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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011.11.07 Council Meeting Packet AGENDA PASCO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. November 7,2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: (a) Pledge of Allegiance 3. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed undcr the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by roil call vote as one motion(in the form listed below). Thcrc will be no separate discussion of these items. If further discussion is desired by Councilmembers or the public, the item may be removed from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda and considered separately. (a) Approval of Minutes: 1. Minutes of the Pasco City Council Meeting dated October 17, 2011. (b) Bills and Communications: (A detailed listing of claims is available for review in the Finance Manager's office.) 1. To approve General Claims in the amount of $1,584,007.22 ($172,772.00 in the form of Electronic Fund Transfer Nos. 7700, 7715, 7780 and 7853; and $1,411,235.22 in the form of Wire Transfer No. 1131, 1132, 1135 through 1140; and Claim Warrants numbered 184727 through 185025). 2. To approve Payroll Claims in the amount of $2,003,399.13, Voucher Nos. 43451 through 43542 and 80080 through 80089; and EFT Deposit Nos. 30047649 through 30048205. *(c) Tourism Promotion Assessment Budget. (NO WRITTEN MATERIAL ON AGENDA) To approve the request for reinvestment of TPA budget reserves totaling $118,000, as detailed in the October 31, 2011 letter from the Tri-Cities Visitor&Convention Bureau. *(d) Utility Easement(MF#DEED2011-008): 1. Agenda Report from David 1. McDonald,City Planner dated November 1, 2011. 2. Overview Map. 3. Vicinity Map. 4. Utility Easement. To accept the utility easement for a waterline, from Jay and Amy Brantingliam. *(e) November 14 Workshop Meeting. To reschedule the November 14 Workshop meeting to occur on November 15 beginning at 6.00 p.m. (RC) MOTION. I move to approvc. the Consent Agenda as read, 4. PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: (a) (b) (c) 5. VISITORS-OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS: (a) (b) (c) 6. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS: (a) Verbal Reports from Councilmembers (b) (c) 7. PUBLIC HF,ARINGS AND COUNCIL ACTION ON ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS RELATING THERETO: (None) Regular Meeting 2 November 7,2011 S. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATING TO PUBLIC HEARINGS: (a) Resolution No. , a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, relating to public improvements; declaring its intention to order the improvement of South Cedar and South Hugo Avenues and East Alton. Street in the Kurtzman area and to create a Local Improvement District to assess a portion of the cost and expense of carrying out those improvements against the properties specially benefited thereby; and, notifying all persons who desire to object to the improvements to appear and present their objections at a hearing before the City Council to be held on December 5,2011. I. Agenda Report from Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director dated November 1, 2011. 2. Vicinity Map. 3. Proposed Resolution. 4. Right-of-Way Inventory Map. 5. Map of the Proposed Local Improvement District(LID 149)area, LID 148 and LID 146. MOTION.- I move to approve Resolution Na_ , rehating to public impros emcnts: declaring the City's intention to order the improvcnkenl of Cedar_ Hugo and Alton Streets in the Kurtzman area and to ereale a Loco] Improvement Di,tInict to as.,- qs, a portion of the cost and expense of ciuTv ng oul those irnprovcinwits atgiiuxsl sltc: properties specially benefited thereby; and, notifying all persons who desire to object to the improvements to app-stir and pmsent ib6s- obJectim3.s at a hearing before the City Council to be held on December 5, 2011. Q*(b) Resolution No. , a Resolution accepting the Planning Commission's recommendation and approving a Special Permit for a parking lot at 1125 North 22"`�Avenue. 1. Agenda Report from Shane O'Neill, Planner I dated October 25,2011, 2. Vicinity Map. 3. Proposed Resolution. 4. Report to Planning Commission, 5. Planning Commission Minutes dated 9/15/11 and 10 120/11. MOTION 1 move to approve Resolution Irv, , approving ti Special Pvrulir for slit; loualion Of a parkinU lob al 1 125 T' ortlx 22"" Avenue. Q*(c) Resolution No. . a ResoJution accepting the Planning Commission's recommendation and approving a Special Permit for the expansion of a mini-storage facility in a C-1 Zone at the southwest corner of Road 68 and Court Street. 1. Agenda Report from Jeffrey Adams, Associate Planner dated November 1, 2011. 2. Vicinity Map_ 3. Proposed Resolution. 4. Report to Planning Commission. 5_ Planning Commission Minutes dated 9/15/11 and 10/20/11. MOTION. I ritovi� to approve Resolution.No. _._V- approving a Special Pormil for the 0.sp�411sion of a mini storage facility in ti C-1 Zone of the soutliwcgt uyrner of Road 09 and Court Street. (d) Resolution No. , a Resolution establishing an incentive program to encourage private investment and increase the community's tax base. 1. Agenda Report from Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director dated October 31, 2011. 2. Proposed Resolution. 3. Incentive Area Options(Maps 1 through 6). 4. Recent Permits with 2011 Project Values. MOTION: I move w approve Resolutiun No. establishing an incentive pros am for commercial and industrial investment. 9. UiNF'INISHED BUSINESS: (None) 10. NEW BUSINESS: (None) 11. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION: (a) (b) (c) Regular Meeting 3 November 7, 2011 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: (a) (b) (0 13. ADJOURNMENT. (RC) Roil Call Vote Required * Item not previously discussed MF# "Master File 4...... Q Quasi-Judicial Matter REMINDERS: 1. 1:30 p.m., Monday, November 7, KOH — Emergency Medical Services Board Meeting. (COUNCILMEMBER TOM LARSEN, Rep,; AL YENNEY, Alt.) 2. 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 7, Three-Rivcrs Convention Center — Tri-Cities Visitor & Convention Bureau Annual Meeting and Tourism Showcase Reception. (MAYOR MATT WATKINS, COMCILMEMBERS REBECCA FRANCIK, MIKE GARRISON and AL YENNEY) 3. 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 8, Senior Center Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting. (COUNCILMEMBER TOM LARSEN, Rep.: BOB HOFFMANN, Alt.) 4. 7:00 a.m., Thursday. November 10, Cousin's .Restaurant — BFCG Tri-Mats Policy Advisory Committee Meeting. (COUNCILMEMBER BOB HOFFMANN, Rep.; REBECCA FRANCIK, Alt.) 5. 7:00 p.m., Thursday. November 10, Transit Facility — Ben-Franklin Transit Board Mcctinb. (MAYOR MATT WATKINS, Rep.; COUNCILMEMBER MIKE GARRISON,Alt.) MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 17, 2011 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Matt Watkins, Mayor. ROIL CALL: Councilmcmbers present: Rebecca Francik, Mike Garrison, Robert Hoffmann, Torn Larsen, Saul Martinez, Matt Watkins and Al Yenney. Staff present: Gary Crutchfield, City Manager; Patrick Galloway, Acting City Attonley; Stan Strebel, Deputy City Manager; Richard Terway, Administrative & Community Services Director; Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director; Ahmad Qayoumi, Public Works Director and Bob Metzger, Police Chief. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: (a) Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the Pasco City Council Meeting dated October 3, 2011. (b) Bills and Communications: To approve General Claims in the amount of$1,515,067-25 ($124,414.52 in the form of Electronic Fund Transfer Nos. 7438, 7464, 7485, 7525 and 7531; and 51,390,652.73 in the form of Wire Transfer Nos. 1130, 1133 and 1134; and Claim Warrants numbered 184454 through 184726). To approve bad debt write-offs for utility billing, ambulance, cemetery, general accounts, miscellaneous accounts, and Municipal Court (non-criminal, criminal, and parking) accounts receivable in the total amount of$231,01.2.49 and, of that amount, authorize $171,924.01 be turned over for collection. (c) Tourism Promotion Area: To approve the 2012 Business and Marketing Plan and Operating Budget for the Tourism Promotion Area in the total amount of 5860,000. (d) Housing Authority Board Appointment: To appoint Isabcll Quintanilla to Position No. 2 on the City of Pasco and Franklin County Housing Authority Board, term to expire 1!28113. MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to approve the Consent Agenda as read. Mr. Garrison seconded. Motion carried by unanimous Roll Call vote. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS: Ms. Francik and Mayor Watkins reported on the Tri-Cities Regional Facilities Board meeting. Mr. Martinez and Mr. Larsen attended the Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Mayor Watkins attended the Ben Franklin Transit Board meeting. 1 3�a).1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 17, 2011 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATING TO PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ordinance No. 4024, an Ordinance concerning speed limits on Burden Boulevard, and amending Section 10.24.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code. Mr. Qayourni explained the details of the proposed speed limit revision. MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4024, amending Section 10.24.040 and revising the speed limit on Burden Boulevard and, further, authorize publication by summary only. Mr. Martinez seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 4025, an Ordinance concerning speed limits on Sandifur Parkway, and amending Section '10.24.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code. MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4025, amending Section 10.24.040 revising the speed limit on Sandifur Parkway and, further, authorize publication by 5urntnary only. Mr. Martinez seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 3347, a Resolution adopting a Master Plan entitled Pasco Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Council and staff discussed the proposed Resolution. MOTION; Ms, Francik moved to approve Resolution No. 3347, adopting the Pasco Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Mr. Garrison seconded. Motion carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION: Mr. Hoffmann requested staff look at the legality of keeping hens and rabbits in residential areas of the City; staff noted the Planning Commission is currently evaluating such a proposal. Mr. Hoffmann also noted Washington State is increasing its employee's share of health insurance premiums from 12%to 15%. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m. APPROVED: AT'T'EST: Matt Watkins, Mayor Debra L. Clark, City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED this 7th day of November, 2011. 2 CITY OF PASCO Council Meeting of: November 7,2011 Accounts Payable Approved The City Council City of Pasco,Franklin County,Washington We,the undersigned,do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished,the services rendered or the labor performed as described herein and that the claim is a just,due and unpaid obligati gainst the city and that we are authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. ii' ��1iCJ �/L• r,/�� Gary Cr u hfiie y D ele Mas, n, Finaf ce Services Manager We,the undersigned City Councilmembers of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Franklin County,Washington, do hereby certify on this 7th day of November, 2011 that the merchandise or services hereinafter specified have been received: Check Numbers and 184727- 185025 In The Amount Of: $1.411,235.22 Electronic Funds Transfers: 1131 -1132, 1135-1140 In The Amount Of: $172,772.00 Electronic Funds Transfers: 7700,7715,7780 (Journal Entries) ?863 Combined total of $1,584,007.22 Councilmember Councilmember SUMMARY OF CLAIMS BY FUND: GENERAL FUND: Legislative 482.27 Judicial 6,570.42 Executive 5,610.00 Police 211,683.55 Fire 6,221.27 Administration&Community Services 86,877.63 Community Development 4,858.03 Engineering 18,157.13 Non-Departmental 38,021.91 Library 94,553.48 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: 473,036.69 STREET 60,078.59 ARTERIAL STREET 0.00 STREET OVERLAY O.OD C. D.BLOCK GRANT 3,379.09 KING COMMUNITY CENTER 1,831.72 AMBULANCE SERVICE 4,622.51 CEMETERY 7,400.33 ATHLETIC PROGRAMS 1,352.14 GOLF COURSE 77,692.04 SENIOR CENTER OPERATING 4,201,18 MULTI MODAL FACILITY 2,379.04 RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAIN 1,136.38 SPECIAL ASSESSMNT LODGING 13,973.59 LITTER CONTROL 1,062.73 REVOLVING ABATEMENT 310.00 TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING 19,663.00 INDUSTRIAL DEV& INI=RAST 4,900.00 STADIUMICONVENTION CENTER 11,449.64 GENERAL CAP PROJ CONSTRUCTION 60,153.59 WATERISEWER 432,154.86 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-OPERATING GOVERNMENTAL 36,948.11 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-OPERATING BUSINESS 8,981.27 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-REPLACEMENT GOVERNMENTAL 3,643.37 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-REPLACEMENT BUSINESS 317.84 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 200,471.96 CENTRAL STORES 72,54 PAYROLL CLEARING 75,275.51 LID CONSTRUCTION 0.00 PUBLIC FACILITIES DIST 26,948.09 TRI CITY ANIMAL CONTROL 49,696.81 SENIOR CENTER ASSOCIATION 875.60 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $ 1,584,007.22 3(b). 