HomeMy WebLinkAbout2896 Resolution RESOLUTION NO.2&1 � A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR NORTHWEST COMMONS. WHEREAS, RCW 58.17 enables the City to uniformly administer the process of subdividing property for the overall welfare of the community; and, WHEREAS, owners and developers of property situated in the Northwest quarter, the west half of the northeast quarter, the north half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 9 North, Range 29 East W.M. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed said preliminary plat which is named Northwest Commons; and WHEREAS, following a public hearing, the Planning Commission found the proposed plat promoted the general welfare of the community and recommended said preliminary plat be approved with conditions; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: That the preliminary plat for Northwest Commons located in the Northwest quarter, the west half of the northeast quarter, the north half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 9 North, Range 29 East W.M. is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1) Prior to final plat approval the developer must establish a home owners association and Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions subject to the written approval of the Community and Economic Development Director, binding the owners of each lot to share in the perpetual management, maintenance and upkeep of all common properties and amenities, including, but not limited to fencing, parking areas, tot lots, recreation areas, storm ponds, management buildings, roundabouts,pools and landscaping within the PUD/Plat. 2) All common open space, recreation areas and parks must be clearly identified on the final plats. 3) Specific improvement plans and schedules for all common areas (recreation areas, parks, open space, RV storage and trails) must be approved by the Community and Economic Development Director prior to final plat approval. 4) At the time lots are developed all abutting roads and utilities shall be developed to City standards. This includes but is not limited to water, irrigation and sewer lines, streets, storm water, fire hydrants and streetlights. All type, size and installation of any City utility shall be according to the latest City of Pasco Construction Standards or as approved by the City Engineer. Sidewalks must be installed no later than the time each lot is developed with a house. All handicapped sections must be completed with the street and curb improvements prior to final plat approval. Water utility improvements shall include necessary utility extensions/looping as approved by the City Engineer for each phase. Any crossing of the gas line easement will require approved sleeving to the satisfaction of the gas company and the City of Pasco prior to construction. 5) Lots abutting Road 52, Road 44, Powerline Road and Sandifur Parkway shall not have direct access to said roads. Access shall be prohibited by means of deed restrictions or statements on the face of the final plat. Phase one shall be permitted a temporary outlet to Road 44 until such time as a conmection is made to Sandifur Parkway. This temporary outlet shall be constructed as directed by the City Engineer as to layout, curb radii and other necessary improvements. 6) Sandifur Parkway shall have an 80 foot Right of Way and be completed to a future improved width of 48 feet. The development of this road shall be to a 3/4 street standard including curb, gutter& sidewalk. This shall include a modified arterial section type road with 8 inch base material, 4 inch top course material and 2 inch asphalt. This modified section must be built with the first phase of development starting at the southerly most end of the current Road 44 end of pavement through the intersection of Road 52. A 2 percent cross slope with no crown is required. (If the southern half of Sandifur Parkway is already developed then it shall be constructed as directed by the City Engineer). The developer will be required to provide a deposit for an additional 2 inch lift to be overlaid when the remainder of Sandifur Parkway between Road 44 & Road 52 is completed. All intersecting roads along Sandifur Parkway shall have a zero percent toe slope to the intersecting street. At the time of development of Sandifur Parkway if there is no available access to the west or south of the intersection of Road 52 then a paved cul-de- sac turn around will be required for emergency vehicle use. All curb radii abutting Sandifur Parkway shall be approved by the City Engineer. The northeast corner of the intersection of Sandifur Parkway & Road 52 shall provide for a 55 foot curb radius. The final design and location of Sandifur Parkway is to be approved by the City Engineer. 7) Road 52 shall have an 80 foot Right of Way and be completed to a future improved width of 48 feet. The development of this road shall be to a 3/4 street standard including curb, gutter and sidewalk. This shall include 8 inch base material, 4 inch top course and 2 inch asphalt. A 2 percent cross slope with no crown is required. The developer will be required to provide a deposit for an additional 2 inch lift to be overlaid when Road 52 is completed from Sandifur Parkway to the Northwest corner of the proposed plat. A temporary 8 inch gravel road is to be constructed with the first phase from Sandifur Parkway to the Tract in the northwest corner of the plat. The permanent Road 52 is to be built as each phase abutting this road develops. If any phase abutting Road 52 develops that does not provide connection to Sandifur Parkway then Road 52 must be built all the way to Sandifur Parkway with that phase being developed. The City of Pasco reserves the right to adjust phasing as deemed appropriate/necessary to include the dedication and construction of adjoining roads. All intersecting roads to Road 52 shall have a zero percent toe slope to the intersecting street. An access point, approved by the City Engineer, from Road 52 to the proposed Tract in the northwest corner of the plat is to be provided. Existing intersections along Road 52 shall be rebuilt to provide access to the county roads west of the plat. All curb radii abutting Road 52 shall be approved by the City Engineer. The northeast corner of the intersection of Sandifur Parkway & Road 52 shall provide for a 55 foot curb radius. The final design and location of Road 52 must be approved by the City Engineer and Franklin County Public Works. 