Building Official or his designee shall particularly specify in writing that the power to arrest is included in any delegation or sub-delegation of the power of enforcement. Nothing herein shall limit the authority police officers have to make arrests. (4) Any person delegated the power to enforce shall be an authorized officer for the purpose of issuing a complaint in Municipal (police)Court unless specifically directed otherwise in writing. Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 2 16.04.020 SUBSTITUTION FOR IBC SECTION 444 I13. Section 444 113 of the International Building Cade shall be amended to read as follows. Section 44-? 113. Board of Appeals. In order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this code, there shall be and is hereby created.a Board of Appeals, to be known as the Mid-Columbia Building Appeals Commission, consisting of seven (7) members who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to building construction, The Board of Appeals shall be,jointly appointed by the Mayors of Pasco, Kennewick, Richland, West Richland, Benton City, and the Chairmen of the Boards of County Commissioners of Benton and Franklin Counties. The membership of the Board shall consist of a representative of Franklin County, a representative of Benton County, a civil engineer, an architect, a general contractor, a specialty contractor and a fire specialist. The term of membership on the Board shall be for a period of five (5) years. The Building Officials of each appointing agency shall be ex officio members of the Board and shall serve as Secretary of the Board on a rotating basis. The Board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shall tender all decisions and findings in writing to all the Building Officials and Fire Chiefs with a duplicate copy to the appellant and may recommend to the City Councils and/or Boards of County Commissioners such new legislation as is consistent therewith. 16.04.035 ADDITION OF IBC SECTION n 1� 1092.1 Section 409.3.4 109.2.1 of the International Building Code shall be added and shall read as follows: Sec. 19$�-1 109.2.1 Plan Review Fees. When the valuation of the proposed construction exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and a plan is required to be submitted; a plan-review fee of sixty-five percent (65%) of the construction hermit fee, shall be paid to the Building Official at the time of submitting plans and specifications for checking, EXCEPTION: Building Rennit applications for construction of new R-3 occupancies require only a twenty-five dollar ($25) plan-review fee. Plan-review fees for all buildings,other than group R-3 Occupancies, shall be sixty-live percent(65%) of the building permit fees. Where plans are incomplete, or changed so as to require additional plan-review, an additional plan-review fee shall be charged at a rate established by the Building Official not to exceed sixty-five percent (65%) of the value of the building permit fee. 16.04.040 FEE SCHEDULE. Permit fees shall be detennined in accordance with Section 3,07.030 (B) of the Pasco Municipal Code. In addition to the fees enumerated in Section 3,07,030 (B) of this Code, all buildin perTnits shall include a State Building Code Council fee of four dollars and fifty cents (54.50). 16.04.050 AMENDMENT OF IBC SECTION 11`94-: 111.1 Section 4ig.1- 111.1 (a) of the International Building Code shall be amended to read as follows: Sec. 410.1. 111.1 Use or Occupancy. No building or structure in Groups A to R-4 U inclusive, shall be used or occupied, and no substantial change in the existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefore as provided herein. 16.04.060 ADDITION OF IBC SECTION 440.5. 111.5 A new section, Section 110.5 1 l 1.5 is hereby added to the International Building Code and shall hereinafter be codified as Section 16.04.060 of the Pasco Municipal Code as follows- Posting. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the Building Official; provided, that in the case of R-3 Occupancies, such certificate need not be conspicuously posted but shall be available for inspection of the Building Official upon request. Ordinance Amendvrg Title 3 and Title 16 Page 3 16.04.070 ADDITION OF IBC SECTION 110.6. A new section, Section W 0.6 111.6, is hereby added to the International Building Code and shall hereinafter be codified as Section 16.04.070 of the Pasco Municipal Code as follows: Section 110-6 111.6. Effective date upon which Certificates of Occupancy shall be required for Group R-3 Occupancies. All buildings or structures falling within the R-3 classification as defined in Section 310.1 of the International Building Code, for which building permits are issued after the effective date of this ordinance, shall not be used or occupied until the Building Official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy as provided in Section 110.0 111.2 of the International Building Code as amended by PMC 16.04.050. All other Certificates of Occupancy shall be required irrespective oi'when such building permits were issued. 16.04.090 ADDITION OF IBC SECTION 1-10.7111.7. Section 410 111.7 is hereby added to the International Building Code and shall hereinafter be codified as Section 16.04.090 of the Pasco Municipal Code as follows: Section 110. 111.7. Obligation of the Parties. In the event of a violation of Section 16.04.050 and 16.04.070 above provided, it shall be presumed as a matter of law that the person or persons who obtained the building permit or permits for the construction of the dwelling in question caused or allowed the occupancy ofthe dwelling in violation of the above stated provisions. Further, it shall be a violation of this code for any person or persons to cause or allow the occupancy of a dwelling within categories R-3 by any third person or persons, where no Certificate of Occupancy has first been issued. 