1 CITY OF PASCO Council Meeting of: Payroll Approval November 7,2011 The City Council City of Pasco Franklin County,Washington The foilo 'ng is a s ma of payroll claims against the City of Pasco for the month of October 2011 vhi are q esente herewith fcr your review and approval. Ga: C r-OlLtM eI d—, C i ager Rick Terway, Administrative & Community Services Director We, the undersigned City Council members of the City Ccuncil of the City of Pasco, Franklin County, Washington, do hereby certify that the services represented by the below expenditures have been received and that payroll voucher No's. 43451 through 43542 and 80080 through 80089 and EFT deposit No's. 30047649 through 30048205 and City contributions in the aggregate amount of $2,003,399.13 are approved for payment cn this 7th day of November 2011. Councilmember Counci member SUMMARY OF PAYROLL BY FUND GENERAL FUND: Legislative $ 7,658.18 Judicial 79,212.72 Executive 63,989.48 Police 573,185.72 Fire 263,212.66 Administrative & Community Services 267,564.08 Community Development 74,372.26 Engineering 99,508.89 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,428,703.99 CITY STREET 40,991.72 BLOCK GRANT 12,874.66 MARTIN LUTHER KING CENTER 5,836.18 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUND 154,480.58 CEMETERY 13299.05 ATHLETIC FUND �_ 1,508.15 SENIOR CENTER 12,956.29 STADIUM OPERATIONS 0.00 MULTI-MODAL FACILITY 0.00 BOAT BASIN 0.00 REVOLVING ABATEMENT FUND 0.CC TASK FORCE 0.00 WATER/SEWER 298,097.79 EQUIPMENT RENTAL- OPERATING 26,465.15 OLD FIRE PENSION FUND 8,185.57 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 2,003,399.13 Payroll Summary Net Payroll 928,420.98 Employee Deductions 562,159.10 Gross Payrcll 1,490,580.08 City of Pasco Contributions 512,819.05 Total Payroll $ 2,003,399.13 3(b).2 AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council November 1, 2011 TO: Gary Crutchft Manager Regular Mtg.: 1 1/7/I 1 Rick White, Di . r Community & `co a is Developmenti./Y`4 FROM: David I. McDonald, City Planner SUBTECT: Utility Easement (MF# DEED2011-008) I. REFERENCE(S): 1. Overview Map 2. Vicinity Map 3. Utility Easement 11. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL / STAFF RECOYIMENDATIONS: 11/7: MOTION: I move to accept the utility easement for a water line from Tay and Amy Brantingham. III. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) In 2009 and 2010 CRF Metal Works built a fabrication shop and office on Travel Plaza Way. The project required the extension of a water line from Travel Plaza Way to Rainier Avenue. Because the water line crosses private property rather than city right-of-way an easement is needed, 3(d) Item: 20' Dedication Deed - Util. Ease Overview � A Plicant: Ja. & Am Brantingham p Map File : DEED 2011 -008 lkv\ ;rJN E( "�, .i.j `� � � ' �' •.1 . ?i��1/�, mod!• V X SIT fc�a. ..-.• e�t �. 1�p' ti. Item: 20' Ded1cation Deed - Util. Easein Vicinity . Applicant: Jay & Amy Brantingham Map 2011 -008 File #. DEED fay • •, ��•a��'-may loop. io :S ty •'i• �1 poop* 000 00001k mss• .� �'• �.,I t,•Y���•' * � ,•�. ` � " '.. •`r, •� a �r � r .'• .1 ` ."� .. s. - f v Cif Izz eb p � ° >- C ,•,, O '-3 C Q C" Jrt ao ►-3 .0 b s a � ,y a �� � o � � cn !-� ,� co �• � a 4rr�i Q TON `\`��.N� °m � �� itl o C J w OQ LD cn VI n CD CD 8 :� .0 k 2 C3 rD E'.. . AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Counci November 1, 2011 TO: Gary Crutchfie y Nfanager Regular Mtg.: 11/7/11 PROM: Rick White { Community& Economic Development Director 74A SUBJECT: Kurtzman Park Neighborhood Improvements 1. REFERENCE(S): 1. Vicinity Map 2. Proposed Resolution J . Right of way inventory rxrap 4. Map of the proposed Local Improvement District(LID 149)area, LID 148 and LID 146 II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 1117: Motion I move to approve Resolution _, _, relating to public improvements, declaring the City's intention to order the hn prove ment of Cedar, Hugo and Alton Streets in the Kurtzman area and to create a Local Improvement District to assess a portion of the cost and expense of carrying out those improvements against the properties specially benefited thereby; and, notifying all persons who desire to object to the improvements to appear and present their objections at a hearing before the City Council to be held on December 5, 2011. III. FISCAL IMPACT: IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A. Following a public outreach effort in 2006, the City accepted the Kurtzman Park Action Tian in early 2007. The Plan was developed as a result of neighborhood input and established a priority system for neighborhood improvements including infrastructure. (sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street lights and in some uses utilities), increased Code Enforcement efforts and an increased Police presence. B. LID 146 was completed in 2010 for the southern portion of the Kurtzman neighborhood using a combination of federal stimulus and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and owner contributions. LID 14R for the middle portion of the neighborhood is nearly complete using CDBG funds and owner contributions. This last portion of the Kurtzman neighborhood was excluded from LID 148 due to lack of necessary right of way. C, City Council has allocated $200,000 in 2012 CDBG fiords as a means of financing a. portion of the missing infrastructure in the proposed LID area. The cost for curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights and street paving is estimated at $627,625. CDBG funds can also be used to pay assessments for lower income residents similar to a program that is now is place for the payment of utility LTD's. Staff intends to request CDBG funds in the 2013 allocation process for financial assistance to qualifying owners if this LID is approved. D. Two neighborhood meetings were conducted this year (May and July) to explore the level of neighborhood interest in an LID. Almost all residents attending were interested in moving forward with the LID process — with the understanding that cost estimates for individual properties would need to be developed. E. City Council considered this last phase of the Kurtzman Neighborhood improvement project at the Council Workshop of October 24; 2011 V. DISCUSSION: A. Neighborhood improvement in areas lacking or experiencing decay of infrastructure is a longstanding Council goal. The use of CDBG monies for an area-wide benefit and for LID assistance can minimize the impact of improving neighborhood infrastructure our low income households. 8(a) B. The infrastructure cost noted above is a preliminary estimate (on the High side) for the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, storm drainage and street paving, Most sewer utility work was conducted last. year(Sewer Extension Project 410-1-01) and remaining utility work will be tunded outside of the LID process at no cost to affected owners. Formal cost estimates in the LID process are obtained by preparation of a preliminary assessment roll. Most residents that attended the neighborhood meetings arc anticipating a public hearing as the first step in order to learn individual costs and the potential for CDBG assistance, C. This phase of the Kurtzman Neighborhood Improvement project is unique in that there is insufficient right of way on all streets involved. Neither Hugo nor Sycamore will ever Function as an arterial, as both are only two blocks long and terminate at Alton Street In an effort to find a workable option for improvement of both streets and make it easier for property owners to provide essential right of way, staff determined that a fifty foot right of way would suffice for both Hugo and Sycamore Avenues. The fifty foot right of way will accommodate (barely) the standard thirty eight foot wide street, two feet of curb and gutter and a five foot sidewalk on each side. With a reduced right of way plan, staff sought dedications from property owners on both Hugo and Sycamore Avenues. D. Most owners on Hugo Avenue and Alton Street have dedicated the needed right of way, but several have not. Staff proposes that street improvements adjacent these properties be implemented without sidewalk through the LID process. Those owners that have not dedicated right of way would then be responsible in the future to dedicate right of way and install sidewalk in conjunction with obtaining building permits, or be required to install sidewalk if ordered to do so through PMC 12.08, in either case, CDBG assistance will likely not be available. E. Most owners on Cedar have dedicated tic needed right of way, but several have not. Cedar Avenue is considered a collector since it connects "A" and Lewis Streets and is maintained at a total right of way width of sixty feet. Stuff is continuing discussions with die owners of needed right of way in hope of installing full street improvements the entire width of Cedar. In the event all right of way is not obtained, staff proposes that street improvements adjacent properties that have dedicated right of way be installed through the LID process. Those owners that have not dedicated right of way would not be included in the LID and would be responsible for full street improvements in the future through concurrency requirements. F. Most owners on Sycamore Avenue have not dedicated needed right of way including whole Sections of Alton Street at the Sycamore / Alton intersection. Staff recommends that Sycamore and this section of Alton be removed from the LID improvement area. Full street improvements in this portion of the Kurtzman neighborhood will need to be installed by individual owners through concurrency requirements in the future. G. Adoption of the proposed resolution will set the public hearing on the proposed LID for December 5`1', 201.1. There will be notice to affected owners as required by law, and the notice will be accompanied by a preliminary assessment identifying the costs for each property within the proposed LID. �'. ;..w� ' �� !��_` fir,� ~¢,: �� �b tr 9!"^.,•ti ' �� � _� / f�._: -- J'' +r ' _� 1V 1L- � - -� - 1ti - � l'r•fit '� _ �� �-' r .I • � • 1P 1 DT. LU i �• j i. ltw YIP l' t% � ` I •mot ` �-�i r- 4 �; �a'lr-r . `• 111 •- -� �3 t ` Am r F -7:j _1 - .• ' 1.1 At ?. - - -- _' ��-- — -- �'� .rte • _ _ _ .e - �_ / � -_ '� E Legend - - A Proposed LID 149 - ¢` LID 148 ei o _ �F ment LID 146 lZ ..4 L. CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION Nth. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS; DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE IMPROVEMENT OF SOUTH CEDAR AND SOUTH HUGO AVENUES AND EAST ALTON STREET IN THE KURTZMAN AREA AND TO CREATE A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO ASSESS A PORTION OF THE COST AND FYPENSE OF CARRYING OUT THOSE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES SPECIALLY BENEFITED THEREBY; AND, NOTIFYING ALL PERSONS WHO DESIRE TO OBJECT TO THE IMPROVEMENTS TO APPEAR AND PRESENT THEIR OBJECTIONS AT A HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 5, 2011. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'T'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, to order the improvement of the properties within the area described in Exhibit B, by the improvement of South Cedar and South Hugo Avenues and East Alton Street in the Kurtzman Area of the City. The improvements are more fully described in Exhibit A, and include road widening, curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drain system and street lighting (collectively, the "Improvements"). The referenced exhibits A and B are attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof All of the foregoing Improvements shall he in accordance with the plans and specifications therefore prepared by the City Engineer of the City and may be modified by the City as long as that modification does not affect the purpose of the improvements. Section 2. The total estimated cost and expense of the Improvements is declared to be $627,625, of which un estimated $427,625 shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by the Improvements to be included in a local improvement. district to be established and embracing as nearly as practicable all the property specially benefited by the Improvements. Actual assessments may vary from estimated assessments as long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the Improvements add to the property. Section a. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of the adoption of this resolution and of the date, time and place fixed herein for the public hearing to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land or other property within the proposed local improvement district by mailing such notice at least fifteen days before the date fixed for public hearing to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the rolls of the Franklin COUnty Assessor at the address shown thereon, as required by law. This resolution also shall be published in its entirety in at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City, the date of the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date fixed herein for the public hearing. Section 4. All persons who may desire to object to the Improvements are notified to appear and present those objections at a hearing before the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, 525 N. 3d Ave., Pasco, Washington, at 7:00 p.m. on December 5, 2011, which time and place are fixed for hearing all matters relating to the Improvements and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment for the Improvements. All persons who may desire to object thereto should appear and present their objections at that hearing, Any person who may desire to file a written protest with the City Council may do so within 30 days after the date of passage of the ordinance ordering the Improvements in the event the local improvement district is formed. The written protest should be signed by the property owner and should include the legal description of the property for which the protest is filed and that protest should be delivered to the City Clerk. Section 5. The City Engineer is directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to December 5, 2011, all data and information required by law to be submitted. The foregoing resolution was ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Pasco; Washington, at a regular open public meeting thereof this 7"' day of November, 2011, Matt Watkins, Mayor ATTEST: Debra L. Clark, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Leland B. Derr, City Attorney EXHIBIT A LID 149 Kurtzman's Park Phase 3 Street Improvements In — From —To Description In Street From To S. Hugo Avenue E. Alton Street E. Lewis Street S. Cedar Avenue E. Alton Street ( E. Lewis Street E. Alton Street F S. Hugo Avenue S. Cedar Avenue The LID 149 Improvements include road widening, curb,gutter, sidewalk, storm drain system, and street lighting, and associated improvements all to City street standards. EXHIBIT B LID 149 — Kurtzman's Area Phase 3 Street Improvements Legal description of the boundary: That portion of the north half of the south half of Section 28, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, Willamette Meridian, in the City of Pasco, Franklin County, Washington more accurately described as follows: Commencing at;the center of Section 28, Township 9 North, Range 30 East, Willamette Meridian (W.M,), in the City of Pasco, Franklin County, Washington:thence, southerly along the center section line of Section 28,Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M., a distance of 30 feet to the south right-of- way line of East Lewis Street, being the True Point of Beginning; thence,westerly across the right-of-way of South Cedar Avenue to the southwest corner of East Lewis Street and South Cedar Avenue; thence, westerly along the south right-of-way line of East Lewis Street across the north line of Acre Park Addition, Block 1, Lot 1 and 14, continuing westerly across the right-of-way of South Hugo Avenue; continuing westerly across the north line of Acre Park Addition, Block 2, Lot 1, to the northwest corner of said lot 1; thence, southerly along the west line of Lot 1, 2, 3, and 4; thence, continuing southerly along the west line of Short Plat 2002-16, Lot 1, 2, and 3, Short Plat 99-01, Lot 1, 2, and 3,and Short Plat 97-19, Lot 1 and 2 to the southwest corner of said Lot 2;thence, continuing southerly across East Alton Street to the south right-of-way line of East Alton Street; thence, easterly along the south right-of-way line of East Alton Street to the west right-of-way line of South Cedar Avenue; thence easterly across the right-of-way of South Cedar Avenue to the southwest corner of the lot described as, "S2SW4NW4SE4 28-9-30 Less 1 ac for SR Ex" that also has a Dedication Deed for the "west 20 feet of the south half of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 28,Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M. records of Franklin County, Washington;"thence easterly along the south line of said Lot to the southeast corner of said Lot;thence northerly along the east line of said Lot; thence continuing northerly along the east lot line of the Lot described as "N2SW4NW4SE4 28-9-30;" thence continuing northerly along the east line of the Lot described as "NW4NW4SE4 28-9-30, Ecx N 338.71' thence continuing northerly along the east lot line of the Lot described as"Ptn 28-9-30 DAF; S 90' of N 338.71' of NW4NW4SE4"; thence westerly along the north line of said Lot to the southeast corner of the Lot cescribed as "Ptn 28-9-30 DAP; N248.71'of W 228.71' of NW4NW4SE4"; thence northerly along the east line of said Lot to the south right-of-way line of East Lewis Street, also being the northeast corner of said Lot; thence westerly along the south right-of-way line of East Lewis Street to the center section fine of Section 28,Township 9 North, Range 30 East, W.M.; being the True Point of Beginning. 50, sot DES sir = '160t, - _ - CARDENA I 5F t CHAVEZ .,CARDENAS IRIBARREN j MCCLURE 20 Feet RADA& } SONS I - OROZCO I CARDENAS , ji2OBERTSONI I I AIVIERAWEST MONTES l 20 Feet +�OZCO 1 5 Feet € — - _-"" IJRIBE MAIDEN ERRATOS : p i I Feet ul - SILVA R8 HO 5 Feet MONTEZ 5 Feet CAMPBELL GAD JASON , i RAMIREZ HI A 5 Feet CAMPBELL FA GOMEZ MURPH Q - ------------ --- -- 5Feet 5 Feet 20 Feet Q BIRRUE& j RAJAS Lj r-----__-- x 5 OFeet OY RIZZt� # fCAMPO I zEPEDA SALE (AENDEZ -HERNA I HERS I GARCI'A ROBINS CAMPBELL LENZ j i CRUO 5 Feet j 20 Feet CAMPLL �MANCISA f - -Y - 'NARANJ Legend i 4 5 Feet MURPHY ► _ _ Improvement Boundary ------ LUCATERO 'LEON 20 Feet I �M GRE ER SCALES ! 5 Feet y Dedication Received 50 o LT-0 N S ! — ROW Width Needed � Churches Neighborhood Improvement Area Houses ROW Widths --�E Lt! PLJ LL' LEw T— N • i • � • W • z Estimated Cost: a $627,625 j u, • L • f I N • z O I H J =F - p p J w E HELENA� i ST u_ Tl t. F LISPELL CT i— _ O CUSTE C O Z' ElLegend ' a LD-,//l ' BUTTE ST "� BUTTE CT Proposed LID 149 - f ENDIVE 9GL END IV ROW Needed O _ LID 148 E �- ��� w L...�J LID 146 ..A.. ST Churches Neighborhood Improvement Area Houses AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council October 25, 2011 TO: Gary CrUtchil Manager Regular Mtg.: 1 1/7/11 Rick White, Community & - - )nonnic Development Director FROM: Shane O'Neill, Planner 1 SUBJECT: SPECIAL PERMIT (MF# SP 2011-011): Location of a Parking Lot in an R-2 Wedium Densitv Residential) Zone (1125 North 22nd Avenue) (Pasco School District I. REFERENCE(S): 1, Vicinity Map 2. Proposed Resolution 3. Report to Planning Commission 4. Planning Commission Minutes: Dated 9115/11 & 10/20/11 I1. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 1117: MOTION: I move to approve Resolution No. , approving a Special Permit for the location of a parking lot at 1125 North 22nd Avenue, III. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A. On September 15, 2011 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to determine whether or not to recommend a. Special Permit be granted for the location of a parking lot at 1125 North 22Nd Avenue. B. Following conduct of the public hearing, the Planning Commission reasoned that with conditions, it would be appropriate to recommend approval of a Special Permit for the parking lot. C. The recommended conditions are contained i_n the attached Resolution. D. No written appeal of the Planning Commission's recorrunendation has been received. 8(b) WWII W�.� uml 1� ` } too ., ►.. w3 +. ` �.....— ! r d-f �� .rat �1 r 1 7;f•..•t i i' n L .r - --rw�t r v�,'+f+'�'�k �7 PIN c 1° lid .ar Y '""� .,����'"its • - ! RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT FOR A PARKING LOT AT 1125 NORTH 22ND AVENUE WHEREAS, the Pasco School District submitted an application for the location of a parking lot at 1125 North 22nd Avenue (Tax Parcel 119-331-134); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 15, 1011 to review the proposed parking lot; and, WHEREAS, following deliberations on October 20, 2011 the Planning Commission recommended approval of a Special Permit for the parking lot with certain conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: 1. That a Special Permit is hereby granted to the Pasco School District for the location of a parking lot in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) District under Master File # SP2011-01 l with the following conditions: a) The Special Permit shall apply to the west 260' of the north 182' of Tax Parcel 119-331-134; b) The parking lot shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the site plan submitted with the Special Permit application: c) Any and all parking lot lighting shall be shielded to prevent light encroachment on adjoining lots; d) The driveway entrances shall be restricted to one entrance only and one exit only; e) Driveways shall be marked to indicate the direction of traffic flow per the current edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices; t) The driveway entrances shall meet current ADA requirements; g) The parking lot must be designed to contain all stormwater drainage on site; h) No lava rock will he pennitted within any area that may be landscaped; i) The parking lot must meet the landscaping standards of PMC 25.75; j) The special permit shall be null and void if a City of Pasco building permit is not obtained by October 31, 2014. Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 7"'day of November, 2011. Matt Watkins, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM; Debra L. Clark, City Clerk Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION MASTER FILE # SP 2011-011 APPLICANT: Pasco School District HEARING DATE: 9/15/2011 1215 W. Lewis St. ACTION DATE: 10/20/2011 Pasco, WA 99301 BACKGROUND REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: Location of a Parking Lot in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone I. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Legal- The north 182.48 feet of the west 262.62 feet of the following described parcel: The south 1/2 of the southeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of the northeast 1/4, except the south 106 feet of the west 139 feet of Section 25, Township 9 North, Range 29 East less the roads General Location: 1100 Block of N. 22nd Ave. Property Size_ Approximately 1 acre 2. ACCESS: The parking lot site has access from 22nd Ave. 3. UTILITIES: All municipal utilities currently serve the site. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is zoned R-2 (Medium Density Residential) and contains a church. The zoning and land use of the surrounding properties are as follows: NORTH: C-1 - Commercial Businesses SOUTH: R-3 & C-1 - Commercial & Multi-Family Residences EAST: R-1 -- Single Family Residences WEST: R-3- School S. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial uses. Policy LU-1-B encourages enhancement of the physical appearance of development within the City. Policy LU-2-D requires all development to be landscaped. The proposal would replace a vacant parcel with a landscaped parking lot. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist, the adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information, a threshold determination resulting in a l Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) has been issued for this project under WAC 197-11-158. ANALYSIS For several years the Pasco School District has been working on plans to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety around Stevens Middle School. Part of these plans call for the removal of the bus loading and unloading area on 22nd Ave and replacing it with a new bus staging area in the parking lot to the north of the school. School bus traffic would be routed from 24th Avenue rather than 22nd Avenue. The new bus staging area and bus turn-a-round would eliminate approximately 76 of the 141 existing parking stalls. Reconfiguration of the parent drop-off in front of the school will also eliminate 18 parking stalls. Eliminating much of the current off-street parking creates the need for additional parking. As a result, the School District has applied for a Special Permit to allow the construction of a new off-street parking lot on property across 22nd Avenue to the east of Stevens Middle School. Construction of the new parking lot will result in a net increase of 11 additional off-street parking stalls for the School. The proposed parking lot is located on a portion of the Emmanuel Baptist Church property, north of the church parsonage on the corner of Henry Street and 22nd Avenue. The parking lot is therefore an off-site parking lot and as such requires Special Permit review per- PMC 25.86. The parking lot will occupy a 1. 10 acre site with access to 22nd Avenue. The parking lot including the landscaping will be 252 feet deep and 182 feet wide. There will be 100 standard stalls included in the parking lot and 5 handicapped accessible stalls for a total of 105. Upon approval of the Special Permit the School District will work with the Baptist Church (the property owner) to complete a boundary line adjustment to properly configure the property to accommodate the parking lot. Construction of the parking lot is not expected until 2013 or 2014. STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of Fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section of the staff report. The Planning Commission may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 2 1. The Pasco School District is seeking to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety around the Stevens Middle School property on N. 22nd Avenue by relocating the current bus loading and unloading area. 2. The current on-street bus staging area is planned to be relocated to the parking lot on the north side of the Middle School. 