HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011.10.17 Council Meeting Packet AGENDA PASCO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting 7:00 p.m. October 17, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: (a) Pledge of Allegiance 3. CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by roll call vote as one motion (in the form listed below). There will be no separate discussion of these items. If further discussion is desired by Councilmembers or the public, the item may be removed from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda and considered separately. (a) Approval of Minutes: 1. Minutes of the Pasco City Council Meeting dated October 3, 2011. (b) Bills and Communications: (A detailed listing of claims is available for review in the Finance Manager's office.) 1. To approve General Claims in the amount. of $1,515,067.25 ($124,414.52 in the form of Electronic Fund Transfer Nos. 7438, 7464, 7485, 7525 and 7531; and $1,390,552.73 in the form of Wire Transfer Nos. 1130, 1133 and 1134; and Claim Warrants numbered 184454 through 184726). 2. To approve bad debt write-offs for utility billing, ambulance, cemetery, general accounts, miscellaneous accounts, and.Municipal Court (non-criminal, criminal, and parking) accounts receivable in the total amount of$231,012.49 and, of that amount, authorize $171,924.01 be turned over for collection. (c) Tourism Promotion Area: 1. Agenda Report from Gary Crutchfield, City Manager dated October 7,2011. 2. 2012 TPA Business and Marketing Plan (provided in Council packets of 10110/11; copy available in City Manager's office for public review). 3. 2012 TPA Budget Summary. To approve the 2012 Business and Marketing Plan and Operating Budget for the Tourism Promotion Area in the total amount of$860,000. (d) Housing Authority Board Appointment: 1. Agenda Report from Gary Crutchfield, City Manager dated October 14,2011. To appoint lsabell Quintanilla to Position No. 2 on the City of Pasco and Franklin County Housing Authority Board, term to expire 1/28/13. (RC) MOTs N: I tnov- to ;ipprove the Consent PLgenda as read. 4. PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWT EDGMENTS: (a) (b) (c) 5. VISITORS - OTHER T1LAN AGENDA ITEMS: (a) (b) (c) 6. REPORTS FROM COMMfFTEES AND/OR OFFICERS: (a) Verbal Reports from Councilmembers (b) Financial Services Manager: General Fund Operating Statement through September 201 1. (c) 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND COUNCIL ACTION ON ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS RELATING THERETO: (None) Regular Meeting 2 October 17,2011 8. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATING TO PUBLIC HEARINGS: (a) Ordinance No. , an Ordinance concerning speed limits on Burden Boulevard, and amending Section 10.24.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code. 1. Agenda Report from Michael Pawlak, City Engineer dated October 12,2011. 2. Ordinance (will be presented at meeting). 3. Vicinity Map. -MOTION: €move to adopt Ordinaucc: No. arnet:ding Section 10.24.04 1 and revising the speed limit on Burden Bouk-ward and, Further, authorin publication by summitry on)y. (b) Ordinance No. , an Ordinance concerning speed limits on Sandifur Parkway, and amending Section 10.24.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code. 1. Agenda Report from Michael Pawlak, City Engineer dated October 12, 2011. 2. Ordinance. 3. Vicinity Map. MOTION: I move to adopl. Oiy inance No. , amending Section 10.24.040 revising the specd limit on Sandi#ur Parkway and. further„ authorize publiewicm by surnmary only. (c) Resolution No. , a Resolution adopting a Master Plan entitled Pasco Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. 1. Agenda Report from Shane O'Neill, Planner I dated October 12,2011. 2. Pasco Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Council packets only; copy available for public review in the Planning office, the Pasco Library or on the city's webpage at htlp://www.l)asco-wa.gov/cit-�-councilrc:pkirts'l. 3. Proposed Resolution. MOT]ON: I inovc io apprave Re ILit on No. ado pii,'L„; 111c Pal-en liicyele ai d Prdestriaty Master flan. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: (None) 10. NEW BUSINESS: (None) 11. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION: (a) (b) (c) 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION: (a) (b) (c) 13. ADJOURNMENT. (RC) Roll Call Vote Required * Item not previously discussed MF# "Master File#...... Q Quasi-Judicial Matter REMINDERS: 1. 6:00 p.ai., Monday, October 17, City Hall Conference Room #1 — LEOFF Disability Board Meeting, (MAYOR MATT WATKINS and COUNCILMEMBER REBECCA FRANCIK). 2. 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 19 — Benton, Franklin & Walla Walla Counties Good Roads & Transportation Association Meeting. (COUNCILMEMBER BOB HOFFMANN, Rep.; REBECCA FRANCIK, Alt.) 3. 3:30 p.m., Thursday, October 20, Franklin County Emergency Management Office — Franklin County Emergency Management Board Mccting. (MAYOR MATT WATKINS, Rep.; COUNCILMEMBER TOM LARSEN,Alt.). 4. 7:30 a.m., Friday, October 21, Richland City Council Chambers — Hanford Communities Governing Board Meeting. (COUNClI MFM.RF,R MIKE GARRISON,Rep.; AL.YENNEY, Alt.). 5. 9:30 a.m., Friday, October 21, New Hope Baptist Church — Welcome Address for General Baptist Convention of the Northwest. (COUNCILMEMBER Al. YENNFY) 6. 11:30 a.m.,Friday, October 21, Sandberg Event Center—Benton-Franklin Council of Uovenunents Board Meeting. (COLINCILMEMBER AL YENNEY, Rep.; REBECCA FRANCIK,Alt.) MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 2011 CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Matt Watkins, Mayor. ROLL CALL: Councilmembers present: Rebecca Francik, Robert Hoffmann, Tom Larsen, Saul Martinez, Matt Watkins and Al Yenney. Excused: Mike Garrison. Staff present: Gary Crutchfield, City Manager; Leland Kerr, City Attorney; Stan Strebel, Deputy City Manager: Richard Terway, Administrative & Community Services Director; Rick White, Community & Economic Development Director; Ahmad Qayourni, Public Works Directw, and Bob Metzger, Police Chief. The meeting teas opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA: (a) Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the Pasco City Council Meeting elated September '19, 2011 . (b) Bills and Communications: To approve General Claims in the amount of$1,502,332.00 ($123,490.47 in the form of Electronic Fund Transfer Nos. 7324 and 7373: and $1,378,841.53 in the form of Wire Transfer Nos. 1121, 1122, 1125 through 1129; and Claim Warrants numbered 184246 through 184453). To approve Payroll Claims in the amount of$2,036,551.2'.2, Voucher Nos. 43310 through 4')450 and 80070 through 80079; and 'EFT Deposit Nos. 30047087 through 30047648. (e) Accountant Reclassification: To authorize reclassification of the Accounting Supervisor and Senior Accountant position to Lead Accountant at Grade 54. Removed from Consent Agenda and moved to Item 10(c). MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Mr. Martinez seconded. Motion carried by unanimous Roll Call vote, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Mayor Watkins presented Certificates of Appreciation for September 2011 "Yard of the Month"to: Manuel and Magdalena Estrada, 325 W. Shoshone Street Ron and Mary Horn, 3821 W. Park Street Keith and Sharon Clark, 4003 Valencia Drive Daryl and Ione Bruce, 10401 W. Maple Drive Mayor Watkins presented a Certificate of Appreciation for September 2011 "Business of the Month Appearance Award"to: The Crossings at Chapel Hill, 6626 Chapel Hill Blvd Mayor Watkins presented a Proclamation to Bob Metzger, Police Chief, and Kirn Keltch, Domestic Violence Coordinator, proclaiming October 2011 "Domestic Violence Awareness 'Month. i 3(a).1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 2011 VISITORS - OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS: Mr. John Bell, 2521 Rd 48, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Larry Goniez, 2105 Rd 72, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Robert Betteneourt, 5716 W. Wernett, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Doug Gould, 8917 Sunset Trail, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Roger Lenk, 1817 Rd 76, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole, Mr. John Pietrusiewicz, 2909 Rd 72, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Robert Gerhard, 2912 Rd 88, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Lester Storms, 8614 Bell St., addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Dalene Zabel, 6217 Killdeer Lane, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Mr. Jiin Kiddy, 1710 Rd 52, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Ms. Janet Johnson, 2104 Rd 68, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. Ms. Tammy Roy, 7116 W. Wernett, addressed Council concerning annexation of the County donut hole. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND/OR OFFICERS: Mr. Yenney reported on the AWC Regional meeting and the Benton Franklin Community Action Committee meeting. Ms. Francik reported on the AWC Regional meeting and the WA State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board meeting. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS NOT RELATING TO PUBLIC HEARINGS: Resolution No. 3346, a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Pasco supporting Draft Legislative Plan i by Commissioner Dean Foster of the Washington State Redistricting Commission. Council and staff discussed the redistricting options. MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to approve Resolution No. 3346, supporting Draft Legislative Plan 1 by Commissioner Dean Foster of the Washington State Redistricting Commission, Mr. Martinez seconded. Motion carried 5-1. No —Larsen. 2 MINUTES REGULAR .MEETING PASCO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 3, 2011 NEW BUSINESS: Cable Franchise Renewal Services: Council and staff discussed the proposed agreement. MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Richland for Collaborative Local Cable/Video Francliise Renewal process and, further, authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement. Mr. Martinez seconded. Motion carried 4-2. No— Larsen, Yenney. Community Survey Policy Questions: MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to approve the proposed policy questions relating to Council Districts, Binding Arbitration and School Impact Fees as outlined in the Agenda Report dated September 28, 2011. Mr. Martinez seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Accountant Reclassification: Council and staff discussed the proposed reclassification_ MOTION: Ms. Francik moved to authorize reclassification of the Accounting Supervisor and Senior Accountant position to Lead Accountant at Grade 54, Mr. Hoffmann seconded. Motion carried 5-1. No —Larsen. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Council adjourned to Executive Session at 5:21 p.m. for approximately 10 minutes to discuss acquisition of Real Estate with the City Manager and the City Attorney. Mayor Watkins called the meeting back to order at 8:29 p.rn. ADJOURNMENT- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: Matt Watkins, Mayor Debra L. Clark, City Clerk PASSED and APPROVED this 17th day of October, 2011. 3 CITY OF PASCO Council Meeting of: October 17, 2011 Accounts Payable Approved The City Council City of Pasco, Franklin County,Washington We,the undersigned,do hereby certify under Penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished,the ,services rendered :P e la or performed as described herein and that the claim is a just,due and unpaid obligation 9dainst th.16 city and that we are authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim. if I f Gary Crutchfield, City Manag, D Mason inance Services Manager We,the undersigned City Councilmembers of the City Council of the City of Pasco, Franklin County,Washington, do hereby certify on this 17th day of October, 2011 that the merchandise or services hereinafter specified have been received: Check Numbers and 184454- 184'726 In The Amount Of: $1,390,652.73 Electronic Funds Transfers: 1130 1133, 1134 In The Amount Of: $124,414,52 Electronic Funds Transfers: 743817464,7485 (Journal Entries) 7525,7531 Combined total of $1,515,067.25 Councilmember Councilmember SUMMARY OF CLAIMS BY FUND: GENERAL FUND Legislative 616.06 Judicial 39,081.89 Executive 8,022.74 Police 18,067.30 Fire 24,397.65 Administration&Community Services 100,548.41 Community Development 