HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023.01.05 PRAB Agenda Packet AGENDA Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 5:00 PM - Thursday, January 5, 2023 Pasco City Hall, Conference Room 1 Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. WELCOME NEW BOARD MEMBERS 4. COUNCIL REP & BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3 - 7 (a) Approve the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board May 12, 2022, July 7, 2022, September 8, 2022 and October 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes. MOTION: I move to approve the May 12, 2022, July 7, 2022, September 8, 2022 and October 6, 2022 Meeting Minutes. 6. NEW BUSINESS (a) Election of Board Officers MOTION: I move to elect ______________ as Chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board effective January 5, 2023 through the first meeting in 2024 when the next election is scheduled. MOTION: I move to elect ______________ as Vice Chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board effective January 5, 2023 through the first meeting in 2024 when the next election is scheduled. (b) Aquatic Facility Update Matt Watkins, Pasco Public Facilities District Executive Director, will provide a brief update on the Aquatic Facility project. Page 1 of 31 (c) Naming a New Park MOTION: I move to name the new park, ________, located at _________________. (d) 2023 Board Meetings Schedule MOTION: I move to continue holding monthly Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meetings on the first Thursday of the month starting at 5:30 PM. -or- MOTION: I move to amend the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meetings to meet every other month (odd months), on the first Thursday of the month starting at 5:30 PM. 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8 - 31 (a) Parks, Recreation & Outdoor Space (PROS) Master Plan Update Jon Pheanis, Principal & Director of Portland Operations with MIG will provide an update to the PROS Master Plan. 8. STAFF REPORTS (a) Recreation (b) Parks & Facilities (c) A&CS Director 9. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION (a) Pool Bubble Update 10. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 31 MINUTES Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 4:00 PM - Thursday, May 12, 2022 City Hall, Conference Room 5 & MS Teams Meeting CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM, by Zach Ratkai, ACS Director. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Nolvia Salinas, Julie Campos, Edgar Delgado, Bradyn Leyde, Jason Ruud, Kate Bonderman, Shane Arnott and David Milne (City Council Rep.). City Staff Present: Dan Dotta, Brent Kubalek, Zach Ratkai. MIG Consultant Present: Jon Pheanis NEW BUSINESS Mr. Ratkai introduced Jon Pheanis consultant from MIG who provided a status on the draft Parks, Recreation & Outdoor Space (PROS) Master Plan and provided the next steps in the process of completing the master plan. Discussion ensued between the Board, staff and the consultant regarding the PROS Master Plan. • They reviewed the community needs for parks && recreation • Identified goals, objectives and priorities for the master plan • Approximately 14 participants were placed in small groups to focus on four general topics • MIG captured the discussion and will provide a brief for the Board to review before their next meeting • Next steps, once the online community survey is closed, the project team will analyze the results and refine the goals and polices, as well as draft recommendation and projects for the master plan. Page 1 of 2Page 3 of 31 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. APPROVED this ______ day of ______________________, 2023 Page 2 of 2Page 4 of 31 MINUTES Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 5:30 PM - Thursday, September 8, 2022 City Hall, Conference Room 5 & MS Teams Meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Nolvia Salinas, Jason Ruud, and David Milne (City Council Rep.). Board Members Absent: Edgar Delgado, Bradyn Leyde, Kate Bonderman, and Shane Arnott. City Staff Present: Dan Dotta and Brent Kubalek. NEW BUSINESS Park Tours - Sylvester Park, A-Street Park, and Peanuts Park Mr. Dotta and Mr. Kubalek led the park tours where the Board members were provided updates within the Sylvester, A-Street and Peanuts Parks. Public Safety Presentation - Srg Rigo Pruneda Pasco Police Sergeant Pruneda provided a brief public safety presentation at the end of the Peanut Park tour. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION Next PRAB Meeting: October 6, 2022 Please RSVP for the All Area Park Boards Meeting scheduled for October 6, 2022 by September 29, 2022. Page 1 of 2Page 5 of 31 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. APPROVED this ______ day of ______________________, 2023 Page 2 of 2Page 6 of 31 MINUTES Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 5:30 PM - Thursday, October 6, 2022 Osprey Pointe 1110 Osprey Pointe Blvd, Suite 201 DINNER - 6:00 P.M. Attendees: Andy Coleman-WRPA, Dave Johnson-WRPA, Robin Emmingham- Benton County, Drea Myers-City of Kennewick, Donald Wieber-City of Kennewick, Jason Ruud-City of Pasco, Sandra Kent- City of Richland, Karla Brown-Benton County, Brandon Lange-City of Kennewick, Nolvia Salinas-City of Pasco, Maria Gutierrez-City of Richland, Evelyn Martinez-City of Kennewick, Nick Farline-City of Kennewick, Adam Fyall-Benton County, Julie Jackson- City of Richland, Jen Davis-City of Richland, Jim Buelt-City of Richland, Kit McBurney-Benton County, Elisha Ramson-City of West Richland, Stacy Jackson-City of Richland, Joe Schiessl- City of Richland, Jana Kay Lunstad-City of Richland, David Milne-City of Pasco, Samantha Mason-City of Richland, Patrick