3. With the relocation of the bus staging area school buses will no longer queue on N. 22nd Ave. when dropping off or picking up students. 4. Construction of the improved bus staging area will eliminate approximately 76 off-street parking spaces. An additional 18 off- street parking spaces will be lost due to a reconfiguration of the parent drop-off area in front of the Middle School. S. The School District proposes to construct a replacement parking lot on the east side of N. 22nd Avenue, across the street to the east of Stevens Middle School. 6. The proposed parking lot site is off of the Stevens Middle School campus and is considered an off-site parking lot. 7. Off-site parking lots are unclassified uses per PMC 25.86.020. 8. Unclassified uses require review through the Special Permit process as enumerated in PMC 25.86. 9. The Pasco School District submitted a Special Permit application on August 12, 2011 requesting Planning Commission review of an off- site parking lot on n 22nd Avenue. 10. The site is zoned R-2 (Medium Density Residential) and is currently part of the Emanuel Baptist Church property. 11. The Emanuel Baptist Church property extends from N. 20th Avenue to N. 22nd Avenue and contains a church, a fellowship hall, a parsonage, a daycare playground and an undeveloped area. 12. The proposed parking lot is planned for the 1.10 acre (252' by 182) vacant portion of the church property fronting N. 22nd Avenue. 13. The proposed parking lot will provide 105 off-street parking stalls, five of which will be handicapped accessible stalls. 14. The proposed parking lot will increase the total number of off-street parking stalls for Stevens Middle School by 11 spaces. 15. The proposed off-site parking lot will be constructed in 2013 or 2014 depending on School District budgeting. 16. The proposed parking lot will be hard surfaced and will contain on- site drainage and landscaping. 3 17. The School District plans to install two man-gates in the fencing separating the Baptist church property from the proposed parking lot site to make the making lot available for additional church parking. CONCLUSIONS BASED ON STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT The Planning Commission must make Findings of Fact based upon the criteria listed in P.M.C. 25.86.060. The criteria and staff listed findings are as follows: 1. Will the proposed use be in accordance with the goals, policies, objectives and text of the Comprehensive Plan? Policy LU-1-B encourages enhancement of the physical appearance of development within the City. The proposal would create a parking lot containing landscaping and a sight screening fence on vacant land. Policy LU-2-D requires all development to be landscaped. Conditions of approval contained herein require site landscaping thereby enhancing the appearance of the immediate vicinity. 2. Will the proposed use adversely affect public infrastructure? The proposal will lead to the removal of on-street school bus staging area and will provide additional off-street parking for Stevens Middle School. -The reconfiguration of the bus staging area and addition of the off-street parking will lessen the impacts that Stevens Middle School currently has on 22❑d. Avenue. 3. Will the proposed use be constructed, maintained and operated to be in harmony with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity? The neighborhood contains a mixture of commercial, multi-family, public or quasi public land uses. Parking lots are a customary development feature associated with schools, churches, apartment buildings and commercial buildings. The current on-site parking lots associated with the Middle School have not disrupted the harmony of the neighborhood or been the source of complaints from nearby multi-family residences. The addition of the proposed parking on the undeveloped church property will not alter the existing or intended character of the neighborhood. Parking lot landscaping will ameliorate potential impacts to the adjacent residences. 4. Will the location and height of proposed structures and the site design discourage the development of permitted uses on property in the general vicinity or impair the value thereof? 4 The neighborhood is almost fully developed and much of development occurred after the Stevens Middle School and associated parking lots were constructed. The Middle School and associated parking lots have not discouraged development or impaired the value of neighboring properties. An online search of the Franklin County Assessors records property values have increased in the neighborhood over the past five years. 5. Will the operations in connection with the proposal be more objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibrations, dust, traffic, or flashing lights than would be the operation of any permitted uses within the district? Properties immediately surrounding the proposed site contain church facilities, commercial establishments and Stevens Middle School. The operations of these , facilities all involve the use of parking lots. The operation of the Middle School will be enhanced by the proposed parking. The church may also benefit from the parking lot due to the fact the parking lot is being designed to enable use by the church when the parking lot is not being used for school purposes. 6. Will the proposed use endanger the public health or safety if located and developed where proposed, or in any way will become a nuisance to uses permitted in the district? Maintaining the current level of available off-street parking will benefit the community by providing sufficient parking for community events and school activities_ Relocating the parking lot across the street should not disrupt existing uses nor endanger the public health or safety in the vicinity. APPROVAL CONDITIONS 1. The Special Permit shall apply to the west 260' of the north 182' of Tax Parcel 119331134; 2. The parking lot shall be constructed in substantial conformance with the site plan submitted with the Special Permit application; 3. Any and all parking lot lighting shall be shielded to prevent light encroachment on adjoining lots; 4. The driveway entrances shall be restricted to one entrance only and one exit only; 5. Driveways shall be marked to indicate the direction of traffic flog per the current edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices; 6. The driveway entrances shall meet current ADA requirements; 5 7. The parking lot must be designed to contain all stormwater drainage on site; 8. No lava rock will be permitted within any area that may be landscaped; 9. The parking lot must meet the landscaping standards of PMC 25.75; 10. The special permit shall be null and void if a City of Pasco building permit is not obtained by October 31, 2014. RECOMMENDATION MOTION: I move to adopt Findings of Fact and Conclusions therefrom as contained in the October 20, 2011 staff report. MOTION: I move based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions therefrom the Planning Commission recommend the City Council grant a Special Permit to the Pasco School District for the location of an off-site parking lot at 1125 North 22nd Avenue with conditions as contained in the October 20, 2011 staff report. 6 Item: PSD Off-Site Parking Lot Vicinity Applicant: Pasco School District Map File SP201 1 -011 + Vill �. 46,, Imp I 4w ik, 4 Ii I gig JN IN-Nam a Ir IL bo Y o rYZ I• J. fir' � 1� �� t �N4 _ .._ r, tri. J v i Item: PSD Off-Site Parking Lot Land Use A I icant: Pasco Sc hool District N . Map p File #. SP201 1 -011 SLJ MFR's S -- - i - commercial F � � � � ► R MARIE ST -- - -�— � 1 School N Comm. � T OCTAVE ST Church - - - --- I � F i jl W HENRY ST _ Q > HENRY ST z - Vacant Q -� - _ o Commercial N W HENRY PL SFRI s MFRIs _ �► _ MARGARET ST Zoning Item: PSD Off-Site Parking Lot Applicant: Pasco School District N Map File #: SP201 1 -011 R-3 777 1 I i -T R 4 C-1 MARIE ST x 0 R-2 N C-1 SITE OCTAVE ST R-2 a R-2 Rml-- j HENRY ST _ _R°Z R-3 Q HENRY ST � o N W HENRY PL _ N - N !R-2- Rm3 C-1 P3 E MARGARET ST 9 I1 ? 4 Cl it If co jo tz 9�I I kr ianias o IpttM{� � � � �9''• ,�SY• - $ O E Ire a j U�� _ _ —�. as :•- ... ., . . • -- � ear-a•.mmv - - _—PIM—F-t a auzL G r r Kill �� ODD Looking south r Looking eastl c� f Looking nortkftl a may„ .•.� �k! is •. . �. mot► ♦ r# '..i 1 -' ; r.r +1 y 1♦`. 3' is�- I� Y Looking southeast ' ..�' .w..�ri �jY•__ = i.Y.,•• ice -• •sir w� _.�♦�L. `t�r +�.a '- -�✓ -;_ - :, �'�� _ � _ � � . t < _ - �•' t '^' ^r�^4•_� ;ate+ Ak- •may�w�•F,r� �,``.n C�'Sr ��H � - L _�` � _ +rK�J ... - _ _ _ _ "...:� ��• _ � �aa�'.�' . .= -'T�—ar` -' i�"R•fir�•_� - � .. _ �c`��w_a. _ __ _ ' ti � ���'• 'fT r _� 1. "�" jT_ ��•`� '. 1'•�►���'"" .`�M s~-•�,•r ��.��+� - mss' � � . �.�. ;,r �► -..- y '�•.�- Jai f F s out hwe _ -�. vim, .�•+aL _ • � - _ � �i - •.- _ - � � � y` _ _ .. �-�-~- �.. � y� 1 -� — ..--« _ .: - '-— 0. dmL We VOW- '•� -� - `+-� - _ - T - - ` � �---� __- - -• r ,_ - r - 1 �-.fir � � Y�� r' -° -_ •^. _ _ i- � -- � r�. _ _ +. •r•••^ -� - - fin, i ��_`y�� •� __ � �� _ _ � .. . :w. � .y � '�y�►r. _may._ tom.. � �,� .t a: i.tom -�- � ... �.. -- .✓ -- � +� � - - �.> �'V'i � -- • 1`i•� •�iT 7 _ Ste_ — -C a":• �/� �• •S1• _ff -4�, _ • � � r ��� � __ ,_ � _ ��. �R a a�•-J � i .� �` fi PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/15/11 B. Special Permit Location of a parking lot in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone (1120 North 22nd Ave Pasco School District) (MF# SP 2011- 011 Chairwoman Kempf read the master file number and asked for comments from staff. Staff member, Shane O'Neill, Planner I, summed up the special permit application. The Pasco School District was proposing to rearrange the bus staging area north of Stevens Middle School which would eliminate approximately 73 parking spaces. To compensate for the loss of parking the District was proposing to develop a parking lot across the street (east of Stevens Middle School) with 105 parking spaces. The proposal would add 11 spaces to the existing parking for the school. Mr. O'Neill also reviewed the surrounding land uses and current use of the parcel in question for the benefit of the Planning Commission, Kim Marsh, representing the School District, stated he agreed with the staff report. Chairwoman Kempf asked the applicant if the proposed parking lot would back up to the park. Mr. Marsh answered that no, it would back up to the church and daycare. Mike Malley, 2121 W Henry Street, pastor for the church was in support of the Special Permit. Commissioner Levin asked if there were any safety issues with the church or chain-link fence where the proposed parking lot would be. Kim Marsh, answered no and that the parking lot would be shared between the Pasco School District and the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Commissioner Kahn asked if the proposed parking lot is on the same road as the Benton Franklin Transit transfer station. Kim Marsh stated the station was on 22nd down by Sylvester. Commissioner Hay moved seconded by Commissioner Anderson to close the hearing on the proposed parking lot and initiate deliberations and schedule adoption of Findings of Fact, conclusions and a recommendation to the City Council for the October 20, 2011 meeting. Staff noted this item would go back to Planning Commission the next meeting, October 20, 2011 to make a recommendation for City Council in November. Planning Commission Minutes 10/20/2011 B. Special Permit Location of a Parking Lot in an R-2 (Medium Density Residential) Zone Pasco School District 11215 W. Lewis St) IMF# SP 2011-0111 Chairman Cruz read the master file number and asked for comments from staff. Shane O'Neill, Planner 1, explained the public hearing on this item was held at the September 15, 2011 meeting. As a result of the hearing the maps were revised to more accurately reflect the site proposed for the parking lot. Commissioner Kempf asked if the School District was responsible for adding new crosswalks or if the City was responsible. Mr. O'Neill stated the applicant was responsible for installing the crosswalk and the recommendation for the condition came from the City Engineering Department. There were no further comments or questions. Commissioner Hay moved, seconded by Commissioner Lukins to adopt the findings, the facts and conclusions contained in the October 20, 2011 staff report. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Hay moved, seconded by Commissioner Lukins based on the findings, the facts and the conclusions that the Planning Commission recommend the City Council grant the Special Permit to the Pasco School District for the location of an off- site parking lot at 1125 N. 22nd Avenue with conditions as contained in the October 20, 2011 staff report. The motion passed unanimously. Staff explained that this item would go to the next regular City Council Meeting on November 7, 2011. -1- AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council November 1, 2011 TO: Gary Crutchfi eager Regular Mtg.: 11/07/2011 Rick Whitc, Comunity &. %c.onomic Development Directo m FROM: Jeffrey B, Adams, Associate Planner SUBJECT: SPECIAL PERMIT Expansion of mini-storage facility in a C-1 Zone (MFA SP 2011-012) I. REFERENCE(S): 1. Vicinity Map 2. Proposed Resolution 3. Report to Planning Commission 4. Planning Commission Minutes: Dated 9/15/11 & 10/20/11 II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL / STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 11/7: MOTION: I move to approve Resolution No. , approving a Special Permit for the expansion of a mini-storage facility in a CA zone at the southwest comer of Road 68 and Court Street. III. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A. On September 15`x' and October 20', 2011 the Planning Commission held public hearings to determine whether or not to recommend approval of a Special Permit to allow the expansion of a mini-storage facility in a C-1 zone at the southwest corner of Road 68 and Court Street. B. Following conduct of the October 20`x' public hearing, the Planning Coma fission recommended the mini-storage in question be granted a Special Permit with a number of conditions. C. The recommended conditions are contained in the attached Resolution. D. No written appeal of the Planning Commission's recommendation has been received. V(C) i Item: Mini-Storage Zone Vicinity Map Applicant: File #: SP 2011 -012 • 1 {`fN'�+j��'����`9`�{t�,`�I,��� +i #41 �ls' tic* IN 11 ���`�li�l ��1 1;. �i�t'i`� 3? ``' '- � �,��' -.-' '"tea_ ,'�• _ ��` ' ��� ji �r�h� lilt „ , ;•• �� ! .. , 1 �. �r 1 f .1 t�• � 1. > , 1 ri V " __, 1►.'� . — { ® .Y 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION,AND APPROVING A SPECIAL,PERMIT FOR THE EXPANSION OF A MINI-STORAGE FACILITY IN A C-1 ZONE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ROAD 68 AND COURT STREET WHEREAS, BLM Trust submitted an application for the expansion of a mini-storage facility in a C-1 zone at the southwest corner of Road 68 and Court Street (Tax Parcel 119701412);and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 15 and October 20,2011 to review the proposed expansion of a mini-storage facility; and, WHEREAS, following deliberations on October 20, 2011 the Planning Commission recommended approval of a Special Permit for the expansion of a mini-storage facility with certain conditions; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: 1) That a Special Permit is hereby granted to BLM Trust for the expansion of a mini-storage facility in a C-1 zone at the southwest corner of Road 68 and Court Street under Master File# SP 2011-012 with the following conditions: a) The Special Permit shall apply to Tax Parcels 119701412 and 119701421; b) The applicant may choose one of the following design options for development of the site: i) Transparent security fencing option: Fencing must consist of 6-foot maximum height architectural block pillars spaced on 10-foot centers with tubular metal/wrought iron between the pillars. All buildings must be sided with stucco or architectural block. All doors must be painted to complement the stucco or architectural block. The driveways and isle-ways around the buildings must be hard-surfaced. The west 10 feet of the site must be landscaped with trees and shrubs at a rate of one tree for every 20 linear feet and one shrub for every 8 linear feet. ii) Solid architectural block wall option: If the site contains an 8 foot architectural block wall or an 8 foot wall consisting of architectural block and stucco on the north, west and east, the buildings may be constructed of painted metal siding; no interior site pavement will be required except for the driveway entrance and no interior landscaping will be required.The landscaping requirement for the area along the west property line will be waived. iii) Stucco or architectural block building walls in lieu of an architectural block security wall: The Building walls may back to Road 68, Court Street and the west property line and be used as site security, provided each of the building walls contain at least three architectural features and are constructed of architectural block and/or stucco. No interior paving other than at the driveway entrance will be required and no interior landscaping will be required. The landscaping requirement for the area along the west property line will be waived. c) The area between the architectural block fence and/or wall of the buildings and the sidewalk must be landscaped with 60 percent live vegetation at the time of planting. Street trees as included on the City's approved street tree list must be planted at 30 foot intervals along Court Street and Road 68. The landscaping must continue south on Road 68 to the south end of Lot 1, Short Plat 93-08. d) No equipment or other materials shall be stored outside of the buildings; e) Street lights shall be installed along the frontages of Court Street and Rd 68 per City and FPUD standards. f) Road 68 shall be improved along the frontage of Tax Parcel 11.9701412 to bring the west half of the roadway into compliance with the City of Pasco Local Access Street standard. These improvements must include street paving, curb, gutter, storm drainage and sidewalk improvements. The sidewalk may be offset from the curb. Street improvements along Tax Parcel 119701403 must include pavement widening to match the pavement along Parcel 199701412 and a grass drainage swale to the south end of the parcel. g) The driveway drops along Court Street must be removed and replaced as per the standard city sidewalk section; h) Handicapped ramps meeting the current ADA standards must be installed at the intersection of Road 68 and Court Street; i) The driveway entrances shall be upgraded to meet current ADA and City standards; j) Night lighting including parking lot lighting must be shielded to prevent light encroachment on adjoining properties; k) This Special Permit shall not constitute de facto acceptance of the cell tower placement as shown on the site plan submittal. A separate Special Permit application shall be required for any cell towers to be located on the site. 1) Right-of-way must be dedicated at the project level,as required. m) The special permit shall be null and void if a building permit is not obtained by October 31, 2012. Passed by the City Council of the City of'Pasco this 7"'day of November, 2011. Matt Watkins,Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Debra L. Clark, City Clerk Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION MASTER FILE # SP 2011-012 APPLICANT: BLM Trust HEARING DATE: 9/15/2011 (Mor-Stor LLC) ACTION DATE: 10/20/2011 SW Cor. Rd 68 and Court Pasco, WA 99301 BACKGROUND REQUEST: SPECIAL PERMIT: Expansion of mini-storage facility (by 42,000 square feet 230 units) in a C- 1 Zone 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lots 2 & 3 of Short Plat 93-08 General Location: Southwest corner of Road 68 and Court Street Property Size: 2.1 acres 2. ACCESS: The site will have access from Road 68. 3. UTILITIES: Power, municipal water and sewer are all available to the site. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is zoned C-1 (Retail Business) and is undeveloped. The zoning and land use of the surrounding properties are as follows: NORTH: RS-20 (County) & C-1 (County); vacant & Commercial Nursery. SOUTH: C-1; Mini-storage units EAST: C-1; vacant WEST: R-2; vacant S. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area for commercial uses. Policy LU-1-B encourages enhancement of the physical appearance of development within the City. The Comprehensive Plan (LU-4-B) encourages the grouping of commercial uses to promote functional and economical marketing and operations to produce sustainable clusters of shopping and services. Policy LU-2-D requires all development to be landscaped. ED-3-E suggests the use of landscaping to provide a buffer between less intensive uses (such as residential) from commercial and industrial facilities_ 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the SEPA checklist, the 1 adopted City Comprehensive Plan, City development regulations, and other information, a threshold determination resulting in a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) has been issued for this project under WAC 197-11-158. ANALYSIS The proposal involves the development of eight buildings with a total of 42,000 square feet of storage space in 230 units on a vacant site in a C-1 (Retail Business) zone. Access would be from an existing driveway to the mini-storage units to the south along Road 68. Mini-storage facilities are not a permitted use in the C-1 (Retail Business District). Mini-storage facilities are, however, a conditional use that may be permitted only by the granting of a Special Permit. Special Permit reviews and determinations are made based upon the criteria listed in P.M.C. 25.86.060 and itemized below under the "findings of fact" section. If it can be demonstrated that a mini-storage facility will be in accordance with the policies of the comprehensive plan, that it will be maintained in harmony with the existing or intended character of the surrounding neighborhood, and that it generally supports the other criteria of P.M.C. 25.86.060, a Special Permit may be approved. The mini-storage expansion is being proposed for property on the corner of two major streets (Rd. 68 and Court St). Properties on major street corners are sometimes referred to as high impact sites because they are often occupied by businesses that need high visibility and high traffic counts to succeed. A mini-storage facility does not rely on pass-by traffic for business. For this reason the last two mini-storage facilities (Rd 60/Burden Blvd and 9335 Sandifur Pkwy) approved through the Special Permit process were required to reserve the front portion of their properties along the arterial streets for future development by uses specifically permitted in the C-1 district. Office and retail development has been very slow to occur at the intersection of Court Street and Road 69_ it is unlikely further retail development will occur at this intersection until the residential development increases in the neighborhood. Much of the land available for future residential development is located north of Court Street in the County and lacks the services needed for development. As a result the proposed mini-storage expansion may be a good interim use of the property until the area can support businesses that are permitted in the C-1 District. The construction methods typically used for mini storage buildings lend themselves well to simple dismantling. In the future when a better use can be found for the property the mini-storage buildings could be dismantled. However future dismantling is not a given, and the Planning Commission should consider the appropriateness of the use in 2 a zoning district intended for meeting . . . "the retail shopping and service needs of the community." As discussed above the Special Permit review process allows the Planning Commission to make a determination on whether or not a proposed use will be or can be maintained in harmony with the existing or intended character of the neighborhood. It is through this process that the Planning Commission can establish approval conditions that would ensure the proposal will be established and operated in harmony with the neighborhood. The intended character of the neighborhood includes future retail and office uses as well as residential uses. The neighborhood is not intended for storage and warehousing. Due to the site's high visibility, an understanding of the intent for future uses, and the nature of current uses, the Special Permit should not be approved without design standards to ameliorate the impacts of an industrial appearance of the facility. The Planning Commission should consider requiring the face of the buildings fronting Court Street, Road 68, and properties to the west to be sided with stucco or architectural block and have the doors painted to match or complement the siding, An architectural masonry fence around the property may also be warranted. The Broadmoor Storage Solutions facility on Sandifur Parkway and the Express Storage facility on Court Street are good examples of mini-storage facilities that were constructed to complement future neighborhood uses. In addition to requiring enhancements to the architecture of the proposed buildings, site development must meet the requirements of the zoning regulations. The property also lacks street improvements along Road 68• These improvements should be included with any development of the property. City staff has reviewed the proposed special permit against future improvements that may be needed at the intersection of RD 68 and Court Street. That review has resulted in a conclusion that the intersection will be signalized as opposed to installing other traffic calming measures, such as a roundabout. This conclusion is based on the high volumes of traffic, future lane configurations and commercial land use designations at each corner of the intersection. Consistent with City development regulations, the applicant will be required to dedicate right of way and construct street improvements as a condition of any project at this site. INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Findings of Fact must be entered from the record. The following are initial findings drawn from the background and analysis section, of the staff report. The Planning Commission may add additional findings to this listing as the result of factual testimony and evidence submitted during the open record hearing. 