HomeMy WebLinkAbout4715 Ordinance - Glacier Park Rezone II (Z 2023-014) - RECORDEDFRANKLIN COUNTY RECORDING COVER SHEET NAME AND RETURN ADDRESS: City of Pasco 525 N. Third Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 FORM COMPLETED BY: Krystle Shanks PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE INFORMATION: AFN # 1987482 ORDIN 06/240024 12:56 PM 13 Page(s) $315.50 Matt Beaton. Auditor Franklin Co.. WA PHONE # (509) 544-3096 DOCUMENT TITLE(S) (or transaction contained therein) 1. Ordinance No. 4715 2. Z2023-014 3. GRANTOR(S) (Last name, first name, middle name/initials): 1. Citv of Pasco 2. 3. 4. Additional names on page of document GRANTEE(S) (Last name, first name, middle name/initials): 1. Dave Greeno 2. Biq Skv Developers LLC 3. 4. Additional names on page of document LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Abbreviated: ie.lot, block, plat or section, township, range) 3-9-29 ✓❑ Additional legal is on page 2 of document AUDITOR'S REFERENCE NUMBER(S) ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY TAX PARCEL NUMBER 114330054 Additional parcel numbers on page of document The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on this form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information EMERGENCY NONSTANDARD REQUEST I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an additional fee of $50.00 as provided in RCW 36.18.010. 1 understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some part of the text of the original document. Signature Date FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF: City of Pasco, Washington WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City of Pasco, Washington Attn: City Clerk 525 North 31d Avenue Pasco, WA 99301 ORDINANCE NO. 4715 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF BURNS ROAD AND OCHOCO LANE, PASCO, FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, FROM C-1 (RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRICT) TO R-3 (MEDIUM -DENSITY RESIDENTIAL). WHEREAS, Dave Greeno, on behalf of Big Sky Developers LLC, the Petitioner, seeks to rezone a portion of Parcel No. 114330054, located Northeast of the intersection of Burns Road and Ochoco Lane, Pasco, Washington; and WHEREAS, a complete and adequate petition for change of zoning classification meeting the requirements of Pasco Municipal Code (PMC) Section 25.210.030 was received by the City of Pasco (City) and, after notice was issued under PMC Section 25.210.040, an open record hearing was conducted by the Pasco Hearing Examiner upon such petition on March 13, 2024; and WHEREAS, based upon substantial evidence and demonstration of the Petitioner that: (a) the proposal is in accord with the goals and policies of the adopted Comprehensive Plan; (b) the effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity is not materially detrimental; (c) there is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole; (d) any impacts of the rezone application and anticipated development will be mitigated by the regulations and requirements of the Pasco Municipal Code and the City of Pasco Design and Constructions Standards; (e) a concomitant agreement is not required under these circumstances; and (f) the proposal is consistent with and satisfies all criteria in PMC Section 25.210.060; the Hearing Examiner has recommended to approve the rezone, which findings and recommendation are hereby adopted by the City Council, and the Hearing Examiner Report is hereby incorporated by reference as Exhibit A. Ordinance Rezone Z 2023-014 Glacier Park II - 1 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PASCO, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Pasco, Washington, and the Zoning Map, accompanying and being part of said Ordinance shall be and hereby is changed from C-1 (Retail Business District) to R-3 (Medium -Density Residential)for the real property as shown in the Exhibit B attached hereto and described as follows: A portion of Lot 4 as depicted and described on Record of Survey for Plat Exemption recorded in Volume 4 of Surveys at Page 327, under Auditor's File Number 1964751, Records of Franklin County, Washington, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 4; thence South 88° 10'15" West along the south line thereof a distance of 351.92 feet; thence leaving said south line, North 01°49'45" West a distance of 407.33 feet; thence North 89°31'00" East a distance of 371.09 feet to the east line of said lot; thence South 00°54'37" West along the east line thereof a distance of 399.07 feet to the Point of Beginning and the end of this description. Comprising approximately 3.34 acres Section 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Ordinance should be held to the invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, subsection, sentence, clause phrase or word of this Ordinance. Section 3. Corrections. Upon approval by the city attorney, the city clerk or the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this Ordinance, including scrivener's errors or clerical mistakes; reference to other local, state, or federal laws, rules, or regulations; or numbering or referencing of ordinances or their sections and subsections. Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take full force and effect five (5) days after approval, passage and publication as required by law. Ordinance Rezone Z 2023-014 Glacier Park II - 2 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Pasco, Washington, on this 3`d day of June, 2024. DocuSigned by: tit, S t,Vra" ,s(en,co- Mayor ATTEST: DocuSigned by: wzy D >3 WAHift CMC City Clerk Published: Sunday, June 9, 2024 Ordinance Rezone Z 2023-014 Glacier Park II - 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: DocuSigned by: _6 F!, ' V' 'f76FgU§ 4h Law, PLLC City Attorneys IN THE MATTER OF ) CORRECTED RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT, RECOMMENDED CONCLUSIONS Z 2023-014 ) OF LAW, Glacier Park #2 ) AND RECOMMENDED DECISION THIS MATTER having come on for hearing in front of the City of Pasco Hearing Examiner on March 13, 2024, the Hearing Examiner having taken evidence hereby submits the following Recommended Findings of Fact, Recommended Conclusions of Law, and Recommended Decision as follows: I. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT 1. PROPERTY/APPLICATION DESCRIPTION: 1.1 Legal: A portion of Lot 4 as depicted and described on Record of Survey for Plat Exemption recorded in Volume 4 of Surveys at Page 327, under Auditor's File Number 1964751, Records of Franklin County, Washington being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 4; thence South 88'10'15" West along the south line thereof a distance of 351.92 feet; thence leaving said south line, North 01 °49'45" West a distance of 407.33 feet; thence North 89°31'00" East a distance of 371.09 feet to the east line of said lot; thence South 00°54'37" West along the east line thereof a distance of 399.07 feet to the Point of Beginning and the end of this description 1.2 General Location: Northeast of the intersection of Burns Road and Ochoco Lane (Franklin County Assessor Parcel 114330054), Pasco, Franklin County, WA 1.3 Prope . Size: Approximately 3.34 acres (145696.09 square feet). 1.4 Request: Rezone Glacier Park Rezone #2 from C-1 (Retail Business District) to R-3 (Medium -Density Residential). 1.5 Owner/Applicant: Big Sky Developers, LLC, 5810 Midland Lane, Unit 65, Pasco, WA 99301. 2. ACCESS: The parcel has access from Burns Road and Road 64. UTILITIES: Municipal water and sewer are available in Burns Road. 4. LAND USE AND ZONING: The site is zoned C-1 (Retail Business District) and is vacant. Surrounding properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: R-3 Vacant; farming EAST: R-1 PSD High School #3 (Under Construction) SOUTH: R-1 SFDUs WEST: RS -40 Mobile Homes (County) Z 2023 014 Glacier Park #2 Rezone Page 1 of 8 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates this site as Mixed Residential and Commercial. The Mixed Residential and Commercial designation accommodates a diverse range of housing at a density of 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre, as well as nonresidential uses, commercial uses, neighborhood retail and office uses, parks and recreation areas, and civic uses, and allows R-1 through R-4, C-1, O, and MU zones. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Pasco is the lead agency for this project. Based on the State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") checklist, Comprehensive Plan, applicable regulations, and other information, a threshold determination resulting in a Determination of Non -Significance (DNS) was issued for this project on 11 December 2023, under WAC 197-11-158. Mitigation: 6.1 A professional archaeological survey of the project area following National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) Section 106 protocol shall be conducted, and a report be produced prior to ground disturbing activities. 6.2 Per Franklin County, the City of Pasco shall take ownership of the segment of future Convention Drive north of Burns Road after development. 6.3 This is a non -project action. Subsequent developments will require new SEPA Checklists and Determinations. REQUEST: Applicant Dave Greeno, on behalf of Big Sky Developers LLC, submitted a rezone application (Z 2023-014) from C-1 (Retail Business District) to R-3 (Medium -Density Residential), for a 3.34 -acre site located north of and adjacent to the intersection of Burns Road and Ochoco Lane, generally in and around Parcel 114330054, Pasco, Franklin County, WA. The current C-1 tract located within Parcel 114 330 054 comprises approximately 3.34 acres and is vacant. The proposed zoning change would provide for a mixed residential development with a mixture of duplex, townhomes and small detached single-family lots. Rezone 2023-014 Calculations Description Acres