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0611412411 02 : 34 : 03 PM Pages : 11 Fee : $72 . 00
City of Kennewick
Benton County , Benton County Auditor ' s office
� lll I N � �+ ,1�1� ' I Arl loll',
After Recording Return to :
Kennewick City Clerk
P . O . Box 6108
Kennewick , WA 99336
WHEREAS , the Interlocal Cooperation Act codified in RCW 39 . 34 allows public
agencies to exercise their powers jointly, thereby maximizing their ability to provide services and
facilities which will best fulfill the needs of the community as a whole ; and
WHEREAS , the joint exercise of a regional criminal justice record and information
system promotes the deterrence and solution of criminal incidents by providing increased access
to local incident and warrant information , reducing the need for redundant data entry, improving
the protection of criminal files against loss or destruction , and increasing the responsiveness of
the respective law enforcement agencies through crime analysis and investigative support
functions ; and
WHEREAS , the counties of Benton and Franklin , along with the cities of Kennewick,
Pasco , and Richland first entered into an Interlocal Agreement in 1982 which created the Bi-
County Police Information Network ( "BI-PIN" ) ; and
WHEREAS , the original BI- PIN Interlocal was amended in 1988 , 1992 , 1995 , and 2003 ;
WHEREAS , the original. BI-PIN Interlocal was restated in 2009 ; and
WHEREAS , the Counties of Benton and Franklin and the Cities of Connell , Kennewick,
Pasco , Richland and West Richland, through their respective law enforcement departments ,
desire to jointly utilize an expanded law enforcement records management system to be operated
by the Kennewick Information Systems Division ; and
BI-PIN Interlocal Agr°eeinent 121712010
Page I
WHEREAS , the original members therefore are agreeable to the addition of the city of
West Richland to the BI-PIN Interlocal ; and
WHEREAS , therefore the parties wish to rescind the existing BI- PIN hiterlocal and
enter into this amended and restated agreement to clearly set forth existing and future obligations
and objectives of the parties hereto , and to account for possible new members and the obligations
that would apply to new members ;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT AGREED , in accordance with the provisions of RCW
39 . 34 . 030 :
Section I — Formation and Purpose of BI-PIN . The Counties of Benton and Franklin and the
Cities of Connell , Kennewick, Pasco , Richland and West Richland hereby establish the Bi~
County Police Information Network ( "BI-PIN") . In order to assist the participating police and
sheriff' s departments in the deterrence and solution of criminal incidents , and in recognition of
the high cost of technology and operation of information systems , the participating members are
entering into a joint undertaking for the following purposes :
o Increase access to local incident and want/warrant information .
O Enhance the sharing of information among the criminal justice agencies .
O Improve availability of operational and management information .
O Provide for increased responsiveness to crime analysis and investigative support
functions .
4 Reduce the need for redundant data entry and duplicate data files .
O Provide for improved protection against loss or destruction of criminal information files .
Section 2 OrlZanization of BI-PIN . In order to provide for the on-going administration of
BI-PIN , the following organizational structure is adopted for the organization :
2. 1 Executive Committee . The Executive Committee is composed of the City Managers or a
member from the Boards of County Commissioners , as appropriate, from each of the member
agencies or their designee, and each shall be a voting member . A liaison from the Bi.-County
Police Chiefs and Sheriffs and from each dispatch agency (Benton County Emergency Services
and Franklin County Dispatch) shall be ex officio , non-voting members .
A chairman shall be elected by the Executive Committee and will serve a one- year term with no
limit as to the number of consecutive terms that may be served. The executive committee will
meet at least quarterly or more often as required . The committee will keep minutes of its
meetings , and copies of these minutes shall go to all members of the committee .
