HomeMy WebLinkAbout3089 Resolution CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 d A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, relating to public improvements; declaring its intention to order the improvement of "A" Street between Elm Avenue and Road 40 East and to create a local improvement district to assess a portion of the cost and expense of carrying out those improvements against the properties specially benefited thereby; and, notifying all persons who desire to object to the improvements to appear and present their objections at a hearing before the City Council to be held on August 4, 2008. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to order the improvement of the properties within the area described in Exhibit B, by the improvement of"A" Street between Elm Avenue and Road 40 East, as more fully described in Exhibit A, to include road widening, curb, gutter, storm drain system and a bicycle path, and water and sewer system improvements (collectively, the "Improvements"). The referenced exhibits are attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof All of the foregoing improvements shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor prepared by the City Engineer of the City and may be modified by the City as long as that modification does not affect the purpose of the improvements. Section 2. The total estimated cost and expense of the Improvements is declared to be $2,147,203, of which an estimated $1,691,616 shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by the Improvements to be included in a local improvement district to be established and embracing as nearly as practicable all the property specially benefited by the Improvements. Actual assessments may vary from estimated assessments as long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the Improvements add to the property. Section 3. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of the adoption of this resolution and of the date, time and place fixed for the public hearing to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land or other property within the proposed local improvement district by mailing such notice at least fifteen days before the date fixed for public hearing to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the rolls of the Franklin County Assessor at the address shown thereon, as required by law. 50922279.1 This resolution also shall be published in its entirety in at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City, the date of the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. Section 4. All persons who may desire to object to the Improvements are notified to appear and present those objections at a hearing before the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in Pasco, Washington, at 7:00 p.m. on August 4, 2008, which time and place are fixed for hearing all matters relating to the Improvements and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment for the Improvements. All persons who may desire to object thereto should appear and present their objections at that hearing. Any person who may desire to file a written protest with the City Council may do so within 30 days after the date of passage of the ordinance ordering the Improvements in the event the local improvement district is formed. The written protest should be signed by the property owner and should include the legal description of the property for which the protest is filed and that protest should be delivered to the City Clerk, Section 5. The City Engineer is directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to August 4, 2008, all data and information required by law to be submitted. The foregoing resolution was ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, at a regular open public meeting thereof this 7t` day of July, 2008. J ce Olson, Mayor ATTEST: Ao G 0 04 De ra L. 'Clark', City—blork APPROVED AS TO FORM: Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney -2- 50922279,1 CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Pasco, Washington (the "City"), hereby certify as follows: 1. The attached copy of Resolution No. (the "Resolution") is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City held at the regular meeting place thereof on July 7, 2008, as that Resolution appears on the minute book of the City; and the Resolution will be in full force and effect immediately following its adoption; and 2. A quorum of the members of the City Council was present throughout the meeting and a majority of those members present voted in the proper manner for the adoption of the Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7h day of July, 2008. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON Debra L. Clark, City Clerk _ 50922279.1 EXHIBIT A LID No. 145 —"A" Street from Elm Avenue to Road 40 East In—From—To Description In Street From To "A" Street Elm Avenue Road 40 East The LID No. 145 Improvements include road widening, curb, gutter, storm drain system and a bicycle path, and water and sewer system improvements. Exhibit A- 1 50922279.1 EXHIBIT B LID No. 145 —"A" Street from Elm Avenue to Road 40 East Legal description of the boundary: That portion of the South half of the South half of Sections 27 and 28, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, and the North half of the North half of Sections 33 and 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 East W.M. in Pasco, Franklin County, Washington, described as follows; Commencing at the intersection of East "A" Street and Road 40 East, also being the South quarter corner of Section 27, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., also being the North quarter corner of Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., in Pasco, Franklin County, Washington, also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence Northerly along the Northerly projection of the centerline of Road 40 East, also being the Northerly centerline of said Section 27, a distance of 40-feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of East "A" Street, also being the Southeasterly corner of a lot whose parcel number is 113-730-124 with the legal description being "That portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 27, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., Franklin County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of"A" Street as the same now exists said point also being on the center line of said Section 27; thence Northerly along the said centerline 330.00 feet; thence Westerly parallel with the South line of Section 27, 330.0 feet; thence Southerly parallel with the center line of Section 27, 330.0 feet to the North line of said "A" Street; thence Easterly along the North line of"A" Street to the Point of Beginning"; thence continuing Northerly along the Northerly centerline of said Section 27, also being the Easterly line of said lot with parcel number 113-730-124, a distance of 330-feet to the Northeast corner of said lot; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said lot with parcel number 113-730-124, a distance of 330-feet, to the Northwest corner of said lot, also being the Northeast corner of Lot 2, Short Plat 78-25; thence continuing Westerly along the North line of Lot 2 and Lot 1, Short Plat 78-25 to the Northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence Southerly along the West line of said Lot 1, a distance of 20-feet to a point being 350-feet North of the Southerly section line of said Section 27, also being the Northeastern corner of Lot 2, Tierra Vida Commercial Phase One; thence Westerly along the North line of said Lot 2 to the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence Southerly along the Eastern right- of-way line of Tierra Vida Lane and a 45-foot radius curve to the left to the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street; thence Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street to the Southerly tangent of a 45-foot radius curve being the Western right-of-way line of Tierra Vida Lane, also being the Southeastern corner of Lot 1, Tierra Vida Commercial Phase One; thence Northerly along the 45-foot radius cure to the left and the Western right-of-way line of Tierra Vida Lane to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Tierra Vida Commercial Phase One, also being the Southeast corner of Lot 30, Exhibit B - 1 50922279.I Tierra Vida Phase One; thence continuing Westerly along the South line of Lots, 30, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51, Tierra Vida Phase One to the Southwest corner of said Lot 51; thence Southerly along the Eastern right-of-way of Manzanita Lane and a 45-foot radius curve to the left to the Northern right-of-way line of East"A" Street; thence Westerly along the North right-of-way line of East "A" Street to the Southerly tangent of a 45-foot radius curve being the Western right-of-way line of Manzanita Lane; thence Northerly along a 45-foot radius curve to the left and the Western right-of-way line of Manzanita Lane to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Tierra Vida Phase One, also being about 485-feet North of the centerline of East "A" Street; thence Westerly along the South line of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Tierra Vida Phase One to the Southwest corner of said Lot 4, also being the Eastern right-of-way of an un-named street along the Easterly boundary of Washington Addition, also being 20-feet East of the Western Section Line of Section 27, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.; thence Southerly along a line being 20-feet East of and parallel to the Western Section Line of said Section 27 to the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street; thence Westerly along the Northern right- of-way line of East "A" Street across the un-named street to the Southeastern corner of Lot 17, Block 12, Washington Addition; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, and across a 20-foot alley, and along the Eastern line of Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32. Block 12, Washington Addition; thence Westerly along the Northern line of said Lot 32, and across a 14-foot alley, and along the Northern line of Lot 1 to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 1; thence Southerly along the Western line of Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and across a 20-foot alley, and along the Western line of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 12 Washington Addition, to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being the Northern right-of-way of East"A" Street; thence Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street across Sprague Street to the Southeastern corner of Lot 17, Block 11, Washington Addition; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, Block 11, Washington Addition to the Northeaster corner of said Lot 22; thence Westerly along the Northern line of said Lot 22 to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 22 and across a 14- foot alley to the Southeastern corner of Lot 10, Block 11, Washington Addition; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of Lots 10, and 9, and across a 20-foot alley, and along the Eastern line of Lots 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, Block 11, Washington Addition to the Northeastern corner of said Lot 1; thence Westerly along the Northern line of said Lot 1 to the Northwest corner of the said Lot 1; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and across a 20-foot alley, and along the Westerly line of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 11, Washington Addition to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being on the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street, also being on the Eastern right-of-way line of Spokane Street; thence Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street crossing Spokane Street to the Southeastern corner of Lot 17, Block 10, Washington Addition; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, Block 10, Washington Addition to the Northeastern corner of said Lot 24; thence Westerly along the Northern line of said Lot 24 to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 24; thence Northerly across a 20-foot alley, and along the Western line of Lots 25 and 26, Block 10, Washington Addition to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 