5,400.08 Engineering 662.86 Non-Departmental 27,480.12 Library 738.29 TOTAL GENERAL FUND: 225,015.40 STREET 195,472.24 ARTERIAL STREET 0.00 STREET OVERLAY 0.00 C. D. BLOCK GRANT 52,825.55 ICING COMMUNITY CENTER 2,288.27 AMBULANCE SERVICE 3,997.66 CEMETERY 5,466.89 ATHLETIC PROGRAMS 447.78 GOLF COURSE 50,706.14 SENIOR CENTER OPERATING 1,717.63 MULTI MODAL FACILITY 822,63 RIVERSHORE TRAIL&MARINA MAIN 18,620.33 SPECIAL ASSESSMNT LODGING 0.00 LITTER CONTROL 3,847,39 REVOLVING ABATEMENT 2,590.05 TRAC DEVELOPMENT&OPERATING 0.00 PARKS 0.00 STADIUM/CONVENTION CENTER 0.00 GENERAL CAP PROJ CONSTRUCTION 381,940.73 WATER/SEWER 321,794.61 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-OPERATING GOVERNMENTAL 41,956.76 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-OPERATING BUSINESS 9,325.81 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-REPLACEMENT GOVERNMENTAL 0.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL-REPLACEMENT BUSINESS 0.00 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 116,071.93 CENTRAL STORES 60.62 PAYROLL CLEARING 49,599.92 LID CONSTRUCTION 0.00 PUBLIC FACILITIES DIST 28,354.20 TRI CITY ANIMAL CONTROL 42.71 PASCO DOWNTOWN DEV AUTH 100.00 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $ 9,515,067.25 3(b)ol AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council j DATE: October 12, 2011 TO: Cary Crutch L anager 1t ?G[1LAR: October 17,2011 f Rick Terway,Admin arive&Community ervicc r FROM: Dunyele Mason,Financial Services Manager SUBJECT: 13AD DEBT WRITE-OFPSIC0LLE•C'I'I0N. 1. REFERENCE(S): Write-off and collection lists are on file in the Finance Department. 11. ACTION Ill,-,U STED OF COL-NCILISTAFF REt i� +}i(~NDATIONS: MOTION: I move to approve bad debt write-offs for utility billing, ambulance, cemetery, general accounts, miscellaneous accounts, and Municipal Court (non-criminal, criminal, and parking) accounts receivable in. the total amount of $231,012.49 and, of that amount, authorize $1 71,924.01 be turned over for collection, lll. HISTORY AAIL)FACTS 13IUL : 1. LIT LI•I'Y BILLING - These are all inactive accounts, 60 days or older. Direct write-offs are under $10 with no cw-rent forwarding address, or are accounts in "occupant" status. Accounts submitted for collection exceed $10.00. 2. AMBLILANCE - These are all delinquent accounts over 90 days past due or statements are returned with no forwarding address. Those submitted for collection exceed $10.00. Direct write offs including DSHS and Medicare customers; the law requires that the City accept assignment in these cases. 3. COURT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE-These are all delinquent non-criminal and criminal fines,and parking violations over 30 days past due. 4. CODE ENFORUDAENT — LIENS — These are Code Enforcement violation penalties which are either un-collectable or have been assigned for collections because the property owner has not compiled or paid the fine. There are still liens in place on these amounts wbicb will continue to be in effect until the property is brought into compliance and the debt associated with these liens are paid, 5. CEMETERY—These are delinquent accounts over 120 days past due or statements are returned with no forwarding address. Those submitted for collection exceed$10.00. 6. GENERAL - These are delinquent accounts over 120 days past due or statements are returned with no forwarding address. Those submitted for collection exceed$10.00. 7. MISCELLANEOUS- These are delinquent accounts over 120 days past due or statements are returned with no forwarding address. Those submitted for collection exceed$10.00. Amount Direct Referred to Total Write-offs Collection Write-offs Utility Bilting $ .00 1,461.44 1,461,44 Ambuiance S 59,088.48 10,613.57 69,702.05 Court AIR S .00 159,130.00 159,130.00 Code Enforcement S .00 659.00 659.00 Cemetery $ .00 .00 A0 General $ .00 .00 .00 Miscellaneous $ .00 60.00 60.00 TOTAL: $ 59,088.48 171,924.01 231,012.49 IV. ADMiNIKEATIYE KQQTING: cc: Dot Franch, Municipal Court Clerk 3(b).2 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council n October 7, 2011 FROM: Crary Crutchfi ty Manager Workshop Mtg.: 10/10/11 Regular Mtg.: 10/17/11 SUBJECT: Tourism Promotion Area I. REFERENCE(S): 1. 