It is the responsibility of the Executive Committee to set policies regarding all aspects of Bl-PIN
activities , approve contracts which shall be signed by the chairman, approve the proposed annual
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budget and work program , set the cost recovery for new BI- PINT members , and make final
decisions on adoption of software applications and minimum hardware requirements for systems
that are owned or operated by BI- PIN, or for systems owned by parties to this agreement that
interface with BIPIN . Approvals shall require a majority vote of the Executive Committee
members present after a quorum is called . All member agencies will cast one vote each . The
adoption of the budget and any amendment to the budget or policy issues will. require approval of
at least four of the five charter agencies as described in section. 5 . 3 below .
2 .2 Technical Committee . The technical committee is composed of the Information Systems
manager (or equivalent position) of each of the BI-PIN member agencies . As the Operating
Jurisdiction , Kennewick ' s IS manager will chair the Technical Committee . The Technical
Committee will provide recommendations through the operating jurisdiction to the Executive
Committee on technical decisions that affect the BI-PINT system, The Technical Committee will
meet on an as-needed basis .
2.3 BI-PIN User Committee . The BI-PIN User Committee shall be comprised of representatives
of each law enforcement agency from member jurisdictions and a representative from each
dispatch center (Benton County Emergency Services and Franklin County Dispatch) . This
committee shall be responsible for recommending software development priorities , actively
participating in system selection activities to procure the most appropriate system to meet their
respective requirements , and resolving any operational problems to ensure successful joint
operation of the system . The BI-PIN analyst shall chair this committee .
Section 3 — Operational Responsibility . The Operating Jurisdiction will be the City of
Kennewick, and through its Information Systems Division , it will be responsible for the
operation of the BI-PIN system . The manager of the Operating Jurisdiction ' s Information
Systems Division shall have day- to - day supervision and control over operation of the BI-PIN
system ; subject, however, to the policies set by the Executive Committee and subject to the terms
and conditions of this joint agreement .
Section 4 — Ownership of Software Modules . Ownership of all software licenses acquired from
Intergraph are distributed between BI-PIN, Benton County Emergency Services (BCES ) , and
Franklin County Dispatch based on the actual licenses purchased . Appendix B lists the original
license distribution . As new licenses . are acquired, they will be distributed as determined by the
BI-PIN Executive Committee .
BI- PIN is responsible for maintenance and upgrades for their Modules . BI-PIN is not responsible
for the maintenance and upgrade of BCES and Franklin County Dispatch owned modules . The
costs and maintenance of these licenses are addressed in Section 5 of this agreement.
Section 5 — Participation in BI-PIN . The parties agree that the city of West Richland, pursuant
to the terms of this agreement, shall become a member agency of BI-PIN . The City of West
Richland agrees to pay a membership buy-in payment of $32 , 937 . 00 to BI-PIN . In addition to
the buy-in payment, West Richland may be required to purchase any additional software licenses
required due to participation in BIWPIN . All hardware and connectivity costs associated with
BI-PIN Interlocal Agreeinent 1217/2010
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. 1
participation in BI-PIN will be borne by West Richland . The BI-PIN Executive Committee will
set minimum requirements for all BI-PIN members for hardware and connectivity based on the
recommendations of the Technical Committee. Any system that interfaces with the BI-PIN
system will require Technical Committee review and appropriate recommendation to the
Executive Committee for final approval .
Recognizing that BI- PIN member agencies benefit from the participation of all local
jurisdictions , BI-PIN wants to promote and encourage inclusion of all agencies interested in
jolnina BI- PIN . To facilitate this effort , BI-PIN has adopted the following policies regarding
joining and membership of additional local agencies in the BI-PIN local governmental agency :
5 . 1 Adding Members by Addendum . When the BI-PIN Executive Committee decides by
majority vote to grant membership to a new jurisdiction , the new member agency shall become a
member of BI-PIN upon satisfaction of the buy-in and software/infrastructure obligations , and
upon execution of an addendum to this agreement signed by the Executive Committee Chair and
the Mayor or Chairperson of the joining jurisdiction .
5 .2 Membership Buy-In .
• Participation in BI-PIN by new member agencies will require a majority vote by the BI-
PIN Executive Committee .