7� 1 ,#14,13t} 'm1A1 717TlA.fLY4TT flC Tr3{� CT°t ..t:.w. Afi! 1 ._f !be T km +... �1 171 C+4e sh&H4w d 11 g . .1. fi �kl k i -tY tp �fi3 stiGh build, it V C ' e :h-H ais of this- a l xr en#s c*€tla�ie C _ _, ;#Oral. 343. see. �r,r,-r��-f��^slL1984 ;� •-5 -�77 } 16.04.210 AMENDMENT OF IBC SECTION 1805-11808.1. Section 4r 1�1808.I of the International Building Code shall be amended to read as follows: Section l 90Ti1808.1 Footings and Foundations: General. Footings and foundations, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall be constructed of masonry, concrete, or treated wood rnlnan = `d�a ' �, ��1. In all cases, footings and foundations shall extend below the frost line; the minimum frost line depth shall be twenty-four(24) inches. Footings of concrete and masonry shall be twenty-four (24) inches. Footings of concrete and masonry shall be of solid material; any hollow core masonry unit foundation that exceeds twenty-four (24) inches vertical height shall have all cores filled to a minimum of six (6) inches above finish grade with mortar or other material acceptable to the administrative authority, Foundations supporting wood shall extend at least six (6) inches above the adjacent finish grade. 16.04.240 AMENDMENT OF IBC SECTION 1209.2. Section 1209.2 of the International Building Code shall be amended to read as follows: Section 1209.2 Attic Spaces: Access. An attic access opening shall be provided in the ceiling of the top floor of buildings with combustible ceiling or roof construction. The opening shall be located in a corridor, hallway, or garage of an R-3 occupancy and in the corridor or hallway of any other occupancy. The opening shall be not less than twenty-two (22) inches by thirty (30) inches. Thu-ty (30) inch minimum clear headroom shall be provided above the access opening. Attics with a maximum vertical clear height of less than thirty (30) inches need not be provided with access openings. Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 4 rr v T r< r e E ;r1G Filed:-ril�?r#i� Ord- 2501 twee- 14, 1994-,) Section Section 3. That Chapter 16.05 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows; CHAPTER 16.05 IMPERVIOUS SURFACES Sections: 16.05.010 PURPOSE 16.05.020 IMPERVIOUS SURFACES DEFINED 16,05.030 PERMIT REQUIRED 16,05.040 EXEMPTIONS 16.05,050 DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS 16.05.010 PURPOSE. The purpose of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Pasco by regulating the surface drainage of private properties within the City through the use of a permit system. 16.05.020 IMPERVIOUS SURFACES DEFINED. For the purpose of this chapter, "impervious surfaces" shall mean any asphalt concrete, cement concrete, or other substance rolled, laid, poured, or otherwise installed to create a layer of material upon the ground which does not absorb water or through,which water cannot drain into the underlying ground. 16.05.030 PERMIT REQUIRED. It is unlawful for any person to install any impervious surface improvement upon private property within the City of Pasco without first obtaining a building permit authorizing such improvement from the Building Inspector, except as provided in Section 16.05.040 or as may be otherwise provided for within the Pasco Municipal Code. Application for such permits shall be made on forms supplied by the Community Development Department, shall include a site sketch depicting proposed direction of surface drainage and location of components or methods to be used to drain the impervious surface. 16.05.040 EXEMPTIONS. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to impervious surfaces in either-ef the following instanced: (1)To be installed in conjunction with a new or-existfg single-family residence. ( lied , rtg r- Phenekrcw squar-e feet,: 16.05.050 DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS. An impervious surface improvement shall be designed to drain, confine and/or impound storm water or site-generated water within the private property upon which the improvement is to be located. The Building Inspector shall determine the adequacy of all plans and methods for the drainage or proposed impervious surface improvements. Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 5 Section 4. That Chapter 16,08 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.08 PLUMBING CODE Sections: 16.08.010 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, ADOPTED 16.08.015 ADOPTION OF STATE DELETED SECTION OF UPC 16.08.020 PERMIT FEES 16.08.030 BOARD OF APPEALS 16.08.080 PLUMBING FIXTURES REQUIRED 16.08.090 FUEL GAS PIPING 16.08.100 VIOLATION - PENALTIES 16.08.010 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, ADOPTED. The Uniform Plumbing Code, 2003-2009 Edition, and the Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapters 51-26 and 51-27, Washington State Administrative Code is adopted as the Plumbing Code of the City except as hereinafter amended, and provided that ' - 7, 4Il-and Chapter 12 regarding BU'"Hgr 8e%-t3r- aii-d Fuel Gas Piping of the Uniform Plumbing Code a" is not adopted. 16.08.015 ADOPTION OF STATE DELETED SECTION OF UPC: Uniform Plumbing Code; Chapter 7, Part II as published in the 2009 International Plumbiny-Code is hereby adopted. 16.08.020 PERMIT FEES. The schedule of fees contained in Table 1-1 in Chapter 1 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is repealed and the fee schedule as set forth in Section 16.04.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code is adopted in its place. 16.08.030 BOARD OF APPEALS. Section 102.4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is repealed and the Board of Appeals as set forth in Section 16.04.020 of the Pasco Municipal Code is adopted in its place. 16.08.080 PLUMBING FIXTURES REQUIRED. Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities as prescribed by the adopted International Building Code and Uniform Plumbing Code. Every basement shall be provided with at least one (1) floor drain and backflow preventer. The floor drain is to be located in either the utility room, bathroom or furnace room. 16.08.090 FUEL GAS PIPING. Chapter 12 of the Uniform Plumbing Code is repealed in its entirety. 16.08.100 VIOLATION - PENALTIES. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to violate any of the provisions of this chapter. Every person found in violation of any provision shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). Each firmm or corporation found in violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). For any violation of a continuing nature, each day's violation shall be considered a separate offense and shall subject the offender to the above penalties for each offense. Ordinance.Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 6 Section 5. That Chapter 16.12 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.12 GAS INSTALLATIONS Sections: 16.12.030 SCOPE 16.12.160 GAS APPLIANCE INSTALLATION - PERMIT REQUIRED INSPECTION FEES 16.12,230 PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEES FOR WORK ON GAS TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 16-12.3 50 ADOPTION OF STANDARDS BY REFERENCE 16.12.030 SCOPE. All gas appliances or gas pipes hereafter sold, installed, maintained, or repaired within the City limits shall conform to the requirements of the 28922009-International Mechanical Code as adopted by the City, A]l gas transmission and/or distribution systems hereafter constructed, installed, operated, and maintained within the City shall conform to the requirements of this chapter. 16.12.160 GAS APPLIANCE INSTALLATION - PERMIT REQUIRED INSPECTION FEES, No person shall install any gas appliance to house piping in any building or structure without first obtaining a permit to do such work from the City. Persons failing to obtain a permit before starting work on the installation, alteration, or repairs of any gas equipment except as otherwise provided shall be required to pay double the fee herein specified when such permit is finally secured. The payment of such double fee, however, shall in no way relieve the person of the penalties otherwise provided for the violation of this chapter. ,, Appliance inspection fee, permit fee shall be based on the value of improvement, using permit fee schedule as stated in Section 16.04.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code. Ra inWeGtip�I-be r bra n --tom- in. ns-e-;roes fee ghFfl! be fi; _q Oove. A new pen-nit for piping inspection shall be required for a consumer's premises which already has been piped for gas, but in which no gas has been used for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months or snore. When a permit is issued to connect an appliance to an existing stub or outlet, no additional fee will be charged for , nt. piping inspection. VAipe ' t-e F 16.12.230 RIGHT-OF-WAY WORK PERMIT A-N1),F4 '-E T'1�'GN ,' FOR WORK ON GAS TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, Therefore suet a peFm t shall be five s whit-h do erne --in g4k; 4ind-eae- allar4or earll a n€ 1 ttridr 4ea r,1' the city engineer shall make inspections to make certain that the provisions of this chapter are complied with and the expenses of the same shall be paid by the gas company upon a bill therefore being submitted by the city engineer before the gas company is released from its bond. 16,12.350 ADOPTION OF STANDARDS BY REFERENCE. The following, and as the same also may hereafter be amended, are adopted by reference and shall be observed: (1) Appliances: (a) 2883 2009 International Mechanical Code, 2E 4- 2000 International Fuel Gas code, 244 2008 NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, and 29A2 2006 NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code. (2) Gas transmission and distribution system: (a) The American Standard Code for Pressure Piping, Section 8, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems (ASA B 31.1-1955). (b) The State rules and regulations of the Washington Public Service Commission applicable to gas transmission and/or distribution utilities and safety standards and rules and regulations of the State Department of Labor and Industries. Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 7 Section 6. That Chapter 16.16 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.16 HOUSING CODE Sections: 16.16.010 rNTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE 16.16.010 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. The International Property Maintenance Code, 2-W321,0097 Edition, prepared by the International Code Council, as thereinafter amended or revised, is adopted by the eCity as its official Housing Code. Section 7. That Chapter 16.18 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.18 ENERGY CODE Sections: 16.18.020 PERMIT FEES 16,18.030 BOARD OF APPEALS 16.18.020 PERMIT FEES. Every applicant for a permit to do work regulated by this code shall pay for each permit, at the time of application, a fee as is c°* the 1.997.-Jnff6nn Building Cad2 as adopted by the Pasco Municipal Code in Section 16.04.040. 16.18.030 BOARD OF APPEALS. In order to determine the suitability of alternative materials and methods of construction and/or installation and provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of the Energy Code, the Board of Appeals, created pursuant to Section 445-113 of the 2903 2009 International Building Code as amended by Section 16.04.020 of the Pasco Municipal Code, shall hear appeals and make determinations arising out of or in connection with the decisions of the building official. When it is claimed that the provisions of this code do not apply or that the true intent or meaning of this code has been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may, within thirty(30)days of the decision,appeal to the Board of Appeals. Section 8. That Chapter 16.19 of the Pasco :Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.19 VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE Sections: 16.19.020 PERMIT FEES 16.19.030 BOARD OF APPEALS 16.19.020 PERMIT FEES. Every applicant for a permit to do work regulated by this code shall pay for each permit, at the time of application, a fee as :,°{ " in Section 1077 of Cede-as Adopted by the Pasco Municipal Code in Section 16.04.010. Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 8 16.19.030 BOARD OF APPEALS. In order to determine the suitability of alternative materials and methods of construction and/or installation and provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of the ventilation and indoor air quality code, the Board of Appeals, created pursuant to Section 444 113 of the 299 2009 International Building Code as amended by Section 16.04.020 of the Pasco Municipal Code, shall hear appeals and make determinations arising out of or in connection with the decisions of the Building Official. When it is claimed the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent or meaning of this code has been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted,the applicant may,within thirty days of the decision, appeal to the Board of Appeals. Section 9. That Chapter 16.20 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.20 DANGEROUS BL:ILDING CODE Sections: 16.20.040 AMENDMENT OF UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS,NEW SECTION 302(19) 16.20.040 AMENDMENT OF UNIFORM CODE FOR THE ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, NEW SECTION 302 (19). Wherever a building, structure or premises used or intended to be used for latlrful dwelling purposes, are occupied, visited or frequented by persons involved in criminal Zan-activity willfully engaaling in gang related criminal conduct upon said premises, as established by the Pasco Police Department, are determined by the Community & Economic Development Director, his designee or the Chief of Police, to constitute an attractive nuisance, exposing and subjecting the occupants of said propertv and occupants and residents of neighborin, and proximate properties and premises to gang related violence,vandalism and other illegal conduct and criminal activity. Section 10. That Chapter 16.32 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.32 MECHANICAL CODE AND FUEL GAS CODE Sections: 16.32.010 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, NFPA 58 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS CODE, AND NFPA NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, ADOPTED 16.32.010 L\TERNATIONAL MECHANTCAL CODE, INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, NFPA 58 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS CODE, AND NFPA NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, ADOPTED. The 2003 2009 International Mechanical Code, 20A 2009 International Fuel Gas Code, 204 2008 NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, and 2992 2006 NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code, as published by the International Code Council and the National Fire Protection Association, as thereafter amended or revised by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapter 51-22 Washington Administrative Code, is adopted as the mechanical code of the City, except as hereinafter amended. Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 9 Section 11. That Chapter 16.36 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.36 SWIMMING POOL, SPA, AND HOT TUB CODE Sections: 16,36,010 rn.rr SWIMMING .POOL, SPA AND HOT TUB CODE, ADOPTED 16.36.020 "- =-` ti qFI - 1 SUBSTITUTION FOR IRC SECTION AG 1 05.2 PARAGRAPH 1 16.36.030 NEW SECTION ADDED - ZONING REGULATIONS 16.36.0101` SWIMMING POOL, SPA AND HOT TUB CODE, ADOPTED. The Unifeml Appendix G, Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs G(xl , 49P7 ;- inte...,..,.,.,,a, otid 44;e 2001 hitemalieffill - Mainwaaoee-Ge published in the 2009 International Residential Code as hereinafter amended or revised, is adopted by the City as its official swimming pool, spa and hot tub code, by reference therein. 16.36.020 N! ".-"7 SUBSTITUTION FOR IRC SECTION AG105.2 PARAGRAPH 1.4'he 1, -fla�z�pttb , a(hIi:rtgr&-ne )t , . , AG105.2 1, FENCES All outdoor swinuning pools shall be enclosed by a non-climbable fence or others apNoved barrier, such fence or approved barrier to be not less than five (5) feet in height and provided with a self-closing gate or gates equipped with a latch or locking device operable only from the pool side of the fence or by a locking device operable by a key only on the outside of the fence. Said fence or sty barrier shall be no closer than three (3) feet from the waters edge on all sides of the pool- , and the mazcitn%n_i vertical clearance between grade and the bottom of the barrier shall not exceed two (2) inches, measured on the side of the fence or barrier which faces away from the swimming pool, spa or hot tub. 16.36.030 NEW SECTION ADDED - ZONING REGULATIONS. 4 , Spa and 44 ..b P'...7.:. 1997 Ed ...A,,:i 1 y � .ti e6_ ti... .,.5 .,.t. fi:A!•.,wo' NT'`r'' F-G' ,* TT^'- 5--(a) Any swimming pool located in any zone shall maintain the same front and side yard setbacks as required by the Zoning Ordinance for the main building. (b) Public and semi-public pools may be approved in a residential zone only after obtaining a special permit from the Board of Adjustment. Section 12. That Chapter 16.40 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 16.40 FIRE PREVENTION ArND FIRE CODE Sections: 16.40.010 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, ADOPTED 16.40.015 SUBSTITUTION FOR SECTION 108.1. OF THE IFC, APPEALS 16.40.020 AMENDMENT FOR CHAPTER 2 OF THE IFC, S QTIQ.N 202 DjFjNjjjQjja 16.40.030 AMENDMENT FOR SECTION 401.3.1 5 OF THE IFC, ALARMS 1 40 035 ADOPTION i'TION F9�' CST 4 T1.. r'7l-*f T"1"riI"1_'C�°f"'.3'1f.1hl�..P1�`I..,1.rl�. [PC REPEALED - - - Lt3 S=ri Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 10 16.40.040 SUBSTATTEa'T ,FOR-&EC'IGN 3 :54-v � ADOPTION OF STATE- DELETED SECTIONS OF THE IFC -CHAPTER 5 16,40.050 SUBSTITUTION FOR SECTION 307-1 OF THE kly,' 3301.1.3 OF THE IFC - FIREWORKS 14.a�,- 94 ";M ME NIT POP, SECTION --108.1 OF T SF rFG REPEALED 16.40.060 *'W-->iNF—ADDITION POOR OF NEW SECTION 401.3. 5 330113.1, FIREWORKS PERMITS TO THE IFC 16.40.070 ADDITION OF NEW SECTION 3301.1.3.2 DISPLAY, AGRICULTURAL AND WILDLIFE FIREWORKS AND SPECIAL EFFECTS, TO THE IFC 16.40.080 ADDITION 49 OF NEW SECTION 2299.4 3301.1.3.3 AUTHORITY TO SEIZE REWORKS, Tq, TIL" 16.04.090 ADDITION OF NEW SECTION 3301.1.3.4 LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY REQUIRED. TO THE IFC 16-40.100 T ' '} rr'�`rr-k1 -31AA,i ni mire HQC AMENDMENT TO SECTION 109.3 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, OF THE IFC 16.40.110 F0- SEGT 4N' 33.O �� REPEALED 16.40.120 4 TlrliTTllN Tfl SEG.F.-I I =_r3s , n�TuE F-G REPEALED - 16.40.125 POSSESS!Thltl nL'!'