HomeMy WebLinkAbout2519 Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2519 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A REDUCED FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR PARK SIDE VILLAGE AND PHASES 4, 5 AND 6 OF ISLAND ESTATES. WHEREAS, the City of Pasco enacted zoning regulations to guide development and maintain the health and welfare of the community; and, WHEREAS, the zoning regulations of Pasco Municipal Code Title 25 provide flexible development standards by including provisions for "Planned Unit Developments", "Planned Density Developments", "Density Increases" and "Variable Setbacks"; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission as provide in PMC 25.74.030 conducted a public hearing on March 16, 2000 and found that a reduced front yard setback in certain subdivisions would not be detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety of the community; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has under the provisions of PMC 25.74.030 recommended that 12 foot front yard setbacks be established in the Park Side Village and in Phases 4, 5 and 6 of Island Estates; and, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section I That there is hereby created a 12 foot front yard setback for the Park Side Village subdivision and Park Side Village No. 2 (Phases 7 and 9 Sunny Meadows). This 12 front yard setback shall not apply to the front yards of lots 1 & 45 of the Park Side Village facing Robert Wayne Drive. Garages fronting on a public street are required to be setback 20 feet. Section 2. That there is hereby created a 12 foot front yard setback for all of Phase 4 and 6 of Island Estates and a 12 foot front yard setback on lots I- 18, lots 44-60 and lots 88-120 of Phase 5 Island Estates. Garages fronting on a public street are required to be setback 20 feet. Section 3. That if the developer chooses to implement the 12 foot front yard setback as created in Sections 1 and 2 only Neo-Traditional homes shall be built on the lots and properties described in Section I and 2 above. Neo- Traditional homes shall be defined as illustrated in attachments "A" through 'Y'. No mixing of conventional and Neo-Traditional homes is permitted by this resolution. Y Section 4. That no driveways are permitted from public streets to lots that have access from private alleys. Section That this Resolution be filed of record with the Franklin County Auditor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 3rd day of April, 2000. Michael L. G son, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: � 1 Catherine Seaman, Deputy City Clerk Leland err, City Att fll n ll,l l=1 tll �Il1Ij}�Ii���S1i SILL 1, I l t i 11'1 I�trr/ilrr/41115.:1 I u I n wprfrrlrruslrl a rn.l_ +ll l l I�.irnfgNfH�utpL111111 1111 I llflrrr♦•/rM//�rf4trJ♦rr117 1 f1 i 1 tt I l l I�/\rfr/.r{aN/IY/�flla/��t 11111 .'i 111 L�/wN/rlflr/rtrr/a�r/rt/u I t 1111 I 111 LL1ltrfi�triNrlrrflrtrYRlrYrla1tlY 21lLbar. 11�,1It7 Mtrtrruwfi�rr���tu\trngt/ur),�ul I p51 .1f1 111.fo�rfraA�rur�wrgrrrr fa r�ar>yrr/r�t l�tu„ ii l u wrl�rrrrr�.rla/.rrorrlr/rrl�/Y�1�/�rq1 n 1++I. i[l'wls Sstii i s ru�fr Iwnrrfrlil 111111111 1.YYYYYYYYYYYWIYYYYYYYAYrY • � Ili 1'i liil���rrrrYYrrYrNrNrMrYr YrYYYYYrrIrYYYYYYY.�M YYYYYIY �'._ ii11111YYYYYYIYIY rMrrr rrrrY YrYiY � � i 11 YYYYYYY 11!11�1111�YY YYYYN«�r�YYrYYrr — � ;— x1111111.YrYrrrYrr�NrYNrrrr� •I I•t I I I I rY«`1N1=rrYYY«a�rYrYYYYYrrr. _ — — - IIWYYW.YYYYr.rrYYrrYYY11=YYYYIIIY. 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