Buy-in of membership to the BI-PIN interlocal agency will be based on a per-capita fee.
The fee will be set at $2 .40 per capita beginning in 2003 and inflated using the Seattle
CPI-U factor to increase the per capita fee to reflect the time value of money for any
future buy-ins .
BI- PIN as a whole will maintain sufficient licenses from Intergraph Public Safety (IPS)
for the ULEAD products the agency will use . The final decision on the number of
licenses allocated will be detennined by BI-PIN . The licenses allocated to each agency
will be reevaluated on a yearly basis.
D On- going maintenance fees for the IPS system will be distributed based on licenses
allocated to each agency .
o The BI-PIN Executive Committee will set minimum requirements for hardware and
connectivity based on the recommendations of the Technical Committee . Any system that
interfaces with the BI- PINT system will require Technical Committee review and
appropriate recommendation to the Executive Committee for final approval .
• All hardware and connectivity costs associated with participation in BI-PIN will be born
by the appropriate agency.
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5 . 3 Operations Cost Sharing Formula .
The formula for distribution of BI-PIN ' S on-going operations costs will be distributed in the
following method .
O After adoption of the budget, all anticipated outside revenue will be deducted from the
budget amount .
O Each member agency will be assessed a $5 , 000 base fee . The $ 5 , 000 agency base
contributions will be deducted from the remaining budget amount to be distributed.
0 The budget will be. split 40/60 between law enforcement and jail management .
o 40 % of the law enforcement and jail management budgets to be distributed will
be assessed to each agency based on percentage of population .
o 60 % of the law enforcement and jail management budgets to be distributed will
be assessed to each agency based on percentage of licenses .
5. 4 Voting power of member agencies. All matters to be decided by the Executive Committee
shall be determined by simple majority vote of member agencies as outlined in section 2 ;
provided , however, any budget or policy issue shall also require approval. of at least four of the
five charter agencies . The five charter agencies are Benton County, Franklin County,
Kennewick, Pasco and Richland.
Section b — BI-PIN Software — A Single Vendor Solution . In an effort to facilitate the
effectiveness of public safety services within the BI-PIN member agency jurisdictions , the
charter agencies decided in 2003 to move to a single vendor solution for law enforcement
records management (RMS ) , jail management (JMS ) and computer- aided dispatch (CAD) . The
chosen vendor to provide that software solution was Intergraph Public Safety (IPS ) . A single
vendor solution minimizes the need for interfaces that have the potential to be difficult to
maintain and facilitates the ease of sharing information electronically between jurisdictions .
Therefore , parties agree to the following policy and guidelines :
6 . 1 Intergraph Public Safety Licenses ,
O Licenses for I/CAD, the IPS computer-aided dispatch software, are purchased on a "per-
seat" basis . Franklin County and BCES will retain ownership of licenses already
purchased and any subsequent licenses purchased for their dispatch centers . Each
dispatch center (Benton County Emergency Services and Franklin County) , owns the
software and licenses associated with. their respective installation .
• Licenses purchased on a concurrent basis , I/Leads Records Management System. (RMS) ,
and Jail Management System (JMS ) , are the property of BI-PIN as a whole . Licenses are
assigned to agencies based on the needs analysis conducted previously by BI� PIN. See
Appendix A.
The licenses used by each agency will be evaluated on a yearly basis and each agency ' s
percentage of use will be adjusted accordingly . Iii the event additional licenses are required, they
BI-PIN Interlocal Agreement 121712010
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will be purchased by BI-PIN acid the expenditure will be included in the BI-PIN budget to be
allocated by the BI-PIN cost distribution formula. If an agency underutilizes their allocated
licenses , the additional maintenance of the unused licenses will be spread across all of the
agencies . Each agency ' s percentage of licenses used will be calculated based on the number of
licenses used by the agency divided by the total used (i . e . BI-PIN owns 185 but only 150 are
used . Agency A uses 42 . Agency A ' s usage percentage would be 42/ 150 or 28 % .) Appendix A
illustrates a hypothetical distribution of underutilized licenses .
