HomeMy WebLinkAboutILA - 2011 Special Investigations Unit (SIU) � ' 2011-007569 AGR o3r11f �olt 1 L a9 : 58 RM Pa9e � � 2s Fee : 3e7 . Do q1 Wehner Bpe�nIIlon Cou`nqtyu, FB� enyionIyCa, unI ,lyvpRudilo1rp' s uOtlic1e ] ,� �[ ` ` �'I1k� ���b ��i51i1' kl 'ii�V4bYTfi� 1 "5' ro ��� � I7S'f�� �Y3�iilYl �d IYi'�� til��8 �I �II Rchim Namc �nd AdAress �. /� L W �=FI iV CR � I CH i.Al�D F D 8 � I Gwr..i ,z � cE� cAr� ; a.�Fl v>.;2 PLI?AS�: � 121N'C OR 7'YYE ]NEOR\4A7' IUN : Documen [ TitIc : SIU t �vr�2LoC;�i � /I ;V � ��247"oCn � Crantor(s)(Lasc ��ama lirs�, tirsc name, middle iuitiuls ) ; � c� � -i or- T irwua �; n z a. Additiounl nemcs on p�gc � ' .� oi' documcn[, Gruntee(s)(Las[ name tirst, ii �st na�ue , �niddle ini � ials) : i . ctYy oF � + C �-{ �,� �� 0 z . 3 . 4 . Additio�3al names oi� page .� `S of documcnL I ,egu1 dc3crip [ iun (��hhrcviated: i .e. , €o� , block, plat or sect[on, lownship, rangq ylrlytr ) sau ) i,�7Ck !� r. q �- � cf'..�� l� �srrr Additional legal is o�� page of documcn[. I2efcrence Number(s) of Uoco�ncnts nin9igned or rolcased : Additional numbers on page of docmnem. Assestiur' s Proper� y Tux PareeUAcaouut Nwuber : (NIUST HA \'F, 15 AICI 'GS) Properry Tax Parcel ID is not yct assigncd, Additional parcel numbers on pase of document. The AoditorlRecorder .vill rcly ou [he inNunnation pr�- ided on the Yorm . '1' he sLaf( will not rcoiJ thc document to veri (y Ihe accuracy ar rompEeteness o( the indezi�fg inl'urmmiion . INTERLOCAL AGREEMEt�l' FOR SPECIAL INVESTZGATIONS i.R3TT TO 2NVE3TIGATE OFFICER TNVOLVED SNCSDENTS THIS TN'PERLOCAL AGREEMENT is eEfective UpOn the ddtE executed by a1. 1. parties and iCs recording wiLh the & enton County Audieor . In consideration of the mutual covenants 3�e � ow , the parties agree as follows : 1 , pARTiES . The partzes to this Agreement are Benton and Frankli. n counties , political subdivisions of the State of Washington , the municipalities of Kennewick , Richland , 41est Richland , Prosser. , Pasco , and Connell , and the Washington State Patrol , an agency of the State of Washington . 2 . AUTHORITX . This Agreemeat is enterecl into pursuan [ to Chapter 10 . 93 ( Washington MUCua1 Aid Peace Officers Powers Act ) and Chapter 39 . 34 ( TnterloCal CooperaCibn Act ) of the Revised Code of Washington . 3 . PUx�oSE . The parties hereto desire to establish a Special Inves � igations vnit consisting of �. aw ee� torcement o � ficers from the various local law enforcement agencies to he ]. p facili. tate orderly , thorough and objective investigations of incidents involving 1aw enforcement officers that result in grievous or fatal injury to another person ar [ o an of � icer resulting � rom acts o � another person . 4 . FORMATION . Ther� is hereby created a multi - jurisdictional team tp be known as the " SPECTI�L SNVESTSGAT20N5 01vIT " ( " SIu ^ } , the memhers of which s .Zall be officers from some or all oP the parties hereto and who shall be selected and shall operate in accordance with Y. he Special Investigations Unit Protocol , attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference ( " STU ProtacoJ. " ) . 5 . DIIRATION RND TERMSNATION . TY1e term Of thi5 Agreement shall be through December 31 , 2011 , This Agreement shall automatically extend for consecutive one ( 1 } year terms , unless terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreemant . A party may terminate this Agreement or , alternatively , witildraw its participation in SIU by providing written notice to the chief 1aw enforcement officer for each party of its intent to Cerminate or withdraw from this Agreement . A notice of Z termination or withdrawal sha11 become effective upon the latter of : a } ninety ( 90 ) days after servi. ce of the notice on the chief law en� orcemene oPficers for. a11 parties ; or b1 at the conclusion of any S1❑ investigation that is pending on the date specified by ( a ) above . 6 . GO'VERr�aNCE . SIU shall be governed by L- he STO Protocol attached hereto and incorpor. ar_ ed by refexence . The SIU Protocol may be amended from time to time by written approval of the Voting Member Agencies as definefl in the SIU Protocol . Upon such amendment , ehe amended ST� � rotocol wi11 be grovided to each Sheriff and Chxef and shall supercede any pxior versions of that document . 7 . ASSTGNMENT OF OFFSCERS . The parCies agree to cooperate with respect to the assigning of officers to the SIU and that the appoxntment of 9IU officers wi11 be in aceordance wi. th the SIU Protocol . 8 . REpUEST FOR 9IU ASSTSTANCE . As stated in the SIII Protocol , departments are unfler no obligation to request the assistance of S �U . If the assistance oE the szU is requested , tfie SIu sha11 be activated and wi11 operate pursuant to the STU Protoco ? . 9 . ALLOCATION OF LIAHILITY/ IN�EI:IlISEICATI �N . Each o £ the parties agrees th� t any 1iak� tl .i. ty or claim Eor non - vehicular property damages or non - vehicular cau� ed property damages arising out of the actions or inacticns of an of � icer that has been appointed to the SSU and acting within Che course and scope of the officer ' s duties as a member of the SIU shall be the responsibility of the venue Agency . Each of the parties agrees that any other lial� ility or claim arisrng out of the actions or inactions of an officer that has been appointed to the SIU and aceing within the course and scope of the officer ' s duties as a member of the Ssu shall be the responsibility of the agency employing the S ]: o o £ ficer { s ) whose actions or inactions are in question . These provisions are a. ntended to expressly allocate liability by written agreement as authorized by RCW 10 . 93 . 440 . These provisions are not intended to re9uire indemnification or payment by any party of that portion of any judgment against any members af the Siu team or party hereto based on intentional wrong� ful conduct tha [ is outside � he scope of employment of any members of the SIU o ',r. of that portion of any judgment for punitive damages against a SI ❑ team member or party Co this 7. Agreement . Payment of punitive damages , if any , shall be the sole responszbility of any individual against whom said judgmant is rendered unless his or her employer elects to make said payment voluntarily . In the event that a claim or lawsuir is brought against a party or its employee ( s ) fvr actions arising out of their conduct in the operation of the SIU , such party sha � l promptly notify all other pareies in writing that said claim or lawsuit has been Ei1ed or commenced . 10 . NO PRIOR AGRSEMENTS . This Agreement and the exhibit aCtached hereto conta � n the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement . Any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated in this Agreemant are speci � zcally excluded . This Agreement aupersedes a11 prior negotiations , agreemen� s and understandings with respect thereto . This Agreement may only be amended ]�y a written document duly executed by all parties ; provided , the szu Protocol may be amended as provided in paragraph 6 above . 