3 1) The applicant owns three parcels of land at the southwest corner of Road. 68 and Court. Street. The southernmost parcel was developed with six mini-storage buildings in 1994. The storage buildings contain 36,000 square feet. 2) The original mini-storage buildings were constructed in the County and were built to County standards prior to annexation to the City, which occurred in 2002. 3) The original mini-storage buildings on the southern parcel were built without curb, gutter or sidewalk being installed along Road 68. The mini-storage buildings were also built without any landscaping or sight-screening. 4) Upon annexation in 2002 the City zoned all three parcels C-1 (Retail Business) which continued the commercial zoning that was previously established by the County. 5) C-1 (Retail Business) District permits the development of a variety of retail and office uses including restaurants. Mini-storage facilities are classified as a conditional use and are subject to Special Permit review. 6) Special Permit approvals can only be granted when and where it can be demonstrated the conditional use in question will be in accordance with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and that the use will be maintained in harmony with the existing and intended character of the surrounding neighborhood. 7) The Comprehensive Plan identifies the area for commercial uses. 8) Following the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the existing zoning district; the character of the neighborhood includes future retail and office uses as well as residential uses. The neighborhood is not intended for storage and warehousing. 9) The property directly to the north is vacant, located in the County, and is zoned RS-20. 10) The property to the east is zoned C-1 and is vacant (the former Flouter Farm property). 11) The property to the west is zoned R-2 and is vacant. 12) The property fronts on both Road 68 and Court Street. 13) Access to the site is proposed through a driveway on Road 68 serving the existing mini-storage units to the south. 14) Traffic control upgrades are planned for the intersection at Road 68 and Court Street to safely and efficiently accommodate increased traffic flow through the intersection. Right-of Way will be required from property owners on all corners of the intersection. 4 This right-of-way acquisition is not shown on the site plan submittal. 15) The preliminary plans indicate a perimeter fence coming from the existing mini-storage facility to the south and continuing around the entire development. CONCLUSIONS BASED ON INITIAL STAFF FINDINGS OF FACT Before recommending approval or denial of a special permit the Planning Commission must develop findings of fact from which to draw its conclusions based upon the criteria listed in P.M.C. 25.86.060. The criteria are as follows: 1. Will the proposed use be in accordance with the goals, policies, objectives and text of the Comprehensive Plan? A mini-storage facility can be compatible with several Comprehensive Plan policies. Policy LU-1-B encourages enhancement of the physical appearance of development within the City. The proposal would replace a vacant lot with a well-developed facility containing perimeter landscaping. Policy LU-2-D requires all development to be landscaped. Development of the site including landscaping will support policies of the Comprehensive Plan (LU2-D). 2. Will the proposed use adversely affect public infrastructure? All municipal utilities are currently available to the site from surrounding streets. Commercial development standards require right-of-way improvements on all road frontages to bring the bordering roadways up to current standards. Road 68 would need to be improved to the City of Pasco's Collector Street section. This will include street paving and the installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage and street lights to meet these standards. Water and sewer demands of the proposed use will be negligible compared to permitted uses such as restaurants and similar uses. Impacts to the adjoining streets will likewise be minimal. 3. Will the proposed use be constructed, maintained and operated to be in harmony with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity? Based on neighborhood zoning, neighborhood development and past rezone decisions for areas of the community west of Road 36 the existing and intended character of the neighborhood includes future retail and office uses as well as residential uses. The Comprehensive Plan encourages the grouping of commercial uses to promote functional and economical marketing and operations to produce sustainable clusters of shopping and services (LU-4-B). The proposed use may be less intensive from an activity standpoint than other permitted uses in the C-1 zone but 5 does not necessarily support the corn.m.ercia.l clustering of businesses permitted in the C-1 zone. From a visual and functional standpoint the proposal may have an industrial/warehouse appearance and will not support the commercial street appeal that is typical of neighborhood commercial centers. To support harmony in design with existing and intended neighborhood uses the elevations of the proposed mini-storage facility facing the street would need to include construction materials other than painted sheet metal. Landscaping can also be used to help create harmony with the surround neighborhood. The mini.-storage facility could also be considered an interim use until the surrounding neighborhood develops sufficiently to support neighborhood commercial activities. 4. Will the location and height of proposed structures and the site design discourage the development of permitted uses on property in the general vicinity or impair the value thereof? The proposal currently has an industrial warehouse appearance (metal buildings surrounded with gravel) that may not encourage the development of retail, offce and foods service uses permitted within the C- 1 District. The C-1 District requires a six foot fence to setback at least 15 feet from the property line. The proposal includes a six foot fence at the property line. To avoid the industrial appearance of the proposed facility and to encourage compatibility with the neighborhood, landscaping and restrictions on the building design would be needed. S. Will the operations in connection with the proposal be more objectionable to nearby properties by reason of noise, fumes, vibrations, dust, traffic, or flashing lights than would be the operation of any permitted uses within the district? Traffic is not a significant factor in the operation of a mini-storage facility. The operation of the proposed .facility urill create less noise, fumes and vibration than permitted uses for this zone. Unlike retail or office developments the customer/client parking areas around the proposed mini-storage buildings will be gravel creating the potential for dust. Fencing the mini-storage yard uU th a block wall could aid in combating blowing dust and would improve the appearance of the facility. 6. Will the proposed use endanger the public health or safety if located and developed where proposed, or in any way will become a nuisance to uses permitted in the district? On most days of the week minimal activity will occur on the site. A mini storage complex of the size proposed can be considered a less intense commercial land use when compared to other roses permitted in the C-1 zone. 6 TENTATIVE APPROVAL CONDITIONS 1. The Special Permit shall apply to Tax Parcels 119701412 and 119701421; 2. The applicant may choose one of the following design options for development of the site: 1. Transparent security fencing option: Fencing must consist of 6-foot maximum height architectural block pillars spaced on 10-foot centers with tubular metal/wrought iron between the pillars. All buildings must be sided with stucco or architectural block. All doors must be painted to complement the stucco or architectural block. The driveways and isle-ways around the buildings must be hard-surfaced. The west 10 feet of the site must be landscaped with trees and shrubs at a rate of one tree for every 20 linear feet and one shrub for every 8 linear feet. 2. Solid architectural block wall option: If the site contains an 8 foot architectural block wall or an 8 foot wall consisting of architectural block and stucco on the north, west and east, the buildings may be constructed of painted metal siding; no interior site pavement will be required except for the driveway entrance and no interior landscaping will be required. The landscaping requirement for the area along the west property line will be waived. 3. Stucco or architectural block building walls in lieu of an architectural block security wall: The Building walls may back to Road 68, Court Street and the west property line and be used as site security, provided each of the building walls contain at least three architectural features and are constructed of architectural block and/or stucco. No interior paving other than at the driveway entrance will be required and no interior landscaping will he required. The landscaping requirement for the area along the west property line will be waived. 3. The area between the architectural block fence and/or wall of the buildings and the sidewalk must be landscaped with 60 percent live vegetation at the time of planting. Street trees as included on the City's approved street tree list must be planted at 30 foot intervals along Court Street and Road 68. The landscaping must continue south on Road 68 to the south end of Lot 1, Short Plat 93-08, 4. No equipment or other materials shall be stored outside of the buildings; 7 5. Street lights shall be installed along the frontages of Court Street and Rd 68 per City and FPUD standards. 6. Road 68 shall be improved along the frontage of Tax Parcel 119701412 to bring the west half of the roadway into compliance with the City of Pasco Local Access Street standard. These improvements must include street paving, curb, gutter, storm drainage and sidewalk improvements. The sidewalk may be offset from the curb. Street improvements along Tax parcel 119701403 must include pavement widening to match the pavement along Parcel 199701412 and a grass drainage swale to the south end of the parcel. 7. The driveway drops along Court Street must be removed and replaced as per the standard city sidewalk section; S. Handicapped ramps meeting the current ADA standards must be installed at the intersection of Road 68 and Court Street; 9. The driveway entrances shall be upgraded to meet current ADA and City standards; 10. Night lighting including parking lot lighting must be shielded to prevent light encroachment on adjoining properties; 11. This Special Permit shall not constitute de facto acceptance of the Cell Tower placement as shown on the site plan submittal. A separate Special Permit application shall be required for any Cell Towers to be located on the site. 12. Right-of-way must be dedicated at the project level, as required. 13. The special permit shall be null and void if a building permit is not obtained by October 31, 2012. RECOMMENDATION MOTION: I move to adopt Findings of Fact and Conclusions therefrom as contained in the October 20, 2011 staff report. MOTION: I move based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions therefrom the Planning Commission recommend the City Council grant a Special Permit to BLM Trust (Mor-Stor LLC) for the development of eight mini-storage buildings on a vacant site on Lots 2 & 3 of Short Plat 93-08 with conditions as contained in the September 15, 2011 staff report. 8 Item: Mini-Storage in G 1 Zone Vicinity Applicant: Mor-Slor LLC x Map . File #: SP 2011 -012 -itOURTST CUB' ` A! �' _ ► � Olk j ••� � :� jj SITE INS Pqw ME, E,ST 111#11F Land Item: Mini-Stora e in C- 1 Zone Use Applicant: Mor- tor LLC x Ma File #: SP 2011 -012 Agricultural SFR Vac. Commercial SFR Vacant - a 0 COURT ST �, ++ Comm. BIX ��-R Vac. � SITE CO o Q 0 - N Q SFDU's SFDU's W MARIE ST HO 1K � � Q SFD,, s Z & I W OCTAVE ST Zoning Item: Mini-Storage in C- 1 Zone Applicant: Mor-Stor LLC x Map File #: SP 2011 -012 I RS-20 (County) C-1 (County) ------------ � C-1 C-1 co R'2 SITE 0 R=S=1 = PUD W MARIE ST RS-12 .� R20r� - p S� L � w OCTAVE S. MOR-STOR - MINI STORAGE EXPANSION VI INITY MASS PORTION OF NIE T/4,HIE%OF SECTION 28,TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH RANGE 29 EAST W.M. PASCO,FRANKLIN COUNTY,WASHINGTON ' 11 ta S aA.y E•.AlE -COUQT AT - -�-- s6s aP Ss+sit —.•`••�•"-__�`—'- as a> �� l PROMOT nnd.lAAe p6P1vON P. Y III PLRII4L TLR� i dF�d.1 Ore ENP$I NAG•µW k OVTTCR RIT+ NLL FC _ 1c0 L -O IrP ILM LX STV:G ---_- u/SL Aril NOR TN SOL I a—�- IA � ` WICK'LAISJCCA� � ,_ T� L�j11M� tLwRYN6 tk\. r � Y t1_rte•t4�� q1 ._}__' ____ -__'__.'_'___ - -. TG I'YD LbMT--1 , ��`•. t2 y� Y. ETPA(Y. 