HomeMy WebLinkAboutMetro Interlocal Agreement Please return recorded document to. Kennewick 10 Clerk 61 OS Kennewick_ WA 99336 METRO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ' LACAL NARCOTICS CONTROL PROGRAM AND METROPOLFI'AN CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ENFORCEMENT GROUP INTER-LOC.AL AGREEMENT This Interlocal Agreement is made and entered into pursuant to the provisiotvs o£Chapter 39.34 AC W, by and among the following patties_ City of Pasco City o£ Kenmewick City of Richland city o{west Richland Benton County Franklin County RECITALS 1 . Prior to 1987, the Cities o£ KennewicK, Pasco, Richland, and West Richland, and the Counties of Benton and Franklin, thro h their law enforcement agencies, maintained a working agreement for the purpose o£oombating controlled substances trafficking within the Tri-Cities community. This quasi-organized etlbrt was known as the Metropolitan Enforccrrtent Group ("Metro"). 2. The original parties entered into an Interlocal Agreemcn[ in 1957 which provided a more formal organization in order to centralize supervision and to qualify for federal funds dispensed by Washington State's Department o{ Community Trade and Economic Development (°CTED"). In Novetrtber o£ 199Q the Cities of Cotutell and Prosser desired to also participate in the group, and the original parties desired to include them. In October o{ 1991 and January o£ 1994, respectively, the cities Prosser and Connell decided to n lotager participate. In December 2004 the City o£ West Richland also decided to ao longer participate. METRO 1N TERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 1 0{ 12 3. The financial oH-tcer of Kennewick initially administered a Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund consisting of the proceeds of forfeitures, federal grants and court ordered cunt butions. In January 1990, the City o{Pasco took over administration o{the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund. In January o£2009 the City o{ Kermewick took over all administrative £unctions x t far financial administration. EeFective July 1 , 2009, the City of Kennewick took over the financial administrative function and control of the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund. 4. On December 30, 2009, the Cities of Kenmewick, Richland and Pasco and the Counties or Benton and Franklin entered into a evised Metro interlocal Agreement reelecting this t nms;£er o£ administrative duties to the City of Kennewick. 5_ In January 2010 the City o{West Richland notified the member agencies oFMetro of its desire to rejoin Metro. This Agreement is to {ruralize the participation of West Richland as n rrterttber agency_ 6_ The Federal government has appropriated mo s to the State o{Washington to {and a ordinate staze-wide narcotics control program These funds were administered by DCD until the Spring of 1993, at which time DCD became the State of Washington Department oFCommunity, Trade, and Economic Development ("CTED")_ The Department of Commerce or a successor state agency will continue to administer these funds. "]. 13ascd upon estabtisbed criteria, the parties ar eligible to svPjy for a grant to assist them in their et£orts to combat controlled substances tra£Ficking- Department o{Co erce desires to enter into a rnnact with one participating jurisdiction, to be named in the grant application as the applicant jurisdiction, and which shall have the duty o£ administering the grant on bchnlFOFthe participating jurisdictions_ 8. The parties desire to enter into an Agreement to enable the applicant jursdiction to r c the grant, to administer the grant, and to he responsible £or compliance with its terms on v behalf of the participating jurisdictions. 9. The City o£ Kennewick has co nsented to act ns the applicarn jurisdiction with regard to future applications to Department of Commerce and any {ands supplied by a Department of Commerce grant. l0. Chapter 3934 RCW provides that local jurisdictions may enter into cooperative agreements in order to best serve the needs oftheir local communities_ Now, therefore, the parties hereto, through their governing bodies, do hereby agree as follows: .S'EG"I'ION 1, — DEY'INITIONS a. "Application" m application submitted to Department of Commerce for a controlled substance law task force grant_ METRO 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 2 of 12 b. "Agency" and "Agencies" shall m an the member agencies eFMetro., that being the Police Departments eFthe Cities eFKennewiek, Pasco, Richland, West Richland, and the Sheriff's Departments ee Bcnten and Franklin Counties_ c. "Department o{Conramercc means the Washington State Department of Commerce. d. "Executive Board" means the oversight committee consisting o£one City Ma aer fiern e ec oFthe cities o{Pasco, Kenn ielr, Richland, and tfie Mayor of West Richland, or