11 . INTBRLOCAL COOPERATION ACT PROV29ION6 . No special budget or funds are antici.pated nor created to implement this Agreement . It is not intanded �hat a separate legal entity be established to conduct this cooperative undertaking , nor is the acquiring , holding , or disposing o � real or personal property contemplated other than as specifically provided within the terms of this Agreement . The Chief of Folice for the City of Richland or his or her designee sha11 be the Administraeor of Chis Snterlocal Agreement . 12 . EST.ING wiTH AUDITOR . This Agreement sha1J, be filed wiCh the Senton County Auditor . 13 . AUTHORIZEn SSGNATORIES . By signing below , Che signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this Agreement on behalf of the party , and the party agrees to the terms of this Agreement . BENT COUNTY FRANFCLIN COiTNPY ,� l-- � G�,.� �: 6teve Ke e , Sheri [ £ Richard Lathim , heri � E Date : Z��I DdCE: : � - `j � � A � � 3 r � ` Andy Mi er , �osec� ing Attorney Shawn Sant , exosecuting Attorney D e : ^ } 5 �a� Jo Hanaen § Co�oner Oan Blasdel , Coroner Da Z ` � � L1 Date : r'�c � m �,�,�.�a�..� Leo Bowman , Chairman of Boazd Robe t Koch , Chai. rman of HoaYd of Commissioners of Commissioners Date : Z -2F -2o / i nate : ;� - `��� � � attes : Attest : �'n"- " ��r ��� �-9 aaii ev � ' � � n� �/ c.v sy : rl�rk �_ tG�B��. +^ c� � �a.� � ' Approved as to form : Approved as Co form : .�,. `�'-'�.�-� ��`�-~. 1/F/2 ur � Rya� Brown , Chief �eputy Prosecutor Shawn Sant , ProsecuCor CITY OF TCENNEW� CK CI OP PASCO � --� ��.��--- -� �i�i ��.�--- Ken Hohenberg , C ' Police �eni ust n ChG' ef of Police Da . a�. ! Date a � I f Steve Young , M or Gary Cr ch ' d , City Manager DaCe : p2�����q Da . � � 4 ( � e! � . � � �J BY � �l�i � atf deY, Cit" � Cle 4 By : ! 11 • I—� appxoved as to form : appz d s to Form : �� �� �� Lisa Seaton , City Attorney Le2and B . Kerr , City Attorney CITY OF RICH JD CITY OF CONN�LL . ,----- �� r�� Mike obb , Acting Chief of Poli. ce Mike Xessle , ief oE Police ➢ate : ,� _ � _ � � Date : 4 ` C t ' a D . Sohnson ' y Manager , Meyor - a -Tern, Dat • DaYe : '� ' �. - a. D 11 /'1 Attest : �'1�Lc�k, n y-e ,�G�. J Fox D ay SY = 3 - - 2n / / te : , Approve � as t form : Attest : �i�"t�� By : � / " / / ❑an Hult r nn , ity Attorney Appro ed as to form • � � � CI Y F SSSA Thomas Lampson , � City ttorney � �� t� Patr ' ck M Cullough , Chiet of Pnlice Y OF WEST RICHLAND �ate : f � !/ rr+cr-' L�- Brian MCE roy , ChieP of Police Paul Warden , Mf yo� � L � Date : l �' Date : � ^ / ' / , �onna Noski , ayo ACtest : �ate : � S BY ' �� Attest : /Yl�u- �a��,�� s� : WABAINGTON , STATE PATROL ������.� ��--- John R . �atiste , Chaef oE Washington State Patrol oate : 2 -Z �—/ / . 5 EXHTBIT A [ SUT PTotoCOl ] 6 � F � � a � � •� � ,py� y � . . • � ji� �� p, 5 C�Q A j; � � {�' , . �����'� wGt'� ',ti1• 1,` .'{��a� N ? � .� �• �� ,�C,' � L�l � � �� � r � � �'� � 4` �` ' ' °'� � ; � i� ��r 4:' � P ��� (�!'E���� ♦ � �:__�n� � �;i 0 � �` �� � '�k���" ,r ,3 �+: �� � �n�; ��r . � ' �� � � �� i � �f, ,'C�.. � `� �t'_ �';. ry � ' ,� r / ' s _ ` l . ' j t� �ox�s � 'z , ` v -'�tt.i9+�� ' I S � � cs � L � �vv � �� � � �� � � � � U � s � � . __ � � __T.. Pra,toco ! ; �___._ -- - - ._� Nlernber , Agenciest ' � Benton 'County Sheriff' 's C7ffi'ce �Franklin County Sher,iff' s .Gffice � � � Kennewick Pofice� ,Department Pasco Police Department . ! .. _Riehfa:nd",Police D.epartment VI%ashington State P�atrol ; West Richiand 'Police Departiment Connell� Police . Dep�artrr► ent e 'Pr,.osser Police� ''�'epart� er�t Benton Coun�ty. Prosecutor . � ., F�anklin County- Prosecutor� � Benton County Co�oner: � F�ranklin Courity Corone� . � o;S ��p�v�� , ��,�Q�,, ' � „ � Q� = � ; �y � r�� a��' , 4 � �, . r / ,o : 4� - �� G�/l'/��;( �D : h,� w�e� �, „n,+ i f� '� � �� 1? .� ' ti ��Gr�' ca�' � ` w;'� ' � �' - :�'� - �_, �C� � c ��� 4 . ,�- ,,� l��,QAE _ �,� LO. r. � ; � �_ �. �� , s�L l��, �. . ,.� 5S0 �, ��� � . Revised January 6, 2011 . Tia ble�;of,,Con.`tents 1.: MISSIQN� A'ND PURPOSE OF�SIU; _ , , -_ : _. ,,• __ "� _ . .. ._. . .. .. .. . .. . ..3 2. GOQL`S� OF ,SIU _. ::: • •_ 3 3. GOV �RNANCE+ . . . :. . .._ ,,. . . . . . . _ . _ . __. . .3 4. CRIMINALiINV,ESTIGATIONIAND� ADMINISTRATIUE� RE1l, IEyll , , ;, ;, , , , , , ,, ;, , , , , , ,, , , 3 5: COS�TjS . . �� _ . - : . . . :.. . . . . . . . . .:. ... . .a 6 . DEFINITIONSL__ . ... . . . . . . . . . : . . . :.4 7r. UNIJTi MEiNBERS� , _ . . . ,_ ., .. - . ,,. ,. , .. . .6 8�. UNIT COMPOSItYIONI , . : - � � _. . . . . .: , •_ . .7 9: APFOIN�TItAEIVTISELECTION� Q,F'UNI� MEMBERSL __,,,. , , , , ,,_ __, . ____ . . 8 1Q CON.FIDENT� 'ALfTY� __ - .9 11 REMOVAL !FROM UNIT . . :. . . . . . , . . ,g 1�2 UNIT"MEMBERS FROM} ANIEMP 'LOY,ER AGENCY _ __ . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . _ . , . ._ , . . _ ;g 1�3� TIR'AI_NING' _ ._ ._. ..: :��_.__._ . . . .. . , . . . . ._. . . . . .,. . . _ 14'. SIU;R �COR�Sc �. , �. . .,_ . . . . . . . :. . . ._ . . . . . :. . : . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . 10 15. REQUESTlING �51Ui-ASSISaTrANCE;, - -:, : ;. ..; . . . .. . _ . _--` . .,.. _;;j0 16 :C�TIV�A�TjION�. ,—.:. .�. _. . • _��_ •___ •�__ . . . . . . . : . . . . :. :. :. . . :f40 r� -� _ _ 17. UTHORITiY . : ;, .� . . . . . . . . . . _. _ .;1,Q 78! V,ENU� �AGENCYRESPONSIBILITIES`: , . . ., , . . , ., . _ .,,`. _ ._^ . ;�.� 19 . OBTAININGiiCRI,TiICAL INFQRMA-,TiIQN,• • • - • • ,• • • • , • • • _ ._. . . .., .. . .:g.2 20 T�URNING �OUER CONTROL QF THE CRIME� SCENE TO� SIi9 _ , :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 21 SIU�GUIqELINES ._:. _ . . .. ._._ ., .. ._.,. . . . . . . . . . _ .T . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . 13 � _ --_ . _ _ - - - 22 SEIZING AN40FF,ICER S� WEAPON , . . .,. .. . ... . .. . . .. : i•_• _ . ., . . .T.,13 23'c RECIOGNIZINGuPOiTiENTIAL, TiRAUMA,. ._ • • :.-. . ;:• ; __:. . . ...,. .. . . . .�3 24': REiN01"/,ING,iOEF�ICERS FRQ.MfTiHE„SGENE , _. ._ _ _..,._. . . . . ,. , _;.. . . : . : �,3 25 . PEER,�SUP�POFt7 GRQUP C0[1NSELQRS ... , :. : . .� 3 26' UO'GUMENTjING `THE�!INVQLVED QFFECER S CQNDITIO.N . .,,_; __ , . .,_1 , - - - - - 2_7- INTERV, IEWING�'LAW��ENFORCEMENT ;EMPL:QYEES' -.A _ _, , ;; , , , , , , , , , , „� � - - - . . . : - 2$ INT�OXIC°ANl' �TjESTING _. ,_. . . . .16 29� R � LI�UING�IINVOLW�ED 4F� fCERS OF1I� UTY� � � .;� 6 - - - 3:0 . PL�ANNED;�P,OLICE?iAG-��ION�':.. : � : . _. . ,.:: . . y . .. ..�. ._., . . ... . . ._.,16 31 '� AU�TOPSY ,— :;_ -. . . :, . ::_ .;. . ,_ . � . . . 16 32 KEEPINGF E �U�ENUElEMPLOYERAG � NCY1lJFORM �pa ,4 . . . ._. . . . . � 6 33 . REL�E%aSE',�OFNINFpRMATlON;!! PUBLIC' iINFORMATIONi QF„F�ICER ., .,16 34. RELEASE(QF TjliE CRIME:iSCENE ..: , ,; _ , .v��� 35� REF�ERRAr!'- 'T�O� THE!(COUN�TrY�iPROSECUaT�ORi .:, _ , _ , . �7 36� EVIDENCE �STiORCAGEG ;., . _ . .. ..:_ - . . 1i�7 37,� CA$ E F,ILES,. . . .� . . . . :�,7�7 - -� __ 38 INC4pENTDEBRIEFINGr . ._ . . . . . . . . . ; . .