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C9OFi Looking North ' :T PUT- •�' •- _ "�.�. - .� - of _ •� � �` �' - � .��.' _��'�� `� +� cw i° � "� �it- Looking East IP J I f t� 1 • • I South too ar <y H �R r' Looking ► 1 t 1• ( Y� _ .,J ti 1 •. .1 i"{� R al� S` 1 _ . � � - - . :.r. ��.� ., . . ,-•.�..�::, ��;f��: � : 12 912 � 1 l 11 5 — -.: teas star HILL LWH _ h I I I Broadmoor Storage Solutions n t a f _ W RENTfNr EXPRESS STORAGE 543-7496 i PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 9/15/2011 A. Special Permit Expansion of mini-storage facility (by 42,000/230 units) in a C-1 2:one (Mor-Stor LLC) (SW Cor. Rd 68 and Court) (MF# SP 2011- 0121 Chairwoman Kempf read the master file number and asked for comments from staff. Community and Economic Development Director, Rick White, summed up the special permit report for the proposed expansion of the Mor-Stor Mini-Storage located in a C-1 Zone at the southwest corner of Court Street and Road 68. The proposal involves eight buildings and the matter was before the Planning Commission because mini-storage facilities are not permitted uses in the C-1 Zone. They are permitted only through approval of a special permit. It was explained the site in question (SW corner of Rd 68 and Court) is a high-impact site with a lot of pass by traffic and normally mini-storage facilities do not rely on pass-by traffic to be successful. Until further residential development happens to the West and to the North, it's not likely this site will attract a great deal of retail or office type investment. The Planning Commission should consider that it is in a C-1 Zone and C-1 Zones are intended for the retail and service shopping needs of the community. The special permit process allows that Planning Commission to determine whether the use can be developed in a manner that harmonious with the neighborhood and accomplishes the intent of the zoning district. The staff report explained that as a high impact site, there should be enhancements to the aesthetics of the proposal if the commission finds for approval. Conditions related to the aesthetics were been provided by staff. Chairwoman Kempf asked if the storage facility on Sandifur Parkway was also a C-1 Zone. Rick White responded it was zoned C-1. Commissioner Levin asked if there was a storage facility East on Court not far from the proposed site. Rick White answered that it is on the North side of Court and it was developed in the County and remains in the County. Commissioner Anderson asked if the suggested use of block fencing had been discussed with the applicant. Rick White confirmed that it was discussed with the applicant. -1- Commissioner Greenaway asked if the proposed block fencing would obstruct visibility. Rick White answered by stating that it would meet the criteria to allow visibility. Robert Puckett, 6620 West Park, presented his request for a special permit approval for the proposed mini-storage expansion. Mr. Puckett explained he needed more clarification on right-of-way dedication and street improvements, Mr. Puckett felt he should not have to rebuild the road to the center since the road was only three to four years old. He also objected to the need for a block wall and suggested a chain-link fence would comply with visibility and would match the current development to the south. The applicant also wanted to make a correction that it was not Mor-Stor LLC applying for the permit, but rather BLM Trust is the applicant for the special permit. Commissioner Anderson asked the applicant to clarify that the land for the special permit was separate from the existing storage units to the south. Robert Puckett, stated yes, the land is separately owned. Commissioner Anderson asked the applicant if the Planning Commission were to consider the use of chain-link fencing, would he consider putting in slats in. Mr. Puckett preferred chain-link without slats for visibility reasons. He also mentioned that he wanted to install two streetlights; one on Court Street and one on Road 68. Mr. Puckett objected to the staff recommendation for architectural block or stucco on the sides of the buildings and stated he was planning on using metal to match the existing units. Commissioner Anderson asked the staff to respond to the applicants concerns. Rick White, stated a block wall would cause the site to look like what the site was intended for; a high-impact retail site. The chain-link fence would add to the perception that it is not a high-impact site, rather a lesser commercial site. The road standards are not an issue for the Planning Commission but an adopted standard applicable to all development. The common drive-way use necessitates a continuation of the landscaping along Road 68 as a way to limit any impact of the storage use on the neighborhood. Commissioner Anderson asked if the storage units would be visible if a block wall was used. Rick White said it depended on how the conceptual site plan turns out when it's a finished product. if set further enough back, the units would be visible. Dave McDonald, City Planner, commented the applicant had indicated some issues needed to be worked out and that was the purpose for the public hearing. -2- The Planning Commission needed to review the items of concern and work the issues out before a recommendation was forwarded to the City Council. Rob Puckett explained he hadn't received any complaints about the looks of the existing building, the fence, the dust, nothing since 1994. The block wall would be a huge expense on the Court Street side. He stated that the people like what is there because the storage units are always full. Commissioner Anderson asked the applicant if it would be acceptable for the Planning Commission to postpone the recommendation on the special permit for a month to allow him the opportunity to work with staff to find some middle ground on the issues. Rob Puckett stated it would be acceptable. Community and Economic Development Director, Rick White, let Chairwoman Kempf know that the special permit does not have to be postponed, but rather it could be continued. Then next month, there would be the ability to discuss if the Planning Commission is comfortable with discussing it and making a recommendation that same evening. Commissioner Anderson moved seconded by Commissioner Levin that hearing and the adoption of findings, the facts and conclusions be continued to the next Planning Commission Meeting to be held on October 20, 2011. The motion passed unanimously. City Staff explained hove the application would move forward for the benefit of the audience. -3- Planning Commission Minutes 10/20/2011 A. Special Permit Expansion of mini-�tozage facility (by 42,000/230 unitsl in a C-1 (Retail Business) Zone (BLM Trust) (SW Cor. Rd 68 and Courtl (MF# SP 2011-0121 [Contin]aed Public Hearing) Chairman Cruz read the master file number and asked for comments from staff. Community & Economic Development Director, Rick White, explained that while this item is under Old Business, it is a continued Public Hearing from the September 15, 2011 Planning Commission meeting. Mr. White summed up the Special Permit, explaining that mini-storage facilities are not considered a permitted use outright in a C-1 (Retail Business) Zone. They are allowed only through Special Permit. The Special Permit process allows the Commission to establish conditions that will ensure the proposal will be in accordance with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and be developed and maintained in a manner that is harmonious with the neighborhood. In this particular case, the corner of Road 68 and Court Street is considered to be a high impact corner because of the high visibility of the site and the present and future traffic counts in the area. Mr. White reviewed the three options for site design and architecture contained in the recommended approval conditions. The three options provide some flexibility for the applicant while providing designs standards to protect the neighborhood and future development. Applicant, Rob Puckett, 6620 West Park Street, stated his proposal does not reflect the City of Pasco's proposal. Mr. Puckett explained he planned to match the existing metal buildings and chain link fencing of his current storage facility to the south. Chairman Cruz asked the applicant to clarify if he supported any of the optional conditions proposed by staff. Mr. Puckett responded that there would be no brick fencing because of the cost. Chairman Cruz asked about the other two options, wrought-iron fencing or stuccoing the buildings. Mr. Puckett stated he wanted to mirror what currently exists with his storage facility to the south. Chairman Cruz asked the applicant what he suggested the Planning Commission do. Mr. Puckett responded that he sent his proposal (metal buildings and chain link fencing) to staff member, Dave McDonald. Rick White responded the C-1 District does not allow mini-warehouses as an outright permitted use. Slatted fencing, chain-link fencing with slats, looks good the day it goes up but it does not last and does not look well unless it's re-slatted on a continual basis. The community is going to want to know why a warehouse type of look was allowed to continue at a high impact corner. -I- Chairman Cruz asked the applicant why the other two storage units are effectively meeting the proposed conditions and why his site makes it difficult to meet the proposed options. Mr. Puckett answered that the other storage sheds are in the County. Chairman Cruz stated the other storage sheds have been in business for quite some time and they appear to be fine complying. Commissioner Greenaway asked the applicant if the wrought-iron security fencing was too cost prohibitive. Mr. Puckett said that he was unaware as to how much it would cost. The only thing he checked on was the block wall. Commissioner Lukins commented that he understood the economic concerns of the applicant but how would it look in five to ten years. Commissioner Lukins agreed with the point the area is a high impact area and with more people moving to the area it looks like Condition #2 create the least impact economically and would still meet the criteria City staff was looking for. Commissioner Levin asked if staff and the applicant had a chance to meet. since the September meeting. Rick White answered that they did meet with the applicant. No agreement was reached but options were discussed. Commissioner Kempf commented that the City was being more than accommodating with the three options. Chairman Cruz said that had this storage unit been in a different zone there wouldn't be any issues with the applicant's proposed plan but as it stands, he didn't have any problems imposing the conditions of the Special Permit. Commissioner Levin moved seconded by Commissioner Greenaway to adopt the findings, the facts and conclusions contained in the October 20, 2011 staff report. The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Levin moved, seconded by Commissioner Greenaway that the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council grant a Special Permit to BLM Trust/Mor-Stor LLC for the development of eight mini-storage buildings on a vacant site on Lots 2 and 3 of Short Plat 93-08, with conditions as contained in the October 20, 2011 staff report. The motion was passed unanimously. Staff explained the recommendation would go to the City Council on November 7, 2011 unless an appeal is filed, in which case a closed record hearing would be scheduled. -2- AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council October 31, 2011 TO: Gary Crutch, = anager Regular Mtg.: 1 117Y 11 FROM: Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director zv� SUBJECT: LjQdaceqtive Program 1. REFERENCE(S): I. Proposed Resolution 2. Incentive area options(maps 1 through 6) 3. Recent perr7rits with 2011 project values II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL 1 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 1117: ..'lotion 1 move to approve Resolution , establishing an incentive program for commercial and industrial investment. III. FISCAL IMPACT: • Expenditures from the Industrial Development and Infrastructure Fund Additional private investment added to the tax base. IV. 1418TORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A. Infll development is the process of developing vacant or underused parcels or structures in areas that are otherwise developed or have been passed over in the course of urbanization. A successful commercial/industrial infill program results in an increased tax base and has a secondary effect of job growth. B. A priority of City Council is to develop an infill program that increases the existing tax base and maximizes the existing public investment in infrastructure. C. Many densely populated communities encourage infill by streamlining the development review process and minimizing development regulations in selected areas. Pasco already provides rapid permit processing and straight - forward development regulations that on their own leave little room for inccntivizing infill. Washington cities must also contend with a series of laws that give municipalities few ways to use public funds for development purposes. D. City Council reviewed options for infill programs at the September 12 and October 24 Council Workshops and generally concurred to move forward with a map option that excludes most properties south of"A" Street except for industrial properties west of the railroad tracks (map option #6) and with an incentive program based on the value of a project. E. The values and types of conimerciallindustrial building permits issued for the past 6 years in two representative areas has been included as..Reference #3. V. DISCUSSION: A. An incentive program should be focused to encourage development in target areas. The target areas should be consistent with Council priorities for infill development and overall econornic benefit. B. The proposed incentive program is based on a percentage of a project's value and applies a credit to the cost of providing public improvements and facilities required through the development review process. C. The City's Industrial Development and Infrastructure Fund is proposed as the funding source of the incentive and it is recommended that the annual amount available for use of the incentive be determined through Council action_ D. Depending on the results of the incentive program -the eligible area for the incentive, the incentive threshold and incentive amounts can be revisited or adjusted. E. The proposed Resolution contains map option #6 as the eligible area (Resolution Exhibit #1) and requires a$500,000 minimum investment. 