+Y'Lll 1rE> 44TTT Tl REPEALED 16.40.150 ADDITION .SE 1,9N 9 -REPEALED 16.40.155 "'E)ITION T-G-SE 4Ol l 3801.1 T- t,_�'C REPEALED 16.40.160 - DISP h 4,4 4 A REPEALED 16.40.165 MUTUAL i n r n h r 44 R-t k,EMIT-C REPEALED 16.40.180 V4G4ATI9NS ' CN" ' 4EL REPEALED 16,40.010 INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, ADOPTED. (a)There is adopted by the City Council of the City, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35.21.289 and RCW 19.27 for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code and standards known as the International Fire Code, including Appendix Chapters A, B, C, D, F., F, Fr, being in particular the 2404 2009 editions thereof and the whole thereof, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapters 51-34 and 51-35 Washington Administrative Code, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended, and the same are adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein and from the date on which the ordinance codified in this chapter shall take effect, the provision thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City, (b) It is the specific intent of the Fire Code of the City as herein adopted, modified and amended, to place the obligation of complying with its requirements upon the owners and occupiers of the buildings and premises within the scope, and no provision of nor any term used in this Fire Code is intended to impose any duty whatsoever upon the City or any of its officers or employees, for whom the implementation and enforcement of this Fire Code shall be discretionary and not mandatory. (c)Nothing contained in this Fire Code is intended to be nor shall be construed to create or form the basis for any injury or damage resulting from the failure of a building or any premises to comply with provisions of this Fire Code, or by reason or in consequence of any inspection, notice, order, certificate, permission or approval authorized or issued or done in connection with the implementation or enforcement of this Fire Code, or by reason of any action or inaction on the part of the City, related in any manner to the enforcement of this Fire Code by its officers, employees or agents. (d) It is expressly the purpose of this Fire Code to provide for and promote the health, safety and welfare of the general public, and not to create or otherwise establish or designate any particular class or group of persons who will or should be especially protected or benefited by the provisions of this Fire Code. Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 11 16.40.015 SUBSTITUTION FOR SECTION 108.1. OF THE IFC. Section 108.1- of the International Fire Code shall be omitted and the Board of Appeals as set forth in Section 16.04.020 of the Pasco Municipal Code is substituted in its place. ( ) Section 108.1 Appeals. Whenever the Fire Chief or Community & Economic Development Director disapproves an application or refuses to grant a pen-nit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of this code do not apply, or that the true intent of the code has been misconstrued or wrongfully interpreted, the applicant may, within thirty (30)days of the decision, appeal that decision to the Mid-Columbia Building Appeals Commission as established under the Building Code. 16.40.020 AMENDMENT FOR CHAPTER 2 OF THE IFC. SECTION 202 Definitions of the following words and terms in Chapter 2 of the International Fire Code are amended in Sections 202- C, 202-E, 202-F, and 202-J to include the following definitions: (a) Section 202-C "Chief' is the Chief Officer of the Pasco Fire Department or the Chiefs authorized representative and further means the person appointed by the City Manager (or that person's authorized representative) to administer and enforce the International Fire Code within the City of Pasco. tie-ii `-- `2 F' Is-.the . " -&nth „ f DEFINITIONS Section 202-J Jurisdiction, Means the City of Pasco. Jurisdictional area means that territory included within the Pasco City limits. 16.40.030 AMENDMENT FOR SECTION 401.5 OF THE IFC. Section 401.5 of the International Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Section 401.5. It is unlawful for any person. business or legal entity, having or conducting a private fire alarm system to transmit three(3) or more false alarms within a ninety 90) day period. The owner of any residence business or premises in which said alarms stem exists shall be responsible for payment of the City of Pasco of its reasonable costs for labor,equipment, fuel and materials, as determined by the Pasco Fire Chief, for a response by the Fire Department for the third and each subsequent false alarm in a ninety (90) day period. For the purposes of this section, the term "False Alarm" means the activation of a fire alarm because of accident,malfunction or an inadvertent activation. at a time when no fire exists on the premises. 16.40.035 a1 jr� tl . REPEALED 16.40.040 "'111-1 S-TIFF-iTIO l FOR SECTION, 08:R--1—OF '144E ti ADOPTION OF STATE- DELETED SECTIONS OF THE IFC - CHAPTER 5 edit 50''.3 08-5,' or the rnWrn*t ei1ai Five ,,d aha t 508.5.1 R&quired "_._ ,tee - e6 alrei:t,-fluffibal: FHA 4"th atLl IV y i u ndust�ial-� �€ s.Tlvwtcr� -1 �##it� one th-ausand , , wliio fool ithin two 1 � {rcV ( 41 °k- nrxain fiF�scll-mot hiFz� leefitiedl me 00) x�_.t of i ..,., a ..,«, ..eid 11ju:t.�: neeeqqory te C-OT i 11144dimg-- 1; Fit sfri Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 12 1..:..9ed, w1.:,,.h-b ffi:I,iing-:e-.not-vr 4hin iwo . s#i -tom} t€; shall insta�) er ex , at -lr..:�., ord (A )irar SpReings. unless tta�c rl rthin ll b" h Wired-(+ [] f+et mul ;m in ► al--=a . 1-i e t�� �t� '�d r�r�nl f� -'"hapter 5 Sections 503,1. 503.1.1. 503.1.2, 503.1.3. 503.2,. 503.3, 503,4 as published in the 2009 International Fu'e Qode re hereby ado ted. 16.40.050 SUBSTITUTION FOR SECTION 3 --QF--' C 3301.1.3 OF THE IFC - FIREWORKS €Semen-4 rr 1 at c4il�e- -dial ch' ie "79 CAA ...,d 511 A G 171. 125,: . ,(0fd. 3670 See 1� nn ncc ^xME4 €'DIEM' FOR EC—q21QN 3a8.4 OT��PG.Seetion 309..4 of the= .atiqaal 10i ms, ihowing - q paint, or ap! -3ne .1A'1v h ems-1. c 12, 2OG4; � 3-316 gee i 4 19W)I :?] eI a '�i Section 3301.13 of the International fire Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3301.1.3 FIREWORKS: Except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful for any Person to store, offer for sale, expose for sale or uses.possess e,or discharge any fireworks. The Fire Chief shall have the authority to adopt reasonable rules and regulations for the granting of permits for super,ised public display of fireworks by the municipality, fair association, amusement parks, and other organizations. Every such display shall be handled by a competent operator approved by the Fire Chief. Every operator shall have first obtained a Washington State Pvrotechnic license pursuant to RCW 70.77.305 and WAC Cha tamer 212-17. The display shall be of such a character, and so located, discharged or fired as in the opinion of the Fire Chief after groper inspection, shall not be hazardous to property or endanger any person. Violation of this subsection shall constitute a civil infraction punishable by a civil penalty not to exceed two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for each 'violation. EXCEPTION: Any person having, the necessary licenses from the State of Washington may possess and store fireworks in the City-of Pasco at an approved location property zoned therefore, for the purpose of the distribution of such fireworks for retail sale outside the city limits. 