HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024.07.11 PRAB Minutes MINUTES Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 5:30 PM - Thursday, July 11, 2024 Pasco City Hall, Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm, by John Morgan, Vice Chairperson ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Steven Gruenberg, Alex Thornton, John Morgan, and Mark Middleton City Council Representative Present: David Milne City Staff Present: Brent Kubalek, Patrick Hicks, Jesse Rice, and Elizabeth Olivo APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve the May 9, 2024, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes MOTION: Mr. Morgan moved to approve the minutes from the May 9, 2024 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board meeting. Hr. Harrington seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE & BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Mr. Milne expressed his gratitude with the Grand Ol' 4th of July events host by the City. Mr. Middleton stated he enjoyed participating in the parade as it was his first time doing so. Mr. Morgan complimented the park ranger. He heard only positive feedback about the 4th of July events and activities. Page 1 of 22 STAFF REPORTS Staff reported on the topics that were provided in the presentation slide deck that was provided in the meeting packet. Director Updates Mr. Rice discussed the near drowning incident at Memorial Pool. He stated the investigation is still ongoing with the Benton Franklin Department of Health. The City has implemented some procedural changes at the pool. The student is back to participating in Swim Classes. Mr. Rice reported on the status of the Pasco Public Facilities District's (PPFD) aquatics facility. The PPFD Board finalized a purchase and sale agreement for land in Broadmoor area. The PPPFD Executive Director will be presenting final design of the aquatics facility in the near future. Mr. Rice also discussed the Columbia River shoreline park design. The City has hired a consultant for the shoreline park design and Mr. Milne was working for a plan to get the community members involved in the placement of this park along the shoreline. UNFINISHED BUSINESS State-of-The-Art Radio Control Raceway Mr. Harrington presented a slide deck and it is attached to the minutes. Mr. Milne expressed concerns that the $600K investment for a company to manage the park might be seen as gifting public funds. Mr. Rice responded that if the park remains well-maintained and free to the public, the investment could be justified. Mr. Milne also raised issues about park security and access, suggesting that 24/7 supervision might be needed. Mr. Harrington proposed using successful RC facility models as a reference and recommended that the City advertise the management opportunity to attract other interested organizations. MOTION: Mr. Morgan moved to continue discussion for State-of-the-Art Radio Control Raceway during the next meeting. Mr. Harrington seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION Page 2 of 22 Mr. Morgan asked for an update on the dome for Memorial Pool. Mr. Rice reported the dome is under further review with the Washington State Department of Health. The City is also working on the foundation design where the Dome will be placed. Staff is also waiting for the manufactured ventilation equipment to be available, which is estimated to be in December 2024. Mr. Morgan stated that he was impressed with the field painting equipment the City has acquired. Next Meeting: September 12, 2024 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12 DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2024 Page 3 of 22 PASCO RADIO CONTROL RACEWAY OUTDOOR FAMILY FUN FOR ALL Pa g e 4 o f 2 2 AGENDA •Existing Raceways •Proposed Raceway •Alignment with Pasco’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan •Estimated Cost •Other Benefits •Questions 2 Pa g e 5 o f 2 2 THE HANK PERRY OF SPOKANE Pa g e 6 o f 2 2 THE HANK PERRY OF SPOKANE Pa g e 7 o f 2 2 THE HANK PERRY: OWNED BY COUNTY, BUT LEASED TO R/C CLUB THAT OPERATES FACILITY ($1/YEAR) R/C CLUB MAINTAINS FACILITY AND COVERS THE INSURANCE COST R/C CLUB RULES, CHARTER, AND CONTRACT WITH SPOKANE COUNTY COULD SERVE AS MODEL ‘GO-BYES” Pa g e 8 o f 2 2 WALLA WALLA Xtreme Racetrack in Ft. Walla Walla City Park Pa g e 9 o f 2 2 Hayden Radio Control Racetrack Pa g e 1 0 o f 2 2 Hayden Radio Control Raceway Privately built by Brian Eiger in 2022 ~$600K total cost Viewing area atop two shipping containers His retail store grossed $1.3 million in 2023 He is pleased by the wide variety of visitors Pa g e 1 1 o f 2 2 Pa g e 1 2 o f 2 2 PROPOSED RACEWAY PLAN VIEW 1:16 TO 1:8 SCALE OF CARS: 120’ X 200’ INSIDE FENCE 2.75 ACRES 10 Pa g e 1 3 o f 2 2 CITY OF PASCO | PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN STEP 1: How well does a proposed project address the following Plan Goals?   • Serving all ages and abilities: Does the project increase Pasco’s level of service or fill a gap in the demographics  the system currently serves?   Existing Racetracks: A private race track in Finley; Xtreme R/C Walla Walla (Ft Walla Walla); The Hank Perry in Spokane; and Hayden Radio Control Raceway (Hayden ID).   