HomeMy WebLinkAboutAuthority to Use Funds 2011 CDBG NSPPASCO Ci]■'HALL PttCEIVED MAY 0 2 2011 CtTYど £ミ8會 ER'S U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Seattle Regional Office Seattle Federal Office Building Office of Community Planning & Development 909 First Avenue,Suite 300 Seattle,WA 98104‐1000 www.hud.9ov/washington.htm! Apri1 27,2011 // Mr. Gary Crutc!field, City Manager City of Pascy' 525 N Thi{dAvenue Pascor)VA 99301 MAY 0 2 20il 00MMUNIY&EttNOMIC DEVE10PMENr Dear Mr. Crutchfield: SUBJECT: Authority to Use Grant Funds for Tiered Review Program Year 2OIl We have received the Request for Release of Funds *a C.r,lncadon submitted with your signature on3/3I/2011. The activity listed on the enclosed Authority to Use Grants Funds (HUD Form 7015.16) has received satisfactory environmental clearance. Please note that the City of Pasco must complete a site-specific environmental review of each proposed project prior to committing any funds to such projects. This form documents that the first tier of the environmental review is complete and there is no need to publish or request a second release for the subject projects. If you have any questions please call Lisa Davidson at (206) 220-5369. Deputy Director Office of Community Planning and Development Enclosure Authority to Use Grant Funds U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning & Development TO: (name & address of Grant Recipient & name & title of Chief Executive Officer) Gary Crutchfield, City Manager City of Pasco 525 N Third Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 GOpy TO: lname & address of SubRecipient or Secondary Contact) We received your Request for Release of Funds and Certification, form HUD-7015.15 on Your Request was for HUD/State ldentification Number Bll―MC-53‐0009&NSP All objections, if received, have been considered. And the minimum waiting period has transpired. You are hereby authorized to use funds provided to you under the above HUD/State ldentification Number. File this form for proper record keeping, audit, and inspection purposes. 3/31/2011 ProiecUActivitv: The City of Pasco is proposing to do the following activities with CDBG Program: Catholic Family Volunteer Chore Services- wheelchair accessibility; Boys & Girls Club Facility lmprovements; Kurtzman Park Neighborhood improvements- Phase lll & LID #148 SpecialAssessments. NSP Program: Down Payment Assistance & Acquisition/Rehabilitation Location: City-wide Signature of Authorizing OfficerTyped Name of Authorizing Officer: Steven K. Washington Deputy Director, Office of Communitv Plannine and Devel Effective Release Date: April27,2011 Action Number: 476 ref.Handbook 6513 0 form HUD-701 5.16 (2/94)