16.40.060 AAEN T R SEGTIGN 4091.3. OF- THE rF ADDITION OF NEW SECTION 401,3.1 5 3301.1.3.1 FIREWORKS PERMITS,TO THE IFC. Section 401 i 3 Ppay33m of the City CO-45 f0F tab t' fuel and materials' as detesnoAifiad by -_ "Falso " 3eans { °�4 3301.1.3.1 of the International Fire Code is hereby added to read as follows: Section 3301.1.3.1 FI.REWORKS PERMITS: Application for permits required for a public display of fireworks originating within City of Pasco municipal boundaries shall be made in writing at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the display. No penit umiacd hereunder slbgll be transferable. Ordinance.Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 13 16.40.070 ADDITION OF NEW SECTION 3301.1.3.2 TO THE, IFC. Section 3301.1.3.2 of the International Fire Code is hereby added and shall read as follows: Section 3301.1.3.2 Display, Agricultural and Wildlife Fireworks, and Special Effects: No person may sell, discharge, or possess in the City of Pasco,any_of the fbEming except with a pc=ranit and in the manner provided by law: (1) '`Display fireworks" as defined in RCW 70.77.131 and WAC;212-17-040. (2) "A a]and Wildlife Fireworks" as defined in RCW 70.77.141 and WAC 212-17-045. (3) "Special effects"as defined in RCW 70.77.146. Ord. 5046 Sec. 1 in 2004 (4) "Articlopyrotechnic, special effects for entertainment media"as defined in RCW 70.77.535. 16.40.080 ADDITION T9 OF NEW SECTION 2298.1 3301.1.3.3 OF TO THE IFC, Section 22n .1. a . , 2 , 3301.1.3.3 the International Fire Code is hereby added and shall read as follows: Section 3301.1.3.3 AUTHORITY TO SEIZE fIREWQUS: Any mgmber of the Pasco Police or Fire Department is hereby authorized and empowered to seize, take, remove or cause to be removed at the expense of the owner any and all stocks of fireworks offered or exposed for sale, stored,or transported, or held in violation of this article. 16.40.090 ADDITION OF NEW SECTION 3301.1.3.4 LIABILITY 'INSURANCE POLICY REQUIRED. TO THE IFC Section 3301.1.3.4 of the International Fire Code is hereby added and shall read as follows: Section 3301.1.3.4 LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY REQUIRED The applicant for a permit for a public display of fireworks shall file with the Fire Department a copy of public liability and property damage insurance policy providing coverage with minimum limits as s2ecified in RCW 70.77 295, however, the holder of general license from the chief of the Washington State Patrol throu h the director of fire protection, and upon compliance with RCW 70.77.355, shall be excused from compliance with this subsection. 16.40.100 AJ)DF-PON TO SECTION 109.3 VIOLATTON S AND PENALTIES, TO SECTION 2304:1, OF THE II'C, Section 3;04-1 of 0 a 1.....mA.:,pal Fire C..d._ is e... ed ,.. ..:.a ae'1-lenrn! Stoii-+#i 1434 � -of - . , eteept-1 ' istt '', -14, 199H 109,3 of the 2009 International Fire Code is amended to read as follows: Section 109.3 Violations —Penalties: Any person, firm or corporation violating a provision of this chapter which is not also a violation of any other provisions of this Title or the codes adopted thereby, or shall fail to comply with the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair, or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or direction of the fire code official, or of a permit or certificate used under the provisigns of this chapter, or operate or maintain an occupancy, premises, or vehicle subject to this chapter who allow a hazard to exist or fail to take immediate action to abate a hazard on such occupancy, premises, or vehicle when ordered to do so by the fire code official, shall be guilty of a aross misdemeanor. Each day that violation continues after due notice has been served, shall be deemed a separate offense. 16.40.110 .405A q. , Ahe . _ it is iAttwNl kpv any-pen3eyi--t-o'- sses , r sale, , �� F-t*,ode�--f,�er-c sei ge� fir c ; Vialasi tlii st}iectnlnaE HUFI&Od afA .- - f;, aim by y ffii d`i `CtFt r {#F�tk 1E k 1 -- -P rte.s ffk....p-at,e O Of bla lE Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 14 eaftridges'-for ,q, sipelhig _ 3FCr by the--Uftited get m far-, , , e-and 41-0t ht!Fe in the , ° } +-­w-A l h f ... _ -tom " _so , rt REPEALED 16.40.120 *-firms,FFIOr T4) X305-.1-0" ,ems of the Wei:aa4io a4 rk ,raH, I., l-?'J' -n-. e€-W goeeml lieease ftem ffie SWIc P *:o A__. t ., t�Yat� pltin =' . i+ REPEALED 16.40.125 POSSESSION OF, GQNIN40 FIR9IXeR -_'S FOR ruHar r;C n_E DIST4UP,UTj^�*f _ , es t'F't3n it Orate e f 47[F.,..1�.;.,.-.�ron .-.r,e�.,,.... � e iWiWOOR ui _ „I rj" rTT e I- L3 e e: y f,.. "C a.,.n i if Gh ern 77 nf'll; .ded &. m a:..,,, to�,.,..� , � , REPEALED 1} es Il li } sq art , F � ��{.�', �'�'f�a•rrnr.T:-�� 1:� .. n« �� .„� rl,. I ri,,�1 TI y }Iyi4; in t , ; O.-not a-y-REPEALED TI L 4n.1 cc ADD-=_-ION TO SECTION 3801.1 OP-THE crvv+,:, , 380 Y Y Establishment . f li ..+n li9i�:f-i€i�iY3""1 ��•'e`��uv-� 4 .: _ 14 ,-Ie , REPEALED 16,40.160 WRg EQU.. NT- V8B OUTSIDE G A W"H R -V TO DISP"T- 1=fir. Mayo i a+;4 F E t ;t9 se the C4EH� � t�70�uY�4� r�li FtR�t3S3�5fa lies an ti + ho di&paEehod outside P;4r oR to &;.I a tYrt. k as !rte Dm % i :-REPEALED Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 15 _ A4D oX -C1[ ' t 6veeted to exaeuie. an the NNW ekhe City s�ueh. mud tk`,"kl bid+ Fl `' 3sr�t zk..�Esl,s_-P�=• .i.s r {... r7 �a:ce,:r..........,i • 1tl3.:�., ia-szsaxma�-�_vaa f:# City.-REPEALED ,fir,80 V IATIO S 't k1]ii3 dhts 1 +t ;a 4II 1' 1n vrQau j�[}'4rairiissviFS k' - a every A",�' °, id-�ac13 5�s�edl�t�-ei�a Sel]a •--ion, i.Y Y a4' ni re then .b ,, � .1--men.