The PLEADS base product and hardware required in the server room (i . e. servers , racks , BI-PIN
routers ) etc) are the property of BI-PIN as a whole .
6.2 Third-Party Software.
O BI-PIN member agencies adopt E?S as their software provider for RMS , JMS and CAD
functions .
O Third-party software will not be used by member agencies for any function that touches
the BI-PIN system and can be provided by IPS products unless the BI- PINT Executive
Committee adopts it as a standard . The RMS and JMS functions of the system provided
by the IPS ULEADS product includes the following modules :
6.3 Police Records Management System (RMS) .
Calls for service Vehicles
Incident Accident
Case Management Tow Impound
Known Offender Field Contact
Arrests/Charges DUI
Citations Gang Tracking
Pawnshop Affidavits
Property and Evidence Concealed Weapon Licenses
Warrants Mug Shots
Alarm Permits Automated Field Reporting (AFR)
6.4 Jail Management System (JMS ) .
Booking Scheduled Events
Arrest/Charges Visitation
Classification Sentencing
Mug Shot Capture Medical
Property/Personal & Jail Issue Jail Incidents
Housing Work Release
Jail Billing In-House Commissary/Cash Accounts
BI-PIN Interlocal Agreement 121712010
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o Third-party software solutions for a function not available from fPS or that have been
recommended by a member agency will be presented to the BI-PIN technical committee
for evaluation on an item-by-item basis . The Executive Committee will decide on
adoption of third-party software as a BI-PIN standard based on the recommendation of
the BI-PIN technical committee . The technical committee' s recommendation will be
based on the benefits of the third-party software to the BI-PIN member agencies as a
Q All costs for implementation, interfaces , and support associated with the use of third -
party software not adopted as a BI-PIN standard will be borne by the agency
implementing the thud-party software . This applies to costs and support both during
implementation and on -going. BI-PIN will not support third-party software or related
interfaces not adopted as a BI-PIN standard .
Section 7 -- Withdrawal (Replacement) . Any member agency may withdraw from this
agreement and membership in BI-PIN by serving a notice of withdrawal upon all members of
BI-PIN . This notice shall be given at least one year in advance of the date of withdrawal .
Membership shall tenninate on the last day of the calendar year. Upon withdrawal from
membership , the member agency shall receive no further distribution of income proceeds . All
software must be uninstalled and all licenses collectively owned under this agreement must be
returned by the withdrawing agency to the pool described in Section 5 and Section 6 of this
agreement. The withdrawing member shall pay its pro -rata share of any outstanding obligations
incurred up to the effective date of withdrawal . The withdrawing member(s ) shall be provided
with all outstanding obligations within 45 days of the effective date of withdrawal. . Upon such
receipt, the withdrawing member(s) shall pay all outstanding obligations within 45 days of
receipt. The outstanding contribution (s) shall include all amounts due to BI- PIN and any cost
directly associated with the member' s withdrawal .
Section 8 — Termination of Agreement . This agreement may be terminated upon a resolution to
terminate this agreement . Such resolution shall pass upon receipt of at least two -thirds of all
votes cast by the members of the Executive Committee . Upon adoption of a resolution to
terminate this agreement, the effective date of termination shall be determined by a simple
majority of all votes cast. However, in no event shall the termination date be more than one
hundred and eighty days ( 180) from the date of the resolution . After the effective date of
termination, the activities of BI-PIN shall cease and no further business shall be conducted nor
any financial obligations shall be incurred . In the event of termination of this agreement, each
member agency shall be responsible for its pro -rata share of any remaining costs or penalties
under the formula outlined in section 5 . 3 of this agreement. In the event of termination , BI-PIN
shall immediately provide notice of termination to each known creditor and party in which BI-
PIN has a contractual relationship . All parties to this agreement shall be obligated to participate
in the winding- up of BI- PINT-related activities which shall include ; collection of any outstanding
payables , the payment of any outstanding obligations , satisfaction of any and all contractual
obligations , and the distribution of assets . To the extent legally permissible and upon written
request , the Operating Jurisdiction shall provide a copy of any or all data belonging to BI-PIN to
BI-PIN Intej-1 ocal Agreement 121712010
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the requesting member agency on the most feasible medium in return for the actual cost of such
copy . Any remaining assets owned by BI-PIN prior to termination will be distributed back to the
member agencies based on their pro-rata share in BI-PIN as outlined in section 5 of this
agreement . In the event of termination , an existing member or members may negotiate for the
acquisition of software, data, and other information specific to that member or member ' s
jurisdiction to the extent permitted by the terms of any applicable software licensing agreements .