26, also being the Southwestern corner of Lot 27, Block 10, Washington Addition; thence Easterly along the Southern line of Exhibit B - 2 50922279.1 said Lot 27 to the Southeastern corner of said Lot 27; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, Block 10, Washington Addition to the Northeaster corner of said Lot 32; thence Westerly along the Northern line of said Lot 32, and across a 14-foot alley, along the Northern line of Lot 1 Block 10, Washington Addition; to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 1, also being the Easterly right-of-way line of Missoula Street; thence Southerly along the Western line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and across a 20-foot alley, and along the Western line of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 10, Washington Addition to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being the Northerly right-of-way line of East"A" Street; thence Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street across Missoula Street to the Southeastern comer of Lot 17, Block 9, Washington Addition; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, and across a 20-foot alley, and along the Eastern line of Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32, Block 9, Washington Addition to the Northeaster corner of said Lot 32; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Lot 32, and across a 14-foot alley, and along the Northerly line of Lot 1, Block 9, Washington Addition to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 1, also being on the Eastern right-of-way line of Heritage Boulevard; thence Southerly along the Western line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, across a 20-foot alley, and along the Westerly line of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 9, Washington Addition to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being on the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street, being North of the Southerly line of Section 28, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. a distance of 40-feet; thence Westerly across Heritage Boulevard to the Southerly tangent of a 55-foot radius curve being the Southeasterly corner of Lot 5, Sunrise Estates Phase 1, being North of the Southerly line of said Section 28 a distance of 50-feet, thence continuing Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street, being the Southerly line of Lots 5 and 4, Sunrise Estates Phase 1, to the Southerly tangent of a 55- foot radius curve to the right, also being the Eastern right-of-way line of Anaconda Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street across Anaconda Avenue to the Southerly tangent of a 55-foot radius curve, being the Westerly right-of-way line of Anaconda Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Northerly right-of-way line of East"A" Street, also being the Southerly line of Lots 3, 2, and 1, Sunrise Estates Phase 1, to the Southwestern corner of Lot 1, Sunrise Estates Phase 1, also being on the Eastern line of Lot 2, Short Plat 2002-10; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of said Lot 2 to the Northeastern corner of said Lot 2; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Lot 2 and Lot 1, Short Plat 2002-10 to the Northwestern corner of said Lot 1, also being on the Eastern right-of-way line of Cedar Avenue; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 1 to the Southwestern corer of said Lot 1, also being the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street, being North of the Southerly line of Section 28, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. a distance of 40-feet; thence Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street across Cedar Avenue to the Southeastern corner of Lot 17, Block 12, Kurtzman's First Addition; thence continuing Westerly along the Southern line of said Lot 17 and a 20-foot alley and the Southern line of Lot 16, Block 12, Kurtzman's First Addition to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being the on the Eastern right-of-way line of Waldemar Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street across Waldemar Avenue to the Southeastern corner of Lot 17, Block 11, Exhibit B - 3 50922279.] Kurtzman's First Addition, also being on the Western right-of-way line of Waldemar Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Southern line of said Lot 17 and a 20-foot alley and the Southern line of Lot 16, Block 11, Kurtzman's First Addition to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being on the Eastern right-of-way line of Hugo Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street to the Southeastern corner of Lot 17, Block 10, Kurtzman's First Addition, also being on the Western right-of-way line of Hugo Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Southern line of said Lot 17 and a 20-foot alley and the Southern line of Lot 16, Block 10, Kurtzman's First Addition to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being on the Eastern right-of-way line of Sycamore Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street across Sycamore Avenue to the Southeastern corner of Lot 17, Block 9, Kurtzman's First Addition, also being on the Western right-of-way line of Sycamore Avenue; thence continuing Westerly along the Southern line of said Lot 17 and a 20-foot alley and the Southern line of Lot 16, Block 9, Kurtzman's First Addition to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 16, also being on the Eastern right-of-way line of Elm Avenue and on the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street; thence continuing Westerly along the Northern right-of-way line of East "A" Street a distance of 40-feet to the centerline of Elm Avenue; thence Southerly along the centerline of Elm Avenue a distance of 40-feet to the centerline on East "A" Street, also being on the Southern line of Section 28, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., also being on the Northern line of Section 33, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.; thence continuing Southerly along the centerline of Elm Avenue a distance of 40-feet to the Southern right-of-way line of East "A" Street; thence Easterly along the