-REPEALED Section 13. That Chapter 3.07 of the Pasco Municipal Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows. 3.07.030 BUILDIING PERMITS: A) State: Fee/Charge Reference 1) State Building Code Council- $4.50 16.04.040 charged on all building permits issued. B) Building: Fee/Charec Reference 1) Building Permit Based oD Value of Permit Fee: 16.04.040 Improvement: $1 10 $10,000 $50,00 $10,001 to $11,000 $195.25 $11,001 to 512,000 $209.25 $12,001 to 513,000 $223.25 $13,001 to $14,000 $237.25 $14,001 to $15,000 $251.25 $15,001 to $16,000 $265.25 $16,001 to $17,000 $279.25 $17,001 to $18,000 $293.25 $18,001 to $19,000 $307.25 $19,001 to $20,000 $321.25 $20,001 to $21,000 $335.25 $21,001 to$22,000 $349.25 $22,001 to$23,000 $363.25 $23,001 to $24,000 $377.25 $24,001 to $25,000 $391.25 $25,001 to$50,000 $391.75 for the first $25,000 + $1.0.10 for each add'f $1,000, or fraction thereof Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 16 $50,001 to $100,000 $643.75 for the first$50,000 + $7.00 for each add'1 $1,000, or fraction thereof $100,001 to $500,000 $993.75 for the first $100,000 + $5.60 for each add'1 $1,000, or fraction thereof $500,001 to S1,000,000 $3233.75 for the first$500,000+$4.75 for each add'1 $1,000 or fraction thereof $1,000,001 and up $5608.75 for the first $1,000,000+ $3.65 for each add'I $1,000 or fraction thereof 2) Plan Review 16.04.035 a) Improvement value less than $10,000 No plan review fee b) linproveinent value greater than 510,000 65% of bldg. permit fee (when a plan review is re uired 3) Fast Track Plan 100%of bldg. Administrative Review permit fee Order# 5-76 i Q Plumbing: Fetl ar a Reference 1) Minimum Permit $24.0 $50.00 16.08.020 Fee—based $1,580 peffnit value. 2) Gas appliance and $24.00 50.00 16.12.160 piping installation permit fee used oil a$ c 90 iT pen:nit value, �7 Gas hl�peeti 2e ' I i iin peeti fee r r ..inn* 4 pla,4 0 r Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 17 E) Restoration of Fee/Chartze Reference surface by City and Inspection: 1) Restoration+ 1 yr. Cost 16.12.270 of maintenance F) Testing New Piping: Fee/Charge Reference 1) Expense tests and Cost 16.12.300 inspections. G) Factory Fee/Charge Reference Assembled/Mobile Homes: l) Placement permit— $24.00 50.00 19.24.050 H) Moving Buildings: Fee/Charge Reference 1) Without use of $25.00 16.28,030 public R.O.W. 2) With use of R.0.W. $100.00 16.28.030 3) Into city limits from $100.00 16.28.030 outside city limits 4) From within city ± $25.00 16.28.030 limits to outside city litnits l) Mechanical Permit: Fee/Charge Reference 1) Minimum Permit $24.08 50.00 16.31030 Fee—based en a J) Signs: Fee/Charge Reference 1) Application Fee $5-09 50.00 4049 '7,... y 17.0 7.03 0 2) ^t l !l 11�1 17.44.040 3) Tr-aet 09 i7.48.@29 K) Demolition Permit $20:90 50.00 16,04.040 Fee L) Right-of-Way $10,00 50.00 12,04,070 Permits: 12.04.050 M) Street Cut— Fee/Charge Reference including inspection of surfaces 1) Unpaved surfaces $10.00 12.24.100 (Ord. 3543, 2002) Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 18 Section 14. EFFECTIVE DATE EFFECTIVE DATE. Revisions and additions to Pasco Municipal Code Title 16 adopting the State Building Code, together Nvith 2009 International Building Code and Standards and certain Appendices, International Fire, Residential, Property Maintenance, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas, NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas, and 1997 Uniform Abatc ment of Dangerous Buildings, and the 2009 Uniform Plumbing and Plumbing Standards, and to Section 3.07 updating references to specific fees and removing references to fees no longer collected codes shall take effect July 1, 2010, Section 15. COPIES ON FILE COPIES ON FILE. One copy each of the State Building Code, together with 2009 International Building Code and Standards, International Fire, Residential, Property Maintenance, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas, NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas, and 1997 Uniform Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, and the 2009 Uniform Plumbing and Plumbing Standards codes have been filed for use and examination of the public in the office of the city clerk prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter_ PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 21 ST day of June, 2010 Matt Watkins, Mayor ATTEST: Debra L. Clark, City Clerk Leland B. Ker, City Attorney Ordinance Amending Title 3 and Title 16 Page 19 AGENDA REPORT NO. 15 FOR: City Council Date: 06/02/2010 TO. Gary Crutchfield anager Robert J. Alberts 6l of Public Works FROM: Michael McSh-a/Vity Engineer Workshop: 06/14/10 Regular: 06/21/10 SUBJECT: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan 2011 - 2016 I. REFERENCE(S): 1. Proposed Plan 2. Resolution 3. Map II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 06/14: Discussion 06/21: Conduct Public Hearing 06/21: MOTION: I move to approve Resolution No. thereby.adopting the City's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan for 2011 - 2016. III. FISCAL IMPACT: None IV. HISTORY AND BRIEF FACTS: A) Each year, all Cities and Counties in the State are required to adopt an updated Six-Year "Transportation Improvement Plan specifically for federal and state funded projects. For the City of Pasco, this plan has consisted of all projects including the annual overlays, street widening, and signal projects which are within the City limits. Larger projects such as the Lewis Street Overpass also have been shown. B) The proposed six-year program represents those projects that are anticipated to be needed within six years. Several projects will need to be coordinated with utility projects which could change the actual timing of the projects. Although this process of adopting a six-year plan is a state requirement, the Council will again review the projects in the Six-Year C.I.P. process and the budgeting process, While the worksheets presented by staff include a potential funding source, many of the projects listed will be dependent upon available funding. In addition, staff will be pursuing available grants from the various funding programs. Staff recommends the plan be presented at a public hearing on June 21, 2010, and that Council adopt the plan by resolution. 