8) Powerline Road will require a 40 foot dedication. The development of this road shall include curb, gutter and sidewalk along with a 4 inch base and 2 inch asphalt. No lots abutting this road shall have direct access. All intersecting roads along Powerline Road shall have zero percent toe slope to the intersecting street. All abutting curb radii to be approved by the City Engineer. Powerline Road to be built as each phase abutting road is developed. The City of Pasco reserves the right to adjust phasing as deemed appropriate/necessary to include the dedication and construction of adjoining roads. Each phase of road to have a paved turned around on the west and east end of the road. An access point, approved by the City Engineer, from Powerline Road to the proposed Tract in the northwest corner of the plat is to be provided. The final design and location of Powerline Road to be approved by the City Engineer and Franklin County Public Works. 9) Beginning with the first phase, each phase shall have two access points one of which must be Sandifer Parkway. Two access points to Sandifur Parkway are required after development exceeds 200 lots. 10) Street grades for all arterial and collector roads shall not exceed 6 percent. Interior local access street grades shall not exceed 10 percent. All local access streets or cul-de-sacs with extreme slopes greater than 2 percent as they approach an intersection need to be designed to 2 percent or less. 11) All intersections will require setback lines for appropriate traffic sight distances. No fences, utility vaults, pedestals or other obstructions will be allowed in this area. Minimum angle of intersection of streets shall be 70 degrees pursuant to PMC 26.12.020. 12) Proposed connection to Santa Fe Lane in Desert Estates 3 is to be utilized for residential traffic only. All development/construction traffic must utilize the temporary access (as noted above in condition 4) point at the southwest corner of proposed Phase 1. This access is to be utilized until a permanent connection point to Sandifer Parkway or Road 52 can be completed with future phases. At that time the temporary road is to be removed and those lots affected by the placement of the temporary road are to be restored to saleable condition as approved by the City of Pasco. 13) Due to storm water run off concerns all lots that abut streets with steep grades shall be raised above the sidewalk/curb line a minimum of 2 foot. 14) All temporary streets will be required to have a paved turnaround at the end of the street to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 15) The final plat shall contain 10 foot utility easements parallel to all streets or as approved by utility providers. 16) All existing/proposed power lines shall be installed underground at the owner/developer's expense. All lots/roads within a final plat that currently have overhead power lines will be required to install those lines underground prior to the approval of the final plat for that phase. 17) All fire hydrants, street lights and utility vaults or pedestals shall be installed behind the sidewalk or as directed by the City Engineer. 18) All sewer mainlines must have a minimum of 7' of cover.No cleanouts are allowed at the end of sewer mainlines. All sewer easements must be approved by the City Engineer. All easements must be provided with a minimum 15 foot paved pathway (designed for truck traffic) for maintenance. Fencing shall be required along the easements consistent with City Code. All sewer lines must be extended through the length of the proposed plat and each proposed phase. All sewer services are to be located in the middle portion of the lot. Sewer crossings of the gas main require the signed approval of Williams Pipeline and the City of Pasco before construction. All sewers must maintain a minimum of 10 foot horizontal and 18 inch vertical separation from domestic water lines. All sewers are to be located on the south or east side of the roadway a minimum of 7 foot from the center line of the roadway. 19) All sewers must ultimately flow to Porto Lane in Casa Del sol & Sandifur Parkway. This may require a dual piping system be installed simultaneously to allow for the future flow of sewer to this intersection. Any construction of sewers that require the cutting of existing roadways will require the overlaying of those roadways affected by construction. Only one sewer lift station will be allowed to be used. 20) A maximum of 23 lots will be allowed to direct sewer to the Road 36 Lift Station. Prior to any construction/extension of the sewer located in Sante Fe Lane those proposed lots are to be approved by the City Engineer. 21) The only lift station allowed will be required to have a minimum 15 foot paved pathway to the lift station. This road shall consist of 8 inch base material, 2 inch top course and four inch asphalt. This roadway cannot exceed 6 percent grade. Near the base of the lift station an asphalt pad sufficient for maintenance vehicles, approximately 50 feet by 50 feet, will be required to be constructed utilizing the same road layout as noted above. Fencing will be required around the lift station and along the paved path. The lift station will need to be constructed in such a manner as to prevent storm water from entering the station. 