Nothing shall prevent the parties from. negotiating the release of software, data, or other
information that is specific to one member.
Section 9 — Security of Data . Each member agency shall safeguard , by appropriate means , the
confidentiality of the information contained in the BI-PIN system . Additionally, each member
agency shall maintain network security that meets industry standards for any network that may
interact with the Operating Jurisdiction ' s network .
Each member agency will protect access with specific sign- on controls and procedures as
developed by the BI-PIN Technical Advisory Committee with the approval of the Executive
Committee . The Operating Jurisdiction is responsible for maintaining the security of the BI-PIN
network based on industry standards .
Section 10 — Liability Coverage . The member agencies shall jointly secure a good and
sufficient liability insurance policy indemnifying and naming all agencies as additional insureds
and covering the agencies for any damage to hardware or software or misuse or loss of
information in the system. The Operating Jurisdiction shall assume all risk of injury or damages
to hardware or software on its premises caused by its employees or any invitee or person on the
premises with the consent of the Operating Jurisdiction and shall hold harmless , indemnify and
defend the participating BI-PIN agencies from any loss or claim for damages of any nature
whatsoever arising out of the performance of the BI-PIN interlocal agreement. The insurance
shall be paid on a pro rata basis based upon the budget allocation formula in Section 5 of this
agreement . Each agency shall waive the right of subrogation against the other party by reason of
loss or damage incurred under the casualty losses covered by the insurance . Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary within this paragraph , the agencies ' collective obligation to carry the
insurance provided for herein may be brought within the coverage of a so -called blanket policy
or policies of insurance carried and maintained by any individual agency provided that all other
agencies ' interests and rights will not be reduced or diminished by reason of the use of such
blanket ,policy of insurance .
Section_11 — Term of Agreement. This agreement shall become effective upon the execution of
this agreement by all the parties identified above . Once effective, this amended and restated
agreement shall nun to December 31 , 2011 and shall continue thereafter for successive one year
periods , unless a member in writing requests a revision of the agreement by giving notice in
writing to all other members at least 90 days before the expiration date of the agreement ; such
requested revision must be approved by the Executive Committee.
BPPIN Interlocal Agreement 121712010
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Section 12 -- Recordkeeping. The Operating Jurisdiction shall be responsible for maintaining
accurate records . The Operating Jurisdiction shall also maintain accurate records of expenditures
made during the year and for what put-pose . On an annual basis , the Operating Jurisdiction shall
provide the member agencies with an operating and financial report .
Section 13 - Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall govern over the terms and conditions of
any prior BI-PIN Interlocal Agreement, as amended, between the parties and such prior
agreements are hereby made null and void .