Southern right-of-way line of East "A" Street a distance of 30-feet to the Eastern right-of-way line of Elm Avenue, also being the Northwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Elliott's Addition; thence Southerly along the Western line of said Lot 1 to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 1; thence Easterly along the Southern line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 1, Elliott's Addition, also being on the Western right-of-way line of Hugo Avenue; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of said Lot 5 to the Northeastern corner of said Lot 5, also being on the Southern right-of-way line of East "A" Street; thence Easterly along the Southern right-of-way line of East "A" Street to the Northwestern corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Elliott's Addition, also being on the Eastern right-of-way line of Hugo Avenue; thence Southerly along the Western line of said Lot 1 to the Southwestern corner of said Lot 1; thence Easterly along the Southern line of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 2, Elliott's Addition to the Southeastern corner of said Lot 5, also being on the Western right-of-way line of Cedar Avenue; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of said Lot 5 to the Northeastern corner of said Lot 5, also being on the Southern right-of-way line of East "A" Street; thence Easterly along the Southern right-of-way line of East "A" Street a distance of 30-feet to the North / South centerline of Section 33, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.; thence Southerly along the said centerline to a point being a distance of 330-feet from the Northern line of said Section 33, also being along the Westerly line of a lot with parcel number 112-430-012 with the legal description being "The Northerly 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of Section 33, Township 9 North, Range 30 E.W.M., Franklin County, Washington"; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said lot with parcel number 112-430-012, also being parallel to and a distance of 330-feet South of the Northern line of said Section 33 to Southeastern corner of said lot with Exhibit B - 4 509222)9.1 parcel number 112-430-012, also being a point on the Eastern line of said Section 33 a distance of 330-feet South of the Northerly line of said Section 33, also being a point on the Western line of Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W. M., also being on the Westerly line of a lot with parcel number 112-530-057 with the legal description being the "The Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter (NW1/4 NW 1/4 NW 114) of Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 E.W.M., situated in Franklin County, State of Washington" of said Section 34; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of the said lot with parcel number 112-530-057 to the Southwestern corner of said lot; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of the said lot with parcel number 112-530-057 to the Southeastern corner of the said lot; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of said lot with parcel number 112-530-057 to a point being 330-feet South of the Northerly line of the said Section 34, also being the Southwestern corner of a lot with parcel number 112-530-048 with the legal description being "The North 330 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the North 330 feet of the West one-half of the West one-half of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, all in Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., Franklin County, Washington"; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said lot with parcel number 112-530-048 to the Southeast corner of said lot, also being on the Westerly line of a lot with parcel number 112-530-039 with the legal description being "The East half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter Section 34- Township 9 North, Range 30 E.W.M., less a strip of land 30' in width along the South line of this property for road purposes, Less 10' PUD right-of-way which begins at NE corner and Except South along East Boundary 220"'; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said lot with parcel number 112-530-039 to the Southwesterly corner of said lot; thence Easterly along the Southern line of said lot with parcel number 112-530- 039 to the Southeasterly corner of said lot; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of said lot with parcel number 112-530-039 to a point being the Southwestern corner of a lot with the parcel number of 112-530-020 with the legal description being "The West half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 East W.M., EXCEPT the South 330 feet thereof, in Franklin County, Washington and 30' road easement along the South line Less 10' PUD right-of-way easement"; thence Easterly along the Southern line of said lot with parcel number 112-530-020 to the Southeastern corner of said lot, also being on the Western line of a lot with parcel number 112-530-011 with the legal description being "The East half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 E.W.M."; thence Southerly along the Western line of said lot with parcel number 112-530-011 to the Southwestern corner of said lot; thence Easterly along the Southern line of said lot with parcel number 112-530-011 to the Southeastern corner of said lot, also being 30-feet West of the North/ South center line of said Section 34; thence Northerly along the Eastern line of the said lot with parcel number 112-530-011, also being 30-feet West of and parallel to the North / South center line of said Section 34 to a point being 50-feet South of the North line of said Section 34; thence Easterly 50-feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Section 34 to the North / South center line of said Section 34; thence Northerly along the North / South center line of said Section 34 to the North quarter corner of Section 34, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., also being the True Point of Beginning. Exhibit B - 5 50922279,1 Y z 4--) C� v w � p I Issvz of GV08 I I CIO - (� I I v Q) o II (WEI ViN3H �I � v and dVO30 A Lo HAV M / J` J Ab 3H3M jt