22) All water lines are to be located on the north or west side of the proposed roadway a minimum of 15 feet from the centerline; maintain a minimum of 42 inches of cover, and must be extended through the length of each proposed phase. No phase can be left for more than 6 months without the subsequent looping of each system with the existing City of Pasco water system. The developer will be required to deposit funds for any non- looped system left longer than 6 months with the City of Pasco to insure completion of the water system. All water lines are to be of sufficient size to provide adequate fire flow to each and every location within the plat as required by all City, State, Federal or other applicable requirements or codes. Crossing of the gas line easement will require approved sleeving to the satisfaction of Williams Pipeline Company and the City of Pasco prior to construction. All water lines in cul-de-sacs are to have blow offs located at the edge of the asphalt near the curb or shoulder line. All water services and associated meter boxes to be installed in the front corner of each lot behind the sidewalk or abutting the Right of Way, opposite the irrigation service as directed by the City Engineer. All hydrants require a minimum of 50 feet unobstructed sight distance for all emergency vehicles in any direction. No fire hydrant to be installed within 10 feet of a water/sewer service or any appurtenance that requires a thrust block. 23) All plat phases, beginning with the first phase, will be required to provide irrigation water to each lot from the well currently located in the proposed 3.25 acre neighborhood park site. The transmission of this water to each phase shall occur through a 16 inch connection from this well to the 16 inch line in Road 52. All associated piping, appurtenances, electrical systems, necessary easements and any additional requirements to transmit the water from this well to each lot are to be installed by the developer per City of Pasco Construction Standards. All irrigation mainlines must be extended through the length of each phase. 24) Water usage for the City Right of Way landscaping along Sandifur Parkway and Road 52 shall come from a source as approved by the City of Pasco with the connection and meter fees paid by the developer. 25) All water rights associated with the entire plat along with any wells, pumps, pipe, associated electrical systems and appurtenances shall be conveyed to the City of Pasco prior to subdivision construction plan approval of the first phase. This includes processing the Department of Ecology's Water Rights Assignment form and the Application for Change/Transfer of Water Rights. If no water rights are available to transfer to the City the property owner/developer must pay a water right fee of$1,500 per acre in lieu thereof. The Public Works Director may waive the fee if the developer mixes a soil additive in the ground that provides 30% retention of irrigation water. If the current owner/developer wishes to continue to utilize water from the well for farming purposes an agreement may be negotiated with the City of Pasco for the water usage. 26) City of Pasco irrigation water is not to be used for pastures, fields, or crops. Water is to only be utilized for lawn/landscape areas immediately adjacent to or abutting a home. Alternative sources, such as an exempt well, may be utilized for those purposes. 27) A 16 inch irrigation mainline is required to be installed along Road 52 the full length of the proposed plat. Dedication to the City of Pasco of the necessary right of way for Road 52 and associated easements is required in conjunction with the installation of this pipe. This pipe shall connect to the existing 16 inch lines located at the intersection of Sandifur Parkway and Road 52. A 16 inch irrigation mainline is required to be installed along Sandifur Parkway from the proposed entrance to this plat to the intersection of Road 52 and connected with all existing irrigation lines in the intersection of Road 52 and Sandifur Parkway. In addition,this line shall be connected with the irrigation line in Casa Del Sol Subdivision. Both pipes, along Sandifer Parkway and Road 52, are to be installed with the first phase of development. 28) Any existing irrigation pipe not in use is to be removed at the owner/developer's expense to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Any existing pipe that is desired to be utilized must be located as directed by the City Engineer. 29) The final plat shall contain the following statement "Irrigation service lines are currently available to lots within this plat; however, water for the irrigation system may not currently be available. The City of Pasco is constructing its irrigation infrastructure on an ongoing basis. The use of the system will become available as time and resources permit the expansion and connection of new systems to the existing irrigation supply". 30) All storm water shall be disposed of through means approved by the City Engineer. All methods and locations utilized to capture and dispose of storm water shall be approved by the City Engineer before approval of the proposed subdivision construction plans. 31) The developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with construction inspection service expenses incurred by the City of Pasco Engineering Department. 32) The developer/builder shall pay the "traffic mitigation fee" established by ordinance at the time of issuance of building permits for homes. Fees collected shall be placed in a fund and used to finance signalization and other improvements necessary to mitigate traffic impacts on the circulation system within the 1-182 corridor. 33) The developer shall insure active and ongoing dust and litter abatement activities occur during the construction of the subdivision and construction of the houses thereon. 34) All engineering designs for infrastructure and final plat drawings shall utilize the published City of Pasco Vertical Control Datum. 