HomeMy WebLinkAbout2952 Resolution RESOLUTION NO.-2 A RESOLUTION approving a preliminary plat for Reilynn Park. WHEREAS, RCW 58.17 enables the City to uniformly administer the process of subdividing property for the overall welfare of the community; and, WHEREAS, owners and developers of property situated in northeast quarter of Section 15, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M. have requested approval of a preliminary plat; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed said preliminary plat which is named Reilynn Park; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing, the Planning Commission found the proposed plat promoted the general welfare of the community and recommended said preliminary plat be approved with conditions; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the preliminary plat for Reilynn Park located in the northeast quarter of Section 15, Township 9 North, Range 29 East, W.M., is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) At the time lots are developed all abutting roads and utilities shall be developed to City standards. This includes but is not limited to water, irrigation and sewer lines, streets, storm water, fire hydrants and streetlights. All type, size and installation of any City utility shall be according to the latest City of Pasco Construction Standards or as approved by the City Engineer. Sidewalks must be installed no later than the time each lot is developed with a house. All handicapped sections must be completed with the street and curb improvements prior to final plat approval for phases abutting said streets. Water utility improvements shall include necessary pressure reducing valves and utility extensions/looping as approved by the City Engineer. 2) Lots abutting Burden Boulevard shall not have direct access to Burden Boulevard. Access shall be prohibited by means of deed restrictions or statements on the face of the final plat(s). 3) All intersections will require setback lines for appropriate sight distances. No fences, utility vaults or pedestals, or other obstructions will be allowed in this area. 4) Burden Boulevard, along the entire length of the preliminary plat, shall be constructed with curb, gutter, asphalt and right of way dedication if needed in conjunction with the first phase of development. All necessary utilities that are required and/or need to be extended in and/or across Burden Boulevard shall be done prior to paving. Improvements along Burden Boulevard shall be developed to full standards with the subdivision phase plans or as directed by the City of Pasco. 5) The under grounding of the existing power lines along Burden Boulevard is to be done in conjunction with an agreement between the City of Pasco and Franklin County PUD. The developer(s) of this plat will be required to coordinate their compliance with these agreement(s) between the City of Pasco and Franklin PUD. The under grounding of existing and future power lines will be required along any other location within the confines of the proposed plat in a time and manner as directed by the City of Pasco. 6) The developer/builder shall pay the City a "common area maintenance fee" of $465 per lot upon issuance of building permits for homes. These funds shall be placed in a fund and used to finance the maintenance of lands along Burden Boulevard. The City shall not accept maintenance responsibility for the landscaping abutting said streets until such time as all homes are permitted in each phase that abut said streets. 7) Excess right-of-way along the Burden Boulevard must be landscaped. Said landscaping shall include irrigation, turf and trees. The species of trees and spacing will be determined by the Parks Department. All landscaping and irrigation plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Parks Department prior to installation. Water usage for City Right of Way landscaping shall come from a domestic water source as approved by the City of Pasco with the connection and meter fees paid for by the developer. 8) The developer/builder shall pay the City a "traffic mitigation fee" per the Municipal Code. Fees collected shall be placed in a fund and used to finance signalization and other improvements necessary to mitigate traffic impacts on the circulation system within the I-182 corridor. 9) The developer shall install a common Estate type fence 5 to 6 feet in height adjacent the rear line of all lots backing on Burden Boulevard. Said fence must match the fencing to be built in Linda Loviisa. Prior to installation the City must approve said fence. Consideration must be given to the vision triangle at the intersection of all streets. The City may make repairs or replace the fencing as needed. Property owners adjoining said fence shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with maintenance and upkeep. These fencing requirements shall be noted clearly on the face of the final plat(s). 10) The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with construction inspection service expenses incurred by the City of Pasco Engineering Department. 11) The developer will be required to provide a deposit to the City of Pasco to allow the City of Pasco to hire a surveying company to perform topographic surveys of the constructed utilities including manhole lids and flow line elevations, location of sewer stubs, water valves, water meters, irrigation valves, irrigation services, storm water catch basins, street lights, fire hydrants, monuments and other pertinent information deemed necessary, to the satisfaction of the City of Pasco. The developers will be required to provide as-built drawings for the remainder of the improvements. The City of Pasco contracted surveyor will be given an electronic copy of the design drawings to then insert their findings from the topographic survey. 