2012 TPA Business and Marketing Plan (Council packets only; copy available in City Manager's office for public review) 2. 2012 TPA Budget Summary I1. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL /STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 10/10: Presentation by Kris Watkins, President and CEO, Tri-Cities Visitor and Convention Bureau. 10/17: MO'T'ION. l move to approve the 2012 Business and Marketing Plan and Operating Budget for the Tourism Promotion Area in the total amount of$860,000. III. FISCAL IMPACT: None. IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) The Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) was formed in late 2004 to generate and administer the proceeds of a "per room night assessment" on hotels/motels in the Tri-Cities, imposed by the hotels themselves. B) The interlocal agreement (between Pasco, Kennewick and Richland) that created the TPA requires the annual budget and expenditure from the reserve account for the TPA to be approved by the City Council. V. DISCUSSION: A) The TPA "assessment" is remitted by the hotels to the state �vvhich, in turn, distributes it to the city in which it was collected. The city is obligated to pass the funds to the TPA, for use in accordance with the approved budget. B) Council should approve the 2012 TPA Operating Budget or indicate changes necessary to gain approval. 3(c) Budget Summary 2411 Proposed 2012 Revenues Budget Budget Kennewick $330,000 40% $344,000 40% Pasco $173,250 21% $189,200 22% ' Richland $321,750 39% $326,800 38% Total: $825,000 100% $860,000 100% Expenditures Group Markets $333,364 40% i $349,662 40.7% City Wide Conventions Associations Corporate & Government j SMERI (social, military, education, religious, fraternal) Spoils Housing& Groups Services $57,523 7% $56,262 70/6 Tourism Development $166,808 28% $180,313 21% Administration $177,805 22% $178,763 21% (administrative staff, office supplies, rent,telephone postage, equipment maintenance,etc. Opportunity Fund $60,000 7.5% $70,000 8% � Accounting/Professional $25,500 3% $22,000 2% Capital Expenditures $4,000 0.5% $3,000 0.3% Total $825,000 100% $860,000 100% - 26 - AGENDA REPORT FOR: City Council October 14, 2011 FROM: Gary Crutch ity Manager Regular Mtg.: 10/17/11 SUBJECT: Housing Auth 'ty Board Appointment. I. REFERENCE(S)- H. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/S'TAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 10/17: MOTION: I move to appoint Isabell Quintanilla to Position No. 2 on the City of Pasco and Franklin County Housing Authority Board, term to expire 1128/13. III. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) The Housing Authority is a separate municipal corporation governed by its appointed board of directors. The Authority's basic mission is to provide sate and habitable housing for households with incomes below 80% of the regional medium household income. In the case of the Pasco Housing Authority, it owns and operates about 300 housing units in Pasco and offers other housing opportunities as other federal programs are made available and deemed appropriate by the Board. B) A Joint Housing Authority for the City of Pasco and Franklin County was formed in 1981 by joint Resolution. The Housing Authority Board is comprised of five Commissioners who are appointed for a term of office of five years. The Commissioners for Position Nos. 1 and 3 are selected by the Franklin County Commissioners subject to confirmation by the Pasco City Council, and must be residents of Franklin County. Likewise, the Commissioners for Position Nos. 2, 4 and 5 are selected by the Pasco City Council and subject to confirmation by the Franklin County Commission, and must reside within the City. IV. DISCUSSION: A) Mayor Watkins requests Council's concurrence in his appointment of Isabell Quintanilla to the City of Pasco and Franklin County Housing Authority Board. 