HomeMy WebLinkAbout3170 Resolution JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PASCO AND FRANKLIN COUNTY PASCO RESOLUTION NO. h� FRANKLIN COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 4 V9 ? 41 IN THE MATTER OF JOINTLY PLACING A BALLOT PROPOSITION BEFORE THE VOTERS OF THE COUNTY IN NOVEMBER 2009, PROPOSING AN ADDITIONAL THREE-TENTHS OF ONE PERCENT LOCAL SALES TAX and JOINTLY DEVELOPING AN AGREEMENT TO FACILITATE CONSTRUCTION AND OCCUPANCY SPACE FOR PASCO MUNICIPAL COURT AS PART OF THE NEW JAIL PROJECT PLANNED BY FRANKLIN COUNTY. WHEREAS, Franklin County is planning construction of a new 225-bed jail as well as renovation of the jail, as both are needed to provide the capacity for housing local offenders as the County continues to grow; and WHEREAS, the City contracts with Franklin County for housing of City misdemeanant offenders being adjudicated through Pasco Municipal Court, so having adequate jail space for pre-trial as well as post-trial confinement is critically important to the maintenance of public safety in the Pasco community; and WHEREAS, the City has operated its Municipal Court within space at the Franklin County Courthouse under the terms of a 40-year lease which will expire in 2012, thus, necessitating that the City find new space in which to conduct its Municipal Court functions; and WHEREAS, the Franklin County Board of Commissioners and the Pasco City Council, during recent joint meetings, discussed the probability of the City paying for new Municipal Court space in conjunction with the County's construction of a new jail; and WHEREAS, the Franklin County Commission and Pasco City Council, having duly considered the efficiencies to be gained for both parties, jointly find that the citizens and taxpayers of both jurisdictions will be greatly benefitted by the parties executing an agreement whereby the Pasco Municipal Court functions can be housed, long-term, at the Franklin County Courthouse, provided that the agreement is consistent with certain principles; and WHEREAS, the cost of such a facility requires the issuance of debt by the County, the repayment of which will require a voter-approved source of revenue; and WHEREAS, the County Commission and the Pasco City Council have considered the only two available options, an excess property tax levy or a three-tenths of one percent sales tax increase; and PASCO RESOLUTION NO. FRANKLIN COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. .: U LI 9 62 4 1 WHEREAS, the County Commission and the Pasco City Council both find that the sales tax option is much preferred because it provides sufficient funding for construction of both the jail and court facilities but will also provide sufficient funds for operation of those and other criminal justice functions throughout the County as well as the City and avoids an increase in the existing property tax burden on owners of property throughout the County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON: Section 1. The Franklin County Commission and Pasco City Council hereby agree to develop a detailed agreement to facilitate construction and occupancy of sufficient space for Pasco Municipal Court as part of the new jail project planned by Franklin County. Section 2. The Franklin County Commission and Pasco City Council hereby agree that any such agreement will be wholly consistent with the following"Principles of Agreement": • Total floor area to be occupied solely by the City will be determined mutually but not less than 10,000 square feet in area. • City will pay for all construction cost attributed directly to the space mutually agreed to house Municipal Court and its related functions. • City will pay proportional cost of construction of"common areas" of new building directly related to the space mutually agreed to house Municipal Court. • City payment for construction costs will occur on the same schedule as any debt repayment schedule incurred by County for construction debt. • City will have minimum of 40-year lease of the space; County will have periodic right to terminate after 40 years, with at least three years notice and payment of depreciated value based on 80-year life of building space and industry standards. • City will pay proportional share of operating costs (utilities,janitorial, etc.)based on occupied space. • The prisoner housing contract will remain substantially in its current form and content. County will not include jail construction or renovation costs in calculating the daily fee for city use of the jail facilities. Section 3. The County Commission, as authorized under RCW 82.14.450 and with support of the Pasco City Council, will place a ballot proposition before the voters of the County during the 2009 General Election, proposing an addition of three-tenths of one percent to the local sales tax, principally for construction and operation of a County jail and other public safety purposes. PASCO RESOLUTION NO. 3 (1 V FRANKLIN COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 1 9 `3 4 1 PASCO CITY COUNCIL PASCO,WASHINGTON APPROVED this fa!�day of June, 2009. 4( (Imj-� Joyce so , Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Debra Clark, City Clerk Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON APPROVED this_L5 day of June,2009. Rick Miller, Chairman &deO7AI� Robert E. Koch, Chair Pro-Tern �ti O Brad Peck, Member ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Clerk to Board Ryan E. Verhulp Chief Civil Deputy Prosecutor