- ._.,. ;_.,.;. _ .. . . : f8 _ _ _ 39+ pRGANlZ%1TjIONAL�tCHART:: : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.;. .. . . . . . : . . . . . . . .. . : . .. .,1:9 - � Specra! lnvestigatlons Unif (S!U) Pmtocoi a o • - e o The purpose of Yhe Special Investigations LIniY (SiU ) is to investigate officer-involved incidenfs that occur within Benton and Franklin Caunties which involve great bodily harm or death The SIU will conduct a criminal investigation to develop rele�ant information to allow a determination of the presence or absence of criminal liability on the part of those involved in the incident, spec�cally : A. To determine whefher the nature and the quality of the involved cond �ct is prohibited by statutes which provide for criminal penalfies upon convictiort, and B. if criminal conduct does exist, determine the iden#ity of the person (s) responsible , and C . If cnminal conduct does exist, determine the degree of crime(s) , the existence of any factual or legal defenses ta that Crime , and the presence or absence of any faCtors which r,oufd mitigate or aggravate punishment for that crime. While SIU cEoes not investigate administrative concerns the Employer Agency may have, it is recognized the criminal investigation results are of interest to the Venue and Employer Agencies for their in#emal use . The results of the SIU criminal investigation will be fully available to the Venue and Emplayer Agencies for that purpose unless otherwise prohibited by law. SIU C�iminal investigations shall follow the rules of law esiablished by the state and federal constitutions , and statutory and case law whicft apply to criminal investigaYions . The in�estigation shall he perFormed in a manner thaf provides bpth the appearance and the reality of a thorough , fair, complete and professional investigation Yhat is free of conflicts of interest. • � e A. To perfarm the criminal investigation of officer-invoived incidents likely to result i� great bodi€y harm or death . 8 . To promote public trust by conducting professional and consistent multiyurisdictional investigations of officer-involued incidents which involve great bodily harrn or death . C . To maximize the availability and sharing of the latest technalogical equipment and techniques . D . To consolidate and share the skills of the most experienced commanders, superoisors and investigatars. E. To conduct thorough investigations in a timely fashion . 0 The creation and operation of the 5pecia] Investigations Unit (SIU) will be governed by an lnter- Local Agreement signed by the Chiefl5heriflfor participating law enforcement agencies, and participating Prosecutors and Coroners . SIU Protocol will identify operafional espects of the Unit. • o r The Employer Agency shall be responsible for any administrative investigation and/or review of officer-involved incidents . The SIU criminal investigation has investigative priority over the adminisirative investigation andlor review. Employer Agency personnel conducting an 3 Revrsed January 6, 2011 Special lnvestigatrons Unit (SlU) Protocol administrative investigation andlor review should r�ot be involved in an SIU investigation , nor wilf they normally be present or engag� in SIU interviews with Subject or Witness Officers. An allowable exception may be iF the Involved O�cer or Witness O�cers agree to provide a single voluntary (rson -compelled Garrity) statement, and requests that EmployerAgency personnel conducting an administrative investigation and/or review be allowed to sit in and participate on the SIU oriminal investigation interview. a Each Member Agency shall be responsible for their employees ' wages and associated empfoyea costs of the SIU . Rny neces5ary equipment or other assoCiafed investigative costs that ar� not covered by the shared resources of the Member Agencies shall be th� responsibility of the Venue Agency upon the approval of the Venue Agency CF� ieHSheriff. This includes potential costs for a private company to transcribe S111 recorded interviews . The SIU Commander shall consult with the Venue Agency ChieflSheriff prior to comrltitting to any additional costs . The SIU will not be responsible for handling clairr�s of damage to private property as a result of the O�cer-Involved Incident or subsequent criminal investigation . Resppnsibility for handling such claims shall fall upon ihe Venue Agency Chief/Sheriff. � s A. O� FICER-INVOLVED INCIDENT Incidents in which the member of a participating ageney is an Involved Officer, ortF�e victim of an action, that invoives great 6adily harm or death . The incident may include but is not necessanly limited Eo : ( 1 ) Intentional and accidental shooYings , fnduding police tactical inCidents involving specialized response units. (2) Intentional and accidental use of any other dangerous or deadly weapoR . (3) Assaults upon law enforcemeM o�cers; assaults on oiher law enfarcement employees who are on duty or are acting for a law enforcement purpose. (4) Attempts by law enfarcement employees to make arrests or to otherwise gain physical control for a law enforcement purpose . (5} Any fatal injury or great bodily harm received whife in police custody, including custodial trauma or custodial suicide, but excluding fatal injuries of prisoners whfch occur while tf�e inmate is under a physician's treatment for a disease or other nat� ral condition which has been diagnos�d prior to death . (6) Vehicular collisions, and speaifically: a . Including any vehicle fatality which accurs i. After, aithough not necessarily as a result of, police gunfire directed at fhe suspect or ihe suspect vehicle. ii . In connection with the use of vehicle(s) by police as a "legal intervention" technique intended to apprehend a suspecY. " Legal intervention ° includes vehicle ramming , roadblocks , and forcing a vehicle to alter its course by �ulting in front of it or by contact. iii . As a result of a police pursuit, b. Excluding any vehicle fatality which involves: i . Off-duty non-sworn faw enforcement employees who are not, at ihe time o# the incident, acting for an actual , apparent, or purported law enforcemenY purpose. 4 Revrsed January 6, 2071 Specla! lnvestigations Unit (SrU) Protocol ii . Solo vehicular collisions in which She only injury is suffered by a law enforcement employee who was the driver and sole occupant of a vehicle whicf� was not involvec! in a collision with any other occupied vehicle . 8. POLICE EMPLdYEE This protocol applies to empfoyees and to certain other people aftiliated with the participating agencies , as follows : ( 1 � Full-time , part-time , a�d hour{y sworn and unsworn employees , whether on-duty or off- duty, who are acting actually , apparently, or purportedly for a law enforcement purpose at the time of the incident. (2) Reserve iaw enforcement officers who are on-duty or who are actiRg aCtually, apparently, or purpprtedly fof a law enforcement purpase at the time of the incident. (3) Temporary employees and volunteers, whether paid or unpaid , who sre nn-dufy or who are ac�ing actually, apparently, or purportedfy for a law enfpfCement purpose at the time of the incidenf. C . EN!/OLVED OFFICEFt (1 ) The police emptoyee who used lethal force , or potentially lethal force, in connection with an incident invol�ing a fatal injury or great bodily harm. {2) An ofticer who operated a motor vehicle while on-duty that was involved in a fatal injury and meets the cntr:ria identified in Section 6A(fi) , " Definitions. " D . FATALINJURY 17eath or great bodily harm . E . GREAT BODILY HARM As defined by RCW 9A. 04 . 