HomeMy WebLinkAboutPasco School District Safety Program 2011 - INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT /4�6�1���8 ��� Between ( � 207 `JUN 2 Pasco School District No. 1 l And j City of Pascq Washington �S. / — YOB= -' This agreement, pursuant to , bapter cr rc RCW is made and entered into c and urt rice,ccn Pasco School District No. 1 , bereaRer re{rred to as the "District" and the City o{ paseq a municipal corporation of the State o£ Washington, hereaRer referred to as the No special budget er funds are anticipated, nor shall be created. It is not intended that a separate legal entity be established to conduct this cooperative undertaking, nor is the acquiring, holding, er disposing o£ real or personal property other than as specifically provided within the terms of this Agreement, anticipated. The Chic£ cf Police o£ the City o£ Pasco, Washington, shall be designated as the Admiriistrator of this Iutcrlocal Agreement. Ibis Agreement sball be filed with the Franklin County Auditor, ct alternatively listed by subject ou either parties' website or other electronically retrievable public source. It is the purpose o{tbis agreement to: 1 . ISuhaacc the safety and sccurity of students, teachers, staff, and visitors and provide patrol o£ the various campuses o£ the District located within the City o{ Pasco, Washington. 2. Provide far the presence o{ armed and uniformed City Police Officers both inside and outside the school buildings on selected campuses of the District during certain school hours in support of such safety and security and the maintenance o{ a secure and peaceful teaming atmosphere. 3. Provide fur pre ration, aterventioa, and prompt effective enforcement by the City's Police Depaa-trtaent in situations involving, but not limited to: Maintenance o£ order b_ Use, possession, o y salt of illegal drugs and alcohol on school premises c. Crimes against persons Cl_ Crimes against property c. Any other situations activities wbich require the intervention o£ law enforcement officers; andr 4. provide for participation by police officers in the educational activities and role modeling to foster and enhance knowledge o£ and respect for law enforcement and law en{oxcemeat officers by students and the corrirriunity. S. Provide positive and supportive interface between law enforcement representatives and the District's substance abuse and harassment prevention efforts including, but not limited to Natural Helpers, Student Assistaucc Teams, Aati-Harassment and Bullying Project and other intervention and prevention efforts by the District. int¢ragency AKw¢ement 6¢tw¢¢n Pasco S¢600i District No. I and the City of Pasco_ PaSe 1 of 6 It is therefore mutually agreed that: 1. Statement o£ Work The City sball furnish the necessary personnel and services and otherwise do all things necessary fer and incidental to the performance of the work stated herein. The City shall: a. Assign two full-time uniformed polic officers For six and one-bal{ c utive bours each day from 08 :00 AM to 2:30 PM to provide School 12esouree CO gear services at specific scbools June 16 — July 15, 2011 (except July 4, 201 1 ) in accordance witb the following scbedule. New IleOr ens High School: June 20 — July 15, 2011 Monday — Friday Ocboa Middle Schools: June 20 — July 15, 201 1 Monday — Friday iii Stevens Middle School: June 20 — July 15, 201 1 Monday — Friday . Cbiawana High School: June 16 — July 15, 2011 Monday — Friday v. Pasco High School: June 16 — July 15, 2011 Monday — Friday One SRO will be assigned to Chiawana High School beginning June 16°^. A second SRO will be assigned to Pasco High School begirubing June 16`h. Both officers are responsible for responding to i cidents at the other scbools as needed during the overlap period. Each SRO shall make certain that the Administration at their assigned school is notified when they ar e q an required to respond to otber G school. enerally, Sae q k uicest way to get au SRO to respond to an alternate school will be to call the Franklin County Emergency Dispatch Center and request an SRO be sent to the incident at a specific school. Except iu incidents where a particular SRO may bavc prior knowledge or involvement i specific c other extenuating {tors, the ou-duty police supervisor will designate which SKO responds. Office space sball be provided a s available at each school for the use o{ the School 12esource Officer. Such office sball be equipped with one office desk and chair, and o e locking cabinet. The City sball provide a lockable cabinet capable of securing police department equipment when not in use by the officer. b. Cooperate witb the District to provide traiuiug and education to each a s signed officer to insure effective communication and mterrelation with the school comarauuity and its students; C. Cooperate with the District to monitor and evaluate the a etiveuess of the assigned officers and the program; d. Meet as ueeaecl