35) The developer will be required to provide a deposit to the City of Pasco to allow the City of Pasco to hire a surveying company to perform topographic surveys of the constructed utilities including manhole lids and flow line elevations, location of sewer stubs, water valves, water meters, irrigation valves, irrigation services, storm water catch basins, street lights, fire hydrants, monuments and other pertinent information deemed necessary, to the satisfaction of the City of Pasco. The developer will be required to provide as-built drawings for the remainder of the improvements. The City of Pasco contracted surveyor will be given an acceptable electronic copy of the design drawings to then insert their findings from the topographic survey. No as- built/record drawings will be accepted and approved by the City of Pasco until such time as they meet the requirements of and are to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Until such time that the as-built/record drawings are accepted and approved by the City of Pasco, pursuant to PMC 26.28.050 a certificate of occupancy will not be issued for any structure nor will any subsequent bonding be released. 36) All final plat phases shall contain the following Franklin County Public Utility District statement: "The individual or company making improvements on a lot or lots of this plat is responsible for providing and installing all trench, conduit, primary vaults, secondary junction boxes, and backfill for the PUD's primary and secondary distribution system in accordance with PUD specifications; said individual or company will make full advance payment of line extension fees and will provide all necessary utility easements prior to PUD construction and/or connection of any electrical service to or within the plat." 37) All corner lots and other lots that present difficulties for the placement of yard fencing shall be identified in the notes on the face of the final plat(s). 38) The developeribuilder shall pay the City a "common area maintenance fee" of$365 per lot upon issuance of all building permits for homes. These funds shall be placed in a fund and used to finance the maintenance of lands along Sandifur Parkway, Road 52 and Powerline Road. The City shall not accept maintenance responsibility for the landscaping abutting said streets until such time as all homes are permitted in each phase that but said street. 39) Excess right-of-way along Sandifur Parkway and Road 52 must be landscaped. Said landscaping shall include turf and Bradford pear trees or approved equal spaced at 50 foot intervals. All landscaping plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Parks Department prior to installation. Improvements along Powerline Road shall include the referenced trees and a ground cover as approved by the Parks Department. An irrigation system designed to City standards must be included with the landscaping. 40) The developer shall install a common solid fence 6 feet in height adjacent the rear line of all lots backing on Sandifur Parkway Road 52 and Powerline Road as a part of the infrastructure improvements associated with each phase abutting said streets. Said fence must be approved by the City prior to installation. Consideration must be given to the vision triangle at the intersection of streets. A concrete mow strip shall be installed under the fence as approved by the City. The City may make repairs or replace the fencing as needed. Property owners adjoining said fence shall be responsible for payment of all costs associated with maintenance and upkeep. These fencing requirements shall be noted clearly on the face of the final plat(s). 41) The street names shall be compatible with the theme for the neighborhood. 42) A note shall be placed on the face of all final plats for those phases adjacent the west property line of the actively operating Tri-Cities Airport and as such this plat will periodically experience airport noise. 43) A minimum 40 foot by 40 foot parcel located along Road 52 in the northwest corner of the plat, identified as the 3 acre tract, shall be dedicated to the City prior to subdivision construction approval of the first phase. 44) The City will not accept through dedication or other means the areas identified as open space, parks, Tot lots of RV storage, linear parks, community parks or other common areas. Development of these areas shall be the sole responsibility of the developer. Maintenance of these areas shall be the responsibility of the PUD home owners association and not the City of Pasco. This information shall be clearly noted on all phases of the final plats. 45) The developer shall install landscaping and irrigation within the gas line easement and the Home Owners Association shall maintain said landscaped area. A note shall be placed on the plat explaining the obligation of the Home Owners Association to maintain the gas line easement landscaping. 46) All areas identified as open space, parks, Tot lots of RV storage, linear parks, community parks or other common areas shall be identified as a Tract (Tract A, B, C etc) and a note shall be placed on final plats explaining said Tracts are owned in common by the Home Owners Association and the Home Owners Association is responsible for maintenance. 47) Development of the plat shall conform to the requirements of the easement for utilities, waterline and wells under Auditor file #485528. 48) A "revised" preliminary plat incorporating all changes and modifications, including phasing, approved by the City shall be submitted within 30 days of plat approval. The documents must be submitted both in paper and electronic format acceptable to the City Engineer. 49) Only 372 sewer connections will be permitted in the plat. Septic tanks and drain fields will be permitted on lots within Phases III, IX, XII, X,XVI and XV as identified in the Preliminary plat dated June 2005 and recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on August 18, 2005. Permits can be issued for said lots without sewer connection waivers. Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 6t"day of September, 2005. ichael L. GA on Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sandy L. worthy Leland B. Kerr Deputy City Clerk City Attorney