S .Ft. Percent Parcel 114 330 054 Area 6.19 269 595.00 100.00% Current R-3 Area 2.84 123,896.00 45.96% C-1 to R-3 Rezone Area 3.34 145,699.00 54.04% 8. HISTORY: The site was annexed into the City in 2022 (Ordinance 4574-A) and assigned C- I (Retail Business District) (Ordinance 4584) in conjunction with the annexation, and in alignment with the City's 2018- 2038 Pasco Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, which designated the site "Commercial;" On April 17, 2023 Council approved Ordinance 4652, a Future Land Use Map amendment to the Pasco Comprehensive Plan, changing the designation of the land use from "Commercial" to "Mixed Residential and Commercial." The Mixed Residential and Commercial designation accommodates a diverse range of housing at a density of 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre, as well as nonresidential uses, commercial uses, neighborhood retail and office uses, parks and recreation areas, and civic uses, and allows R- 1 through R-4, C-1, O, and MU zones. On November 6, 2023 the City Council approved Ordinance 4691, amending the zoning of approximately 10.20 acres of Parcel 114 330 052, 114 330 053, and 114 330 054 from CA to R-3 (Z 2023-005), leaving approximately 3.34 acres zoned C-1. Z 2023 014 Glacier Park #2 Rezone Page 2 of 8 9. REZONE CRITERIA: The initial review criteria for considering a rezone application are explained in PMC 25.88.030. The criteria are listed below as follows: 9.1 The date the existing zone became effective: 9.1.1 The site was designated C-1 (Retail Business District) zoning in conjunction with the 2022 annexation, and in alignment with the City's 2018- 2038 Pasco Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, which at the time designated the site "Commercial." 9.2 The changed conditions, which are alleged to warrant other or additional zoning: 9.2.1 On April 17, 2023, Council approved Ordinance 4652, a Future Land Use Map amendment to the Pasco Comprehensive Plan, changing the designation of the land use from "Commercial" to "Mixed Residential and Commercial." 9.2.2 On November 6, 2023, the City Council approved Ordinance 4691, amending the zoning of approximately 10.20 acres of Parcels 114 330 052, 114 330 053, and 114 330 054 from C-1 to R-3 (Z 2023-005), leaving approximately 3.34 acres zoned C-1. 9.2.3 Residential land to accommodate recent population projections is critical for the City to keep pace with growth and to help STEM the affordable housing crisis. According to the City's comprehensive plan, Pasco is expected to grow by 48,238 people by the year 2038. This level of population growth will require significant new housing stock. Conversion of 3.34 acres from commercial to medium density residential will help lay groundwork to meet this demand. Recent construction of large new industrial facilities and announcements of additional facilities (Amazon, Darigold, Reser's) could bring an estimated 2,500 jobs to the City. 9.2.4 With such expansion of industrial jobs, workforce housing becomes critical to the economic health of the community. Adding 3.34 acres of medium density zoning to the City's residential land base provides for a variety of housing types and densities to help meet some of the demand for new housing, including workforce housing. The R-3 zone in the Comprehensive Plan Mixed Residential/Commercial Land Use designation area would allow for a diverse range of housing at a density range of 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre. 9.2.5 Additionally, the Pasco School District is currently constructing a new high school immediately east of the site. The proximity of a school to residential neighborhood is desirable in terms of reducing the number of vehicle trips needed to transport students from home to school and eliminating the need for busing students who live close to the school. The number of teachers and other district employees required to operate the school would also benefit from housing choices that the development of the project site represents. 9.2.6 The site's proximity to an existing commercial center reduces the potential for commercial development on the site significantly. The distance from the site to the intersection of Road 68 and Wrigley Drive is 1.3 miles. A 3 - minute drive to the City's largest regional shopping area with the variety of commercial services that exist there makes commercial development of the site unappealing. Z 2023 014 Glacier Park #2 Rezone Page 3 of 8 9.3 Facts to justify the change on the basis of advancing the public health, safety and general welfare: 9.3.1 A rezone from Retail Business (C-1) to R-3 (Medium -Density Residential) would allow medium -density residential development to occur along a major arterial street. The rezone would allow for residential density between 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre. 9.3.2 The rezone application and proposal are consistent with the Council - approved amendments to the Pasco Comprehensive Plan, which has been determined to be in the best interest of advancing public health, safety and general welfare of the community. 