3(d) GENERAL FUND OPERATING STATEMENT THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2011 CASH BASIS YTD 2011 % OF YTD TOTAL % OF 2011 ORIGINAL ANNUAL 2010 2010 TOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL REVENUE SOURCES: TAXES: PROPERTY 3,427,632 6,000,000 57.1% 3,551,810 5,850,000 60.7% SALES 6,644,670 8,225,000 80.8% 6,237,493 7,700,000 81.0% UTILITY 5,889,901 7,560,000 77.9% 5,806,356 7,615,000 76.2% OTHER 819,303 1,015,000 80.7% 805,827 1,015,000 79.4% LICENSES & PERMITS 1,365,776 1,052,650 1297% 1,467,256 1,020,200 143.8% INTERGOV'T REVENUE 1,554,788 1,632,200 95.3% 1,387,516 1,710,017 81.1% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,621,059 3,007,750 87.1% 1,936,326 2,807,220 69.0% FINES & FORFEITS 681,380 971,600 70.1% 676,961 927,700 73.0% MISC. REVENUE 597,892 634,200 94.3% 511,802 734,700 69.7% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 75,000 100,000 75.0% 394,791 472,790 83.5% TOTAL REVENUES 23,677,400 30,198,400 78.4% 22,776,148 29,852,627 76.3% BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 9,414,299 6,000,118 9,860,107 6,000,000 TOTAL SOURCES 33,091,699 36,198,518 91,4% 32,636,255 35,852,627 91.0% EXPENDITURES: CITY COUNCIL 78,082 118,040 66.1% 89,703 116,525 77.0% MUNICIPAL COURT 905,514 1,275,150 71.0% 913,103 1,267,353 72.0% CITY MANAGER 663,709 915,410 72.5% 644,105 889,415 72.4% POLICE 8,042,017 11,284,368 71.3% 7,796,876 10.827,443 72.0% FIRE 3,039,925 4,193,418 72.5% 3,057,221 4,369,024 70.0% ADMIN & COMMUNITY SVCS 4,434,040 5,595,700 79.2% 4,085,032 5,409.423 75.5% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 744,751 1,101,400 67.6% 773,111 1,035,931 74.6% ENGINEERING 943,864 1,193,280 79.1% 779,753 1,136,332 68.6% MISC. NON-DEPARTMENT 2,334,358 3,545,360 65.8% 2,928,345 4,330,406 67 Z% LIBRARY 986,809 1,148,880 85.9% 911,844 1,300,875 70.1% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 22,173,069 30,371,006 73.0% 21,979,092 30,682,727 71.6% ENDING FUND BALANCE 10,918,630 5,827,512 10,657,163 6,000,000 TOTAL EXPEND&END FUND BAL 33,091,699 36,198,518 32,636,255 36,682,727 AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE 9,619,602 7,808,698 PERCENTAGE OF BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 9 MONTHS 75% These statements are intended for Management use only. 6(b) AGENDA REPORT NO. 16 FOR: City Councif 'S, October 12, 2011 TO: Gary Crutchfi , d y Manager Ahmad Qayou i, _, Public Works Director FROM: _Michael A. Pawlak, A.E., City Engineer Regular Mtg.: 10/17/11 SUBJECT: Speed Limit Ordinance —Burden Boulevard Speed Limit Change 1. REFERENCE(S): 1. Ordinance (will be presented at meeting) 2. Vicinity Map II. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 10/17: MOTION: 1 move to adopt Ordinance No. , amending Section 10,24.040 and revising the speed limit on Burden Boulevard and, further, authorize publication by summary only. III. FISCAL IMPACT: None IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) Rapid subdivision and commercial development along Burden Blvd, and a change in the character of the roadway over the past few months necessitate a change in the posted speed in the area, in order to make it more consistent with the existing posted speeds on Burden Blvd. to east and west of the segment under review. B) A speed study was conducted by the Engineering Division along Burden Boulevard week of August 22, 2011. The results of that speed study indicated an 851, percentile speed of 43 mph. C) A revised speed limit of 35MPH is appropriate and consistent with the results of the study between Convention Pi. and Road FO_ D) A revised speed limit of 40 MPH is appropriate between Road 44 and Road 36. V. DISCUSSION A) This ordinance amends Section 10,24.040 (Increasing Speed Limits in Certain Zones) of the Pasco Municipal Code by revising the speed limits on Burden Boulevard. 