the designee from among the members ereacfi City Council and one County Commissioner from each ofthe Counties oFBenten and Franklin r their designee from among non- judicial elected offxeials o£their County or a county administrator working £or the County Commissioners. The Chairperson o{thc Operations Board or his/her designee from among its members and the Support Services Executive Director o£the City of KennewicK shall be non-voting members o£the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be the chic£ administrative officer for the purpose ofbudget transfers within each fund. e. "Jurisdictioas" mean the cities of Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, West Richland, the counties o{Benton and Franklin. f "Local Narcotics Control Program Fund" ("LNCPF") means the fund to be administered by the City o{ KCmtnewick for purposes ofgraat administration and the receipt and disbursement ofgrant £ands_ g_ "Metro" means the Metropolitan Controlled Substance Enforcement Group wfiicfi is ulti-jurisdictional investigative group consisting o£the law enforcement ef£cers and the support personnel o£the member jurisdictions and any Washington State Patrol investigator agreed to by the, Operations Board. h. "Metro Drug Forfeiture Flrrrd" m s the a fisting Metro fund o{that n 1 transferred to nd adrrrinistera by the City of Kennwick eff dive July 2w00h9ic. h was This fund may receive the proceeds of forfeiture, Federal grants, and court ordered or other contributions for the purpose o{enforcement oFthe controlled substance laws o{the State o£Washington. n. "Metro Operations" xneans any controlled substance law en{arcement activity in which an effacer assigned to Metro takes an active part, either as part of a surveillance team, raid team, er an arresting emeer_ Metro operations may also include controlled substance law enforcement activity in which Metro's sole participation was to supply n telligenee n£ormation to the arresting agency. The Operations Board, in accordance with the provisions o£ Seetiotn 8.1 , shall determin whethc-r the providing o£ in£o rrrration in any given case has been substantial enough to constitute making that activity a Metro operation. METRO INTERLOCAZ_ AGREEMENT Page 3 of 12 j. "Operations Board" Shall m n the law ea{r ent policy body For Metro and will co ist o{the Chiefs o£Police o£ Kewewicic, Pasco, Richland, West Richland, and the Sheri{fs� and Prosecuting Attomeys o{ genton and Franldin Cowties. It shall recommend the budget £or the grant Fiands and their disbursement and be responsible for preparing applications for ' any additional grants or renewal o{the CTED grant The Support Services Executive Director oFthe City of Kewewick shall be anon-voting member o{the Operations Board {or purposes of advisemeat on Snancial and fund administrative matters. Prosecuting Attorneys shall refrain f om voting on purely investigative issues. The Konnewick Police ChieF Shall serve as chairperson. R- "Paid Vouchers" m all purchase orders, invoices, payroll, records, etc., to back up expenditures by particanipating jurisdictions. SEG"I'lON 2 — PURPOSE The purpose o{this Agreement is h establish an organized effort tt combat vt tl gt r o£ controlled substance laws within the contracting jurisdictiorvs and to take advantage o£ Department o£Cottvrrterce and any other available grants. t SECTION 3 — GENERAL DUTIES OF 2'HE BAATIES The parties have or shall: a Authorize their respective repres ntative to execute any and all necessary documents to obtain grant funds available pursuant to State and Federal Law For the purpose of establishing a regional, multi-jurisdictional Tas>< Forceg b. Authorize they oMT ials and employees to participate in the activities of Metro a cordiag to this Agreement, the wor> plan established in the application, and as determined by the aPPropriate administrative body c. Authorize their law en£orcettaent off cuts to enter into operating agreements, Such as the one in existence pursuant to 10.93 RCW to enable these agencies to participate in Metro. SECTION 4 — DURATION/WITIIDRAWAL/'IEAMINATION a. This Agreement shall irrvmediately upon its a cution by all of the parties and filing with the auditors {or Benton and Franklin cowtiesxand shall continue wtil terminated by the jurisdict iorvs. b. The grant by Department o£Commerce is made For one year at a time, beginning July t " of each year. Any party may withdraw lr o Metro etFective the begin vng ot'the next grant Year by giving written notice by April l st oFtlxat year to the parties subject to this METRO fNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 4 0£ 12 Agreement. A party that withdraws from Metro before Vermin ation o£Metro as defined in Section 4.c shall forfeit 100% of their share of the Metro Forfeiture Fund equity and assets. c. Termination o£this Agreement shall only