9.3.3 From a public health perspective, future residential development of the site would encourage walking to and from school. The Barbara Mcclintock science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) Elementary School and Mariposa Park are .7 miles from the entrance to the site, while the Rosalind Franklin STEM Elementary School is .8 miles from the site. Additionally, the site is immediately adjacent a future high school currently under construction. Existing neighborhoods adjoining the site are developed with sidewalks, so safe walking routes are already in place. 9.3.4 In terms of public safety, the site is located 1.25 miles from Pasco Fire Station #83, well within the established response time zone. 9.3.5 Safety of the future residential community will also be provided for through the implementation of the civil, building and fire codes which mandate adequate access, fire hydrants and similar fire and life safety requirements for all new development.. 9.4 The effect it will have on the value and character of the adjacent property and the Comprehensive Plan: 9.4.1 A change in zoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan. According to the table in Pasco Municipal Code (PMC) 25.215.015, the Mixed Residential and Commercial designation accommodates a diverse range of housing at a density of 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre, as well as nonresidential uses, commercial uses, neighborhood retail and office uses, parks and recreation areas, and civic uses, and allows R-1 through R-4, C-1, O, and MU zones. 9.4.2 Further, the adjacent property's value and character are not anticipated to be negatively affected because mixed-use development has been established by City Council as an appropriate and beneficial use of the site, as set forth in the City's approved Comprehensive Plan. 9.4.3 The site is adjacent an existing single-family neighborhood to the south, across Burns Road, which provides an effective separation to the medium - density residential uses that could be developed on-site. Residential development adjacent the future high school site would also benefit the high school, as students within the future residential development would not need to be bussed to school, and additional housing stock could provide a convenient location for future high school employees. Z 2023 014 Glacier Park 42 Rezone Page 4 of 8 9.4.4 The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan.. 9.5 The effect on the property owner or owners if the request is not granted: 9.5.1 If the property remains with the current C-1 zoning designation the site would likely continue to remain vacant for a while, as residential demand is currently outpacing retail commercial in the area. 9.5.2 While some commercial services are desirable in this area, Applicant has concluded that 3.34 acres is too large, given the site's proximity to the regional commercial services that are conveniently located approximately a mile away. 9.6 The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property: 9.6.1 The City Council has recently approved an update to the Comprehensive Plan; The Land Use Element of the Plan now designates the lot "Mixed Residential -Commercial;" both the current and the proposed zoning district are compatible with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation. 9.6.2 Mixed Residential and Commercial designation accommodates a diverse range of housing at a density of 5 to 29 dwelling units per acre, as well as nonresidential uses, commercial uses, neighborhood retail and office uses, parks and recreation areas, and civic uses, and allows R-1 through R-4, C-1, O, and MU zones. 9.6.3 The proposed rezone application would implement or be consistent with the following comp plan policies: 9.6.4 LU -2-A Policy: Maintain sufficient land designated to accommodate residential, commercial, industrial, educational, public facility, and open - space uses proximate to appropriate transportation and utility infrastructure. 9.6.5 A rezone of this property providing for residential development would provide for future neighborhood medium density residential land uses on a site that is adjacent to Burns Road, a principal arterial in a location where existing utility services are available to serve future development. The proposed rezone is consistent with the intent of this policy. 9.6.6 LU -2-13 Policy: Facilitate planned growth within the City limits and UGA and promote infill developments in the City limits through periodic review of growth patterns and market demand within each of the City's land use designations. 