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands this day of
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y V
Mayor Mayor
By U� By
Mayor Ma or
B ,y r' By
Mayor Chairman
By d 0/ By
Chairman i Manager
BI-PIN Inter-local Agreement 121712010
Page 9
f a
Appendix A
Initial License Distribution
(x/ 185 )
Kennewick 50 25 . 39%
Pasco 42 21 . 32%
Richland 3 3 16 . 75 %
Benton County 40 20 . 30%
Franklin County 20 10 . 15 %
Connell 5 154%
'crest Richland 7
Total 197 1 100 . 00%
License 'Distribution if Underutilized
(x/ 150)
Kennewick 42 25 . 93 %
Pasco 33 2037 %
Richland 25 15 .43 %
Benton County 28 17 . 28 %
Franklin County 22 13 . 58 %
Connell 5 3409 %
West Richland 7 4032 %
Pool licenses 35
Total 162 - 35 100 . 00%
Hypothetical Illustration of Percentage of
Licenses used in the event of underutilization
BI-PIN Interlocal Agreement 121712010
Page 10
Appendix B
Original License Distribution
- _ - - ---
44 1
t i # of :GiMiSes 0-Mlied
j 1 i a , - .� : VI , . • . , t r tr nisp ftcll -Cen` t'ers,
UCAD Database Server 01 Software for Benton County
I/Executive UCAD Database Serer Software 1 . 0
I/CAD Database Server #f2 Software for Benton County
1/CAD Redundant Database Server
I/Executive 2 Software 1 . 0
11CAD Database Server 1A Software for Franklin County
I/Executive - Existing at Franklin Counry System I/CAD Database Server Software 1 . 0
1/CAD Database Server 92 Software for Franklin County
i/CAD Redundant Database Server
I/Executive 2 - Existing at Franklin County System Software 1 , 0
Interface Products including Implementation &
I/Informer Interface to databases (WACIC) 1 . 0 1 . 0
I/Informer Interface to databases (ULEADS) 110 1 . 0
Mobile Data Terminals interface to
I/M DT - Existing Franklin County System IlMobile 1 . 0
Mobile Data Terminals interface to
I/MDT - for Benton County I/Mobile 1 . 0
Telephone Device for the Deaf interface
I/TDD - Existing at Franklin County System Module 1 , 0
]/Page Alaphanumeric Paging interface Module 1 . 0 1 . 0
I/Page Interface to Zetron model 25 1 . 0
1/FST Fire Station Turnout interface Module 1 . 0 1 . 0
I I/MARS-Server Management Reporting - Server Module 1 . 0 1 . 0
I/QA Question and Answer Module 1 , 10
I/NetViewer (50 concurrent users) i/CAD Data inquiry 25 . 0 25 . 0
I/NetDispatcher ( I0 concurrent users) UCAD Net Dispatching 5 . 0 5 , 0
Police RATS/JMS Servers Software Cluster Solution
ULEADS - Server Police RMS - Base Module 0 . 5 0 , 5
I/LEADS - Incident Based Reporting for State of
Washington Police RMS Module 1 , D
I/LEADS - Mugshot Capture System - 2 User License Police RMS Module 2 . 0
1/LEADS CAD Link Police RMS Link to CAD 2 . 0
I/LEADS Interface to LiveScan Interface Module 2 . 0
Dispatch/Cailtaker Workstations Software
I/Dispatcher IPS CAD Software 13 , 0
I/Dispatcher seats at Franklin County IPS CAD Software 4 . 0
1/Cailtaker seats at Franklin County IPS CAD Software 1 . 0
Supervisor Workstation Software
I/MARS - Client Reporting Client Module 2 , 0 2 . 0
Mapping Tool (incl Nucleus, Admin &
MGE - Bundle for Benton County Mapper) 1 . 0
ATobile Data Terminals Software
]/Mobile Concurrent Licenses MDT Client Module 75 . 0
Police RMS Client Module for Field
IILEADS - RMS Concurrent Client Licenses for MDTs Reporting 75 , 0
Police RMS/JMS Workstations Software
]!LEADS - RMS Concurrent Client Licenses for
Desktop Police RMS Client Module 110 . 0
I/LEADS - Jail Management System Concurrent Client
Licenses Police JMS Module 30 . 0
Total 5390 410 266.5 37.5
BI-PIN Interlocal Agreement 12/7/2010
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