occur upon written mutual agreemerm of all the parties that are at the time of termination participants in Metro and subject to this Agreement. The written agreement £or termination shall be executed by April 1 s` or any given year to be effective July 1 at of that year. SECTION 5 — TASK FORCE a. Each party has committed to providiag as long as their espective budgets allow, the 1b11owing personnel with their assigned equipment to Metro : City of Kennewick - 2 investigators City o£Pasco - 2 in estigators City o£ Richland - 1 in estigator City o£ West Richland - 1 investigator Benton County - 1 investigator Franklin County - - 1 investigator Each party has the option o£amendiag the number o£perso l assigned to Metro. Notice o£ aay change in then tuber o£pet5onnel wmmitted to Metro shall be given to the Executive Board by January 1 `t ofthat year to take effect within 30 days ofthat year. b. The City of Ketmewick shall supply a supervisory person oftha grade o£ Captain or above to act as a part-time administrator. That person shall s approximately one-fourth of his time administering Metro. The City of Kennewick shall be reimbursed by Metro for one- fourth ofthe administrator's salary and benefits. The administrator may be delegated such administrative duties as the Operations Board shall see lit. Selection and retention ofthe administrator shall be done by the Ketmewick Police Chief Ifthe majority ofthe Operations Board does not support selection or retention ofthe administrator, the City of Kennewick may eithc-r name a cliff ent administrator or choose [o withdraw as the administering agency. One o£the two investigators assigned iiom the City of Kennewick shall be a Sergeant. That Sergeant will perform supervisory duties in the Metro. The City of Kennewick shall be tmbursed by Metro for the difference between the salary and benefits of a Sergeant and the salary of the other investigator assigned by the City of Kettraewick to Metro. c. The oi4' s oethe Prosecuting Attorney for Benton and Franklin Counties may each assign lawyers from their respective staffs for the purpose ofhatndling cases generated by the Task Force and this assigttr ra may be contingent upon funding. METRO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 5 0£ 12 Secretarial stafF may be assigned or employed by one or more eF the parties is the support o{the investigation and prosecution ereases arvsmg as a result eFTask Force operations and this may be contingent upon funding. d. The Executive Board, by jerity vote may, in the a ant that any party to tbis Agreement = fails at any time during the term eFthis Agreement to provide er maintain the commitment of personnel to Metro as set forth above, impose the following penalties on the party in breach of this Agreement (1 ) The farfeiture erall (100%) erthe party's share o£ £or£eiture fund (see section gJ equity and assets; and (2) The immediate payment upon deterrr.inatien o£amount to the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund eran amount equal to any loss o£ federal and/or state grant funds for the operating year arising from or caused by the party's Failure to provide or maintain then commitment of personnel to Metro. .SECTION 6 — �iDMINI$TRATION a. The City of Kennewick shall be the applicant jurisdiction for Department oFCOrrrrr ee grants. It shall provide the ssary documentation to receive grant £ands and en a that the provisions erthe application are met. Kennewick shall maintain budgetary control of grant funds and maintain records as required by applicable laws and regulations. Participating jurisdictions shall in and pay individually, those expenses a ing to activities or eirrployees of their jurisdictions. Paid vouchers for anbursable expenses are to be transmitted to the Support Services Executive Director ofthe City o£Kennewick rxarn diately after payment. The City of Kennewick shall request funds for grant rmbursement on a monthly basis and distribute grant proceeds a c xxliagly upon receipt of Said filrtds. The City of Keanewiek shall set up and administer the LNCPF for the purposes eF accounting far grant fund receipts and disbursements and to prevent the ingling ofgrant funds and drug far£eiture and other £ands recovered pursuant to this Agreement with any other tixncls. The LNCPF shall be subject to the same audit and Sseal controls as the public treasury oftha City of Kennewick. b. The City o{ Kennewick assumes the responsibilities erthe applicant jurisdiction en behalf- of, and for the hen nt oif all the jurisdictions that are parties to this Agreement. All the jurisdictions shall share, en a pro-rata basis as set forth in Section 7.b, any loss other than a loss ca Bred by Section 10 ofthc Agreement suffered by any jurisdiction ar irng solely and directly as the result oftht City of KennewicK's role as the applicant jurisdiction. In the event that there is any recapture erg ant funds by the Department o£ Commerce pursuant to the provisions el'the City o{Kermewick contract with it, the jurisdictions shall share responsibility on the pro-rata basis a s set {ortb in Section Zb o£this Agreement. However, in the event that there is a recapture erg aat funds originally disbursed due to an METRO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 6 0£ 12 identifiable discretionary the sole r rxesse iturc of any jurisdiction or agency, that jurisdiction or agency shall bear ponsibility for payment and indemnify the City oFKermewick for any loss of fiarads it may soft due to any such recapture. 