9.6.7 As the demand for residential land use increases, additional residential land and higher residential densities provide greater flexibility for the City and landowners to meet the rising demand for new housing units. The proximity of other medium density residential land to the site makes this infill property particularly well suited for future residential use. 9.6.8 LU -4-B Policy: Encourage infill and higher density uses within proximity to major travel corridors and public transportation service areas. Z 2023 014 Glacier Park 42 Rezone Page 5 of 8 9.6.9 The site's proximity to Burns Road, a planned principal arterial makes medium density residential development of the site consistent with this land Z 2023 014 Glacier Park #2 Rezone Page 6 of 8 use policy. 9.6.10 LU -4-D Policy: Designate areas for higher density residential developments where utilities and transportation facilities enable efficient use of capital resources. 9.6.11 Medium density residential development on the site would fulfill this comprehensive plan policy of placing higher density development in areas where transportation and utility infrastructure is present, as the site is adjacent to a principal arterial street and a 16" water main is located immediately adjacent to the site. 9.6.12 LU -5-A Policy: Allow a variety of residential densities throughout the UGA. 9.6.13 An R-3 medium density zone allows for a variety of housing types and densities, including single family homes, patio homes, duplexes, townhomes, apartments and condominiums. High density residential development of the site would help to implement this land use policy, while helping to satisfy the rising demand for housing that is currently felt both locally and regionally. 9.6.14 LU -5-B Policy: Encourage higher residential densities within and adjacent to major travel corridors, Downtown (Central Business District), and Broadmoor. 9.6.15 Burns Road, which is a planned principal arterial, would qualify as a major travel corridor and its proximity to the site would help to implement this policy of placing higher density residential uses to adjacent to major travel corridors. 9.6.16 6-A Policy: Encourage commercial and higher -density residential uses along major corridors and leverage infrastructure availability. 9.6.17 The site's proximity to a planned principal arterial street in a location where water is readily available and capable of supporting additional development makes the proposed rezone consistent with this land use policy. 9.6.18 H -1-A Policy: Allow for a full range of housing including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums, apartments, and manufactured housing, accessory dwelling units, zero lot line, planned unit developments etc. 9.6.19 The proposed medium density residential zoning would provide for the future development of residential uses including patio homes, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums and so would contribute to the full range of housing types that this policy encourages. 9.6.20 H -1-B Policy: Higher intensity housing should be located near arterials and neighborhood or community shopping facilities and employment areas. 9.6.21 Placing a Medium Density Residential zoning on the site would implement the policy of placing higher intensity housing near arterials. The site is conveniently located to the regional commercial services that are located along Road 68 as well as providing easy access to the freeway.. 9.7 Such other information as the Hearing Examiner requires. Z 2023 014 Glacier Park #2 Rezone Page 6 of 8 9.7.1 The rezone application is consistent with and meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and City Council Goals. The opportunity for a mix of residential and retail commercial uses in this area supports the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. 10. Public notice of this hearing was sent to property owners within 300 feet of the property and posted in the Tri -City Herald on February 27, 2024. 11. An open record public hearing after due legal notice was held March 13, 2024, with the Planning Department staff and public appearing in person and the Hearing Examiner appearing via videoconference. 12. Appearing at the hearing was Rick Simon. Mr. Simon stated that he was an agent of the Applicant/property owner and that he agreed with the staff report. 13. No member of the public testified at the hearing. 14. The staff report, application materials, agency comments and the entire file of record were admitted into the record. 15. Any Conclusion of Law that is more correctly a Finding of Fact is hereby incorporated as such by this reference. H. RECOMMENDED CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Before recommending approval of this rezone, the Hearing Examiner has developed findings of fact from which to draw those conclusions based upon the criteria listed in PMC 25.210.060. The criteria are as follows: 1. The proposal is in accordance with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: 1.1 The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan designates the lot "Mixed Residential and Commercial District." The proposed R-3 zoning district would be in alignment with the Land Use map within the City's Comprehensive Plan. Future potential development could additionally foster or help to implement the following policies from the Comprehensive Plan: 1.2 LU -2-A Policy: Maintain sufficient land designated to accommodate residential, commercial, industrial, educational, public facility, and open -space uses proximate to appropriate transportation and utility infrastructure. 