110(4) (c) , great bodily harm means bodily injury which creates a probabiliTy of death, or which causes significant serious permanent disfigurement, or which causes a significant permanent loss or impairment o( the function of any bodily part or organ . F. WlTN � SS OFFICER An afficer who witnessed the uae of force by the Involved O�cer, and whose action was not a use of lethal force , or potentialiy lethal force, in connection with an incident involving a fataf injury or great bodily harm . G . VENUE AGENCY The Member Agency or Agencies within whose geographical jurisdiction the officer involved incident occurs . When an officer-involved incident occurs in part in two or more jurisdictions , each of those jurisdictions is a Venue Agency. When an incident occurs on Ehe baundary of two junsdictions, or at a location where fhe relevant boundary is not readiiy ascertainable or is in dispute, the Venue Agency should be: ( 1 ) The Employer Agency if the Involved Officer is employed by either boundary agency, or (2) 7he agency with the greater interesY in the case by virtue of having the predominartt police involvement in the incident or by viRue of having had the majority of acts leading up to lhe fatafity occur within its jurisdiotion . 5 Revised January 6, 20i1 Speciallnvesfigations Unit (S1U) Pratoco! For custodiaf deaths, the agency having custody of the person at the time hislher distress was frst discovered is a Venue Agency. Alsq , a Venue Agen�y is the one within whose jurisdiction any fatal action was inflicted . If tf�e death was caused by conduct which was apparently criminal , the lead Venue Agency is the agency wi#hin whose geographical jurisdiction the act occurred . If there is apparently no criminal conduci involved in the cause of death , the lead Venue Agency is the one having custody of the victim when distress was first discovered . If an Involved Q� cer is in an incident which occurs within the jurisdiction of another Member Agency , and if that officer was acting in the perFormance of hislher duty at the time of the incident, the Venue Agency may elect to relinquish its role irr the criminal investigation . H . VENUE COUNTY The county in which the incident occurs. I . EMPLOYER AGENCY The Member Agency thet employs the Invalved Officer, or employs an officer who is the victim of a fatal or grievous bodily injury. In rreany cases ths Venue Agency will afso be the Employer Agency. J . MEMBER AGENCIES Those agencies that h&ve reviewed and agreed to the terms of the Inter-Loca! Agreement that adopts this Pro4ocol . { 9 } Voting Member Agency: A Member Agency that has a represEntative assigned to SIU . These agencies will be allnwed to vote on matters related Yo SIU ( i . e. proposed revisions to the 51U Protocnl). (2} Non-Voting Member Agency: A Member Agency that does not have a repres�ntative assigned to SIU . These agencies may be allowed to participate in Sill discussions , but will not be allowed to vate on matters related to SIU . A, UNIT GOMNlANCJEFt The S [ U Commander shall 6e from a Member Agency with the rank of Captain , appointed by the Chiefs and Sheriffs . The Unit Commander has the overall responsihi�ity to manage and coordinate assigned incidents as well as ensure the readiness and training of the Unit. The Unit Cammander will serve as liaison behveen the Unit and the ChieflSheriff of the Venue Agency and Employer Agency. The Unit Commander shall determine which SIU Membars and other resourCes wiI] be used to investigaFe each incidenl. B . A5SISTANT UNIT COMMANpER The Assistant SIU Commander shall be from a Membsr Agency with the rank of Captain or Lieutenant, ap�ointed by the Ghiefs and Sheriffs . The Assistant Commander assumes the llnit Commander's d�ties and responsibilities in the ahsence of the Unit Commander. Otherwise the Assistant lJnit Commander reports to the Unit Commander and perForms tasks assigned by the Unit Commander. The Assistant Unit Commander shoufd not be from ihe same agency as the Un9f Commander. 6 Revised January 6, 2011 Specia! Investigations Unit (SIU) Protaco! C . ADMINISTRAT€VE COMMAIV � ER The Administrative Commander shall be from a Member Agency wifh the rank of Captain or Lieutenant, appointed by the Chiefs and Sheriffs . 7he responsibilities of the Administretive Commander include : arranging , coordinating , and documenting ail training for the Unit, maintaining records of Unit call-outs , Unit personnel recordslroster, Unit equipment inventory, and managing the financial transactionslrecords of the Unit. Zhe Administrative Commander acts as the SIU Commander in the absence of the SIU Commander and Assistant Commander. Otherwise ihe Administrgtiv� Commander reports to the Unit Commander and performs tasks assigned by the Unit Commander. 7he Administrative Comm � nder should not be frvm the same agency as the Unii Gommander or qssistant UniY Commander. D . INVESTIGAT€VE UNIT SUPERVISORS Investigative Unit Supervisars shall be frorn a Memt�er Agency with a supervisory rank. S1U Supervisors will be appointed by the Chiefs and Sheriffs based upon recommendations from the Unit Commander. Investigative U � it Supervisors shall be assigned by the Unit Commander to respond to and supervise assigned aspects o4 an officer-invoived incident. Unit Supervisors shall repoR direCtiy to the Unit Commander. If an additional supervisor(s) is needed , the Unii Commander shaA designate an acting supenrisor fram wiihin SIU . Unit Supervisors should not be from the same agency. E. ifJVESTIGATORS Investiga�ors shaq be commissioned o�cers from a Membar AgenCy , preferably with previous experience as a Detective. They shall be appointed by their respective agencies. Investigators should work in tvuo or more person teams to complete specific investigatory tasks at the direcSion of a 51U supervisor. One person should he designated as the lead investigator for eaCh team . F. EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN The Evidence Technieian shall be from a tvlember Agency. The SIU Evidence 7echnician will help with documenting evidence, collecting evidence , packaging evidence , transporting evidence , data collection and other duties assigned . G . CdRONER REPRESENTATNE A coroner reprBsentative from each participating county will be assigned tn SIU to perform the Coroner's function during the investigation of an SIU incidenk The representative from the Venue County Coroner's Office will be acfivated for incidenfs involving death to aid in the in�estigation of that particular incident. H . PROSECUTOR REPRESENTATIVE A prosecutor representative from each participating cpunty will be assigned to 51U to serve as a legal consultant. The representative from the Venue County will be activated to provide legal advice in the investigation of that {aarticular incident. s • e o SIU should be comprised of the below-Eisied members. It may not be necessary to have all members activated to respond to an incident . The Unit Commander shalk determine which S! U resouroes are needed for each incident. 