1{ any loss o£ Funds, other than a loss covered by Section 10 o{the Agreement, is covered by a fidelity bond or other insurance, oov irag one oFtlae jurisdictions employees, that jurisdiction shall be responsible far said loss to the extent oFth¢ coverage provided by said bond or insurance and any remaining loss shall be shared as set forth above. c_ The City o{Kemewick shall administer the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund, and it shall be subject to the same audit and Fiscal controls as the public treasury o£the City o{ ' Kexmewvck. d. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the budget and all other administrative duties o{the LNCPF and oFM¢tro. The Executive Hoard may delegate any or all oFthese duties to the Operations Board. The Executive Board shall b¢ responsible {or submitting both the LNCPF budget and the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund budget to the City Council o{the City o£Kemewick {or approval as provided by law. The Executive Board shall elect a chairperson and v -chairpersonv, meet at least twice a year, and adopt such procedural rules to govern its maetirags as it deems necessary. ^ c. The Operations Board shall meet at least quarterly, adopt such procedural rules to govern its meetings as it deems necessary, and provide policy recommendations to the Executive Committee regaMing the LNCPF, Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund, Metro, and related Task Force expenditures and operatiorvs, and may delegate any administrative duties delagatcd to it. F Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as authorizing any party or official oFsaid Pally to direct the Prosecuting Attorney nr any Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in the per£ormatace oFhis or her duties. SECTION "] — ACQUISITION ANO IISE OF EQUIPMENT a. In the event that anY equipment is acquired with grant rarads received Srom Department o£ Commerce, the parties agree to use the equipment only For specified program purposes during the life ofttae grant. A11 equipment purchased by Kermawick on behalfof Metro using grant Funds shall be owned by the applicant jurisdiction, the City o£Kennewick. ARer the grant period ends, the parties agree to use the equipment otaly £or controlled substance ¢nfarcement purposes and to dispose oFsaid property as set forth in Section Zb unless Federal and state requirements provide for a diFi ent disposition. b. Upon termination o{this Agreement, all equipment contributed by the jurisdictions shall be returned to the contributing agency. All property and equipment purchased with monies from the LNCPF or with monies t the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund shall be distributed METRO 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT not to violate Section 7.a above, and on a pro-rata basis as set forth below, and this property shall be used by the receiving party only {r controlled substance enforcement purposes unless federal and state requirements provide for a dill cnt disposition. The Operations neard shall see to it that a separate inventory for property and equipment purchased from each fund shall he Kept and, i£ money fh- ra the LNCPF is used to tmburse any other toad for any property and equipment purchased, the property or equipment sha11 be transferred to the LNCPF i entory_ This inventory shall go back to at least January, 1988, and continue for the duration. ofthis Agreement Upon termination of this Agreement, the items purchased with monies {nom the LNCPF Lund or with monies frrom the Metro 1Jrug ForF iture Fund shall be distributed to each participating jurisdiction under a formula that divides the c mulative number o£ in estigatcrs assigned to Metro by each jurisdiction starting with the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005, and eontin ing through the most veceraly convpleted fiscal year by the cumulative total o{ in estigators assigned to Metro by all participating jurisdictions during this same period. Jurisdictions shall only credit in the calculation lbr those is estigators that r m assigned to Metro for the entirety of a fiscal year. At such time that a jurisdiction rertloves all o£thc investigators that it had previously a signed to Metro, it shall also forfeit its right to any {uturc distribution o{accumulated assets under this section and be removed from the calculation. As o{June 30, 2009, the result o£thc formula outlined in this section was as follows: Fiscal Year Ended June 30 Aecncv 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total City of Kennewick 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1. 