HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000.09.18 Council Minutes MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Michael L. Garrison, Mayor. ROLL CALL: By Deputy City Clerk. Councilmembers present: Charles D. Kilbury, Joe Jackson, Chris Jensen, Dan Lathim, and Rebecca Francik. Councilmember(s) absent: Carl Strode. Also present: Gary Crutchfield, City Manager; Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney; Stan Strebel, Administrative & Community Services Director; Erin Forrest, City Engineer; Bob Alberts, Public Works Director; Dave McDonald, City Planner; Denis Austin, Police Chief; Greg Garcia, Fire Chief; Richard Smith, Community & Economic Dev. Director; Tim Arntzen, Management Assistant; and Kurt Luhrs, Personnel Manager. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. Jensen seconded the motion. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Consent items are as follows: A) Approval of Minutes: To approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 5, 2000. B) Bills and Communications: To approve General Claims in the amount of $716,080.61 ($11,603.60 being in the form of Wire Transfer No. 3468 and 3474; and $704,477.01 consisting of Claim Warrants numbered 121692 through 121893). Bad Debt Write-offs: To approve bad debt write-offs for utility billing, ambulance, miscellaneous, cemetery and Municipal Court non-criminal, criminal and parking accounts receivable in the total amount of $86,052.00, and of that amount, authorize $80,704.84 be turned over for collection. PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: None. VISITORS: Ms. Jill Monley, Washington City/County Management Association, presented an award to City Manager Gary Crutchfield for 15 years of distinguished service in the State of Washington and as a member of the Washington City/County Management Association. Mr. Kenneth Resinger, of 2505 W. "A" Street, addressed Council for help regarding code violations and crimes occurring in his neighborhood. Mr. Resinger was directed to staff for help with his problems. 4- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS: B F Transit Board Meeting: Mr. Garrison explained the ramifications of passage of I-745 in regards to the Transit: Dial-a-Ride and regular bus service would be discontinued, while Vanpool would continue because it funds itself. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Pre-Zone (Appeal) Development of Zoning for the Road 100 Annexation Area (City of Pasco) (MF #00-36-ZD): Mr. David McDonald, City Planner, addressed Council and noted for the record that notice of the public hearing was published and posted as required by law and proceeded to give a brief overview of the different steps taken in the pre-zone process to-date. Mr. McDonald also explained that in acting on the appeal and establishing an appropriate zoning district the Council should be guided by Criteria of PMC 25.88.060 as follows: 1. Is the proposal in accord with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; 2. Will the effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity be materially detrimental; 3. Is there merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole; 4. Should conditions be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal; and 5. Is a concomitant agreement required and, if so, what should be the terms and condition? Because the Wilson property is defined in the Comprehensive Plan as a mix residential/commercial area, commercial development in the future is not forever closed. The Wilson Family or other property owners can certainly request review of a specific and refined commercial development proposal in the future. Review of a detailed commercial development proposal would enable the City Council to better assess the impacts to the neighborhood and determine what mitigating measures would be needed through a concomitant agreement. Mr. McDonald explained that in the future after annexation of the area, because the area designated both mixed residential or commercial, there would be an opportunity for anyone who lived in the area to come back to the Planning Commission or the City Council with a specific development proposal that can be reviewed thoroughly and, perhaps at that time it could be zoned commercial or some other designation that would be appropriate under the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Jensen stated that it was his understanding that the Council could only take action based on the record provided by the Planning Commission. There would be no testimony received. Once Council takes action, and if the area is annexed, if a party wished to have the Planning Commission reexamine an alternate plan for development they could present their case at that time for further consideration. However, since the area is not annexed into the City, those that would be involved in an annexation would know what the proposed zoning for the land prior to making a decision about annexation. Mr. Garrison asked, under C-1, what would be allowed in the area? -2- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 Mr. McDonald stated that offices, restaurants, various types of retail establishments, automotive repair, car washes, churches and schools (by special permit) could be allowed. MOTION: Mr. Kilbury moved (by reading a lengthy legal description) that a portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 9 North, Range 29 East lying southeasterly of Crescent Drive, southwesterly of the FCID canal and northwesterly of Peppermint Terrace Third Addition containing 60 acres more or less be zoned C-1 and that the north half of Lots 22 through 29, Block 2 Peppermint Terrace Third Addition be zoned C-1 and that the south half of Lots 22 through 29, Block 2 Peppermint Terrace Third Addition be zoned "O". Mr. Jackson seconded the motion. Ms. Francik spoke against the motion, not because she was against commercial development in the area, since the comprehensive plan calls for a mix of business and residential. However, since no specific commercial development plan has been presented, specific zoning designations should wait until after future annexation of the area and then let the residents present their plans for review. Motion failed by the following roll call vote: Yes — Jackson, Kilbury; No — Garrison, Lathim, Jensen, Francik. RESOLUTION NO. 2549 