7 Revised January 6, 2011 Specia! lnvastigations Unit (SIU) Protocof A. UnitCommander ( 1 ) B . Assistartt Unit Commander ( 1 ) C. AdministrativeCommander ( 1 ) D. Supervisors (3) E . In�estigators ( 12) F. Evidence 7echnician (2) G . Coroner Representative (2 — one fram each participating county} H . Prosecutor Representative (2 — one from each parficipating county) � e o s - A. APPOINTED MEMBERS ( 1 � The Chiefs and Sheriffs shall appoint the SIU Unit Commander, Assistant lJnit Commander and Administrative Commander. (2) The SIU Supervisors shall be appointed by the Chiefs and Sheriff's based upon recommendations from the Unit Commander. B . SELECTEb MEMBERS SIU Investigators should be selected though the fo�iowing process : ( 1 ) The SIU Commander shall make written notification to t3�e Member Agency's Sheriffs and Police Cniefs soliciting persannel from their respective agenciss for assignment to SIU . (2) The SIU Adm 'tnisfrative Commander shall ensure all applicants meet prerequisites . (3� Qualified applicants shall be intenriewed hy a Review Board approved by the SIEJ Commander. (4} All applicants shall be intervi�wed using criteria pertinent for the position of a SlU Investigator. 7he same questians should be asked of each applicant. �5) At the conclusion of the Review Board the SIU Commander should consider the recommendations of the Board anc! submii the recommendations to the Chiefs and Sheriffs for final selection . C . PREREQUISITES ( 1 ) The applicant' s agency must be a Member Agency of SIU . (2) The applicant must have the recommendation from their ChieflSheriff. (3) The agency and applicant must be willing io make a commitment of 3 years service to SIU (excludes promofionlexigent circumstances) (4) The agency and applicant should be willing to make a commitment to 8 hours of fraining each quarte �. (5) The applicant must be willing to be on �all and reasona6ly availabie for call-out. (6} 7he applicant shall be a commissioned officer, preferably wi;h previous experience as a Detective . (7) The applicant should meet the basic trairoing requirements identified in the SIU Protocoi. D . PERIODIC APPOIN�MENT REVIEW The Chiefs/Sheriffs shall review the appoir�tment qf their SIU Members wYro ha�e served ihree years for possible rotation ar repiacement . $ Fdevised January 6. 2011 Specia! lnvestigations Unit {S!U) Protocol 1 0 0 Information obtained by SIU investigatinns will generally be confidential wh8e the investigation is pending . SIU Members shall not voluntarify share confidential information wiih individuais other than SIU Members . The SIU Commander is allowed to share information with the Venue and Employer Agencies ' Chiefl5heriff, but no other personnel , to include non-involved Chiefs or Sheriffs. Once the investigation is complete, the investigation file will be subjeot to requests under the Public Records Act. Refer to Section 33 , " Release of InformationlPublic Information Officer. " e e Members can be removed from SiU by their respeeflve ChieflSheriff in accordance with the agency's policies or practices. - o 0 To maintain proper objectivify, any Slll member from an Employer Agency should not participate in the investigation of Yhat paRicular incident . An exception may apply to the Wash[ngion State Patrol, which includes the Wa5hington State Patrol Crime La6s and Cr9me Scene Response Team , since fhey are a statewide agency . 5 [ U members should have received the basic training identified befow prior to apppintment with SIU . Some courses may be waived based upon the member' s experience and/or on-the job training , as determined by ihe S3L1 Commander. The advanced training , faken beipre andlor during their SIU appointment, is desirable and Member Agencies should make reasonable effort to provide this tra€ning . A. 6ASIC TRAINING ( t ) Basic Homicide Investigation (2� Crime SCene Investigation (3} lnferviewing and interrogation (4) Crime SCene Photography (which may include Videogfaphy) B. ADVANCED TRAINING ( 1 ) Advanced Homicide Investigation (2) Advanced Interviewing and Interrogation (3) O�cer- Involved Shooting Investigafion (4) Blaod Spatter (5) Crime Scene Laboratory Services (6� aNA (7} In-Custody Death Investigation (which may indude Excited DeliriUm and Positional Asphyxia) (8) Other related training , seminars , and conferences or on-going training as otfered by WSCJTC or ofher training venues on an as available basis . 9 Revised January 6, 2091 Specia! lnvestigations Unit (S!U) Protocol C. IN-SERVICE TRAINING The 51U shall strive to maintain a unit of highly skilled and trained investig8tors. S! U shouid train together as a unit at least twice annually. Quarterly training shou3d be allowed besed upon nead . 0 ' P Records shalf be maintained by the SIU Administrative Command8r of all Unit activity including : A. Selection Process B . Personnel Hisfory C . Call-out activity D . Unit and individual training P Departmenis are under no obligation to request the assistance of SIU . The Venue Agency may choose to investigate the incideRt without SIIJ assistance. Each deparfinent shoufd establish their own guidelines as to when and if they will request assistance from SIU . The Protocol identified in this document becomes effeCtive upon the activation of SIU . Member Agencies may request SIU activation upon the occurrence of any sensitive or critical e�ent involving a law enforcemer�t employee which may have possible criminaf liability attached . Upon this uni€ateral invocation , the matter will be investigafed under the provisions of this Protocol . Such incidents may include: A. A fatality which is not covered by this prot000l and guideline . B . An o�cer-invalved incident where the injuries are not fatal , C . Any other sensitive or critical event involving a law enforcement employee where criminai conduct is a possibility fo be invesiigated . Whife formed primarily fo investigate oHEcer-involved incidents, SIU may be requested for non- ofFicer involved incidents . a A. A Chief of Palicel5heriff, or their designee, should make the request for SfU through their respective communicatEons center. B . The communications center sh211 confact the SIU Commander per SlU call-out instructions . C . The SIU Commander should cali the Venue Agency supervisor at the scene ta obtain all available information . D. The SIU Commander shall determine what and how many S ] U resources are needed . Not all incidents may require activation of the entire SIU . E. Cali-out instructions for the SIU shall be provided to communication cenier5 by the Sill Commander. o - Once the agresment has been made for SIU to investigate an incident, as requested by the Venus Agency representati�e, the S ! U Commander shalf have sole and exclusive authority conceming the criminal investigation of the incident. 10 Revised January &, 2011 Special Investigativns Unif (SIU) Protoco! Washington State Patrol policy direCts that the WSP will investigate use of IBthal force by its persannel , and that the WSP wiil not atternpt to prevent a concurrent investigation by other agertcies with jurisdiction , The SIU and WSP should work jointly to criminally investigate the incident if the Invofved Officer is a WSP trooper. - a A. The Venue Agency shall be a Member Agency in order for the SIU to be activated . B . Venue Agency first responders should ensure that emergency life saving measures are taken . C . 