Hicks-City of Pasco, Ken Hahn- City of Kennewick, Ally Garza-City of Pasco CITY PRESENTATIONS 6:30 P.M. (10 MIN) Representatives from the Cities of Kennewick, Richland, West Richland and Benton County presented their goals & accomplishments. Next, the Washington Recreation Park Association (WRPA) gave a presentation regarding benefits & WRPA memberships. CLOSE The All Area Parks and Recreation Advisory Boards dinner and meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. APPROVED this ______ day of ______________________, 2023 Page 1 of 1Page 7 of 31 Draft Plan Review Park & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting January 5, 2023 City of Pasco Parks and Recreation Master Plan Page 8 of 31 Presentation Overview 1.Planning Process Update 2.Community Engagement 3.Future Vision 4.Community Priorities 5.Action Plan and Implementation 6.Discussion of Draft PlanPage 9 of 31 Project Outcomes •Updated inventory and existing conditions •Documentation of needs and priorities •Community supported vision and goals •Recommendations and direction for futurePage 10 of 31 Needs, Opportunities and Visioning Action Planning •Tour and Condition Assessment •Inventory •Base maps •Summary Brief #1 •Survey •Ambassador Toolkit and Interviews •Staff workshop •Summary Brief #2 •Vision, Goals and Objectives •Site Recommendations •Capital Improvement Plan •Community Pop-ups System Assessment Summer –Fall 2021 Summer 2022 –Fall 2022 •Park and Rec Advisory Com. •Council Workshop Planning Process Plan Development, Review and Adoption •Draft Plan •Plan Review •Final Plan Winter 2022/2023 •Master Plan Committee •Council Meeting 2 •Master Plan Committee •Council Meeting 3 •Park and Rec Advisory Com. •Council Meeting 4 Winter 2021 –Spring 2022Page 11 of 31 Community Engagement (to date) •2 online questionnaires •MPAC Meetings •Staff Workshop •Parks and Rec. Advisory Board Meetings •Stakeholder Interviews •Pop-up Events •City Council Meetings •Ambassador Toolkit •Downtown Plan event (as part of Downtown Plan process) What we’ve done:Page 12 of 31 Community Engagement (to date) •Hispanic/Latino/a population •Youth •Adults •Older residents •Residents and visitors •Park users and rec. participants •City staff •City and community leaders •Providers and partners Who we’ve heard from:Page 13 of 31 Park &Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Page 14 of 31 Survey Results “What park qualities are most important?”Page 15 of 31 Park Access: •Identify areas that have a close distance to a developed park •Address areas that don’t have nearby developed park accessPage 16 of 31 Park Equity: •Communities of color (non-White population) •Residential density •% low income •Higher youth population •Areas that don’t have a 10-min. walk to a parkPage 17 of 31 The Future Vision “The City of Pasco provides a comprehensive, equitable, and accessible system of parks, recreation programs, trails, and open spaces that serves all segments of our community. The parks and recreation system promotes community health and livability by providing opportunities for play, learning, fitness, gathering, and connecting to nature. Trails and pathways, safe streets and interconnected parks and neighborhoods further enhances the community’s connection to the outdoors and linkages to river and region. The City’s recreational programs are among the State’s best, with program offerings that are responsive to community needs, reflective of many different lifestyles, and are an excellent value. The future success of this system is built on excellent communication and an involved community at all levels of operations and management.”Page 18 of 31 Discussion: Are there any questions on the planning process or community engagement?Page 19 of 31 Support for Programming •Youth sports and fitness- related programs •Year-round opportunities •Aquatics classes and programs YAKIMA R OTARY A QUATIC C ENTER , YAKIMAPage 20 of 31 Investment in Existing Parks •Shade and drought tolerant landscaping •Updated play areas and shelters •Spaces for gathering E ARVIN “MAGIC ” J OHNSON PARK , LOS A NGELESPage 21 of 31 New Parks and Facilities •Continuous public waterfront •Community-scale play area •Parks in new growth areas P ROMENADE AT RIVERFRONT PARK , S POKANEPage 22 of 31 Sustaining the System •Collaborations and partnerships •Operations and maintenance funding •Updated standards and guidelines Page 23 of 31 Page 24 of 31 Page 25 of 31 Priority Locations N ORTH PASCO : •M ORE TRAILS •N EW PARKS •G REATER VARIETY W EST PASCO : •G REATER VARIETY C ENTRAL PASCO : •R EPAIR /REPLACE PARK F EATURES •I NCREASE R OUTINE M AINTENANCE E AST PASCO : •R EPAIR /REPLACE PARK F EATURES •I NCREASE R OUTINE M AINTENANCEPage 26 of 31 Six-Year Action Plan •Existing parks and facilities: 13 projects •New community park (north or west Pasco) •New neighborhood parks: 2 sites •Off-street trails:2 projects •Increase annual maintenance costsPage 27 of 31 Prioritization Criteria •Guide project phasing •Collaborative process for annual budgeting •Two-steps: 1.How well does a project address Plan goals? 2.How does a project achieve wide-ranging objectives?Page 28 of 31 Implementation •Continue focus on partnerships •Build community support •Integrate infrastructure •Position recreation programming •Monitor plan progress Page 29 of 31 Discussion: 1.Are there any suggested changes to the short-term project list? 2.Do you have any other questions on recommendations or future projects? 3.What does the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee need to implement the Plan?Page 30 of 31 Draft Plan Review Park & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting January 5, 2023 City of Pasco Parks and Recreation Master Plan Page 31 of 31