4(h) City of Pasco -- DRAFT Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan Year 2011 -2015 Project Name Location Protect Cost Potential Funding Sources Year 2011 a) 2011 Overlays Various City Streets $900,000 Overlay Fund b) Miscellaneous Street Projects Various Locations $50,000 Arterial Street Fund 1. Lewis Street Overpass Design & R/W At BNSF $3.0 Million Federal/State/Arterial Street 2. Rd 68 / Argent Road Design Rd 68 /Argent $30,000 Arterial 3. Crescent Road Rd 108/ FCID Pipeline (Canal) $150,000 Local with Latecomers or LID (CIF) 4. 1-182 Corridor Improvements Study 1-182 Corridor Rd 76 to Rd 52 $150,000 Local 5. SR12 Interchange Tank Farm Road $10,000 Local 6. Harris Road Realignment Broadmoor Blvd and Sandifur $250,000 LID Year 2012 a) 2012 Overlays Various City Streets $900,000 Overlay Fund b) Miscellaneous Street Projects Various Locations $50,000 Arterial Street Fund c) Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Upgrades Various Locations $100,000 Arterial Street Fund 7. Foster Wells/SR-395 Interchange Foster Wells & SR-395 $20,000 Arterial Street Fund (Impact Fees) 8. Argent Road Widening 201h Ave to 1-182 Ramp $250,000 LID 9. Rd 68/Argent Improvements Rd 68 and Argent $400,000 Arterial Street, TIB, Federal 10. Powerline Road Rd 68 to Rd 100 $1 Million Local (Impact Fees) Year 2013 a) 2013 Overlays Various City Streets $1 Million Overlay Fund b) Miscellaneous Street Projects Various Locations $50,000 Arterial Street Fund 11. Lewis Street Overpass At BNSF $25 Million Federal/State/Local 12. Road 100 & Argent Road Traffic Signal Road 100 & Argent Road $160,000 13. Road 100 Improvements Chapel Hill to Court Street $600,000 TIB $498,000, Arterial Street Fund $102,000 14. Sandifur Parkway (Rd 52 to 60) Road 52 to Road 60 $200,000 Arterial Street Fund (Impact Fees) 15. Lewis & Clark One Way Couplets 2"d Ave to 10th Ave $2 Million Local 0611012010 Page 1 of 2 Year 2014 a) 2014 Overlays Various City Streets $1 Million Overlay Fund b) Miscellaneous Street Projects Various Locations $50,000 Arterial Street Fund c) Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Upgrades Various Locations $100,000 Arterial Street Fund 16, 1-182 Off Ramp Argent and Rd 52 $2 Million Federal/State/Local 17. Chapel Hill Extension Rd 84 to Rd 68 $800,000 Local 18. Sacagawea Heritage Trail Rd 52 to Rd 72 $850,000 Federal/State/Local 19. Rd 68 and Court Street RA! TS Rd 68 to Court Street $220,000 Local (Impact Fees) Year 2015 a) 2016 Overlays Various City Streets $1 Million Overlay Fund b) Miscellaneous Street Projects Various Locations $50,000 Arterial Street Fund 20. Road 84 & Chapel Hill Traffic Signal Road 84 & Chapel Hill $190,000 Federal STP $164,000, Arterial Street Fund $26,000 21. Court Street Widening Road 44 Westerly $600,000 TIB $400,000, Federal STP $200,000 22. Rd 76 - Argent to Chapel Hill Rd 76 to Chapel Hill $400,000 Local 23. Road 44 & Burden Traffic Signal Road 44 & Burden Blvd. $160,000 Arterial Street Fund Year 2016 a) 2016 Overlays Various City Streets $1 Million Overlay Fund b) Miscellaneous Street Projects Various Locations $50,000 Arterial Street Fund c) Miscellaneous Traffic Signal Upgrades Various Locations $100,000 Arterial Street Fund 24. Lewis St. & Heritage Ave Traffic Signal Lewis St. & Heritage Intersection $190,000 Federal STP $164,000, Arterial Street Fund $26,000 25. Heritage Ave. & "A" St. Traffic Signal Heritage & "A" Street intersection $190,000 Federal STP $164,000, Arterial Street Fund $26,000 26. 1.182 Off and On Ramps @ Road 52 1-182 and Road 52 $3 Million Federal $2.6 Million, Local $400,000 27. Burden Road 1-182 On-Ramp Road 76 and Burden Blvd $5 Million Federal $4 Million, State $1 Million 06/10/2010 Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION adopting the revised and extended Comprehensive Street, Storm Drain and Bridge Programs for the City of Pasco. WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.010 provides for annual revision and extension of the Comprehensive Street Program of each city and town, after holding public hearings thereon; and WHEREAS, it is now time to revise and extend the Comprehensive Street, Storm Drain and Bridge Programs; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, That the City Council of the City of Pasco hereby adopts the revision and extension of the Comprehensive Street, Storm Drain and Bridge Programs for the ensuing six years as attached hereto and labeled "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan 2011 - 2016" incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth herein, and Be It Further Resolved, that the Comprehensive Street, Storm Drain and Bridge Programs shall be filed with the Benton-Franklin Regional Council and the State of Washington. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 21 st Day of June, 2010. Matt Watkins Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Debra L. Clark Leland B. Kerr City Clerk City Attorney DRAFT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR 2011 - 2016 r - 7 forma WEISs Rn f , BURDEN 41.41 7 ' ' SCALE:NTS R/Y � \ \ !y@� c OO � BO k , ST, HELENS r a� Y 6126 2�9 ARGENT � J 0 19 m � CID 71 ~ k 9 F 8 SYL*SiTR A SIRECr t � COLUY I � 6F / PH MBEA DESCRIPTION PNIMBBRT DESCRIPTION 4 R r 1 LE1D9 MUM OVERPASS DESIGN A R/P 1s LUIS A CLARE ONE RAY COUPLIM 2 RD GO/ARGENT ROAD DE5IGII 16 1-162 OFT RAMP s Q___F.HT ROAD ti CHAPEL HILL EXTCNIXON a I-1SE CORRIDOR W171tMOILM STUIYY 1e SACLGAWA HERITAGE TRAIL t sR-12 DITERCHAIICE it RD ee &COUNT M? E7 6 HARRIS ROAD REALIGNMR 20 ROAD M k CHAPEL HILL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AV 7 FOSTER RSLLs/3R-305 IKMKT ANGE 21 COURT STREET WIDENING -. e ARGENT ROAD RIDEIIINO 22 -- RD 78—ARGENT 70 CHAPEL HILL Y ! RD ea/ARGENT DOROVEKDM 21 HOAD H A BURDEN TRAFTIC SIGNAL ]y ? l0 PORERLDPE ROAD 24 LEWIS SF. A HERITAGE AVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL t�J 11 LERIS STEELY OVERPASS 25 HERITAGE AVE-A 'A'Sr. TRAFFIC SIGNAL ✓{f 11 ROAD 100 k ARGENT ROAD TRAFFIC SIGNAL 26 1-182 OTT AND ON MIMS A ROAD R N07E5 13 ROAD 200 11MOV6YENTS 27 BORDEN ROAD I-102 ON—RAMP 1.INF IOCAROMS OF YLSC SRi[LI PAOJD:TS,MISC.SIAFFIC SIGNAL SitEEi OFERU73. 14 SA Mlft PARKWAY(RD 62 TO 80) AND m BPROYDERS WILL K Km mm ON A LA=011L