40 MPH Burden Boulevard from Road 44 to Road 36; add this speed limit 35 MPH Burden Boulevard from Convention P1. east to Road 60; add this speed limit Burden Boulevard from Road 44 to Road 36; remove this speed limit B) Engineering Division has discussed the proposed change with the Police Department and they indicated that they have no concerns. Staff recommends the speed limit change be adopted based on the following considerations: 1. The congestion on Burden Blvd. west of' Road 60 increases as it approaches Convention P1. and a review of the past five years of crash history, while not significant, does support the decrease of the posted speed from 40 MPH to 35 MPH. 8(a) 2. A five year review of the crash history at east end of Burden Blvd. revealed two crashes involving collision with parked vehicles, five crashes at the intersection with Road 44 and one crash at Santa Fe Ln. Majority of crashes are rear end crashes which are due to lack of left turn lanes. An increase of speed from 35 MPH to 40 MPH on Burden Blvd. between Road 44 and Road 36 is not expected to worsen the traffic safety in the area. 3. Traffic Engineering Section will supplement the existing Curve Sign/Advisory 25 MPH (at the bottom of the hill where it turns into Road 36) with Chevrons and reflective pavement markers to further enhance safety in the area. 4. Traffic Engineering Section will continue to monitor traffic flow and crash history for any change in crash occurrences. !� LJ L . Existing 1xisling 1 l• •. �I Existing Existing Speed Speed Speed Speed MPH 40 MPH f 41 MPH 35 NA P m q'Bu;'den Rd tPasco • � ;.� .°4 a F ...tom. Y �. . . t , .. , `• L7{r� � ate• .. .. � r � ,t ,,� r, rte•` L' ;:Tf s°_s to C7,` Change iR K� i Speed to, 35 MPH 41)MPH or Burden s Speed Changes AGENDA REPORT NO. 15 NOR: City Council October 12, 2011 TO: Crary Crutchfi Manager Ahmad QayorL i, 11,, Public Works Director FROM: Michael A. Paw(ak, P.E., City Engineer Regular Mtg.: 10/17/11 SUBJECT: Speed Limit Ordinance — Sandifur Parkway Speed Limit Change I. REFERENCE(S): I. Ordinance 2. Vicinity Map H. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 10/17: MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. , amending Section 10.24.040 revising the speed limit on Sandifur Parkway and, further, authorize publication by summary only. III. FISCAL IMPACT: None IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A) With recent construction and change of city streets, and follow up speed survey, staff has determined the following speeds to be appropriate for the Sandifur Parkway between Road 44 and Road 60. B) A speed study was conducted by the Engineering Division along Sandifur Parkway the week of August 22, 2011, The results of that speed study indicated an 85`h percentile speed of 38 +/- mph. C) A revised speed limit of 35MPH is appropriate and consistent with the results of the study between Road 44 and Road 60. V. DISCUSSION A) This ordinance amends Section 10.24.040 (Increasing Speed Limits in Certain Zones) of the Pasco Municipal Code by adding this section of Sandifur Parkway to the 35 MPH list. 35 MPH Add: Sandifur Parkway between Road 44 and Road 60 B) The Engineering Division has discussed the proposed changes with the Police Department and they indicated that they have no concerns. Staff recommends the speed limit change be adopted. 8(b) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE concerning speed limits on Sandifur Parkway and amending Section 10,24.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code. WHEREAS, with recent speed study, it is determined that the maximum speed for the below named street(s) should be increased to provide a reasonable and safe conditions, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 10,24.040 of the Pasco Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 10.24.040 INCREASING SPEED LIMITS IN CERTAIN ZONES. It is determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that the speed permitted by state law upon the following streets is less than is necessary for safe operation of vehicles thereon, by reason of the designation and sign posting of the streets as arterial highways and/or by reason of widely spaced intersections, and it is declared that the speed limit shall be as hereinafter set forth on those streets or parts of streets designated in this section at the times specified when signs are erected giving notice thereof: 35 MPH (add to list) Sandifur Parkway (Road 44 west to Road 60) Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco, this day of October. 2011. Matt Watkins Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Debra L, Clark Leland B. Kerr City Clerk City Attorney iWo �9Tp I'll tr1�1 " k� TROU11°,l1A!II►'l�"�r'r ki 111 a_ 0a. --,�1�.r IRA Wis.