during the academic year with the District's represeutative (as designated by the District) to evaluate the ef{ectiveuess of the program; e. Cooperate with the District's representative to estigate and report on ny mplaints regarding the conduct of an assigned effacer, share £ally, as permitted by law, with the District's representative all results o£ such investigations {or the Iwtaragcncy Agrccm¢at bctwean Pasco ScLOO\ District IY - l and tha City of Pasco. Pages 2 of 6 purpose of responding to eacb complaint and cooperate to r solve each c mplaint. Provided, that it shall be the responsibility o£ the District to respond to any complaint the District received from a student, parent or patron of the District and communicate the results of any investigation to such person or persons. 2. T¢rms and Conditions. All rights and obligations o£ the parties to this agreement shall b¢ subject to and governed by the terms and conditions contained in the text el- this agreement. 3. Period o£ Performance. Subject to its other provisions, the period of performance o£ this agreement shall nrz June 16, 2011 and be c mplatad on July 15, 2011 witb July 41h scheduled off, nnless terminated sooner as provided herein. The principal shall be responsible for notifying the Cbief of tyre City's Police Department o£ the school calendar, schednle or events and activities, and any changes in the same. The principal shall determine the specific bons wben an officer shall be present within the limits set forth in Section l .a. ofthe Agreement. 4. Payment. the District shall reimburse the City for its expenses in employing two officers for 273 hours as follows: a. For Jun¢ 16, 2011 through July 15, 2011, an estimated total of fifteen thousand two hundred and eighty dollars ($ 15,280). Actual axneant will be determined by the parties based upon any negotiated wage e between the City and the police officer's collective bargaining unit. The current wage rate with benefits is $55.97 Per bon. S. Billing Procedur¢. The City shall submit a monthly invoice or billing statement to the District Payment shall be made to the City according to the regular procednes o£ the District. 6. Funding. If for any reason the District ea bsnxsts its budgeted funds for payment to the City For its services described herein or fiends £rem any expected funding sonce become unavailable, the District shall notify the City and the obligations o£ tb¢ City shall irrane<liately cease and this agreement terminate, unless the district otberwise assuxnes the obligations for the payment of services rendered by the Police Department. 7. Non-discrimination. In the performance o£ this agreement, the District and the City shall comply with the provisions o£ Title Vl o£ the Civil R gbts Act o£ 1964 (42 USC 200d), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act o£ 1973 (29 USC 7904) and Chapter 49.60 RCW, as n and hereafter amended. Both shall not, ¢ cept as they may be specifically allowed by taws to do s discriminate erx the grounds o{ race, color, national origin sex, religion, marital status, age eed, Vietnam-Era and Disabled Veterans status, or the presence er any sensor, mental, or physical handicap. In the event of non-compliance by either party or refusal to c mply with the above pro this agreement may be rescinded, eled, er terminated in whole part. The - comp lying party shall, however, be given a reasonable time in which to cure this rxon- Iatcrmgcmcy Agrc¢ x t b¢twevn Pasco Schoot District No. l and th¢ City of Pasco_ Pam¢ 3 of 6 mpliance. Any dispute maybe resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set Forth herein. g_ Records Maint¢nanc¢. The City shall maintain books, records, documents and other evidence that sufficiently and ¢££actively reflect all direct and indirect cost expended in the perform o£ the services described herein. Theses reeevas shall be subject to uspection, re�iew or audit by the per unel o£ both par z ties, other personnel authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor and {deral officers, iF any, so authorized by law. The City and District shall retain all books, rseoras, documents, and other materials relevant to this agreement for five (5) years after expiration. The office of the State Auditor, Federal auditors, and any persons authorized by the parties shall have full access and the right to examine any o£ these materials during this £eve_year period. 