7he on-scene Venue Ag�ncy supervisor may attempt to obYain critical informatiort pertinent to the safety of offcers and citizens . Refer to Section 19 , "Obtaining Critical Information . ° D . The Venue Agency should ensure proper crime scene protection . This includes, but is not limited to, immediately securing the crime scene , controlling access into the crime scene , and recording the names of individuals who have entered the crime scene. Writte� reports are expected {rom those who enter a designated crime scene . E. The Venue Agency should identify , and take reasonable steps to protect, perishabl� evidence at the scene. F . The Venue Agency should attempt to identify witnesses who are preseni at the scene . Potenfial witnesses (including Witness Officersf should be sequestered as soon as reasonably possibfe . Witness O�cers shovld he directed 6y their Employer Agency supervisor or commander to not discuss details of the case with the Involved Officer or other Wiiness Officers untiE SIU has completed their interviews with those officers . G . If, prior to the arrival of 51U personnel , a person is transported lo a hospital with fife- threatening or fatal injuries , the Venue AgenCy should provide an offiCer ta accompany that person in order to: ( 1 ) Locate , preserve, safeguard and maintain the chain of custody for physica! evidence . (2) ObtaiR a dying declaration , spontaneous statement , and/or siatement vf then-existing , or previous , mental or physical state. (3j Maintain custody of the person if helshe has been arrested . (4� Provide information to medical personnel abaut the incident that is relevant Yo treatment, and obtain information from medical personnel relevant to the criminal investigaGon . (5) ldentify relevant people, induding witnesses and medical persannel. H . ff a !aw enforcement officer has been injured and transported to a hospital , the agency in whose jurisdiction the hospital is located should provide appropriate security and assistance . The Employsr AgenCy should ba responsible for providing necessary assi5tance to ths oHicer's family at the haspital . I . The Venue Agency representaYive should make the initial request for the SIU . J . The Venue Agency should provide a 5upervisor or Incident Commander who is available at the scene. That perspn should update SIU personnel upon their arrival at the scene . K. The Venue Agency should make department personnel ava 'rlable to tfie SIU . L. For incidents in which a suspect is taken into custody, the Venue Agency wifl coordinate appropriate securify measures with the S1U Commander and bear the costs of security until the suspect is available for booking . It is understood that special Circumstanoes may dictate that anoiher Non-Venue Agency may provide assistance and security upon request of the Venue Agency's ChieflSheriff. M . The Venue Agency shauld tum over to SIU in a timely manner all evidence that is in their possession . 1 "1 Revised January 6, 20f i Speciallnvestigations Unit (SIUJ Prorocol N . The Venue Agency should make al! doc�menSs , reports, and irtformation on the incident available to the SIU in a timely manner. O. T�e Venus Agency should allow use of space and equipment as needed by the SIU . o : o - e The Involved Officer may have information that is pertinent to the safety of officars and citizens, as well as the proper preservation of ihe crime scene . Such informaYion may include, but not be limited ta; medical aid that is needed , inFormation neCessary to apprehend suspect{s) , and identification of perishable evidence. For purposes of this protocol , the reasons or basis for the use of force by an Involved Officer, or details of that use of force, is not considered critical information. The Venue Agency on-scene supervisor may, f�ased upon that agency`s training , policy or guidelines, attempf to obtain critical information from tl�e Involved Officer that is reasonably necessary to aid injured persons , apprehend suspeot{s) and protecE perishable evidenCa All Member Agency supervisors and �ommanders should tae £amiliar with Garnty v. New Jersey and the consequences to a criminal investigation of directing or ordering a� employee to answer questions. A. 7he SIU invesfigation shall not consider or use any compelled information provided by an Involved Officer who was directed or ordered to provide such information, unless authorized hy the Venue Agency prosecutar. B. Any supervisor or other agency member who has directed or ordered an employee to answer questions shal ! immediately report that fact to the firsY-arriving SIU investigator and the SIIJ Commander upDn hislher arrival at the scene . ( 1 ) Dafail5 of the compelled information leamed from the employee shall not be provided to S{U personne! unless authorized by the Venue Agency prosecutor. C . The SIU Commander shall attempt contact with the Involved Officer to inqt�ire if heishe was direcfed or ordered to answer any questions . ( 1 ) Details of the compelled information shail not be obtained . (2) The S1U Commander shall ensure that no compelled information is Used as part of the SIU investigation unless authorized by the Venue Agency prosecutvr. � a o - • a o The Venue Agency Supervisor or Incident Commander shall turn over control of the Crime scene to the SIU Cammander upon his/her arrival . SIU then becomes responsible for #he crime scene and inifiation of the criminal investigation . The Venue Agency shall mainlain perimeter control of the crime scene if requested by Yhe SIU Commander. A criminal acl or investigation (i . e. robbery, burglary, search or arrest warrant service) may have preceded the Officer-Involved Incident. If sa, the SIU Commander shall consult with the Venue Agency lncident Gommander to determine whiCh agenCy should [nvestigate ihat preceding event, to include pursuing criminal charges related to that event. If so requested, SIU Shall assume responsihility for the cr[minal investigation of the preceding event. Othenvise , SIU will limit its criminal investigation to the O�cer-Involved Incident. 12 Revised January 6, 201 i Special lnvestlgations Unit (SlUJ Pratoco! 0 The SIU is comprised of personnel from multiple agencies, whose specific indestigative roles may change from case to case . The SIU recognfzes it is imporiant to main{ain consistency in the quality and type of investigation that is performed . Therefore, the SIU Commander will devise guidelirtes to be used during SfU investigations . SIU members will follow the guidelir�es as a part of their investigation . a ^ o If, upon arrival of SIU personnel, an Involved Qfficer is still in possessiort of a firearm or other weapon that was used in the incident, the SIU Commander wifl coordinate obtaining that firearm or weapon with the Employer Agency Supervisor or Incident Commander. 7he 5IU Coromander shall ensure an inspecfion is conduCted of all Witness Officer's {or other o�cers who may have been present at the time tha# force was applied ) firearms, ammunition or atherweapons. These inspections will be coordinated through that o�cer's Employer Agency Supervisor or Incident Commander. • • a The duties and responsibilities of a law enforcement officer may place an o�cet in a position in whic#� helshe mayjustifiably need to use deadly force , or result in an officer being the victim of a crime . tt is recognized the Involved Officer or Vlritness Officer may e�counter psychpioqical trauma from an inddent that is a result of them fulfilling their duties and responsibilities . SIU personnel will be aler4 fo� signs that indicate an officer may be suffering from such trauma . SlU personnel will treat involved oHicers with sensiiivity and awarertess as to the potenYial of acute stress reaction andlor other psychological lrauma. 