0.00 28.57 City of Pasco 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 28.57 City o{Richland 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 5.00 14.29% City o{ West Richlands - - - - - - O.O Bcnton County 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 5.00 14.29% Franklin County 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 5.00 14.29 Total Investigators 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 100.00% *`Accrual of credit for participation by West Richland per the {ormula described above shall begin July 1 , 2010 SECTION S - FUND ADMINISTRA'1'lON AND FORl�'EITURES a_ All property, proceeds t ern property, and cash forfeited pursuant to RCW 69.50.505 by Memo operations and all other contributions to the Metro �g Forfeiture Fund shall be managed and disbursed as provided in this Section. Orr or hefore July I , 2009, all such forfeited property, all proceeds in the Metro Drug Forfeiture Funnd and/or LNCPF fund and all a oaring records related to such were traosre cCl f3om the City of Pasco to the City o{ Kerarewick_ METRO INTERi_OCAL AGREEMENT Page 8 of ] 2 b_ The City o£ Kennewick shall administer the Metro Drng Forfeiture Fund and shall make expenditures from the fi ral only as appropriately directed. All interest attributed to vestment oFmonies in the Metro Drug Forfeit ur¢ Fund shall be deposited into the band. This fund shall be established so that it may accept court ordered contribution or other ntributions ss well as Funds disbursed by the Federal government or other agencies volving the enfor em of controlled substance laws. Disbursements From this Fund shall be bar controlled substance enforcement purposes. c. To the extent that IZ W 69.50.505 requires tbat the £arfeiture funds be deposited in the current expense fund a£the jurisdiction in which the forfeiture takes place, that requirement shall be met by depositing said funds in the Metro Drug ForF iture Fund. For{itures shall be in acentaance with RCW 69.50.505 0 otber applicable law and all funds which may be retained by the local jurisdiction as a result of Said forfeiture shall be deposited into the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund. d_ All property forfeited pursuant to Metro operations shall be immediately delivered to Metro boy use in Metro operations, unless use ofsncb property is declined by the Operations Board, in which case the jurisdiction in which the Forfeiture took place may use the property in accordance with RCW 69.50.505. The City cf Kennewick shall see to it that a proper inventory is kept of all the property seized, whether or not it has yet been f rfeitcd, and of its sale or other disposition. e. Tha Operations Board rrray authorize the transfer cf forfeited property of any law enforcement agency in this state upon application for the exclusive e u s cf enforcing the provisions of Chapter 69.50:505 RCW as now or bereafter amcndcd. f Firearms confiscated as salt oFMetro operations will be placed into Metro evidence and the disposal eFthe firearms will o cc er ur aft adjudication of the case in court and at the direction of the Operations 14oard g. Upon termination, the Executive Director o£ support Services ofthe City o£ KennewicK, or his or her designee, using established goverrnrraental a unting standards, shall determine the balance oftbe LNCPF and the Metrn Drug Forfeiture Fund a ailable liar distribution as eFthe terrrnination date_ All jurisdictions shall share in the amount a ailable For distribution a prn-rota basis as set lortb in section 7.b. Any balances that become a ailable for distribution within the LNCPF and the Metro Drug Forfeiture Fund after the date o£ terminatioq including but not limited te, the net proceeds derived from any property that was seized or forfeited prior to the tenrninstion date, shall be distributed in the s e rmer_ Funds distributed rnay be used ibr the expansion o£centrnlled substancem enl6reennent purposes and rnay not supplant pre-existing banding services unless otherwise autborized by applicable law. METRO iNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 9 cf 12 h In order, to ensure compliance with this Agreement, the parties agree that all forfeitures made pursuant to RC'W 69.50.505 by eaeb party shall be disclosed to the Operations Board. The Clperatioris Board shall review eaeb case to determine ifthe action was a Metro operation. The decision of the