9. R¢sponsibititiea nd Authority or School Administrator_ The principal other administrator designated by the District is Yespunsible, For the supervision and daily operations o£ the school shall, subject to the lawful a of the officer's law enforcement responsibilities, schedule, assign and direct the officer's duties under this agreement. The principal is responsible For the i estigation o£ non-criminal i ciders that o eeur at or are related to the school I£ the principal £ands that o she o any individual is m physical dagger, tlx principal may request the law e�rcement offiM cer to assist him or her. In the of a arcb o£ student property Foy the violation o£ District rules or other administrative r s, the school principal or designated administrator or District employee will orvduct the s arcb- <Dua a the principal bas r u to believe that a crime bas been or may be committed, the principal or other designatedeadministrator shall request the law enforcement officer to assume responsibility. The building administrator shall have the responsibility to contact and report to parents and Patrons regarding activities and findings oFthe law enforcement officer, wbera appropriate. 10. Indemnification_ Eacb party shall defend, protect and hold ba rnless the other party From and against all claims, suits and/or actions ar mg From any negligent o intentional act or omission o£ that party's employees or agents wbile performing under this agreement. 11_ Agr¢¢m¢nt Alt rations and Amendments_ The District and the City may mutually amend this agreement Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by the p nr anel authorized to bind the District and the City. 12. T¢rmination_ Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, either party may terarvinate this agreement by providing sixty (60) days advance writtea notification to the other party o£ their intent to tea inate the agreement. I£ this agreement is o terminated, the terminating party shall be liable only For performance, in ccordancc with the terms or this agreement For per£rrraance rendered prior to the of cctive date of to ruination. 13_ savings_ Should any portion of this agreement be declared illegal, the balance o£ the agreement shall remain in full force and ef{et to carry out the purposes of this agreement. Interagency Agreement between Pasco school District No. 1 and the Clty er Pasco. Paga 4 or 6 14. Disputes. In the a ant that a dispute arises under this agreement, it shall be resolved in the Following marmer: The Director o{ Educational Services o{ the District shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Pasco l police shall appoint a mbar to the Dispute Board. The Director or Educational Services ces and the Pasco Chief of Police shall jointly appoint a third member to the Dispute Board. That person shall act as chairperson, convene the Dispute Board and cause a determination to the dispute, arrived p to a m a sh l the Board, to bar ndered i a timely manger. "I7te determination o£ the Dispute Board shall be £anal and binding on the District and the City. 15. Notic¢s. .Any notices required herein or related hereto shall be delivered in writing to the District ac Pasco School District No.l Attv.c Executive Director, Op¢ratiovs - 1215 W¢st Lewis Street Pasc¢ , WA 99301 And to the City at: Pasco Police Devmrtm¢nt Attao Chi¢£ of Polic¢ 525 North 3'tl Av¢vu¢ Pasco, WA 99301 16. All Writings Contaiv¢d Hereiv. This agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties. No understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter o£ this agreement shall he deemed to exist or to bind any o{ the parties to this agreement. Int¢rag¢ncy Agr¢¢m¢nt b¢twvvn Pasco School Disvict No_ 1 and tM1¢ Crty of Pasco_ Pag¢ 5 oC 6 Iv Witness wh¢reoF, the parties have executed this agreement effective this �Z day orb 2011 . City of Pasco: Pasco School District No_ 1 Matt Watkins Sherry Lancon Mayor President, Board oFEducation A•/H�¢�st: � SI / 9 O_Gt C//��O De bie Clark Saundra Hill City CZer* Superintendent Leland Kerr hn Morgan City Attorney ��ec/u/t�iJve Director, Operations ah ornton School District Co nsel lntarao¢"cy Agrccmcnt b¢twe¢a Pasao Schooi District No. 1 and the Ciry oC Pasco. Pagc 6 of 6 2011 Summer School Cost Estimate 051211 ALL SUMMER SCHOOLS Number of Officers (June 16 - July 16) 2 Hourly Rata with Benefits par C fMCar $ 55. 97 Number of Hours Each School Oay 6. 5 School Days @ PHS, CHS, OMS, SMS, NHS 21 Number of Officer Hours (June 16 - July 15) 273 Estimated Cost (June 16 - July 15) $ 15,279_81 "ta°7,'�lL':°C'7OST"FbR Sikl i1�-M�L2SGfICY�L�($ist�Y >° �t� $ 15,279.81 - _ �� Pasco School District No_ 1 7# Operat4oas Depai-tmeat Johtl Morgaa� Ezecui Director X509)543-6098 Jean Martin, Adiniliistrati ative sisrant (509)546-2880 121s wcat L.cwi s Sr /rye/ Pascq WA 99301 1 ��L LAS 1R�LT �1 Fax= (509) 543-6'l15 June 9, 2011 Captain Ken Roskay City of Pasco Police C)apartment 525 N . 3`d Ave. Pasco, WA 99301 RE: Agreement With Pasco School pistrict for Summer School Resource Officers Enclosed era two (2) agreements signed by Pasco School district members. am hoping you can assist me with getting the appropriate City of Pasco signatures and return one copy to John Morgan , Pasco School District- 1 spoke with Sgt. Monroe and he suggested i forward these agreements to you . Thank you�, Jean Martin Administrative Assistant :Pp summsr' s�-hool s9r¢¢m¢nts Ceiebi�tiag aoaAami.�s. diveeaity avd ivaooatlov.