1.3 LU -2-B Policy: Facilitate planned growth within the City limits and UGA and promote infill developments in the City limits through periodic review of growth patterns and market demand within each of the City's land use designations. 1.4 LU -4-B Policy: Encourage infill and higher density uses within proximity to major travel corridors and public transportation service areas. 1.5 LU -4-D Policy: Designate areas for higher density residential developments where utilities and transportation facilities enable efficient use of capital resources. 1.6 LU -5-A Policy: Allow a variety of residential densities throughout the UGA. 1.7 LU -5-B Policy: Encourage higher residential densities within and adjacent to major travel corridors, Downtown (Central Business District), and Broadmoor. 1.8 6-A Policy: Encourage commercial and higher -density residential uses along major corridors and leverage infrastructure availability. 1.9 H -1-A Policy: Allow for a full range of housing including single family homes, townhouses, condominiums, apartments, and manufactured housing, accessory dwelling units, zero lot line, planned unit developments etc. Z 2023 014 Glacier Park #2 Rezone Page 7 of 8 1.10 H-1-13 Policy: Higher intensity housing should be located near arterials and neighborhood or community shopping facilities and employment areas.. 2. The effect of the proposal on the immediate vicinity will not be materially detrimental. 2.1 The site is adjacent an existing single-family neighborhood to the south, across Burns Road, which provides an effective separation to the medium density residential uses that could be developed on-site. Residential development adjacent the future high school site would also benefit the high school, as students within the future residential development would not need to be bussed to school and additional housing stock could provide a convenient location for future high school employees. 3. There is merit and value in the proposal for the community as a whole. 3.1 The proposed zoning designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the Goals and Policies as adopted by the Pasco City Council. In addition to fulfilling the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, the proposal includes infill development and promotes a healthy and robust mixed-use environment. 4. Conditions should be imposed in order to mitigate any significant adverse impacts from the proposal. 4.1 The rezone application and anticipated project are subject to the regulations and requirements of the Pasco Municipal Code and the City of Pasco Design and Construction Standards. As such, no conditions should be imposed; any future development will be evaluated for significant adverse impacts at the time of a development application, which will also be subject to review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). 5. A Concomitant Agreement should be entered into between the City and the petitioner, and if so, the terms and conditions of such an agreement. 5.1 If or when applicants pursue the development of this property, they will be required to conform to design standards established by the PMC. No Concomitant Agreement is considered necessary for this application. 6. Any Finding of Fact that is more correctly a Conclusion of Law is hereby incorporated as such by this reference. III. RECOMMENDED DECISION Based on the above Recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Hearing Examiner RECOMMENDS APPROVAL that that a Portion of Lot 4 as described in the attached Exhibits A" and "B, " be rezoned from C-1 (Retail Business District) to R-3 (Medium -Density Residential). Dated this day of May, 2024. :CITYJOFPCO HEARING EXAMINER ew L. Kottkamp Z 2023 014 Glacier Park 42 Rezone Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT "B" LOT 2 ROS 1964751 EXISTING ZONING"LINE N89' 31' 00"E 371.09' LOT 3 '1 ��r1 LOT 4 C ROS 00 r7 ROS ai 1964751. E �I 1964751 LOrn .� o V) 4 ,3 / - 9 10 S88' 10' 15"W 351.92' N 5804 Road 90, Suite H, Pasco, WA 99301 1 "=XX' 509.380.5883 TEL JOB NO. 2210790.50 509.380.5885 FAX July 19, 2023 famom. REZONE THIS EXHIBIT HAS BEEN PREPARED TO ASSIST IN THE INTERPRETATION LEGAL BY: TD EXHIBIT BY: TD OF THE ACCOMPANYING LEGAL DESCRIPTION. IF THERE IS A CONFLICT w:\sdskproj\2021\2210790\2210790—blo—rezone.dwg BETWEEN THE WRITTEN LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND THIS SKETCH, THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHALL PREVAIL