0 0 - o If, upon arrival of SIU person �el , an Involved flfficar or Witness O�cer is still present at the scene, the SEU Comrr[ander will coordinate with the Venue and Employer Agency Supervisor or Incident Commander the removaf of those offioers from the scene. To assu�e witness credibility these o�cers should , whether they are removed from the scene prior to or after SIU arrival , be kept separated from each other until statements are obiained by SIU . Witness Officers should be directed by their Employer Agency supervisor or commander to not discuss details of the case with the Involved Officer or other Witness Oifcers until SIU has campleted their interviews with those ofTicers . • o • - n o o - It is recognized that the Employer Agertcy may have guidelines in place that allow Peer Support Group Counselors who are not Involved in the incident to have access to the Envolved or Wifness Officers. These discussions are considered privileged communications pursuani to 9 3 Rc vised January 6, 2011 Specia! Investigatrons Unit (S!U) Profoco! RCW 5 . 60. 060. SIU will allow Peer Support Group Counselor involvemenf per the Employer Agency's policy or guideline . 0o a � o m o a SlU Members should photograph and document any injuries the Involved Officer, or any other olficer, may have received. The Involved Officer's clothing will also be photographed and documented . The cloihing may be seized as evidence. • o Il is recognized that o�cers who justifiably use deadly force as a part of their duties and responsibilities may be subject to civii litigation . It is acknowledged that the SIU criminal investigation interview wiYh Involved Officer{s) and Witness Officer{s) may be used by the Employer Agency in the administrative investigation andlor review of the incident to determine if any policy violaifons may have occurred . However, Employer Agency personnel conducting an administrative inve5tigation and/or review should not be involved in an SI U investigation , nor wili they normally 6e present ar engage in SIU interviews with Involved or Witness Officers. An allowable exception may be if the lnvolved Officer or Witness OffiCers agree to provide a single voluntary (non-compelled Garrity) statement, and requests thai Employer Agency parsonnel conducting an adminisirative invesiigation andlor review be allowed to sit in and partiCipate on the SIU criminaE investigation inferview. SIU recognizes that each agency's collective bargaining agreements (CBA) may establish guidelines for interviewing the Involved Officer and Witness Officers . SIU members will famili2rize themselves with the Employar Agency's CBA as it pertains to this topic. Any interview with the Involved OffiCer or Witness O�cer will be scheduled by the SIU Commander thtough the Employer Agency's Chief/Sheriff or hi5/h�r designee . Wiih !he offcer's consent, formal interviews by S ! U Members with the In�olved OfFeer and Witness Officer(s) wi(I be tape recorded and transcribed . A. Interview wifh the [ nvolved Officer. ( 1 ) Unless the Involved Officer is a suspect involving possible criminal charges, the interview with tne officer should be treated as a witness inter�iew balancing the need to obtain all necessary informatian wEth sensiti�ity for Ehe circumstances of the necessity af the interview. This approach is to be consistent with similar interviews with non-law enforcement officers. An exampla would be interviewing the parents of a deceased child when there is no probable cause to believe that a parent has committed a crime . (2) Researcfi indicates an [ nvolved Ofiicer' s memory often will be helped by revisiting ihe Crime scene and doing a walk through after e�idence and evidence markers have been removed , and before the officer has been interviewed . It is recognized this process can be instrumenial in separating a true picture of the event from perceptual[y distorted recollections, and that the officer may recognize things in the scene thal will stimulate recalf . Consequentiy, if requested by the Involved Officer, SIU will generally allaw the offiCer, with only hislher legal counsel , to do a walk-through of the scene priar to a formal interview. 7he legal right to do a walk-through after investigators have 9eft the scene (i. e . 14 Revrsed January 6, 20i1 Specia! lnvestigations Uni[ (S!U) Protoco( public property crime scene versus private praperty crime scene) will need to be considered. The same approach is often used in homic[de cases involving witnesses or suspects who are not law enfprcemsnt officers . (3} It is recognized the interview may take place one to several days after the incident occurred . (4) The lnvolved Officer shauld �e allowed to pravide a written statement prior to the interview i( they so desire . (5) i'he Involved Officer will be treated with sensitivity and awareneas as to the potential of aCute stress reaction andlor other psychological trauma. (6) The Involved ONicer has the sarne constitutional rights as any other citizen. 7he o�cer has the right to have legal counsel present during the interview. The officer shauld be provided a reasonable time to cons �lt with legal counsel prior to the formal inierview. (7) If the Involved Officer requests a Guild RepresenYative (other than an attomey) be present during the inter�iew, the SIU Interviawer(s) will notify the 51U Commander. The Commander will then aonsult with the Venu� County' s prosecutor and the Employer Agency Chief/Sheriff. A decision will then be made as to whether a Guild representative can be present during the interview. If a Guild Representative is allowed to sit in on the interview, the Representative will not be aflowed to interfere with or obstruct the interview process . (8} The ] nvolved fffficet will be advised of {he Miranda rights prior to an interview, and afforded immediate opportunity to obtain legal caunsel . Pnor fo being interviewed , the Involved Officer will be advised a . That they are being questioned reEated to a criminal investigation , and b . That they are free to leave. (9) SIU ilhembers will obtain statements trom the Involved Officer onfy if it is "free and vo€untary." If an Involved Qfficer indiCafes he/she will not pro�ide a statement unless compelled to do so, the interview will be stopped . SfU InteNiewer(s} shall nofify the SIU Commander, wha will notify the Venue County prosecutor's office and the Employer Agency Chiefl5heriff. B . Interview with a Witness Officer. ( 1 ) Interviews with Witr� ess Officer(s) will likely need to be arranged on the same day fhat the incident occurred. Witness Officers will be interviewed separetely. {2 } Unit Membefs should be alert for signs the Witness Officer(s} are traumatized and may neecE some time to decompress prior to giving a statement. (3) Generally, an otficer who is a wifness to the use of force and is not involved in the appGcation of force 'rn any manner and not a subject of the investigafion , does not have a righi io union represenfation during hislher interview. That is �nless the �tness Officer reasonably believes hislher stateroent may result in discipline. Under such circumstances , if the officer requests Guild representatian , he/she may be allowed to 15 Revised January 6, 2011 Special Investigations Unit (5lUJ Protocal have a Guild Representative present during the interview. The Representative will nat be allowed to ir[terfere with or obstruct the interview process. (4) Witness Officer(s) may, if appropriate , be asked to participate in a walk-through of the scene with S��J investigators. 