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENT TO ESTABLISH THE ZONING THAT WILL BE APPLIED TO LANDS WITHIN THE ROAD 100 ANNEXATION AREA WHEN SAID LANDS ARE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF PASCO. MOTION: Resolution No. 2549, was read by title only. Mr. Jensen moved to approve Resolution No. 2549, establishing the City's intent for simultaneous residential zoning in the event the proposed Road 100 annexation area becomes annexed to the City. Mr. Lathim seconded the motion. Motion carried by the following roll call vote: Yes — Lathim, Jensen, Francik, Garrison; No —Jackson, Kilbury. Initiative 722: Mr. Crutchfield explained key provisions of I-722 would substantially rewrite the property tax formula and would rollback any tax and fee increases enacted between July 2 and December 31, 1999. Mr. Crutchfield then explained how this would affect the City of Pasco and it's budget for the next several years. In summary, passage of I-722 would cause a loss of more than $1 million dollars in continuing operating revenue in 2001 and each year thereafter (the combined effect of the rollback provision and the new constraints on property tax levies). Within 4 years, the difference between current budget expectations and those constrained by I-722 would exceed $2 million annually. Unless other revenue sources are increased, current service levels will have to be reduced dramatically. State law permits the City Council to take a formal position in support of or opposition to a ballot measure only after discussing the matter at a public meeting at which the general public is given the opportunity to give input to the City Council prior to its decision. -3- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 MAYOR GARRISON DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN TO CONSIDER TESTIMONY FROM THE PUBLIC REGARDING I-722. Following three (3) calls from Mayor Garrison for comments from the floor, either for or against, and there being none, the public hearing was declared closed. Ms. Francik asked Mr. Crutchfield if Pasco would be doing anymore visionary projects like the softball complex, TRAC, etc., if I-722 is passed? Mr. Crutchfield explained that the City government would revert to a maintenance mode and that would probably be the best Council could do unless there was a proposition financed through a special vote of the people. It would revert Council to doing projects only if financed by special property tax levy increases, like the fire station and library remodel. Mr. Lathim stated that there doesn't seem to be a good way to get the message to the people that the Council will be placed in a position of having to cut expenses if revenues can't be raised to carry out the services needed in the City. The citizens don't believe that Council will be forced to shut down a fire station, that police officers may get laid-off, or that services will be cut. Mr. Lathim wanted it clearly understood that with passage of I-722 that's what will have to happen. Mr. Kilbury stated that the City has done well over the past number of years. Some things have been built, a modern City has been built without spending as much money as other cities have and then Pasco has been criticized raising taxes that had been, deliberately, kept low to save the citizens of Pasco money. Mr. Jensen suggested that staff draft a resolution in opposition to I-722 articulating some of the reasons spoken of tonight, painting a true picture of the City of Pasco's accomplishments and bring it back to Council at the next regular meeting for action. Mr. Garrison stated that when he first joined the Council he remembered that, back then, the situation did call for maintaining as much as possible with what little was available. If it wasn't for the vision of those on the Council then, the City wouldn't have experienced the prosperity that it has for the last six or seven years. A lot of things have been accomplished without having to raise taxes to the homeowners from 1994 to 1999 and Pasco is still at a level below what it was six years ago (approximately 9%). Mr. Garrison felt a lot has been accomplished over the last 12 to 13 years, particularly, in the last 6 or 7 years and that it would be a shame to have that growth go down the drain if funds are not available to maintain them. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATED TO PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTION NO. 2550 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PASCO'S 2001 ANNUAL WORK PLAN. MOTION: Resolution No. 2550, was read by title only. Mr. Jensen moved to approve Resolution No. 2550, setting the City's 2001 Block Grant Allocation Plan. Mr. Lathim seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. -4- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 ORDINANCE NO. 3433 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3 OF THE PASCO MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING REVENUE AND FINANCE. MOTION: Ordinance No. 3433, was read by title only. Mr. Jensen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 3433, amending PMC Chapter 3.05 entitled "Ambulance Service Excise Tax." Mr. Lathim seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: None. MISCELLANEOUS - INCLUDING SUGGESTIONS FROM COUNCIL: Resolution regarding City of Seattle's resolution calling for breaching of dams: Mr. Crutchfield explained to Council that they had been provided with two versions of a resolution which would be in response to the City of Seattle resolution, which called for breaching of the four lower Snake River dams. Both resolutions refer to the Ballard Locks as representing a blockage to fish passage and spawning much like dams on a river would. After a general discussion it was the concurrence of Council that a letter written to the City of Seattle stating the Council's position on breaching the Snake River dams would be appropriate. Executive Session: Mayor Garrison recessed to an executive session at 8:22 p.m. for approximately 15 minutes for the purpose of discussion litigation or potential litigation with legal counsel and reconvened the regular meeting at 8:37 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 P.M. APPROVED: ATTEST: Michael L. baMson, Mayor Catherine D. Seaman, Deputy City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED this 2' day of October, 2000. -5-