12) The developer shall insure active and ongoing dust and litter abatement activities occur during the construction of the subdivision and construction of the houses thereon. 13) The final plat shall contain 10-foot utility easements parallel to all streets. 14) The developer shall install a properly designed irrigation system with stubs to all lots in the subdivision for future irrigation needs. All easements/right of ways necessary to convey an irrigation system to and through the proposed plat must be conveyed to the City of Pasco. The irrigation lines shall run in easements/rights of way as directed by the City Engineer. 15) All engineering designs for infrastructure and final plat drawings shall utilize the published City of Pasco Vertical Control Datum. 16) Any and all water rights associated with this land, along with any wells, pumps, pipe, associated electrical system(s) and appurtenances shall be conveyed to the City prior to subdivision construction plan approval of the first phase. If no water rights are available to transfer to the City the property owner/developer must pay a water right fee of $1,500 per acre in lieu thereof. If the current owner/developer wishes to continue to utilize water from the well(s) for farming purposes an agreement may be negotiated with the City of Pasco for joint water usage within the preliminary plat boundaries. 17) The developer/builder shall pay the City the current park fee per lot upon issuance of building permits for homes. 18) The final plat shall contain the following Franklin County Public Utility District statement: "The individual or company making improvements on a lot or lots of this plat is responsible for providing and installing all trench, conduit, primary vaults, secondary junction boxes, and backfill for the PUD's primary and secondary distribution system in accordance with PUD specifications; said individual or company will make full advance payment of line extension fees and will provide all necessary utility easements prior to PUD construction and/or connection of any electrical service to or within the plat." 19) The final plat shall contain the following statement: "Irrigation service lines are currently available to lots within this plat; however, water for the irrigation system may not currently be available. The City of Pasco is constructing its irrigation infrastructure on an ongoing basis. The use of the system will become available as time and resources permit the expansion and connection of new systems to the existing irrigation supply." 20) All corner lots and other lots that present difficulties for the placement of yard fencing shall be identified in the notes on the face of the final plat(s). 21) All storm water shall be disposed of through means approved by the City Engineer. All methods utilized to capture and dispose of storm water shall be approved by the City Engineer before approval of the proposed subdivision. 22) All streets are to be developed to City Standards and/or as directed by the City Engineer. All intersections will require setback lines for appropriate sight distances. Approaches to intersecting interior streets shall not exceed 2% and any street intersecting an arterial or collector street shall be 0% coming out of the toe of the slope. All temporary streets will be required to have a paved turn around (1" paved on 2" of rock) at the end of the street to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 23) All water lines must be extended through the length of each proposed plat. No phase can be left for more than 6 months without the subsequent looping of each system with the existing City of Pasco water system. The developer will be required to deposit funds for any non-looped system left longer than 6 months with the City of Pasco to insure the completion of the water system. No water valves/meters boxes are to be located in any easements/walkways. 24) All water, storm, irrigation 8s sewer line(s), size(s), type and associated appurtenances to be installed as per the most current City of Pasco Construction Standards and/or as directed by the City Engineer. 25) Any and all utilities shall be located as directed by the City Engineer. This shall include but not limited to gas, phone, power, cable and all other utilities located within or adjoining this proposed plat. Any existing utilities that present difficulties shall be relocated at the developer's expense, pursuant to the City Engineer's direction. All utility plans, including the above mentioned, are required to be submitted to the City of Pasco prior to subdivision approval. 26) All existing City utilities that transverse the proposed preliminary plats are to be identified on all subdivision construction plans. Access must be provided to these existing utilities as directed by the City Engineer. 27) A "revised" preliminary plat, incorporating all changes and modifications, including phasing, approved by the City shall be submitted within 30 days of preliminary plat approval. The documents must be submitted in both paper and an electronic format acceptable to the City Engineer. Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 1St day of May, 2006. Jay O on, Mayor ATTEST: APP VED AS TO FORM: i Webster Jack on, Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney City Clerk