0 Law enforcement employees have the same rights ancf privi�eges that any civilian would have regarding intoxicant Yesting . If SIU hiEembers determine a law enforcement empfoyee's state of sobriety is relevant to the criminal investigation , they may: A. Obtain the blood and/or urine sample by valid consent . B . Rpp€y for a search warrant to obtain the samples . C . When applicable, utHize the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code of state statutes for vehicle driving in �idents . e o a • o SfU will not be involved in relie�ing any Involved Officer or Witness Officer o( their duties . Any 5uch action will be the responsibility of the Employer Agency. � e • e e If the Officer- Involved Incident is a result of a planned police action ([. e. search warrant service , arrest warrant senrice, tactical operation}, doCuments and materials associated with the planning and execuYion of thaf action shall be turnad over to 51iJ . Perso� nel invalved in the aCtion shall be interoiewed by SIU . Those personnel should not debrief the incident amongst themselves until the last SIiJ interview is conducted with those involved . o - Autopsies will be coordinated with the SIU Coroner Representatfve and will be conducted through the Venue County Coroner's office. A SIU Member wilf be present during autopsy and take all appropriate irtvestigative steps . e s - a The SIU Commander should ensure the Venue Agency and Employer Agency's ChieflSheriff is kept informed of the progress of the criminai investigation . o • - m o - e o The SlIJ Commander, ihe Venue Agency and Employer Agency Ghiefl5heriff shoufd identify a single Public information Officer for release of information to the pubfic. Release of detailed iniormation pertaining to the oriminal investigation requires notification to the 5 € U Commander. Under no circumstances Should information be released that may compromise a SiU investigation , unless required by law. Requesfs for Release ofi Public Records of SIU in�estigative reports preferably would be made through the Venue Agenay. However, individual agencies represented on the Unit wil ! be 16 Revised January S, 201 f Specia! lnvestigations Unit (S!U) Protaco! required to follow applicable statutes for reporfs of their Unit members shoufd a request for public records be filed with that agency . Release of any reporis or records will follow the policy or guideline af the respective agencies. The S1U Commander wilf be notified by the Venue Agency, Employer Agency or any Unit Members that receive a records request related to the incident while the investigation in pending . 6 Only tfie 51U Commander, in consultation with and approval from the Venue Agency Prosecutor, rrtay authonze release of the crime scene upon completion of the ceiminal investigation . The SIU Comma �der shall notkfy the Employer and Venue Agency ChisflSheriH of the intent to release the scene prior io it aatually being released . 0 0 • o • - ! n coordination with ihe SIU Prosecutor Representative , the SIU Commanderwi€I presenYthe SlU investigative fiie to the Venue County Prosecutor for consideraiion of a Coroner's Inquest, referral to the DepaRment of JusfEce , and review of filing on any potsntial criminal charges . The Prosecutor shall also be available for consultation on search warranis, special inquiry proceedings , special inquiry subpoenas, and issues regarding statements by law enforCement offiCers when Garrity or other issues are raised . u e - All evidence should be stored under the control of, and at the evidence storage facility of, a Non-Employer MemberAgency designated by the SIU Commander. The SIU Commander shall coordinafe with that MembsrAgency's Chief/Sheriff. The SIU Evidenee Technician shall work with that Member Agency's Evic[enCe Technician on deSails of inventorying and storage of evidence items . The Venue Agency shall be responsible (or storage and handling costs of extraordinary items such as vehicEes , HAZMAT, etc. All original reports, statements, and other documentaYion of Venue Agency employees should be filed and maintained by the Venue AgenCy. Copies of those reports, statements, and other documentation shall be submitted to the SIU Commander in a timeEy manner. SIU will fle reports under the assigned Venue Agency case number. The Venue Agency face sheet and origirsal report will be completed by a Venue Agency officer, other than the Involved Officer. It is recognized the original report may be brief, and will be Supplemented by detailed SIU reporfs . Justifiabie homicicfes often occur in conjunction with other criminal offenses . The National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data collection guidelines identify the justifiable homicide must be reporfed as a separate incident from the other crimina[ offense. For the justifiable homicide case, NIBRS requires that the Involved Officer be listed as a "suspect," and '17 Revised January 6, 2011 Special lnvestigations llni� (SIU) Arotocol the perpetrator who is killed be listed as a "victim. " Other offiicers or civifEans shou�d be listed as "witness" or " involved other. " SIU members shall file She 'rr reports on a standard supplemental report template , different than the i-Leads electronic report system . Those rsports shall be printed and submitted to the SIU Corrimander upon completion . The 51U Commander will establish a master page number for each page of the report_ The SIU Cornmander shali be responsible for ensuring all people listed on SiU reports are entered inta the I - Leads database, and the completed report is scanned in and electroniCally attached to th� Venue Agency repart. Reading access Capabiliiies to the electronic version of the report will be restricted and locked until the criminal Envestigaiior� and administrative review is completed . It shall be unrestricted only with authorization from the Venue Agency ChieflSheriff. The procedure in Section 33 , "Refease of Information , " will be follpwed for requests fo� release of public records . SIU reports will be campleted in a timely mannec The SIU Commander and Venue Agency Chief/Sheriff will coord[nate where the original 5fU investigative file will be sYored . Upon completion of fhe investigation and after the case has been referred to the Venue County prosecutor's office, copies of the SIU investigative fife should be made available to the Venue/Employer Agency ChieflSheriff with the approval of the Venue County Prosecutor. 0 0 An incident debriefing Tor SIU members wiA be conducled as soon as practical after each acti�ation . The debriefing witl be scheduled and conducted by ths SIU Commander. 98 Revised January6, 2p11 Speciallnvestrgations Unif (SIll) Protoco! o ' e a . � - e � ^ � - • • - ' � ' • o � - � � - - � ' e � - � o � - a ' e ' - - e _ � � ' 19 Revised January 6, 201 f