There are no other known r/c racetracks in the Tri-Cities area, Yakima, Ellensburg, Hermiston or Pendleton Even the physically and mentally challenged can operate a steering wheel   Entire raceway will be American Disabilities Act compliant: ADA toilet facility ADA elevator to the upper viewing area11 Pa g e 1 4 o f 2 2 • Providing an accessible and equitable system: Does the project serve underrepresented groups or underserved geographic areas to  balance park access and provide equitable opportunities for all?   Racetrack will be open to visitors of all abilities and designed to A.D.A. standards   • Creating an interconnected trail and street system: Does the project make a key connection or expand the trail and street system to  ensure more Pasco residents have safe ways to get to parks and recreation facilities?   Location has not been determined   • Contributing to a vibrant local economy: Does the project enhance or add revenue generating programs, facilities, or draw people to  Pasco’s businesses?   Out of town visitors will typically stay two or three nights, when participating in the tournaments, which will infuse thousands directly into our local economy According to Brian Eiger, owner of the Hayden racetrack, his retail store grossed $1.3 million in 2023   • Creating a strong local identity: Does the project reflect Pasco’s community by incorporating different cultures, tribal heritage, local  history, or unique location into facilities and programming?   To attract large tournaments, PRCR will need to be a top-drawer racing facility; worthy of being a destination in itself   • Supporting and expanding local collaboration: Does the project make or support a partnership that expands the amount or quality of  parks, programs, events, and services?   PRCR will partner with the newly formed racing club that manages the facility (relationship modeled after the Hank Perry) 12 Pa g e 1 5 o f 2 2 STEP 2: How well does a proposed project address the following criteria?   • Safety and Use: Does the project improve safety or restore use?   Racetrack will be surrounded by an 6-foot chain-link fence.   • Resource Availability: Does the project use or leverage available resources (staffing, funding, grants, partnerships,  equipment)? There are many advantages of building this park inside the land purchased for new Aquatics Center   • Cost Savings: Does the project reduce costs, increase revenues, increase sustainability, or increase maintenance and  operational efficiencies?   The new operating R/C club (to be created) will be responsible for meeting operation and maintenance needs and insurance coverage. Minimal Pasco personnel for oversight and maintenance   • Critical Path: Does a project need to advance to a certain stage in order to bring capital and needed partners to the  table to implement?   Needs approval of the Pasco City Council Pa g e 1 6 o f 2 2 • Ease of Implementation: Can the project be done quickly and easily (e.g., advanced planning, feasibility studies, and permitting have been completed)? No planning documents have been prepared Existing Hank Perry club charter, rules, and contracts with Spokane County could serve as model ‘go-byes’ • Existing Opportunity: Can the project be implemented using existing park space or available public space (e.g., property already acquired, vacant lands, existing rights of way)? Absolutely • Value: Does the project deliver high value for the cost or resources needed, relative to other projects? Construction ~$600K Maintenance of the racetrack to be largely performed by others (to-be-formed R/C club’s members)  City to provide ‘Porta Potties’, electricity, water, and refuse collection Racing tournaments would infuse several thousands into Pasco’s economy • City Priority: Does the project coincide with or support another City project or City Council initiative? Pasco Radio Control Raceway (PRCR) could be incorporated into the plans for our new Aquatic Park (2.75 acres fenced) • Community Priority: Does the project repair or renovate a high-use, popular park/facility or address top community needs? PPCP would replace video games with real people and real world racing adventures! A Gathering place where people meet and talk in the common language of R/C racing. Pa g e 1 7 o f 2 2 15 Pa g e 1 8 o f 2 2 RADIO CONTROLLED RACEWAY FOR DRONES ? •Minimal additional costs to create aerial drone race course •Existing light poles could serve as anchors for suspended hoops, and other race course challenges •Safety netting for viewers in the upper stands •More information needed for design and safety requirements 16 Pa g e 1 9 o f 2 2 IN CONCLUSION: The new Pasco Radio Control Raceway will: ü Increases Pasco’s prestige; ü Support the CITY OF PASCO | PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN; ü Be relatively inexpensive to design and construct; ü Require minimal city oversite to operate and maintain; ü Provide enjoyment for all ages and abilities; ü Directly infuse thousands into Pasco’s economy, especially during R/C racing tournaments; and Give Pasco youths, families, and visitors a new opportunity to have fun together! 17 Pa g e 2 0 o f 2 2 QUESTIONS? THANK YOU Michael Harrington 509 572 1667 westpasco456@gmail.com Pa g e 2 1 o f 2 2 PLEASE JOIN ME AND VOTE TO RECOMMEND A NEW PASCO RADIO CONTROL RACEWAY : 19 Pa g e 2 2 o f 2 2