& Ems I Bill Ifs w4k W 1R_� . AM milli/� . �,,� I'M � ,.�♦,` /C21161vor WO Ndw a L Rola food I Bioko �6�,NS'�p6q-. �rr�'� `a` �y� �„ y��y X �' 910)_ MU.. �• ���®oyil����� ji Milli MM.�HYI.AY_:L. NNW(;# crease J4 Exhibit for sandifur Parkway Speed In Igi`� � • • 1, lv gg'-w-7- .;�i►��°� r - , a-', +® n' ° AGENDA REPORT FOR; City Council October 12, 2011 TO: Gary Crutchfie Manager Regular Mtg.: 10/17/1 1 Rick White, Community R. Leon 1.ic Development Director FROM: Shane O'Neill, Planner I SUBJECT: Pasco Bicycle &Pedestrian Master Plan (MF# PLAN 2011-002) 1. REFERENCE(S): 1. Pasco Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan (Council packets only; copy available for public review in the Planning office, the Pasco Library or on the city's webpage at http://www.Pasco-wa.ggv_/ci t'ycouncilrgpQrts). 2. Proposed Resolution 11. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL/ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 10/17: MOTION: I move to approve Resolution No. adopting the Pasco Bicycle &Pedestrian Master Plan. Ill. FISCAL IMPACT: IV. HISTORY AND FACTS BRIEF: A. In 2007, Council approved Resolution 3021 adopting a "Bikeway Plan" developed by an ad hoc committee fonned in 2006. The Bikeway Plan together with various efforts from other sources, including the Benton Franklin Council of Governments, created the need to consolidate existing information related to bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Pasco. B. This Draft Master Plan: 1) consolidates previous efforts addressing bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Pasco; 2) provides an action plan for improving bicycle and pedestrian travel; and 3) analyzes the costs and potential funding sources of implementation. C. On September 20, 2011 the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive input from the public about the Plan. During that meeting one individual addressed the Commission with supportive comments and emphasized the need for safe bicycle travel on Road 68 north of Argent Road. The Planning Commission has recommended adoption of the Plan. D. City Council reviewed this matter at the September 26tb and the October 10th workshops to consider the Plan and an additional route from Court Street north on 24t" Avenue to Pearl Street and then to 20°' Avenue. V. DISCUSSION: A. The additional route provides a direct connection to 20th Avenue and the CBC campus and can be accomplished at little additional cost since these streets have existing sidewalks. Pearl Street east of 20"' Avenue is also a designated route for Area 46, which will provide another measure of continuity for the proposed additional route. B. The Pasco Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan to ensure adequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities are provided in conjunction with new development and appropriate street and road upgrades. 8(c) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MASTER PLAN ENTITLED PASCO BICYCLE & PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Pasco, as required by the Growth Management Act, is responsible for land use planning within the Pasco Urban Growth Boundary; and, WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act [RCW 36.70A.070(6)(a)(iii)] requires the City to address pedestrian and bicycle facilities to encourage community access and to promote healthy lifestyles; and, WHEREAS, various Comprehensive Plan goals and policies encourage greater use of bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the City; and, WHEREAS, following a public hearing on September 15, 2011, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended the Pasco Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan for approval; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation for a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO: 1. That the Pasco Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan attached hereto as "Exhibit 1" is hereby adopted as a supplement to the Comprehensive Plan. Passed by the City Council of the City of Pasco this 17"' day of October, 2011, Matt Watkins, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Debra L. Clark, City Clerk Leland B. Kerr, City Attorney