HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.10.02 Council Minutes MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 2000 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Michael L. Garrison, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By Deputy City Clerk. Councilmembers present: Charles D. Kilbury, Joe Jackson, Chris Jensen (arrived at 7:04 p.m.), Rebecca Francik, and Carl Strode. Councilmember(s) absent: Dan Lathim. Also present: Gary Crutchfield, City Manager; Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney; Stan Strebel, Administrative & Community Services Director; Erin Forrest, City Engineer; Dave McDonald, City Planner; Denis Austin, Police Chief; Richard Smith, Community & Economic Dev. Director; Tim Arntzen, Management Assistant; and Kurt Luhrs, Personnel Manager. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION: Mr. Kilbury moved to remove Item 3(g) Resolution No. 2551, a resolution approving a preliminary plat for Desert Estates, from the consent agenda and to have it placed on the consent agenda of October 16, 2000. Mr. Strode seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Kilbury moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Consent items are as follows: A) Approval of Minutes: To approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 18, 2000. B) Bills and Communications: To approve General Claims in the amount of $622,893.18 ($41,247.87 being in the form of Wire Transfer No. 3475, 3480 and 3482; and $581,645.31 consisting of Claim Warrants numbered 121894 through 122115). Payroll Claims: To approve Payroll Claims in the amount of $924,290.38; Payroll Voucher Nos. 021286 through 021514; and EFT Deposit Nos. 004423 through 004712. C) Special Permit: Location of a Concrete Readymix Batch Plant on Burlington Road (Connell Sand & Gravel) (MF #00-69-SP): To approve the special permit for the location of the Connell Sand and Gravel concrete readymix batch plant on Burlington Road, as recommended by the Planning Commission. D) Special Permit: Location of an Off-Site Parkina Lot for La Clinica on North 5'' Avenue (CHC La Clinica) (MF #00-65-SP): To approve the special permit for the location of an off-site parking lot for La Clinica, as recommended by the Planning Commission. E) Special Permit: Operation of an Adult_Care Facility at 3613 W. Octave Street, (FTH, LLC) (MF #00-67-SP): To approve the special permit for the operation of an adult care facility at 3613 W. Octave Street, as recommended by the Planning Commission. -1- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 2000 F) Agreement with Pasco Housing Authority— for Redwood Plaza: To authorize the City Manager to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the Pasco Housing Authority to use HOME fiends for the development of owner-occupied housing on the Redwood Plaza site. PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Yard of the Month Award: Mayor Garrison presented Yard of the Month Awards for September, 2000 to the following Pasco residents: Raphael & Anita Aguilar, 1603 E. Adelia Street. Rafael & Estela Morales, 530 W. Shoshone Street (unable to attend). Ray & Vickie Oord, 124 Berkshire Lane. Paul Yarzombek, 223 N. 18'Avenue (unable to attend). Victor & Dao Pham, 4505 W. Marie Street. Rod & Julie Lingle, 4306 Riverhill Drive (unable to attend). Alice Holzer,6104 Candlestick Drive. VISITORS: Ms. Nancy Roach allowed each member of Den #5, Pack #159 to introduce themselves. The Pack was attending the meeting to learn about their local government and to earn their Citizen Activity pin. Mr. David Wilson — 10723 W. Court Street, presented statements and evidence he felt were left out of the documentation presented to Council for the closed record hearing for Pre-Zone (Appeal) Development of Zoning for the Road 100 Annexation Area and asked what the procedure would be for Council to reconsider their decision to pre-zone the Road 100 area as RS-20 and RS-12? Mr. Crutchfield explained that staff would look at Mr. Wilson's documentation and seek advise from legal counsel about appropriate options. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Creating Sanitary Sewer ULID 140: Mr. Erin Forrest, City Engineer, addressed Council and noted for the record that notice of the public hearing was published and posted as required by law. Mr. Forrest explained that a developer purchased a vacant lot along Pearl Street in this area and wanted to obtain a building permit for a house on his property. Since there was no public sewer immediately available, he wanted to install a septic tank and drain field to service the property. Because of the density of the adjacent lots, the proximity of the public sewer, and the fact that all of the properties immediately to the south are served by a public sewer, staff reasoned that his lot would best be served by a public sewer system. Therefore, staff recommended that he extend the public sewer system to serve his lot. The nearest public sewer was located about 550 feet to the west. However, the developer decided that the cost to install the sewer by himself was too high for him to absorb and still make a profit. -2- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 2000 MAYOR GARRISON DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO CONSIDER CREATING SANITARY SEWER ULID 140. Mr. Lonnie Haag, of 2016 Road 44, spoke in support of the proposed ULID. Mr. Haag stated that he needed the sewer line to be brought to his property in order to develop it. Mr. Strode felt it would be of benefit to the public when considering the installation of sewer for staff to provide a fact sheet listing the pros and cons of installation of sewer via the UILD process. Ms. Francik felt information from the Benton-Franklin Health Department regarding when and where septic tanks can be repaired or replaced when they fail should be included. Mr. Crutchfield agreed and felt the information should be sent with the official 30 day notice for ULID 140, as well as future ULID's. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Garrison for comments from the floor, either for or against, the public hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. 3434 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE WATERWORKS UTILITY OF THE CITY, INCLUDING THE SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND THE SYSTEM OF STORM OR SURFACE WATER SEWERS AS A PART THEREOF; AUTHORIZING WATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS AND INTERIM FINANCING TO PAY THE COST OF CARRYING OUT A PORTION OF THE SYSTEM OR PLAN OF ADDITIONS TO AND BETTERMENTS AND EXTENSIONS OF THE WATERWORKS UTILITY AND CREATING UTILITY LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 140. MOTION: Ordinance No. 3434, was read by title only. Mr. Jensen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3434, creating Sanitary Sewer ULID 140. Mr. Strode seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Vacation: Utility Easement on Lots 3 & 4 Short Plat 86-1 (MF #00-68-V): Mr. David McDonald, City Planner, addressed Council and noted for the record that notice of the public hearing was published and posted as required by law. Mr. McDonald explained that Mr. Phil Van Hoy, of Phil's Sporting Goods, is in the process of constructing an automotive service center in the 3800 block of West Court Street. To accommodate the proposed building Mr. Van Hoy petitioned for the vacation of a utility easement running through his property. The easement in question was required on Short Plat 86-1 by the Franklin County PUD. Mr. Van Hoy has provided the PUD with an alternate easement that will serve the needs of the PUD and will allow the development of the two lots in question. MAYOR GARRISON DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO CONSIDER VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENT ON LOTS 3 & 4 SHORT PLAT 86-1 -3- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 2000 Following three (3) calls from Mayor Garrison for comments from the floor, either for or against, and there being none, the public hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. 3435 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE EAST/WEST UTILITY EASEMENT APPROXIMATELY THROUGH THE CENTER OF LOTS 3 AND 4, SHORT PLAT 86-1. MOTION: Ordinance No. 3435, was read by title only. Ms. Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3435, vacating the utility easement through the center of Lots 3 and 4, Short Plat 86-1. Mr. Strode seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATED TO PUBLIC HEARINGS: ORDINANCE NO. 3436 AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING COMPENSATION FOR CEMETERY CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE. MOTION: Ordinance No. 3436, was read by title only. Mr. Strode moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3436, concerning compensation for the Cemetery Customer Service Representative. Ms. Francik seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. ORDINANCE NO. 3437 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, REPEALING CHAPTER 3.04 OF THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "ADMISSIONS TAX" AND CREATING CHAPTER 3.02 ENTITLED "ADMISSIONS TAX." MOTION: Ordinance No. 3437, was read by title only. Mr. Jensen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3437, repealing Chapter 3.04 of the Pasco Municipal Code and creating Chapter 3.02 entitled "Admissions Tax." Ms. Francik seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 3438 AN ORDINANCE CREATING CHAPTER 2.23 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FIRE FIREFIGHTER DISABILITY BOARD IN THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE AND CODIFYING ORDINANCE NO. 2811. MOTION: Ordinance No. 3438, was read by title only. Ms. Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3438, providing for codification of Ordinance No. 2811 as PMC Chapter 2.23 "Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Disability Board." Mr. Strode seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 2552 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF THE DOWNTOWN POST OFFICE AS SURPLUS FEDERAL REAL PROPERTY AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY -4- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 2000 MANAGER TO SIGN ALL NECESSARY ACQUISITION DOCUMENTS. MOTION: Resolution No. 2552, was read by title only. Ms. Francik moved to approve Resolution No. 2552, authorizing acquisition of the downtown Post office as surplus Federal real property and, further, authorize the City Manager to sign all documents necessary to complete the acquisition. Mr. Strode seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. 2553 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY. MOTION: Resolution No. 2553, was read by title only. Ms. Francik moved to approve Resolution No. 2553, authorizing the sale of surplus City property at 225 W. Bonneville Street. Mr. Jensen seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. 2554 A RESOLUTION REGARDING INITIATIVE 722. MOTION: Resolution No. 2554, was read by title only. Ms. Francik moved to approve Resolution No. 2554, opposing State Initiative 722. Mr. Jensen seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: RYSC Sublease: MOTION: Mr. Strode moved to approve the sublease with RYSC for tenancy at 321 W. Lewis Street and, further, to authorize the City Manager to sign the sublease. Ms. Francik seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL: Executive Session: Mayor Garrison recessed to an executive session at 7:42 for the purpose of discussing acquisition of real estate and reconvened the regular meeting at approximately 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of adjournment. -5- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 2000 ADJOURNMENT: No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 P.M. APPROVED: ATTEST: Michael L. Garrison, Mayor Catherine D. Seaman, Deputy City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED this 16'h day of October, 2000. -6-