Operations Board shall be binding upon all parties. However, Metro operations shall expressly not include drug arrests and £tF itures wbich are incidental to an unrelated activity, e.g.,. a utine traffic stop, arrests and forfeitures from operation which were made after co ultstio with and agreement oFtbe Metro supervisor that Metro would not participate-, and cases wbich are not considered a Metro case fbr pmsecvtion p�ses. SECTION 9 — t>•RBI'I'RATION The parties agree that any dispute arising S em this Agreemont relating to the distribution o£ rr�rxiea and of property er penalty provisions shall be submitted to an arbitrator for a binding decision pursuant to C bapter 7.04 RCW unless the parties agree to anotber marvrrer o£arbitration. Ifthe parties cannot agree on an arbitrator(s), the court shall appoint an arbitrator from a list compiled as {Mows: each party shall submit a list o£three persons not associated witb any oftbe parties who have agreed to act as arbitrator and each party may strike up to two n roes from - the total list thereby compiled. The court shall select an arbitrator ft-om among the names remaining unless tbere be none, in which case the court shall select an arbitrator not associated with any eethe parties. SEC xr' 10 — LinRiI�I'i'SC • Each party sball be responsible fbr the wrongfl .o negligent actions of its ar In yeas wbile assigned to the Metro Team as their veapeetive liability shall appear under the laws of the State of Washington and/or Federal Law and this Agreement is not intended to dirrrrrrisb or expand such liability. To that end, each party promises to bold harmless and release all the other participating parties from any loss, claim er liability arising ft-om or out of the negligent tortieus actions er inactions of its employees, officers and officials. Such liability shall be apportioned among the parties or other at-fault persons or entities in accordance witb the laws oFtbe State of Washington. Nothir herein shall be interpreted to: Waive any defbns mg out of RCW Title 51 . b. Limit the ability efa participant to excreise any right, de{rs ernedy wbich a party ` may bave with respect to third parties or the officers) wbese acnjon o action giv e a to loss, claim or liability, including, but not limited to, an assertion that the emeer(s) was acting beyond the scope o£his er her employment. e- Cover or require indemni{cation or payment of any judgment against any individual er Agency £or intentionally wrongful conduct outside the scope of employment of any individual or £or judgment for punitive damages against any individual or Agency. METRO 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 10 o£ 12 Payment o{punitive damage a ards, {ices or sanctions sfiall be the sole responsibility of the individual against whom said judgment is endwed and/or his or her Agency employer, should that erttplo yet elect to make said payment voluntarily. This Agreement does not require indemniSCation o£ any punitive damage awaffis or far any order imposing {mes or sanctions. ' SECTION I I — AMENDMENT "this Agreement r y be amended ft-om time-to-tim as deemed appropriate by the Parties, provided that such amendment shall become eff t ve only after it has been adopted in writing by authorized representatives o£each o£the parties_ SECTION 12 — INTEGRATION This Agreement and the application contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties, except necessary operational agreements between the law enforcement agencies of the espective jurisdictions pursuant to Chapter 10.93 RCW. No other understandings, oral or otlaerwis regarding the subject matter o£this Agreement shall be deemed to a ist or to bind any o£the parties. This Agreement shall expressly supercede all prior Agreements among the jurisdictions regarding Metro creation, operatioq add adrrt�tvistration. Dated this any or 2010. CI1"Y OF KENNEWICK CITY OF RICHLAND STEVE C_ YOUNG, Mayor JOHN FOX, Mayor Attest: Attest: VALERIE J. LOFFLEA, City Clerk DEBRA BARHAM, Deputy City Cleric Approved As To Form: Approved As To Form: LZSA BEATON, City Attorney THOMAS O. LAMPSON, City Attorney CITY OF PASCO CP OF WEST RICHLAND JOYCE OLSON, Mayor DONNA NOSKI, Mayor METRO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Page 11 0£ 12 Attest: Attest: DEBRA CLARK, City Clerk JU RICH R N, City Clerk _ Approved As To Form: Approved as [o Form: LELAND B. KERB, City Attorney BRONSON BROWN, City Attorney BENTON COUNTY FRANKLIN COiSN1"Y MAX E. BENZTZ, JR, Ct.airman RICK MILLER, Ct.a.:rmar� LEO BOWMAN, Commissioner ROBERT E. KOCH, Commssioner JAMES BEAVER, Commissioner BRAD PECK, Commissioner Attest: Attest: CAMI MCKENZZE, Clerk o£the Board MARY WITHERS, Clerk o£the Board Approved As To Form: Approved As To Fornv: ANDREW MILLER STEVE LOWS Benton County Prosecutor Franklin. County Prosecutor METRO INTEAL,OCAL AGREEMENT Page 12 of 12