8(d) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION LSTABLISHING AN INCENTIVE PROGRAM TO ENCOURAGE PRIVATE INVESTMENT AND INCREASE THE COMMUNITY'S TAX BASE. WHEREAS, Increased industrial and eou1mercial investment is a long-standing Council goal; and, WHEREAS, The per capita assessed value in Franklin County is lower than the average per capita assessed value in Washington State; and WHEREAS, A priority of City Council is to develop an incentive program that increases development of vacant parcels in areas substantially built-out or underdeveloped, increase the existing tax base and maximize use of the existing public investment in infrastructure; and, WHEREAS, A successful commercial/industrial incentive program will have the secondary benefit of job growth; and, WHEREAS,The incentive program should be confined to a specific geographic area to optimize residual benefits to the community; and, WHEREAS, The industrial Development and Infrastructure Fund (;an be the primary funding source for an incentive program; and, WHEREAS, An incentive program can be based on a credit applied to the provision of public iinpr-ovements and facilities required by the City for individual devcloprr►ent projects; .NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: Section 1. The City of Pasco establishes the following Industrial and Commercial Incentive Program: ■ The City's Industrial Development and Infrastructure Fund will be the primary funding source. ■ The amount to be disbursed annually will be determined by City Council. • The incentive credit will be in the form of a reimbursement applied to a portion of the cost (not to exceed 50%) of providing public improvements required as a condition of a building permit issued by the City. ■ The incentive credit will be available for new development kind substantial renovation of existing buildings meeting zoning requirements in industrial and commercial zoning districts contained in the area illustrated in Exhibit 1. ■ Substantial renovation of existing buildings requires a private investment greater than 50% of the current assessed value of the building. ■ A minimum private investment of $500,000 for both new development and renovation is required for eligibility. ■ The amount of the incentive credit is based on the building permit value of the new development or renovation. • "fhe incentive credit is not available for properties exempt from the payment of property tax. ■ Disbursement of the incentive credit requires City Manager approval. Section 2. The incentives allocated under this program will not exceed the following limits: • A 1% credit will be provided for new development or renovations expected to increase the City's property tax base but do not provide substantial increases to the receipt of sales and/or utility taxes. • A 2% credit will be provided for new development or renovations expected to increase the City's property tax base and provide substantial increases to the receipt of sales and/or utility taxes. Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this day of , 2011 Matt Watkins; Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORIM: Debbie L. Clark, City Clerk Leland B. Kerr,City Attorney ^•� ,...,��-il 1,1, '• J� a, � � �d.r NCYI ICI;NU NShRRAM'YUF\G[UW1Ct TtclnfAnnaiwi l6aHnwlbngrLuL•uy+•c.x LJLJ co xN,+�.l mi u.Ay N�<Sma�•,.yiM•mpluyem uacm..uu,u Tn.C,norpo,;o:+•.x uo- wa•tan�tliu accwaw of nvihm=eet onY•h'�A.nnV MYparxn.e ualnY�WU.vWf aay i _ "`------����� 1 lyAu1J c.mdurl+I,•,•IV.�.-„Iral 4r pu,P.pxding Wo blu•oaauc xxrrn on Ne mop.mdudm, e `"�, .i• 1 d l - ./\ sei col lamer.w.uu faxwim el wy pr,a*xY[uxl,rmu,xnm o 4L,xsmr,a ah.r .0 � .. 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"{- ' Tr- - t•-•--t ,�— !t •.t L��✓' n,'rt.•n-nrucawrls Ciq•efin,r'n.,rrydrv,,..r len„ydr•r^TI<C•q aSPao,;•I,..nn• Il t•1 ' I , .�-- ` J } ✓✓®® v w.nuf of arnaln,::r ron:,ea tifia>vnr-+nr t,u� arena-,ro¢uaa�rr�a wpy '{'� alv Id mvM+r an,r Jc,•<nAmt 4 q1 �roa,J r=tic Lr,vrnr.nw niwarr arr Jre nrry, ralvJv enr.a u_,A m. 1a-vana a my 1p apmy Ill:#a.stel abdin rte..w oaar p.atray0;a foaN. Y..,kIl—ml;aa•maaq aiat ma tally at Ill of A.:xmi,., j • C- -;' '" 11 .t , QO® 1­Noahv.t.,C}n'ni Pansn nn•ira.a aMyre.or atfic:rx r1M1.11 fin M1n.le tx wfrtmKtim WHEN �. 11 -r r l.�/+' +t` �Q shown altl:.nrn.ror•m wry oWa tnu.n o.dedhaxiv Jm _ • r Legend C-1 Zone .1 C-2 Zone C-3 Zone l� 0 1-1 Zone ® I'-2 Zone 1-3 Zone -Commercial/Industrial Infill �,,,.] Proposed Industrial Infill Zone Option #6 �, �_ AREA #1 PERMIT ISSUED PERMIT TYPE ISITE_ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 2011 VALUE 811-1699 9/22/2011 _ INDUSTRIAL 806 E B STREET FIRE SPRINKLER $ 29,532.00 811-0862 5/20/2011 INDUSTRIAL 806 E B STREET B NW AG STORAGE BLDG $ 1,391,940.00 811-0721 4/18/2011 RESIDENTIAL 817 S MAITLAND AVE DEMOLITION OF SFR $ - B11-0670 4111/2011 RESIDENTIAL 920 S LINDSAY AVE DEMO-SFDU $ 1,500.00 Bll-0606 418/2011 RESIDENTIAL 822 S WALNUT AVE FENCE $ 600,00 811-0056 1/21/2011 COMMERCIAL 810 IF 8 ST Vestibule Addition $ 3,264.00 B10-2236 12/112010 RESIDENTIAL 815 8 WALNUT AVE DEMO-SFDU S - B10-0456 312612010 INDUSTRIAL 810 E B ST WALK IN COOLER $ 34,500.00 810-0018 2/1012010 RESIDENTIAL 802 E B ST RES REPAIRS $ 3,390.00 B09-1965 12/29QO09 RESIDENTIAL 815 S MYRTLE AVE REPLACE 5 WINDOWS/SHEETROCK $ 5,300.00 609-1578 11/612009 jINCUS7RIAL 915 S MAITLAND AVE NW Ag-Storage Bldg $ 296,947.20 B09-1448 10/112009 INDUSTRIAL 1005 S MAITLAND AVE Storage Building $ 56,059.20 B09-1211 812712009 COMMERCIAL 9118 MAITLAND AVE FENCE $ 6,000.00 609.0185 3/9!2009 INDUSTRIAL 821 S CHESTNUT AVE N W Ag T 1 $ 7,500.22 B09-0086 21512009 RESIDENTIAL 802 E B ST GAS FURNACE $ 3,887.00 B09-0013 1/2612009 RESIDENTIAL 723 E B ST REROOF S 2,000.00 609.0003 1/512009 RESIDENTIAL 825 S WALNUT AVE DEMOLITION OF DWELLING S - B09.0002 1/512009 RESIDENTIAL 911 S MAITLAND AVE DEMOLITION OF DWELLING&GARAGE $ - B08.1765 12/18/2008 COMMERCIAL 927 S LINDSAY AVE RELOCATE FENCE 10F7 WEST $ 3,769,00 808-1750 12/812008 RESIDENTIAL 723 E B ST WEATHERIZATION $ 2,600.00 B08-1664 1/2112009 INDUSTRIAL 927 S LINDSAY AVE Mcguire Custom Coat Addition&oven $ 13,190.40 B08-1521 1011312008 COMMERCIAL 806 E B ST FIRE ALARM $ 4,912.42 608.1520 10/1312008 COMMERCIAL 820 S CHESTNUT AVE FIRE ALARM $ 5,579.64 BC8-1471 9/23/2008 RESIDENTIAL 911 S MYRTLE AVE DEMO SFDU S - B08-1383 918120D8 RESIDENTIAL 820 S WALNUT AVE 16FT FENCE $ 200.00 B08-1342 8126/2008 RESIDENTIAL 820 S CHESTNUT AVE IWALL HEAT PUMP $ 2,495.00 B08.1038 8/112008 RESIDENTIAL 712 E B ST IwInclows. insulation,lead paint removal $ 6,530.00 B08-0666 71912008 INDUSTRIAL 811 S MYRTLE AVE Alpizar Pole Bldg $ 116,219.00 B08-0584 7/11/2008 COMMERCIAL 806 E B St Fire Sprinkler System $ 26,750.00 B08-0522 4/111/2008 RESIDENTIAL 815 S Walnut Ave 6ft Wood Fence $ 500.00 607.2019 12/27/2007 RESIDENTIAL 812 S Gray Ave Egress Windows on Basement $ 1,000.00 B07-1983 12/12/2007 RESIDENTIAL 723 E B ST Wall heater&gas water heater $ 4,000.00 607-1975 12/12/2007 RESIDENTIAL 712 E B ST gas unit heater $ 2,250.00 B07-1857 11/19/2007 INDUSTR#AL 82C S Chestnut Avenue Tenant Improvement $ 10,300.95 B07-1814 1119/2007 RESIDENTIAL 1920 S Lindsay Avenue Rehab,New Driveway and Fence $ 1,050.23 B07-1699 10/30/2007 COMMERCIAL 182 0 S Chestnut Avenue N W Ag Fire Sprinkler System $ 28,554.00 B07-1630 9120/2007 RESIDENTIAL 1723 E B Street 5'chain fink and 6'cedar fence $ 2,200.00 607-0612 8/10/2007 INDUSTRIAL 806 E B Street NW Ag Storage Building $ 1,546,600,00 B07-0267 2127/2007 RESIDENTIAL 702 E A Street Re-Roof $ 500.00 B07-0160 2/6/2007 COMMERCIAL 820 S Chestnut Avenue Gas Piping to 4 Unit Heater $ 100,00 B06-2145 11121/2006 INDUSTRIAL 927 S Lindsay Avenue Custom coat Powder Coat Tenant Improvement $ 3,200.00 B06-1827 9/2012006 RESIDENTIAL 919 S Myrtle Avenue Weatherization $ 1,640.00 B06-1584 8/3/2006 RESIDENTIAL 824 S Maitland Avenue Install Heat Pump $ 3,290.00 1306-1512 813/2006 RESIDENTIAL 824 S Maitlard Avenue 2nd Story Deck $ 1,581,93 B06-0907 5/9/2006 COMMERCIAL 925 S Maitland Avenue Sign,Caiceros $ 1,000,00 B06-0684 417/2006 RESIDENTIAL 812 S Wainut Avenue 8ft Chain Link Fence $ 900.00 B05-0655 2/1412006 COMMERCIAL 810 E B Street Storage Space,Stairs and Flooring $ 17,751.00 B06-0587 9/6/2006 INDUSTRIAL 1820 S Chestnut Avenue NW AG Storage Building $ 1,546,600,00 B05-0376 11012612005 COMMERCIAL 1925 S MA17LAND AVE Pole Sign $ 1,500.00 $ 5,199,183.19 AREA#2 PERMIT# ISSUED PERMIT TYPE SITE ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 2011 VALUE 811-1708 9/14/2011 COMMERCIAL 506 S MAIN AVE 3 GAS FURNACES & GAS UNIT HEATER $ 12.678.00 B11-1605 9/9/2011 INDUSTRIAL 506 S MAIN AVE REPAIR FIRE DAMAGE $ 8,876.00 B11-1558 8/15/2011 COMMERCIAL 506 S MAIN AVE DEMO FIRE DAMAGE $ - [El 1-1228 7/12/2011 INDUSTRIAL 716 S OREGON AVE LOADING DOCK $ 12,500.00 B11-1227 7/8/2011 INDUSTRIAL 1304 E MARVIN ST CONCRETE $ 12,000.00 B11-0099 2117/2011 COMMERCIAL 1410 E LEWIS ST RANCHO CAFE - IMPROVEMENTS $ 30,000.00 B11-0080 1/27/2011 COMMERCIAL 210 S OREGON AVE REPAIR GARAGE (#3) HEADER $ 6,769.00 B11-0077 2/1512011 INDUSTRIAL 310 S MAIN AVE STORAGE BUILDING $ 44,130.24 B10-2112 11/1612010 COMMERCIAL 716 S OREGON AVE REPLACE LIME SHACK $ 8,241.66 B10-0500 3/26/2010 INDUSTRIAL 716 S OREGON AVE NATURAL GAS COMPRESSOR ENCLOSURE $ 9,987.81 B10-0492 4120/2010 INDUSTRIAL 615 S OREGON AVE STORAGE BLDG $ 40,060.00 B09-1795 12/812009 INDUSTRIAL 1102 E HOLDEN ST OXARC WAREHOUSE FIRE SPRINKLER $ 52,215.00 B09-1776 4/28/2010 COMMERCIAL 410 S MAIN AVE Monarch Machine Mobile Office $ 19,600.00 B09-1339 10/20/2009 INDUSTRIAL 1102 E E HOLDEN ST ST OXARC WAREHOUSE $ 1,807,159.92 B09-1304 8/27/2009 INDUSTRIAL 716 S OREGON AVE addition to dry ice bldg $ 55,238.28 B09-1128 7/24/2009 COMMERCIAL 1410 E LEWIS ST Reroof Restaurant $ 6,400.00 B09-0282 3/18/2009 COMMERCIAL 1414 E COLUMBIA ST RE-ROOF $ 2,000.00 B08-1730 12/412008 COMMERCIAL 210 S OREGON AVE VENT PIPE FOR WASTE OIL HEATER $ 600.00 B08-1682 11/25/2008 COMMERCIAL 716 S OREGON AVE RELOCATED OXARC SIGN $ 4,000.00 B08-0760 5/27/2008 COMMERCIAL 1414 E Columbia St Interior Repair, Repair Office Space $ 1,600.00 B08-0562 4/30/2008 ICOMMERCIAL 1108 S OREGON AVE Hood Fire Suppression $ 2,989.00 B07-1722 10/8/2007 1COMMERCIAL 1500 S Main Avenue Relocation of Fence per Vacation Ordinance 3413 $ 375.00 B07-1721 10/8/2007 1COMMERCIAL 504 S Main Avenue Relocation of Fence per Vacation Ordinance 3413 $ 375.00 B07-1720 10/8/2007 ICOMMERCIAL 506 S Main Avenue Relocation of Fence per Vacation Ordinance 3413 $ 375.00 B07-1719 10/8/2007 COMMERCIAL 410 S Main Avenue Relocation of Fence per Vacation Ordinance 3413 $ 375.00 B07-1488 11/14/2007 COMMERCIAL 108 S OREGON AVE Burger Ranch Restaurant $ 250,348.80 B07-1451 8/28/2007 INDUSTRIAL 410 S Main Avenue Steel Bldg - Monarch Machine $ 404,240.00 B07-1381 7131/2007 COMMERCIAL 104 S Oregon Avenue Royal Prestige Sign $ 1,940.00 B07-1263 7/9/2007 COMMERCIAL 1206 E Lytle Street Re-Roof(Torch Down) $ 4,000.00 B07-0962 5131/2007 RESIDENTIAL 1304 E Marvin Street Fence $ 4,000.00 B07-0147 311412007 COMMERCIAL 104 S Oregon Avenue Flash Fitness sign $ 7,200.00 B07-0134 2/8/2007 ICOMMERCIAL 104 S Oregon Avenue Flash Fitness Oregon Ave Retail BIdg T € $ 56,245.00 B07-0045 1/12/2007 1COMMERCIAL 104 S Oregon Avenue Soak 'n Suds Laundromat $ 7,000.00 B06-2153 11/14/2006 COMMERCIAL 606 S Ore on Avenue New Sewer Connection $ 10,000.00 B06-2143 11/29/2006 INDUSTRIAL 1121 E Columbia Street Nolan's Storage Building $ 226,732.00 B06-1978 11113/2006 COMMERCIAL 104 S Oregon Avenue Oregon Ave Retail Building -6,975 sq ft $ 685,531,50 B06-1570 819/2006 COMMERCIAL 1101 E A Street New water meter and lire $ 3,250.00 B06-0845 4/27/2006 COMMERCIAL 707 S Ore or Avenue IBlock Wall Repair $ 4,000.00 B05-0290 10/24/2005 RESIDENTIAL. 1100 E Columbia Street JEquipment Upgrade on Existing Cell Site (25518) $ 25,000.00 $ 3,828,032.21 - 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